Cleansing prayer after deliverance

Part 2: A spiritual warfare house cleansing prayer to pray over your house especially if there is a demonic intrusion in your home. The spiritual warfare house cleansing prayer comes from the Healing and Deliverance Manual.

First, go through the Occult Checklist, so that you can discovering any hidden things you didn’t think anything about becoming a problem. There has to be a legal right for demonic spiritual activity. Make sure you have removed anything that is not of God that can open doors to the demonic realm.

How do you know if you let something in? See the following list:
The things we keep in our homes that are an offense to God is a source of evil and could be the open the door to the following:

  • Sudden chronic illness
  • Recurrent bad dreams, night terrors, and nightmares
  • Attacked by sexual demonic spirits (incubus & succubus)
  • Attacked with choking sensations and being paralyze
  •  Insomnia or unusual sleep patterns
  • Behavioral problems with children that was not there before
  • Relational problems – continual fighting arguing and misinterpreted communication
  • Lack of peace
  • Restless, disturbed children
  • Dogs barking for no reason
  • Ghosts or demonic apparitions (to which young children are particularly susceptible)
  • poltergeist (the movement of physical objects by demons) – hearing voices or sounds in their houses. A German word meaning “knocking or noisy ghosts.
  • Foul, unexplained odors (sometimes smell like sulfur).
  • Atmospheric heaviness, making it hard to breathe
  • Picking up a presence but cannot see but feel
  •  A feeling of being “pushed to the ground”
  • Continual nausea and headaches
  • See orbs of light and possibly manifesting teeth bits on body
  • Animals acting fearful or weird (dogs barking like mad for no reason)

The Spiritual Warfare House Cleansing Prayer

Go to part 1 of the house cleansing prayer and do the ten steps before doing the spiritual warfare house cleansing prayer. Also, Go to Haunted House Cleansing Checklist – Part 2

Dear Lord Jesus:

Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I take authority and dominion over my home. I command every demonic entity that has entered into my house has to bow its knee. I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and I am asking for forgiveness of my sins.  I’m repenting for _________, __________. _______(call out all the sins that you know you are currently participating in). Father God, I also repent if I have any bitterness towards anyone and forgive them for hurting me, and I give them over to you.

Father God, I repent and I renounce my involvement with anything that was not of you. I also repent and renounce for bringing anything into my house that was not of you such as idols, other gods, other religions, etc.

Next, go through each room and anoint it and pray the spiritual warfare cleansing prayer (anoint doors, windows, bed, furniture, electrical sockets, TV’s, etc.

Now, command any wicked presence no longer has authority in this room and my house.

Father God, by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break any assignment of every evil spirit to this space. I bind every evil spirit that is in this room and command them to go where the Lord Jesus Christ has ready for them.

Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I renounce and reject any inch of this room, this house and this property that has been yielded or surrendered unto Satan and by faith I take it back and surrender it to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, by faith, I claim that this room is covered under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and no evil spirit can enter it.

I command everything must leave this house now. I decree that every legal right has been broken. I call on the Lord to blow and remove every demonic spirit out now to never return, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Books on Cleansing Your Home From Demonic Intrusion In Your Home

Protecting Your Home From Spiritual Darkness by Check Pierce

Pruning Your House and Pruning Your Family Tree by Perry Stone

Spiritual Warfare Manual by Traci Morin

Seminar Course Manual by Traci Morin a more detailed checklist for Haunted House Cleansing
For people experiencing a “dark presence” in their home. 

Spray Holy Water in every room, closet and hallway

from the basement to the attic.


“It takes a lot longer and is more work, but I now only do the traditional blessing of water. For the first half of my priesthood, I did what most priests do … I would just make the sign of the cross over the water and that was it. Then I got “The Roman Ritual” and I was shocked by the complete blessing of water including exorcisms and adding exorcised salt to the holy water.” _ Fr. Richard Heilman

Rite from the Roman Ritual

P: Our help is in the name of the Lord. R: Who made heaven and earth.

Exorcism and Blessing of Salt

(Necessary for Exorcism of Water)

P: O salt, creature of God, I exorcise you by the living (+) God, by the true (+) God, by the holy (+) God, by the God who ordered you to be poured into the water by Elisha the prophet, so that its life-giving powers might be restored. I exorcise you so that you may become a means of salvation for believers, that you may bring health of soul and body to all who make use of you, and that you may put to flight and drive away from the places where you are sprinkled; every apparition, villainy, turn of devilish deceit, and every unclean spirit; adjured by him who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. R: Amen.

P: Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God, we humbly implore you, in your immeasurable kindness and love, to bless (+) this salt which you created and gave to the use of mankind, so that it may become a source of health for the minds and bodies of all who make use of it. May it rid whatever it touches or sprinkles of all uncleanness, and protect it from every assault of evil spirits. Through Christ our Lord. R: Amen.

Exorcism and Blessing of Water

P: O water, creature of God, I exorcise you in the name of God the Father (+) Almighty, and in the name of Jesus (+) Christ His Son, our Lord, and in the power of the Holy (+) Spirit. I exorcise you so that you may put to flight all the power of the enemy, and be able to root out and supplant that enemy with his apostate angels, through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. R: Amen.

P: Let us pray. O God, for the salvation of mankind, you built your greatest mysteries on this substance, water. In your kindness, hear our prayers and pour down the power of your blessing (+) into this element, made ready for many kinds of purifications. May this, your creature, become an agent of divine grace in the service of your mysteries, to drive away evil spirits and dispel sickness, so that everything in the homes and other buildings of the faithful that is sprinkled with this water, may be rid of all uncleanness and freed from every harm. Let no breath of infection and no disease-bearing air remain in these places. May the wiles of the lurking enemy prove of no avail. Let whatever might menace the safety and peace of those who live here be put to flight by the sprinkling of this water, so that the health obtained by calling upon your holy name, may be made secure against all attack. Through Christ our Lord. R: Amen.

(Priest pours exorcised salt into the water, in the form of a cross)

P: May a mixture of salt and water now be made, in the name of the Father, and of the (+) Son, and of the Holy Spirit. R: Amen.

P: The Lord be with you. R: And with your spirit.

P: Let us pray. O God, Creator unconquerable, invincible King, Victor ever-glorious, you hold in check the forces bent on dominating us. You overcome the cruelty of the raging enemy, and in your power you beat down the wicked foe. Humbly and fearfully do we pray to you, O Lord, and we ask you to look with favor on this salt and water which you created. Shine on it with the light of your kindness. Sanctify it by the dew of your love, so that, through the invocation of your holy name, wherever this water and salt is sprinkled, it may turn aside every attack of the unclean spirit, and dispel the terrors of the poisonous serpent. And wherever we may be, make the Holy Spirit present to us, who now implore your mercy. Through Christ our Lord. R: Amen.


A ritual “is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, and objects, performed in a sequestered place, and performed according to set sequence . A detailed method of procedure faithfully or regularly to followed which is a key to Deliverance. 

( Combination of Prayers, meditation & Confession )



Life is constant purification process, however, purification is nothing to be feared! If you try to bypass that purifying process, you stop your good because you have not cleansed your mind and emotions to receive it. Furthermore, the prayer of cleansing is master of purification. The prayer of cleansing gets you ready to receive well. To bypass the prayer of cleansing is to bypass your good.

12x   “ Psalms 51:1-12 ”

400x   “Psalms 51:9-12”). soon after after the 7th day your spiritual eyes will open and divine cleansing will begin to become a reality in your life.

40 x   “I believe The Blood of Jesus Has Washed away My Sins, I believe The Blood of Jesus Has Washed away My Sins ”

Do it before bed, have full glass of The Blood of Jesus  (Prayed hot Ribena or Red Grape juice) near you, blow in it 5x after finishing the reading and drink it while sitting down.

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