Prayer to find a job

by Frances (Philippines)

Heavenly Father, thank you for the strength you have been giving me all this time, that I have endured all these sufferings and pains I have been going through the past years. Thank you for the blessings and graces I have received. I am now broken once again and don’t know where to turn to. Through your most holy apostolate St. Jude of Thaddeus, please guide me, so I know where to look and find the job I have been seeking. I am so alone, and if I can’t save myself, I don’t know how to continue to live. Please hear my prayer, and grant me this wish. I will forever be grateful and promise to appreciate more the opportunities that will come my way. Please don’t leave me empty handed, so I may continue to share to those who need me. I ask this in the name of Christ, to Him be the glory.

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Are you unemployed, under-employed, or in a toxic work situation? If so, pray this prayer to find a new job and watch God move on your behalf!

Many folks in our community have mentioned their need for jobs over the years.

And if that’s you, know that God wants you to have a good job. A GOOD job. A job that will be a blessing to you, because:

The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10:22).

Papa God is so good that He wants you to have a job:

  • that will bless you financially;
  • that you will enjoy doing;
  • where you will have pleasant co-workers;
  • with a nice boss; and
  • where you can be a witness for Him.

He also wants you to have a job that will be good for your family. A job that will be safe. A job where you will be honored and respected.

A good job is a blessing from the Lord.

And if you need a new job, don’t hesitate to pray for one–and pray specifically!

Yes, you will still have to do the legwork to find your new job. You will have to be diligent to look for the job the Lord has for you. You will have to fill out applications and interview. You will have to work hard at any job you get, go through training, and do everything else that comes with jobs.

But the Lord can and will bless you with a wonderful job if you will pray and believe Him to do so.

Are you ready to pray? Use the sample prayer below, and add your specific points to this model prayer as needed.

Related: Read my whole Radical Prayers series here!

Pray this prayer to find a new job:

“Heavenly Father, I come before You in Jesus’ name.

Father God, thank You for hearing my prayer. Thank You that Your Word says “Before you call, I will answer,” and so You have answered me even before I finish this prayer. Thank You for knowing everything that concerns me, and for providing all my needs richly. I know I can depend on You, Father.

Father, I lift up my job situation to You. Lord, I ask right now in Jesus’ name that You would make a way for me to have a new job, a better job. Show me which steps to take.

Lord, if I am to change careers, then please show me what career to pursue. If I am to stay in the same career, give me peace about that. Either way, Lord, I ask right now that You would bring me into a job where the people are good to work with; where they are nice to me and others. Provide a job where I am paid well, where my work schedule would bless and not harm my family.

Father God, I ask in Jesus’ name that You would highlight in my mind where I should apply for new jobs. Give me the motivation and inspiration I need to apply, and shine Your light of favor on me there. As I apply, give me the words to say and help me fill out the application perfectly.

Father, I ask also that You would give the interviews that You want me to have–with the right interviewers too.  Make it so that, when I walk into the room to apply or interview, the people there would know that I am the one to hire. Be the answer of my tongue, and help me to speak the words during the interview and application process that You want me to speak.

Father, I ask You to provide a good salary, good retirement benefits, good medical and dental insurance, disability insurance, paid time off, paid vacations, and paid sick leave. Provide for the on-the-job training that I need. I ask also for Christian co-workers in the workplace; and for kind, compassionate, generous, and patient supervisors.

Father God, give me wisdom, strength and power. Reveal Yourself as the Glory and Lifter of my head. In the Name of Jesus I declare that the old things are past and the new things have come. Bring me out of the old place, and into this new place of abundance. Put me in the right job, and deliver me from the wrong jobs.

Thank You, Father. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer, and that I have received everything I’m asking You for. I give You all the glory.

In Jesus’ name, amen.”

If you just prayed this prayer, please leave a comment below so others in this community can agree with you! Also, please let us know when Papa brings you into the new job you have prayed for!

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