Prayer Resources See all resources Right arrow icon Ten Days of Prayer
June 12, 2017
Ten Days of Prayer initiative (formerly called Operation Global Rain) was adopted by the world church in 2010. Churches in over a hundred countries have received rich blessings through Ten Days of Prayer which occurs every January. God is faithful! The Ten Days experience can’t be quantified. Hearts are surrendered, souls convicted, and requests for prayer have been answered. We invite you to be part of this special initiative.
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Experiencing God through Prayer and Praise
March 8, 2017
This inspirational packet, compiled by Jerry and Janet Page, contains many resources on prayer including topics like: Praising God, abiding in Jesus’ love, guidelines for those desiring anointing, encouraging promises and quotes on healing, principles of intercessory prayer, how to pray with your spouse, powerful promises for parents, what to pray for non-Christians, when Satan called a worldwide meeting, and much more. (Download the entire packet or choose topics individually.)
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Praying for Rain
January 22, 2018
Wanting to understand the heart behind united prayer, or how to lead a group in united prayer? Or maybe you just want to grow your prayer life with your family? This powerful resource, with already half a million copies in print, has been newly updated and is packed with lots of inspiration and practical tools to help get your group prayer off to a great start. If you love prayer, you will want to take this gem with you everywhere. (Available in 18 languages!)
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Praying the Word: Prayer & Promise Cards
March 23, 2017
Have you ever wondered how to get started praying the Word? If so, these printable prayer cards, filled with Bible promises and quotes from Inspiration, are just for you. Topics covered include prayers and promises for your spiritual growth, for your children, your marriage, your ministry, for overcoming spiritual breaches, and much more. The promises included will add power to your prayer life. (Also available for download in Spanish. All cards can be edited and personalized!)
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Longing for God: The Paradox of Prayer
July 31, 2018
We have all heard about the importance of prayer for our spiritual life, how it is the breath of the soul that keeps us alive spiritually. And yet why is it that often we do not take time to pray? Could it be that we have lost sight of God in our prayers and that they have turned more inward then outward? Perhaps we need to rediscover prayer that is pleasing to God. In this enlightening article, Dr. Frank Hasel gives us a fresh glimpse of a prayer, in the light of God’s love.
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United Prayer Works 4: Peter and John Threatened
July 15, 2018
In this fourth video of the United Prayer video series, we catch a glimpse of what happened when Peter and John spoke with boldness after Pentecost. Their work was not appreciated by the Pharisees and Sadducees. But God was with them.
United Prayer Works 3: Pentecost!
May 21, 2018
It happened at Pentecost. It will happen again! Inspiration tells us, “The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the church is looked forward to in the future; but it is the privilege of the church to have it now. Seek for it, pray for it, believe for it. We must have it and heaven is waiting to bestow it.” (RH March 19, 1895). May this encourage us all to get on our knees and pray!
United Prayer Works 2: Esther’s Story
May 10, 2018
This is the second video in the “United Prayer Works” series which highlights the story of Queen Esther, and the power of believers uniting in prayer. “Talk less; much precious time is lost in talk that brings no light,” Ellen White writes. “Let brethren unite in fasting and prayer for the wisdom that God has promised to supply liberally.” (Gospel Workers, p. 417)
Prayer and Thriving Relationships
May 8, 2018
In this three-part series, packed full of inspirational and practical sharing, Jerry and Janet Page talk about prayer and thriving relationships, intercessory prayer, and practical helps for igniting your prayer life. This series is sure to inspire all that listen!
United Prayer Works 1: The Power of Prayer!
May 3, 2018
This is the first in a series of Revival and Reformation videos about the power and effectiveness of believers praying together. The Bible says, “If two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matt. 18:19-20)
Prayer that Pleases God
March 27, 2018
What does it mean to pray in a way that is truly pleasing to God? Perhaps, like many, you have the tendency to treat God like a divine prayer machine, in which you expect to feed in your prayer requests at one end and then take out your granted wishes at the other? In this short article Dr. Frank Hasel shares some insights that will broaden your spiritual horizons and take you deeper in your understanding of prayer.
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Youth Week of Prayer 2018: Leadership and Character – People of the Bible
March 19, 2018
Inspiration tells us, “With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the whole world!” (Education, 271) Join young people the world over in the 2018 Youth Week of Prayer. The following materials are from the General Conference Youth Ministries.
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International Women’s Day of Prayer 2018: God Understands
March 12, 2018
We are delighted to be able to bring to you the 2018 International Women’s Day of Prayer program packet. This year’s packet titled, “God Understands,” was written by Chantal J. Klingbeil, Associate Director, Ellen G. White Estate at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The packet also contains two coordinating activities, “Who Am I?” and “Prayer for the Discouraged.” The auxiliary seminar for 2018, “A Spiritual Woman,” includes a script, slides, and handout.
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Trusting God No Matter What Comes
March 1, 2018
In this “Let’s Pray” program, Fiona Peart shares her testimony of learning to trust God, even when life gets difficult. Fiona Peart is a missionary at heart. She has served as a missionary in Japan, South Korea and at the Weimar Institute in California. Fiona has a Masters degree in Human Resource Management and is passionate about Health Evangelism. We pray that you are blessed by this testimony.
From Wilderness Living to Daring to Ask for More
January 25, 2018
In this video, filmed at 3ABN, Melody Mason shares her personal journey from “Wilderness Living” to “Daring to Ask for More,” for God’s glory. We are told “Prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse, where are treasured the boundless resources of Omnipotence.” Do we recognize the value of this key? What about when we pray and pray and God still doesn’t answer? What then? How can we grow a faith that will not be knocked over in the storms of life? The following testimony will address just such questions, and much more.
2018 – 2nd Qtr. (April 7) – Fighting for our Marriages
January 16, 2018
The enemy is doing all in his power to destroy our lives, and he starts his first attack against the family, and against our marriages. He knows if he can break that down, he has us. Society is falling apart as a result of so many broken homes. Now is the time to take a stand, and say no more. Now is the time to pray for your spouse as you’ve never prayed before. Join us as we lift up couples (and singles too) on this special day of prayer and fasting.
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2018 – 3rd Qtr. (July 7) – Fighting for our Children
December 19, 2017
As the song goes, “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.” And now we are setting aside a special day to pray, not just for our families, but especially for our children. Whether your children are grown or still babies, this is a time to come together corporate interceding for the Holy Spirit to be poured out on their lives. Join us as we pray for our children!
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10 Ways to Get the Most out of 10 Days of Prayer
December 18, 2017
Maybe you’d like to be part of 10 Days of Prayer, but you don’t have a church group to join, so you aren’t sure where to start. This short download will give you some ideas of ways you can be involved. And remember, 10 Days of Prayer doesn’t just have to be for January. You can do it on your own anytime of year!
Prayer and Promise Card – New Additions!
November 30, 2017
We’ve added some new categories (Prayers and Promises for: Times of Trouble, Physical and Spiritual Healing, and Comfort in Sorrow), as well as some new languages to our “Praying the Word” collection. If you are wanting to add some dynamite and power to your prayer life…what better way than by claiming God’s own Word!
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Praying while Waiting for an Answer
November 9, 2017
Prayer expects answers from God. But what happens when the answer is delayed or not fulfilled? In this prayer seminar, given at the General Conference Session in San Antonio, Frank Hasel looks at the spiritual dynamics that take place in challenging prayer times. He also explores the blessings that God has in store for those who persevere and trust His goodness regardless of the outcome. Through the experience of losing his wife to cancer in 2009, Frank has been learning to trust God’s promises in ever-new ways.
Passionate Prayers and Fearless Faith
September 25, 2017
This download for 2017 International Day of Prayer, written by Gina Wahlen, and hosted by the Women’s Ministries department, includes both the sermon outline, powerpoint that corresponds with the sermon, and the prayer program.
How to Partner in Prayer with Others
September 7, 2017
In this short practical to-the-point download, Peggy Casebier talks about why prayer partnering is so important, guidelines for prayer partnering, working thru barriers in prayer partnering, and what to pray about as prayer partners.
Quick Start Guide for Prayer Ministries
August 17, 2017
This inspirational collection of prayer resources, prepared by NAD Prayer Ministries coordinator Ruthie Jacobsen, is a great guide to starting prayer ministries. Also, included in this resource booklet is how to spend a day in prayer, how to make your prayer life effective, how to do group Bible study, and how to get your church involved in prayer evangelism.
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Houses of Prayer Everywhere
July 24, 2017
Join Don and Ruthie Jacobson on Ministry in Motion as they share about H.O.P.E. which stands for “Houses of Prayer Everywhere.” Every church should be a house of prayer. Every church should give H.O.P.E. to a world in need!
2018 – 1st Qtr. – Fighting for our Family
July 18, 2017
We all have loved ones that we long to see have a closer walk with God. The theme for this quarter’s day of prayer and fasting is titled, “Made Strong Through the Power of the Word: Interceding for Our Family.” These materials will give you helpful tools to pray together as a family, and as a church family for your loved ones. (These program materials can be used again and again.)
2017 – 4th Qtr. – Fighting for the World
July 13, 2017
The next “Day of Prayer and Fasting” is focused on praying for the world around us. That means our communities, our churches, our leaders, and those way beyond our country borders. Through the provided materials and program outline, as well as continuing suggested prayer activities, we believe you and your church will be drawn closer to each other, and closer to God as you learn what it means to stand in the gap for others.
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How to Start a Prayer Ministry
July 13, 2017
This booklet, produced by the Oregon Conference, is a how-to guide packed with many wonderful ideas, on starting a prayer ministry in your local church. Let us remember that without prayer, everything else we do will be lacking in Holy Spirit power. Let us move forward on our knees!
Prayer Makes a Difference
July 12, 2017
In this inspiring message, Mark Finley, Assistant to the President of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, preaches on the importance of prayer in a christian life. He presents five lessons or tips we can learn from the prayer life of Jesus Christ.
Watch and Pray Pointers – by Cathie Hartman
June 23, 2017
What might “Watch & Pray” mean practically for us today? Cathie Hartman decided to research this topic a bit more, and this is what she found. As a result of putting these simple principles into practice, Cathie and her family have seen many answers to prayer and miracles in their life.
Preparing our Hearts for 40 Days of Prayer
May 10, 2017
In this inspiring and practical presentation Esther Knott shares how we can prepare our hearts for 40 Days of Prayer. Being part of the 40 Days of Prayer experience has blessed thousands already. Don’t miss out on what God is doing.
Praying for the World Next Door
May 4, 2017
Would you like to know how to pray more intelligently for those around you–those of other cultures, and religions? This beautiful booklet, compiled by Scott Griswold, gives some excellent and inspiring pointers. We pray you are encouraged to spend even more time on your knees.
Promises to Claim for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
May 2, 2017
The following is a collection of Bible promises and Spirit of Prophecy quotes that we can claim as we pray for a deeper outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives and church. God is faithful. His Word does not return unto Him void. Claim these promises! God will answer!
GC 2017 Week of Prayer 4 – The Healing of the Nations
April 27, 2017
Join us for the final part 4 of the General Conference’s inspiring week of prayer messages given by speaker Dr. Larry Lichtenwalter. The theme for this year’s 2017 week of prayer (held in March) was “Everyday Apocalypse: Revelation’s Christ for Our Every Day.” The topic for this final message is, “The Healing of the Nations.” You don’t want to miss this powerful message!
GC 2017 Week of Prayer 3 – Who is Able to Stand
April 26, 2017
Join us for part 3 of the General Conference’s inspiring week of prayer messages given by speaker Dr. Larry Lichtenwalter. The theme for this year’s 2017 week of prayer (held in March) was “Everyday Apocalypse: Revelation’s Christ for Our Every Day.” The topic for this third message is, “Who is Able to Stand.” Join us as we were challenged to go deeper with our Savior.
GC 2017 Week of Prayer 2 – Google Earth, Google Heart.
April 25, 2017
Join us for part 2 of the General Conference’s inspiring week of prayer messages given by speaker Dr. Larry Lichtenwalter. The theme for this year’s 2017 week of prayer (held in March) was “Everyday Apocalypse: Revelation’s Christ for Our Every Day.” The topic for this second message is, “Google Earth, Google Heart” and is sure to challenge your thinking.
GC 2017 Week of Prayer 1 – Revelation in our Boot
April 24, 2017
Join us for the General Conference’s inspiring week of prayer messages given by speaker Dr. Larry Lichtenwalter. The theme for this year’s 2017 week of prayer (held in March) was “Everyday Apocalypse: Revelation’s Christ for Our Every Day.” The topic for this first message is, “Revelation in Our Boot.” This is a message and series that you don’t want to miss!
United Prayer Works (Full Documentary)
April 17, 2017
It all started in a small upper room with humble fervent prayer. Threatened by the authorities and banned from preaching, the church prayed and two men witnessed with great power and grace. And people prayed everywhere in one accord in repentance with confession and humility and the lives of people were changed. We pray that you are inspired by this documentary as we catch glimpses of the past and talk about how what happened then could change our world today!
2017 – 3rd Qtr. – Fighting for our Hearts
April 12, 2017
Some may think it’s selfish to pray for our own heart needs, but it’s essential. The person with the greatest power to help or hinder God’s work in our lives is our self. Even Jesus prayed for Himself. So this “Day of Prayer and Fasting” focus is a bit different, but is sure to be a huge blessing for all. (Although these materials were written for 3rd Quarter 2017, they can be re-used again and again!)
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A House of Prayer for All People
March 30, 2017
In Mark 11:17 it says, “My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer.” The question you may be asking though is, “How do I help create a house of prayer in my church?” In this inspiring video, produced by Ministry in Motion, Sabine Vatel shares some practical ideas. She also shares what “A House of Prayer for All People” looks like at the Forest Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church near Orlando Florida. You will be blessed!
2017 – 2nd Qtr. – Fighting for Each Other
March 17, 2017
Life can be hard. We face challenges and struggles that can seem overwhelming. Finances. Health. Relationships. Battles with sin and temptations. Loneliness. But this is all because we are living in the midst of a Great Controversy battle. With this quarters “Day of Prayer and Fasting” materials, rather than being overcome by the struggles, you can learn to fight for each other in prayer. (These materials were written for 2nd Quarter 2017, but can be re-used again and again!)
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An Encounter with God in Prayer
March 12, 2017
In this inspiring document, Juanita shows what encountering God through prayer and the promises of Scripture looks like. Some of the topics she covers include: You can trust God’s promises, You can trust God for protection, You can trust God in Worship, You can trust God—You are forgiven, and much more. This is a practical tool for all those wanting to learn how to claim God’s Word in prayer.
The Privilege of Prayer
March 8, 2017
Looking for something to boost your faith in God and in the power of prayer? This is a downloadable version of the chapter “The Privilege of Prayer” from the well-known and well-loved book Steps to Christ. This is pure Inspiration, and will re-energize your prayer life!
Pastor, How Long do you Pray?
March 8, 2017
Have you ever wondered this question about those in leadership? In this article, Pastor Mark Finley shares some of the ways that he’s learned to have meaningful communication with God. He also talks about how it’s not the amount of time spent in prayer, but the driving force of why you pray that makes the most difference. God isn’t calling us to be clock-watchers. He is calling us to a relationship!
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Tips for Prayer Walking
March 8, 2017
Ever thought of walking through your neighborhood and reaching out in prayer for your community or those you meet on the streets? General Conference employees Joy Alexander and Lily Synder lead us through some practical ways you can walk and pray for your community. Prayer walking means going onsite with insight, insight from the Holy Spirit as you pray! You will be blessed by this testimony.
2017 – 1st Qtr. – Fighting for our Church
March 2, 2017
What breaks your heart? What drives you to your knees? Has your heart ever broken for the church? Have you found yourself compelled to fast and pray specifically for the church? This “Day of Prayer and Fasting” program follows the story of Nehemiah and his breaking heart for the church of his day. Join us as we pray for God to work in our church! (These materials were written for 1st Quarter 2017, but can be re-used again and again.)
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Prayer—a Theological Reflection
March 1, 2017
What is our theological foundation behind our assumptions in prayer? Do we have a solid foundation, or is prayer just some mystical experience? Read as Elder Rodriguez shares how true prayer integrates theology and the practice of personal devotion to God in a way that perhaps no other act of worship can. This in depth article will stretch your brain cells and give you deeper confidence in the power of prayer.
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Communion with God
March 1, 2017
This downloadable devotional is packed full of inspirational Ellen G. White quotes answering questions regarding prayer. Some of the topics covered include: What is real prayer, how do you find time for prayer, what is fervency in prayer, the early and the latter rain, prayer and reverence, why prayers are answered, and much more. We know this resource will be a blessing to you!
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Table of contents
August 3, 2011 by prayerunlimited
- Repent of sins you have committed. Repent on behalf of the body of Christ and his servants.
- Ask the lord to revive you, to visit you in a new way, to pour his spirit upon you, to break harness of sin in your life and to take over your life
- Ask the lord to forgive you for disobeying his commands, first being not loving Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
- Ask the lord to heal our land
- Pray for a spirit of repentance upon God’s people
- Ask the lord to send the purging fire of revival in your heart, then to the church of Jesus Christ in your area/city/nation(s)
- Labour as you pray for God’s revival fire to sweep over the land
- Pray that God will establish righteousness
- Ask the lord to uproot and burn the bad roots that produce bad fruits in our lives
- Pray for Godly leaders to be elected in public offices at every level. Ask the lord to root out those who use wicked powers to sustain themselves in power
- Ask God to remove wicked rulers
- Ask the lord to break Satan’s hold on government and that righteous rule shall be established
- Pray that God’s will shall be established in our generation
- Ask the lord to visit the ancient gates that have stood against his decrees in the land and destroy them
- Ask the lord to pour his spirit upon the young, the old and even the maid servants as per his word in Joel 2:28
- Ask God to shake every desert and wilderness facing the church
- That the gates of our cities, towns, nations etc shall be opened for the king of glory to enter. Ask the lord to repair the gates of the church by his holy spirit:
The valley gate
The gate of the fountain (representing flow of the Holy Spirit)
Sheep gate (representing apostolic ministry)
Fish gate (representing evangelism ministry)
Old gate (moves of the past)
Dung gate (deliverance ministry)
Water gate (preaching and teaching)
East gate (representing the glory of God)
- Pray that these gates shall be opened continually to receive his blessings
- Ask the lord to destroy demonic foundations laid in our villages, families, towns, cities and nations
- That the lord shall silence altars that speak against his children day and night
- For the lord to crush powers, authorities, principalities, rulers and wicked spirits in the heavenlies, earth and the sea which wage war against the church
- Pray that many shall receive Christ as lord
- Ask the lord to raise a victorious army to stand in the gap in our generation, a people who shall call upon him day and night
“Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all mankind will see God’s salvation” – (Luke 3:4-6).
Dear intercessors,
We are right now living in desperate days. The Church in many parts of the world needs revival, and God wants to use each one of us to prepare the way for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit. I am sure that you sense the urgency of the hour. It is not hard to see that everything is not right. God is trying to get our full attention. It is truly time to cry out to the Lord and become men and women of fervent prayer. We need God’s intervention in our cities and nations. The valleys of defeat must be filled, the mountains of disbelief must be leveled, the crooked places of dishonesty must be straightened, and the rough places of disobedience must be made smooth.
It was almost 25 years ago on the mission field when I wrote the following two paragraphs in a newsletter. I find that today I must still ask myself the same questions I asked then:
“Am I desperate enough for revival? Do I realize the desperate condition of my country?” And if I trust in religious organization, material wealth, popular preaching, shallow evangelistic crusades, there will never be revival. But when confidence in my flesh is smashed and I realize my desperate wretchedness and emptiness before God, then and only then will God break through. “Lord, make me ready for revival. Revive me.”
I challenge you to join me in prayer for revival for our lives and for the nations. I call for prayer that is strong, prevailing, believing, God-moving, hell-defeating, devil-routing, sinner-saving, believer-sanctifying, Christ-exalting and worker-producing—prayer that takes all that we are and have. God Himself will motivate us to pray these prayers that have extraordinary consequences if we are only willing, willing to pay the price. Pray that God may fill us all with the very passion of Christ, with the power and persistence of the Holy Spirit, with the burdening sense of the Church’s plight and world’s appalling need, that the wheels of revival may be set in motion.
“Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name. Restore us, O Lord God Almighty; make your face to shine upon us, that we may be saved” – (Psalm 80:18-19).
How do we Personally Prepare the Way for Revival?
“The coming revival must begin with a great prayer revival. It is in the closet, with the door shut, that the sound of abundant revival will be first heard. An increase in the secret prayer of ministers and members will be the sure herald of blessing.” Andrew Murray
- Prepare yourself in the way of blessing through intensive prayer – Pray with all your heart, asking God to enlarge your prayer and worship life. Make time for God, and practice fasting.
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray…” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
- Be serious about personal revival – Instead of watching TV, pray. Don’t get caught up in the ways of the world. Lay aside those worldly pursuits.
“… and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” – (2 Chronicles 7:14).
- Become dissatisfied with sin and ask God to convict your heart – Be sensitive to His conviction.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” – (Psalm 139:23-24).
- Repent thoroughly – Don’t tolerate sin in your own life. Let godly sorrow over your sin touch you deeply.
“Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight… Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place” – (Psalm 51:4-6).
- Make restitution whenever possible –Make sure that your relationships are right.
“Live in harmony with one another” – (Romans 12:16).
- Practice living the Sermon on the Mount – Matthew 5 – 7 is the job description of holy living. Ask God to transform your life and teach you to live to please Him. Prayerfully study the Sermon on the Mount regularly.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” – (Matthew 5:3-4).
- Choose to narrow your interests – If you narrow your interests, God will enlarge your heart. We can so easily be distracted from prayer, but revival calls for a focused vision on what really matters. This is the time to pray and hunger after God wholeheartedly.
“I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands” – (Psalm 119:10).
- Make a new commitment to reach out to the lost – Pray an ask God for opportunities, and He will help you. Begin to pray, care and share Christ with those who do not know Him. Follow the example of Jesus.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost” – (Luke 19:10).
- Have faith in God – Begin to expect God to move through your prayers. Believe that He does want to pour out His spirit and bring revival.
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” – (Hebrews 11:1).
Revival begins with us. It is each one of us getting our lives straight and turning from the crooked paths. Take seriously the need for personal revival. Take seriously the need for prayer. God is dealing with His Church.
“The great work of intercession is needed for this returning to the Lord. It is here that the coming revival must find its strength. Let us begin as individuals to plead with God, confessing whatever we see of sin or hindrance in ourselves or others. If there were no other sin, surely the lack of prayer is matter enough for repentance, confession, and returning to the Lord.” – Andrew Murray
Together in the Harvest,
Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International
International House of Prayer (IHOP) KC Staff
Perfect for your Summer break or Fall study!
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Could you use a fresh infusion of power?
If you need revival in your life,
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Prayer is powerful.
And praying with purpose — grounded in truth from God’s Word — will result in renewal, revival, and regaining ground the enemy has stolen.
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Hi, I’m Christi
a prayer challenge for my blog readers. Those who took the challenge began writing in to me. They told me how these Scripture-based devotionals and prayer prompts ushered them back into God’s presence after a dry spell.
They spoke of
renewed resolve to stand for their families. Over and over, I read the words “perfect timing.” Reignited passion. Reconnection with Jesus. Reinforced faith.
That’s when I knew
I was called to expand on the original challenge and send this forward as a book anyone could find.
You see,
I know about dry spells. I know about stages of life when the schedule crowds out our quiet time. I’m no stranger to a world that creeps in and dulls my joy. Oh, and the bruises and bumps of life? I know firsthand how those can weaken our resolve.
And friend,
I know how the enemy loves to exploit those weaknesses. In fact, this book almost didn’t make it to the finish line because of his attacks.
But somewhere in the middle of wanting to walk away,
I returned to my own words and was reminded why I had to stand.
So I stayed the course and here we are.
And man, do I hope these words go forth and call others to stand and withstand and shine!
I invite you on this journey with me.
Check it out on Amazon
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In Revival, you’ll be led to:
Repent & Forgive
Recalibrate your Perspective
Recall God’s Sovereignty
Recenter your Hope
Reinforce with Praise
Resolve to Shine & Stand
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What Others Are Saying
“Some sentences offer a lifetime of insight and experience just tucked away in a little sub-clause,
you don’t want to gloss over such pearls of wisdom too fast.”
Johanna (Amazon Reviewer)
When I came across a sentence or phrase that I wanted to remember or felt particularly relevant to me, I highlighted it –
soon, however, there was so much highlighting that I stopped and just counted everything as relevant.”
Alison B.
“Sometimes a book comes along that just knocks it out of the park—and this is one of those reads!”
Anita (Amazon Reviewer)
“Excellent! Empowering! Inspiring! Step by step Truth”
Glennece B.
“This small book is PACKED with fresh insights into old stories from scripture plus quotes and phraseology that will make you stop and think!
You may find yourself wanting to share aloud to anyone nearby.”
“Dora’s Daughter” (Amazon)
About the Author
Christi Gee is a listener, speaker, writer, and forever student of God’s Word.
She began teaching the Bible while she was still a teen.
Through the decades, she led children’s ministries and wrote church and Christian school curriculum on subjects such as worldview, apologetics, and chronological scope and sequences.
While still working as a marketing director at Liberty University, she began blogging and now reaches thousands each week through her work at

Now that her three children are launched, she has begun branching out and opening doors to find the next thing.
Although Texans for over four decades, she and her husband, Eddie, now live on the East Coast.

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Christi is also a speaker and available to lead your group through these steps over the course of a weekend retreat.
Click for Speaking Details on her Author website