The fireman’s prayer

Fireman’s Prayer

When I am called to duty, God

whenever flames may rage,

Give me the strength to save some life

Whatever be its age.

Help me to embrace a little child

Before it’s too late,

Or some older person

from the horror of that fate.

Enable me to be alert

And hear the weakest shout,

And quickly and efficiently

to put the fire out.

I want to fill my calling

and give the best in me,

To guard my neighbor

And protect his property.

And if according to Your will

I have to lose my life,

Please bless with Your protecting hand

My children and my wife

History of the Fireman’s Prayer

The only way he could find to ease the pain of such a tragedy was to sit down and put his thoughts on paper. The phrase, “enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout”, sends a chill up a firefighter’s spine as you imagine what he experienced on that fateful night. It was a particularly tough time for him as he had young children around the same age.While most accounts of the Firemen’s Prayer conclude with Author Unknown, the world renowned poem was written by Firefighter A.W. “Smokey” Linn. As a young firefighter in 1958 Linn and his crew responded to a fire in which three children were trapped behind security bars and died in the fire.

His granddaughter, Penny McGlachlin said that back then there were no grief counselors to help the firefighters. Penny believes this was an actual prayer from him, to god for the sake of his own family, the other fireman, and the families of the children.

Smokey joined the Wichita, Kansas Fire Department in 1947 after returning from World War 2. He retired in 1975 and became president of the local chapter of the Good Sam Camping Club. He passed away March 31, 2004 of complications following surgery.

The Fireman’s Prayer was originally published in a book called, “A Celebration of Poets” in 1958. The last copyright of the book was 1998. It is the family’s desire that the credit for the Firemen’s Prayer go to the author, A.W. Smokey Linn.

When I am called to duty, God   

whenever flames may rage,

Give me the strength to save some life

Whatever be its age.

Help me to embrace a little child

Before it’s too late,

Or some older person

from the horror of that fate.

Enable me to be alert

And hear the weakest shout,

And quickly and efficiently

to put the fire out.

I want to fill my calling

and give the best in me,

To guard my neighbor

And protect his property.

And if according to Your will

I have to lose my life,

Please bless with Your protecting hand

My children and my wife

The Fireman’s Prayer is known by every firefighter, every retired firefighter, and every firefighter’s spouse. It is more than just a saying. It is truly something we all live by. Whenever the tones drop, night or day, we pray that we can have the strength and the courage to save every life possible. Every person deserves a second chance, and we are the lifeline to give them that second chance. Whether it be a 78 year old man, or a 7 year old child, it is our duty, which we accept with the title, to save them. It is our duty to try our damndest to save someone, no matter the danger to ourselves. We pray to be as focused, attentive, and as observant as possible. It is extremely hard to hear inside a burning house, and when the victims don’t have an SCBA, they can not yell for help loudly. We have to listen so closely it is unreal. We pray we can put a fire out as quickly as possible, and to save as much as we can. We want to be the best firefighters we can be. We want to live up to past firefighters and fill the title with honor and integrity. We want to protect everybody and everybody’s possessions. We pray that we will make it home to our families, but there is no promises, and death is just right around the corner every time. We trust in God every second, and if it is his will for us to not return to our families, we pray he will protect them like we did when we were around. This is the whole life of a firefighter in one prayer. It is us. It is our lives.

The Fireman’s Prayer is a prayer to unite communities, express love and devotion to family and friends, and to plead for the value of a soul before God Almighty.  It is a Sacrament that we share here in Spanish.

La Oración del Bombero

Nadie sabe el temor abyecto de encontrarse con un edificio en llamas . A menos que él lo ha hecho.

Nadie siente la angustia de una madre que ve a su hija atrapada detrás de una puerta en llamas. A menos que ella misma lo ha visto.

Nadie puede explicar la pérdida sin sentido de la vida que resulta de un solo momento de descuido. No hay una explicación.

Nadie sabe la agonía de una esposa y madre que recibe la llamada telefónica a media noche diciendo que su marido y padre de sus hijos nunca volverá a casa de nuevo. Nadie.

La Oración del Bombero fue escrita en estas circunstancias.

La tradición dice que esta oración era una emanación de agonía personal de un joven bombero que él mismo había sobrevivido las llamas, pero había sido incapaz de salvar tres niños indefensos de la muerte horrible que los envolvió en humo y llamas, incapaz de escapar de un incendio de un apartamento. Mientras él y sus compañeros cayeron en la derrota y la desesperación, los niños sucumbieron: las ventanas habían sido instalado por el propietario con barras de seguridad de acero. Los bomberos no pudieron liberar a los niños atrapados.

En estado de shock, la angustia y estupor espiritual, el bombero, AW “Smokey ” Linn, escribió esta oración personal , una súplica a los cielos para que de alguna manera este momento se rectificara. Y si no se corregía, que sea comprensible. Y si no es comprensible, soportable.

La Oración del bombero es una oración para unir a las comunidades, expresar el amor y la devoción a la familia y amigos , y para rogar por el valor de un alma ante Dios Todopoderoso. Es un sacramento.

Cuando soy llamado al deber, Dios
Donde quiera que las llamas
Ardan dame la fuerza para salvar alguna vida
Cualquiera sea su edad.

Ayúdame a rescatar a un niño
Antes de que sea demasiado tarde
O salvar a una persona mayor
Del horror de tal destino.

Manténme siempre alerta
De oír el gemido más débil
Y rápido y eficientemente
Apagar el incendio.

Deseo hacer llegar mi llamada
Y dar lo mejor en mí
Guardar a todos mis vecinos
Y protéger sus pertenencias.

Y si deseo es que tenga
Que perder mi vida
Por favor, bendice con tu mano protectora
A mis hijos y mi esposa.

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