Work prayer of the day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD Creator, we thank you Father, for our daily provisions, the blessings of Your eternal Providence, as You constantly make a way for us, seen and unseen, our vessels are always overflowing, there is always more than enough for our contentment, and a full portion to share, thus we praise You, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we bow unto You, begging the forgiveness of all of our sins, the many misdeeds of our hearts, the transgressions caused by our wilfulness, the errors of our stubborn and selfish ways. Father, we repent, with remorseful hearts and deep sorrow we acknowledge our foolishness, Selah!

We are ever so thankful that You, Father, in Faithful Forgiveness keep us ever in Your perfect peace, as You provide for us the many pools of the fountains of the Blood of the Lamb, where the stench and stain of our sin is forever cleansed and disinfected, where we are rid of the burdens of our sin debts and following in Your Holy example rid ourselves of the folly of withholding the forgiveness of others, our sisters and brothers, in repentance we praise You, Hallelu YAH!

Thus, we rise, Father, in Joy and Jubilation, praise and worship the flow of our outstretched and upward lifted arms, the release from the depths of our souls and spirits, in songs and prayers and praise, we bring a sacrifice of a holy life, Selah!

Father, we thank you for the rain, and the reign of Holy Spirit Amazing Grace, for You have saved us, delivered us, and set us free of all manner of evil, oppression, slavery and bondage. Father, we thank You that we believers are bound together in salvation by one Blood, one LORD, one Faith, one Baptism, one Family, one Father and Savior of us All, in You there is a Blessed Unity. Father, we praise You, and thank You, that Forever! Your Word is Settled In Heaven! Hallelu YAH!

Father, we thank You for the leading of the Holy Spirit into all the paths of righteousness, the presence of God living in the spirit of The Saints, our hearts the most holy of Holies, now a blessed ark of covenant, our redeemer lives, and His abode is within us, Praise Him! Father we thank You that we find a sweet resting place in You, the mighty fortress and hedge of protection we are surrounded with, the angelic presence of the warrior hosts, the fortress impenetrable by the forces of the evil one, we are the children of God, and You have spared no resource in our eternal security, Selah!

Father, we pray Your blessings on the Body of Christ in all its manifestations throughout the world, as You bless the prayers of Your saints this day, from Your throne in Glory, and hear us in the Mighty and Matchless Name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, as we exercise the Power of His most Holy and Precious shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen

Dear Lord,

Thank you for my job. Not just the work I do in my job, but at home as well. The days have been so busy and I am trying not to feel overwhelmed. Please help me to stay focused and especially prioritize so my family does not suffer. Please fill my heart with joy and remind me daily that any work I do is for you. Holy Spirit please help me to have a positive attitude and a hopeful one. I pray that my workload does not burden me or depress me in any way. Help me to feel diligent and good at the tasks set before me. I pray this prayer for my husband as well. Help him in his job and the work he does at home in Jesus name AMEN!

Blessed be your name, O God, for the glory of this hour and the holiness of this day. Today may we drink from the cup of your salvation, rejoice in the company of your saints and offer you the sacrifice of eternal praise; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Polycarp of Smyrna (c. 155)

Creator God, in the beginning, all was dull.
Colour had not yet been created, all was bland and sterile and safe.
You spoke into the tedium and called forth diversity.
Primary colours emerged from nowhere, giving birth to hues, shades, hints and tints,
dancing together in a colourful, chaotic, dangerous dance of love.
From your vibrant love a universe was born of infinite variety.
Help us to seek new shades, new tones, sharing your delight in all that you have made.
Enfold us in your rainbow promise of hope and new life, for love’s sake. Amen.

Michaela Youngson, London District Chair

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