Change me prayers

“5. When Begging Ends I love the idea of Divine Source. It reminds us that everything, the fulfillment of every need, always emanates from the One. So if you learn how to keep your vibration high and attuned to That, whatever is needed to sustain you can always occur, often in surprising and delightful ways. Your Source is never a particular person, place, or thing, but God Herself. You never have to beg. Furthermore, Divine Source says that whatever resonates with you will always find you. That which does not, will fall away. It’s that simple. When Outrageous Openness first came out, I experienced this as I took the book around—some stores were simply not drawn to it. But knowing about Divine Source and resonance, I didn’t care. I remember taking it to a spiritual bookstore in downtown San Francisco. The desultory manager sort of half-growled, “Oh, we have a long, long wait here. You can leave a copy for our ‘pile’ in the back room. Then you could call a ton and plead with us. If you get lucky, maybe one day we’ll stock it. Just keep hoping.” “Oh, my God, no!” I shuddered. “Why would I keep twisting your arm? It’ll go easily to the places that are right. You never have to convince someone. The people who are right will just know.” He looked stunned when I thanked him, smiling, and left. And sure enough, other store clerks were so excited, even from the cover alone. They nearly ripped the book out of my hands as I walked in. When I brought it to the main bookstore in San Francisco’s Castro district, I noticed the manager striding toward me was wearing a baseball cap with an image of the goddess Lakshmi. “Great sign,” I mused. He held the book for a second without even cracking it open, then showed the cover to a coworker, yelling, “Hey, let’s give this baby a coming-out party!” So a few weeks later, they did. Sake, fortune cookies, and all. Because you see, what’s meant for you will always, always find you. You never have to be bothered by the people who aren’t meant to understand. And anyway, sometimes years later, they are ready . . . and they do. Change me Divine Beloved into One who knows that You alone are my Source. Let me trust that You fling open every door at the right time. Free me from the illusion of rejection, competition, and scarcity. Fill me with confidence and faith, knowing I never have to beg, just gratefully receive.”

Tosha Silver, Change Me Prayers: The Hidden Power of Spiritual Surrender

change me prayers

I keep hitting reset on my year. That poor reset button is absolutely battered at this point and I am hoping to truly engage 2017 sometime this summer.

Since January 4, I have been a bit battered too; several bouts of flu, other weird and random health crises, chronic fatigue, ER visits, and an immune system that has left the building with Elvis. Hope springs eternal and each week I think, YES. This is it. I am WELL. And then I fall asleep and drool on my keyboard in the middle of the afternoon.

Everything that I can control, I am controlling. Diet, vitamins, immune boosters, sleep schedule, work schedule, and the list goes on and on. Therein lies the problem: control, schedules, expectations, lists. The one thing that I needed to do never even made the list until I got a big reminder (like the 100th reminder, but I am a hard head).

What could it be? The key to it all? It is actually the answer all the time … Surrender. As in Cease Resistance. Stop. Give Up. Knock it off. Quit it. Pause and pause again. 

The 100th reminder came wrapped in a conversation with the gorgeous, awesome Goddess Walking, Tosha Silver, and then (in case that was not enough), her Change Me Prayers Oracle Deck arrived the next day. From the West Coast. Overnight, even though it was regular mail. And appeared in my box about five hours before our usual mail delivery.

I am sure Ganesha crossed time and space to get it to me, especially when I pulled my first card …

change me prayers

And the prayer … oh the prayer …

change me prayers

I felt something release in me, like a spring. My body actually sagged and I started laughing. How perfect and how needed. Tosha and Ganesha to the rescue and what a fabulous team they are!

In the past week, I have been working this deck every single day. Multiple times a day. When I start to resist what my body has been telling me for months, I stop, breathe, and pull a card. And I think about it, journal it, hold it on my heart and just absorb the cosmic wisdom through osmosis.

change me prayers

There are 67 prayers/cards in the deck, each artfully designed with an evocative prayer that makes way for the Universe to speak directly to your heart. The deck is based on Tosha’s second book, Change Me Prayers: the Hidden Power of Spiritual Surrender, and the deck and her books are highly recommended.

The cards have not only been an inspiration but a confirmation. Right before the eclipse season in February, I connected with Mary Lomando, my astrologer. She gave me a heads up that health issues seemed to be the focus from the beginning of 2017 and potentially until the end of March. The good news is that these issues are part of a cosmic/akashic detox, so I needed to just let it happen. Hard head moment 84.

Weeks later, I held the Change Me Prayers Oracle Deck and asked WHY (as in feeling so blech)? I received the Conduit card. Confirmation that changes were happening on multiple levels.

Then I asked, how should I handle things? I received the Vampire card, as in protect my energy. You know, by SURRENDERING and staying down when I need to be down.

Next question was, what is the outcome? I swear I heard Goddess laughing when I received the Balance card.

change me prayers

Pull a card each morning or day. Put a special card on your altar. Invite a conversation with the Divine (and prepare to get a gentle thump or 100 in a good way). Open to the magick of sacred intervention. Pray often. See synchronicity. Open to the love from Goddess and God that is available always. Tell your hard head to stop it.

Tosha has gifted us with yet another love letter from the Divine and I am grateful for her and the guidance that has been channeled here. It’s not hyperbole to say that the Change Me Prayers Oracle Deck has re-centered my daily practice. Some tools come to us because they are a joy to use and some tools come to us because we need them. Tosha’s deck is both. The prayers are tangible and enchanting reminders of Surrender for me and my hard head. I can breathe. And I am open and oh-so-grateful. Your heart needs this, your soul is waiting for it.

Start your own conversation with the Divine and …

Get your Change Me Prayers Oracle Deck (coming to Amazon soon!)

Change Me Prayers: the Hidden Power of Spiritual Surrender

Tosha’s first book, Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead, is a mesmerizing and humorous series of stories and observations on how the Universe, Goddess, God, is speaking to us all the time. When we see the Universe through eyes of wonder, guidance and love responds to us through synchronicities and divine circumstances all the time.

See all of Tosha’s goodies at

change me prayers

*Originally published on Seeking Bliss EveryDay

by Bill ()

I have been a disconnected man and have ruined a lot of relationships, most notably my marriage. We have 4 children and only now am I starting to understand how much my wife needed me to truly connect with her for the past 18 years. She says she feels nothing for me. The silver lining is that I now know what I was doing wrong, it has everything to do with not placing my relationship with God at the top of my priority list. I always went with what I thought was the correct plan and didn’t seek God’s council. In the past few days, I think I have actually said my first true heartfelt prayers and asked for forgiveness for the hurt that my actions caused (1 million tiny cuts over time) to my wife and family. I desperately want to tell my wife that I don’t want her to try and stay with the man I am embarrassed I was, nobody should! I am done with that man and only through Gods grace can I truly leave him behind and become the man God wants me to be. I obviously want to try and continue this life being married to my wife (who hasn’t yet filed for divorce) but I know that may not be Gods ultimate design. I need guidance, I need God’s clarity. Thank you for your prayers.

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