Strength and perseverance


  • the quality or fact of being very determined; determination.
  • synonym: Perseverance

Strength … surviving life…

Amazing sometimes how one person just keeps on going, struggle after struggle, sometimes with no hope or light at the end of the tunnel. My blog is about this life survival. About Strength. About my perseverance. From growing up in a dysfunctional family to finally figuring it out — “making it” — living a wonderful happy life — and everything in between.

It wasn’t all bad and there were some good, happy times for sure. In my case, the bad was outweighed the good. (Not anymore!) My early childhood was pretty good. By the time I got to my teenage years, things had started to falter, to tumble downhill. From there, it would be years of struggling until finally after so long, you either give up or say: “Screw it! I am going to make something of myself.”

I did the later. I found the inner strength each and every time to keep moving forward, always believing it had to get better… it just had to. Even when I thought I was finally rising above the rubble and things were going along smoothly — BAM!

But, it’s all about surviving life… and patience. And I was determined.

It’s possible during those times I wasn’t really ready. Perhaps, although I was trying to be positive and do good, my own subconscious thoughts were sabotaging my life. It was always an uphill battle… one step forward, two steps back.

Maybe you are going through some of these same situations. If so, my stories and experiences can help. I can help. It does and can get better with a bit of work, want, and perseverance. I’ve made it and I’m going strong, living a full life. You can live a happy, full live. You deserve it!

#strength #perseverance #tenacity

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    The word “perseverance” is many things. It is the ability to be so determined to achieve your goals that you continuously aim to achieve, regardless of whatever difficulties and adversities one may face. So many people of so many different backgrounds have faced a multitude of problems in their lives, yet they have emerged from the ashes and conquered whatever was in their way. Life is good and bad, it’s all about adapting to change. Adjusting to these changes can be hard especially while trying to achieve a certain goal, but it is times like these you must persevere through!

    It could be your education, your job, relationships, finances, anything that life can possibly throw at you. Regardless of the situation, there is one thing that will always get you through it. Perseverance, it is the key to your success. Your continuous strive for success ensures the achievement of your goal through all of the effort you have put forward. And through sticking to your morals and goals, you will learn your own personal strengths and capabilities.

    You will become stronger through your perseverance in difficult times. With these newly discovered strengths and abilities, you will have not only toughened up, but also bettered yourself. It instills confidence in you; to know that you have weathered so many challenges yet here you are, and you have succeeded. This has also potentially made you a leader, in a sense, to those who may be going through a situation that was similar to yours. You can then be the one to guide and comfort them through words of inspiring advice.

    Through these fresh characteristics and newfound confidence, people slowly begin to discover themselves during this process. Challenges and adversities often bring out one’s best self. Through their perseverance, they become such a strong-willed individual. They need the support of others and soon will also provide that same support to others who may need it. They will pass on their strength and comfort to those after. All of the wonderful characteristics of empathy, strength, and true perseverance come out through adversities. And that really may be a blessing in disguise.

    This “blessing in disguise” proves to be an opportunity in the long run. It has prepared you for reality, for future hurdles you may face. It has given you traits that are valued by those around you, and it has made you you’re own kind of strong. Those who relentlessly endure hardships throughout their life and have continuously maintained their strength and perseverance. They have stuck to their ideas and morals, therefor maintaining on the road to success. And through their perseverance in difficulties, they have succeeded and have become a better person becasue of it.

    strength and perseverance

    I am a true believer that strength is built over time, and persistence is what creates healing.

    Just this past year alone is proof of just that, and because of that consistant perseverance, I was able to move through something this morning that normally would have sent me running for the hills covered in anxiety.

    I had a MRI scan done this morning in Atlanta that my Doctor has been trying to get me to do for months. It came to a point where it was no longer an option; but something that we had to find a way to get this scan done come hell and high water.

    I woke up this morning feeling nauseas and a little anxiety ridden, but I got up and built that courage and hope as I got ready to go. I knew I was stronger this time around – I just didn’t imagine how much stronger.

    My therapist sent me a text with hopeful words, and a care filled, loving connection that made my heart smile reminding me that I am supported and cared for.

    I was supported by my husband who came with me and held my hand the whole time in the car asking me every couple of minutes “how are you? are you doing okay?”.

    I showed up to the scan, and filled out the paperwork, and went back into the room with the nurse after changing into a gurney. I looked over and I saw the small confined place I would be lying still for a whole hour, and my heart began to race a little – but I pushed through it.

    I laid there and had to stay absolutely still for a whole hour, not even as much to moving my little finger.

    I laid there still as I heard the LOUD THUMPING noises of the machine vibrating inside my chest sending me into small anxiety attacks that could only be felt on the inside, and not being able to act on the outside – but I kept pushing through it.

    I played a game and counted in between the thumbs, and I thought about how much strength I have gained over the past couple of years.

    I thought about how much of this moment reminded me of all that I have been through in my healing, in the many obstacles in my life that would have normally shut me down from moving through something like this.

    As I counted in between the loud thumps of the machine I kept in mind that “this will be over soon, it will be all over and done with, and 6 months fearing over this will finally be over” .. and how much of those thoughts also got me through this past year and all the hard times I have gone through before that.

    I truly believe that persistence is the power of moving through fear and hardness.

    I believe that strength and perseverance is the way to kick anger and anxiety. I truly believe time heals and that times teaches us how to move through better than the last, and how each moment gets easier if we allow it to.

    This same scan that I had today, had me running for the hills in complete fear the last time I tried, and yet today I got through it because of the persistence and the fight forward strength I put into the many hard situation I have been through

    2 years ago it took me 6 tries to get me through an aortic scan and my therapist had to meet me at the hospital to finally get it done.

    Last year I got to the scan, got on the table, and jumped off it and left in fear as the nurses scratched their head in wonderment as to why something like this fears me so much.

    Today I showed up, went in and I did the scan for an hour and pushed through it  and THAT is the work of persistence creating path towards healing.

    I texted my therapist on the way home and his response was “YOUR THE BEST” and ” we will connect by email later tonight“.

    My therapist is my cheerleader at times and that helps me so much because he truly knows what a scan like this is for me.

    Because of my hard fight in the hardness of this past year through the many different things that happened to me, I was able to use that strength to move me through something BIG today and I am pretty darn proud of myself.

    I truly believe healing happens over many moments of hardness and fear. I believe that when we push through many hard moments, it knocks away the wall of fear allowing us to sit in the places that were impossible before.

    THAT is where the healing is – TIME, STRENGTH and PERSEVERANCE.

    I await the results and I know I am supported, loved and cared for. I got through the hardest part, now I just lean on support and go forward.

    Later today I will go for a run, I will enjoy the rest of my day knowing that I did something I could have never done a year ago and that is a pretty big rock of empowerment.

    So I take this power and I apply it to other hard parts of my healing. In the harder moments I keep saying to myself “the more I fight forward, the more I chip away at the hardness of those rocks in front of me and I heal forward”

    It takes time, but time gives me strength and perseverance, and strength and perseverance gives me more strength.

    by Christina (Florida)

    Heavenly Father,

    First and foremost, I would like to thank you for all the blessings you have given me, for all answered prayers, for the miracles you have performed for me, for the challenges which made me stronger and the present adversity which is now saddening my soul.
    I ask for forgiveness for my disobedience, my laziness of spirit and lack of faith.

    Please Father, as I now face difficult decisions and serious financial circumstances, give me the courage to step up to the plate and face the consequences of my actions which brought me to this problem to begin with.
    I plead for your wisdom and ask for your peace to help me reach the best solution.

    I ask for a blessing on this great nation, for its people and government as well as for your blessing for all humanity and the beautiful creatures you have created. May we take better care of our Mother Earth by respecting her gifts, which in reality, are your gifts.

    I say these things humbly, and in the name of my savior and Lord, Jesus Christ Amen.

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