Prayers for addicted son

by Lucy (Louisiana)

Dear Lord,

It’s Sunday morning and I thank you so much for another day Lord, because you didn’t have to wake me this morning. I love you lord and I want to follow your path for my life.Lord, I need help for my son, John Reed Jr., who has a drug addiction Lord. I don’t want to be the parent who is an enabler.

Lord please help me to be strong in my part in the assistance of helping get back to reality, for I now understand his must do it himself.Lord I’m asking that you keep him covered by your precious blood Lord.
Lord keep him as he travel Lord God on the highways and by ways father God.

Thank you LORD
LORD hear my prayer

Return to A Prayer for Family

The sobering reality of addiction’s prevalence is evident in our daily prayers. The “addicted people” we are praying for have increasingly become “our people.” Our family… our friends… our circles of influence… our kids. When we feel a child is lost, slipping away, and have only a crack in the door to peek in on their lives… we can turn to the One in control to restore life. 

“My Father is always at His work.” (John 5:17) 

We can conclude from the miracles of Jesus that God accomplishes the impossible. Jesus came to do His Father’s work (John 6:38, 4:34), and told us that His Father is always at work. When we see our children spiral downward into a hole of bad decisions and strangling demons, know that a miracle-working God is watching the whole thing. Trust that He has their best interest in mind, and is more than capable of pulling them up and out. Place hope in His pursuit of them. No matter how well we’ve prepared our babies for battle, they still have to lift the armor over their shoulders and learn to draw the sword. 

“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters.” (Hebrews 13:1) 

By equipping our hearts with the capacity to love others, and ourselves, through seasons of addiction, we are allowing God’s tender hand to work. We are never ready to let go of our children, but we must daily remember our place. Trust Jesus to go after their hearts, call out their demons, and heal them miraculously. 

Please pray with me: 

Father, Praise You for miracles, and Your perfect timing to bring them into our lives. The winter is bitter cold and brown day after day… until suddenly, one warm day ushers in a thaw. Watching someone we love succumb to the grip of addiction wraps our hearts in an icy chill. Suddenly, we become closed to anything other than panic and reaction, worry and blame, solution and force. But, that is not Your way. 

Father, You love us in a perfect way, even in the middle of our mess. And in the middle of our children’s messes,You love them perfectly, too. Thank You for the evidence of Your miraculous power through Jesus’ life. He reminded us that He came to do Your work, and that You are always at Your work. That includes our children… their addictions… their demons… their mistakes… and their sicknesses. 

Thank You for loving our kids beyond our capacity. 

When we can’t see what’s happening in our children’s lives, we can rejoice because You hold them in Your hands. Their journey with You is as unique as they are. Thank You for the individual way Jesus comes after each unique human heart. 

Forgive us for falling into cycles of blame, remorse, regret, control, sadness, and anger. We confess that the first reaction we have is not always to equip our minds with Your truth and cry out to You in prayer, truly trusting that You hear us in those moments. Forgive us for putting too much pressure on ourselves as parents, or for any stray paths we led our children down. Forgive us for wanting to shelter and bubble our precious babies.

Help us to remember that the manipulation of substance-influenced brain is beyond practicality before attempting to speak reason into it. Remind us that the disease of addiction can be healed. Place an army of people qualified and educated specifically in this battle to help our children out of the hole. Help us to seek them, seek their counsel, and help our children to connect with them. Help us to have compassion on our children as they suffer, without enabling them to sink back into the hole. Surround us with a circle of qualified and godly people to guide us on how to execute life with addiction so near and penetrating.

Father we pray specifically for our child’s physical health, mental health, safety, shelter, employment, and dependance on You. Bless us with a released grip on control, send Your Spirit to strengthen us to surrender worry and control. God, You are bigger. You are in control. You are love. You sent Jesus down to earth and after our hearts… to call out the demons, heal disease, and claim His Father’s children… leaving not one behind. Father, we pray, in the name of Jesus, Your perfect Son who died for Your will to be done, for miraculous healing in our children’s’ lives and freedom from the demon of addiction. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Megs is a stay-at-home mom and blogger at where she writes about everyday life within the love of Christ. 

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Publication date: February 14, 2017

This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can’t find the words to pray.

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Now available is our new Daily Prayer devotional! An easy way to find start your day with prayer, read today’s prayer and sign up to receive by email.

prayers for addicted son

God of life, You made me in Your perfect image, to live in Your love and to give You glory, honor and praise. Open my heart to Your healing power. Come, Lord Jesus, calm my soul just as you whispered “Peace” to the stormy sea. St. Jude, most holy Apostle, in my need I reach out to you. I beg you to intercede for me that I may find strength to overcome my illness. Bless all those who struggle with addiction. Touch them, heal them, reassure them of the Father’s constant love. Remain at my side, St. Jude, to chase away all evil temptations, fears, and doubts. May the quiet assurance of your loving presence illuminate the darkness in my heart and bring lasting peace. Amen.

Post your prayer or petition below for those suffering from addiction. Or if you would like, send your special intentions for those suffering from addiction to the altar of St. Jude at the National Shrine of St. Jude where it will be prayed for by the Claretians.
prayers for addicted son

May Matt Talbot’s triumph over addiction, bring hope to our lives and
strength to our hearts. May he intercede for all who struggle with an
addiction. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Christ, our Great Healer.

God of mercy, we bless You in the name of Your Son, Jesus the Christ, Who
ministered to all who come to Him. Give Your strength to those bound by
the chains of addiction. Enfold them in Your love and restore them to the
freedom of God’s children. Lord, look with compassion on all those who
have lost their health and freedom. Restore to them the assurance of Your
unfailing mercy, and strengthen them in the work of recovery. To those
who care for them, grant patient understanding and a love that perseveres.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Lord, in your servant, Matt Talbot
you have given us a wonderful example
of triumph over addiction, of devotion to duty,
and of lifelong reverence for the Most Holy Sacrament.
May his life of prayer and penance
give us courage to take up our crosses
and follow in the footsteps
of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Father, if it be your will that your beloved servant
should be glorified by your Church,
make known by your heavenly favours
the power he enjoys in your sight.
We ask this through the same
Jesus Christ Our Lord.



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