Daily prayers for my children

daily prayers for my children

Today I am welcoming Arabah Joy as she writes for us. She usually writes at ArabahJoy.com, so you’ll have to check her out there! Also, you’ll find a free printable daily prayers bookmark to download at the end!

Last night I had a really bad dream. A nightmare, really. I dreamed that two of my children disappeared at a crowded bus stop. My husband jumped in a taxi to follow the bus we thought they may have gotten on and I started searching the area.

I was frightened and shocked when I found them…drugged…and with a kidnapper who refused to give them over. With him were several other children. I singlehandedly fought to get my children back.

I woke with the somber realization that, for many parents, this isn’t a dream. Kids the world over are vulnerable—and not just physically, but also emotionally and spiritually as well. Praying scripture for our children is a powerful…and simple…thing we can do for our kids.

While I can’t figure out exactly how prayer fits into the sovereignty of God, I do know the Bible says the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16) and Jesus said we should keep praying and never give up (Luke 18).

This summer, my oldest son and I worked together to create scripture cards to use during prayer time. But I discovered that I wanted a short list of scriptures to pray EVERY DAY for my kids. With that in mind, I created a bookmark to tuck into my Bible.

Sometimes having a simple tool like this is all it takes to establish a daily habit of praying for our kids. Below are the scriptures and prayers on my daily prayer card, as well as the printable bookmark. Simply print and laminate it {or use packing tape to cover it like I do.}

Twelve Daily Prayers for My Children

  1. Pray that they will come to know Christ at a young age. Isaiah 45:8, Ecc 12:1
  2. Pray for quick conviction of sin and that their sins be found out. I John 2:1, Num 32:23
  3. Pray that they would be humble and willing to receive instruction. James 4:10, Prov 1:8
  4. Pray that they will have a love for God’s Word and accept it as the standard of Truth. Psalm 119:105, Heb 4:12
  5. Pray that they will be protected from evil, body, soul, and spirit. John 17:15, Matt 6:13
  6. Pray that they would be free of the need for people’s approval and be willing to stand alone. Gal 1:10, Daniel 1:8
  7. Pray that they will value wisdom and make wise choices. Proverbs 4:5-7
  8. Pray that they will learn to submit to God. James 4:7
  9. Pray for a faith that demonstrates itself in action and hard work. II Peter 1:5-8, Colossians 3:23
  10. Pray that they would have godly friendships and be protected from ungodly ones. Prov 1:10, I Samuel 23:16
  11. Pray for meaningful, lifelong relationships with their siblings. Job 1:2-4, Romans 12:10
  12. Pray for their future spouse. Prov 18:22, Prov 21:9

Arabah Joy is wife to Jackson and mom to four kids. She left a classy career as a CPA to live the nomadic life of a missionary. She is the author of several books, including the soon to be released book, Trust Without Borders. She and her family currently live on the 26th floor of a high rise somewhere in Asia. She loves to connect with readers on her blog at www.arabahjoy.com.

How to Download

  1. Follow me on Twitter and/or Instagram if you can. Or Pinterest. Thanks!
  2. Download the 12 Daily Prayers for My Children Bookmark here.

Do you have a special pray you pray for your children? What would you add to this list?

daily prayers for my children

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daily prayers for my children

For those of you who believe in the power of prayer, these are wonderful daily prayers for children with ADHD.  Any parent of a child with ADHD knows how difficult, frustrating, and challenging life can be for them. It is important for us as their parents to help them and guide them whenever and however we can. My daughter and I have found that praying to God on a daily basis helps alleviate the struggles of her ADHD while building her relationship with God. For those of you with very young children like me, I recommend saying the prayer with them and talking with them about the prayer afterwards. If you have an artistic child like mine, having them draw their interpretation of the prayer would be beneficial too.

“Living Each Day”

Daily Prayers for Children with ADHD


    God, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for giving me life. You picked me out for Your very own even before the foundation of the world — before I was ever born. You saw me while I was being formed in my mommy’s womb, and You know all about ADHD.

    God, You see all the things I do, and You know all my thoughts even before I think them. Thank You for loving me and helping me replace bad thoughts with good thoughts.

    Help my parents, grandparents, and teachers to help me do the right thing. Help me to be kind to others.

    In the name of Jesus, Amen.


    God, You have assigned angels to me — giving them special charge over me to accompany and defend and preserve me in all my ways.

    God, I need Your help. Sometimes my thoughts scare me and I don’t like the way I behave. I become so frightened and confused that I have to do something: run, make noises — even scream or try to hurt someone. These actions separate me from playmates; and when they don’t want to be my friends, I am hurt, disappointed, and angry.

    I am asking You, God, to help me form new behavior patterns and successfully overcome the disobedience and defiance that cause my parents and teachers anguish. I don’t like to see them all upset, even though I laugh about it sometimes.

    Thank You for helping me overcome obsessive compulsive actions that create confusion for me and others around me. Even when others don’t want me around, You will never abandon me. You will always be with me to help me and give me support.

    In the name of Jesus, Amen.


    God, thank You for my parents, grandparents, and teachers who understand me and are helping me learn good behavior patterns. Help me to listen and develop good relationships with others — especially other children.

    Thank You for giving me the ability to learn how to express my anger appropriately; I rejoice every time I have a victory. Your Son, Jesus, said that He has given me power to overcome all the obstacles that ADHD causes in my life.

    In His name I pray, Amen.


    God, I believe in my heart that Your Son, Jesus, is my Lord and Master and that He has come to live in my heart.

    God, You are with me when my thoughts get jumbled up and You have sent the Holy Spirit to help me concentrate and stay focused on each task at home and at school.

Thank You for giving me Your helmet of salvation to protect my through life.

    In the name of Jesus, Amen.


   God, help me conquer the power of love and calm a well-balanced mind with discipline and self-control. Thank You that as I grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, You are creating in me a willing heart to be obedient.

    Forgive me for throwing tantrums and help me recognize and control the ideas that cause them. The Holy Spirit is my Helper. Thank You for giving me the ability to channel hyperactivity in constructive and productive ways.

    I choose to speak peace and love into the situations that confront me and make me feel uncomfortable and out of control.

    In the name of Jesus, Amen.


    God, sometimes awful thoughts come to me and I command the voices that tell me bad things to be quiet and leave me in the name of Jesus.

    God, in Your Word, You said that I can make choices. I choose to cast down imaginations that cause me to feel afraid and angry; these thoughts are not Your thoughts. You love me and I will think good things.

    God, I ask for Your wisdom to stay with me each day as I learn new techniques for handling stressful incidents.

    In the name of Jesus, Amen.


    God, there are so many everyday things that worry and annoy me. I feel so different from other people.

    God, Your Word says not to worry about anything, but to pray and ask You for everything I need and to give thanks when I pray and Your peace will keep my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. The peace You give me is so great that I cannot understand it.

    Thank You for keeping my mind quiet and at peace. I declare that I am an overcomer and by submitting to Your control, I am learning self-control.

    God, I thank You for teaching me how to be a good friend to those You are sending to be my friends.

    In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Note: These prayers originated from Prayers.org and were edited to make it easier for young children with ADHD to say and understand. If you enjoyed this blog post, please consider becoming an ADHD Awareness Contributor. You can receive free ADHD products, have you or your child featured as an ADHDmazing ADHDer of the week, choose the next blog topic, get name recognition for your support, and MORE.
daily prayers for my children

daily prayers for my children

prayer for my children’s protection, daily prayer for my children, prayer for my children’s health, prayer for my children’s happiness, prayer points for children, parents prayer for children, prayer for my children’s protection, scriptures to pray over your children, short prayers for children!

daily prayers for my children

daily prayers for my children

daily prayers for my children

daily prayers for my children

In Asia, parents gave all of precious time & spent money on their beloved sons in childhood. They invest money on their education and want to take profit in future (last stage of their lives).

As we know that in childhood, every child will learn by its surrounding. These adopted things added in his routine life silently and after a certain time, the same will appear as his habits. The said period has very importance in child’s life. The parents should need to look up on habits during this period. If necessary, they forbade their children by joining bad company. Simple, the sons in childhood are likes as modules which could be modified of molded (right or wrong) by parents themselves.

The following 03 things are effective for leaving of kids bad habits. If you are father or mother then it will your responsibility to care for these things;

Parents Responsibility:

A big gap (friendship gap) found in between children (who disobeyed their parents) and parents. Try out to minimize the friendship gap between to your children and you. It will helps you to acknowledge children desires or necessities. Similarly, look at their daily time table (routine work).

If you feel that your children have connected in wrong terms with his / her friends then try to acknowledge the same to your child. Improve thinking of your child. Also see a list of parents responsibilities.

Care about Kids Necessities & Desires:

At schooling age, acknowledge the necessities and desires of your child. If you failed to fulfill basic necessities then the result will be occurred in disobeying. Try to make friendship relationship with children always. This will helps you to acknowledge problems occurred with your child.

Prayer for my children:

In Sorah Furqan, Verses # 74, we praying for good wife & good children. Include this beautiful prayer for kids into your daily routine life. Make uncounted recitation. You will get results in very first month of recitation. All the bad habits will left by your child and your child will be more obedient and more brilliant after that. So, keep praying for your kids of this verses and make to your son listen to you. I got amazing result with recitation of that verse for obedient.

children happiness children health children protection daily prayer Dua Verses Wazaif 2016-12-01


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