A struggling relationship is a source of immense emotional pain. If you’ve ever endured a broken marriage or a slowly-dwindling long-term dating relationship, you know how difficult it can be to find lasting reconciliation.
If this is you, the power of prayer may be just what you need.
Faith is a powerful thing, and appealing to God for the health of your relationship can have amazing results. Used in conjunction with other efforts, such as relationship counseling, prayer can be downright miraculous.
Rest assured that God hears your prayers, and that He cares about you. His answers may not always come in the form we expect, but they do come when we ask for help.
And sometimes, the very act of praying can bring about huge change in your life. When we pray, we take our abstract desires and put them into words. We say what we want out loud. Sometimes, that’s enough to help us make sense of our problems and go about finding the solutions—God works through natural means as much as He does through the miraculous.
But whichever way prayer works out for you, it’s always worth your time. To help you learn how to use prayer well, let’s take a look at 7 examples of prayers for a struggling relationship.
Are we in tune with God? Are we really paying attention when He is telling us to stay in the relationship we are in, or when He tells us we should break up (even if we think the relationship has potential)? Learn with this relationship advice a few tips on how to understand the different ways God speaks to us and if God always answers our prayers.
Dear Jim: Do you think you have to have a definite “yes” or “no” from God on relationships?
Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:31 ‘Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.’ This is certainly applicable to relationships.
While this statement is certainly true, I find some singles discern this to mean that God will send a strong feeling or some voice from Heaven, etc. to signal when the ‘right one’ arrives. My concern is that the right one may have come and the single was ‘looking’ when they should have been ‘listening’.
One of the awesome features of our relationship with God is the fact that He speaks with us. His voice is not always a direct one and this is where I believe some may miss His guidance. In Numbers 22 the Bible advice us that God actually opened the mouth of a donkey (okay – they called it an ass) to speak to Balaam.
How does God speak to us?
There are many ways but here are a few that He often uses:
- The Bible: The Word is a ‘living Word‘ and God speaks directly to us through it.
- His Spirit: When Christ left this earth, He told the disciples that the Holy Spirit would guide them into all truth. (John 16:13). His Spirit is in every believer today and continues to guide us – if we allow Him.
- Other Believers: Proverbs shares that where there is no wise guidance, the people fall. However, there is wisdom in the multitude of counsellors. We NEED each other. This is why you find me sharing over and over again to build strong support/accountability groups of the same gender.
- Events: Sometimes events in our lives leave little doubt that God is trying to tell us something. Candidly, I find this most often when He closes a door. It is frustrating to find door after door being closed, but He is using this to ‘guide’ us toward something that will glorify Him and bring fulfillment and peace to us.
- His Messenger: My life has been touched over and over again through the anointing of His Spirit in the message of a Pastor or great Biblical teacher.
- Satan: Yes, I believe that there are times that if we are being led by His Spirit, we clearly see Satan’s hand at play and know that it is not the action or activity for us.
Wise choices are the basis for successful living. I believe it wise that we seek confirmation when we believe God is speaking to us. There are times when this is not applicable, but most often it is. For example, you may have some input from some well meaning Christians, but you know that it is clearly against a Biblical principle. God NEVER contradicts Himself and is always in keeping with His word.
What are you doing in Heaven?
I like an old illustration that points out how God speaks. The story goes that there was a dam that had broken upstream for a town. There was a little time until the waters would reach the town and the police were speeding around town telling of the impending danger. One man told the police that he was not going to leave because God would take care of him. The waters began to rise and the police came by again in a boat to take him to safety. Again he refused stating that God would save him. The waters rose to the roof and the man was hanging onto the chimney. The police helicopter came by and lowered a rope. The man refused again saying that God would save him. The man drowned!
When he got into Heaven, he rushed over to God and said ‘Father, what happened? I counted on you and told others you would save me!’ God looked at the man with a puzzled look and said while shaking His head – ‘I don’t know? I sent the police by, then a boat and finally a helicopter to save you. What are you doing in Heaven??‘
Of course this is just a story – but I think that it points out that we need to be ‘open’ to the many ways that God may speak to us. He never contradicts His Word.
Finally, remember that God always answers our prayers. The answers are ‘yes’, or ‘no’ or ‘nothing (meaning wait)’. The most challenging one for us is ‘wait’!! The FATHER knows best!
Dr. Jim
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If you’re like me, you’ve never given much thought to praying the Scriptures over your relationships.
Whether it’s an easy relationship, where the conversation flows, honest and filter-free, warmth abounds, and conflicts are few…
or whether it’s a hard relationship, where personalities clash, common ground is minimal, and hurt feelings are plentiful…
relationships are gifts.
The relationships that challenge us refine us. They’re tools in the hand of our loving God, who uses them to stretch us and shape us and mold us into the image of His Son.
So that hard relationship with that particular person…
(the one whose face just appeared in your mind’s eye)…
will you stop with me now and thank God for her, and for what God wants to teach you through her?
And while we’re at it, let’s lift to Him these prayers for relationships.
Table of contents
Prayers for Relationships
Ask for the Lord’s help in putting all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander away from you, along with all malice. Pray that He would give you a kind and tender heart that is willing to forgive in the same way you’ve been forgiven by God (Ephesians 4:31-32).
Acknowledge to God that good sense will make you slow to anger, and it is your glory to overlook an offense (Proverbs 19:11). Pray that God would help you not be easily offended by the words, actions, or attitudes of others.
Pray that God would help you handle conflicts biblically, having the courage to approach the other person one-on-one before seeking the intervention of others (Matthew 18:15-17).
Ask that God’s grace would equip you to do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but to humbly count others more significant than yourself. Pray that He would help you look out for the interests of others and not just your own. Beg Him for the humility that Christ exemplified when He emptied Himself of all rights and privileges, and took on the form of a servant (Philippians 2:3-7). Ask Him to show you specific ways to serve in the midst of a hard relationship.
Confess to the Lord any hatred in your heart, affirming the truth that one who does not love others cannot love God. Pray that God would help you love others the way He loves them, and the way He has loved you even when you’re unlovable (I John 4:20-21). Acknowledge to God that love is not simply the absence of hatred, but is a choice to act for the benefit of others. Ask the Lord what loving gesture He would have you to show.
Acknowledge to the Lord that in the worst of times, He will fight for you, and you have only to be silent (Exodus 14:14).
Pray that you would be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, understanding that the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God (James 1:19-20).
Ask for the grace to bear patiently with other people and forgive them as you’ve been forgiven (Colossians 3:13).
Acknowledge the truth that a soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (Proverbs 15:1). Pray that God would give you a gentle spirit evidenced by soft replies.
Dear Heavenly Father, You know how much I struggle with certain relationships. I forget to grant grace as lavishly as I’ve received it. I forget to treat others the way I want to be treated. I’m quick to assume the worst, and slow to give others the benefit of the doubt. Please forgive me, Lord, and help me to see other people through Your eyes. I can’t change anyone, but You can change me, and I ask You to keep molding me into Your image. It’s in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, that I pray. Amen.
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Life is about relationships and connections. Some relationships are shortlived, while others vary to some degrees of permanency. However, they all have a common denominator and it is none other than relationship prayers. A prayer for relationship can help you receive the Lord’s counsel on how to deal with your husband/wife, family, friends, coworkers and acquaintances. Use this prayer for love relationship guidance and insight on how to improve your relationships with the people around you.
Relationships between neighbors, family members, couples, coworkers, children and friends can be fulfilling and rewarding. However, they can also be challenging at times. A lot of people say that challenges are normal in a relationship and they can even strengthen the relationship more. Only God can give you sound counsel in His word on how to deal with your relationships. A prayer for relationship can help you achieve peace of mind, forgiveness and understanding you need in order to maintain a good relationship with other people.
Whenever you say a prayer, ask Him to help you see the good in your relationships and to be generous with your love. It is right to ask God to replace your hostility with understanding and forgiveness. The Lord will always remind you to be honest about your faults or mistakes. By saying a prayer for relationship, He will help you draw from your peace whenever you are overcome with anger, frustration or hurt. He knows your heart and conscience. Uttering a prayer daily can give you understanding and patience to bear the disagreements.
You are only human. Even if you pray to God everyday, there are times when being human overpowers you. This may happen, however, the Lord will always be there to guide and understand you. In fact, 1 Peter 5:67 says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” This means whenever you are anxious about your relationship, allow God to help you.
Never forget to say a prayer whenever you have problems about your relationship with your partner, father/mother, sister, brother, friend, coworker, or neighbor. Relationships are always bound to undergo challenges and problems. Good thing, a prayer for relationship can always rescue you when you feel down, sad and worried. Always remember that God is willing to hear and help you at all times. All you need to do is call upon His precious name.