Spiritual Cleansing Prayer to Eliminate Negativity and Bring In The Highest Vibrations of Light and Love
It releases stagnant or dense energy, negativity and even entities. You’ll then fill your home with love, light and angels to elevate the vibration. This allows you to create a supportive, nurturing, safe place for you to live, thrive, and spiritually grow.
This allows you to create a supportive, nurturing, safe place for you to live, thrive, and spiritually grow.
The great thing about this house cleansing prayer is that it can be done by itself and you don’t need any tools.
You could choose to use the prayer in conjunction with White Sage, Palo Santo, or any other cleansing incense or tool you like. Sound healing is also a beautiful, powerful way to cleanse your space and raise its vibration.
Know that this prayer works in conjunction with external tools or cleansing rituals, but it’s also effective on its own.
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House Cleansing Prayer
To begin, close your eyes, take a deep relaxing breath, and begin to shift your awareness within. Then say:
“I now call upon my team of Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, and my higher self. Please enter into this present point in time, enter into my home, filling my home with the highest vibration of love, light, and divine frequency.
I call upon Archangel Michael to usher out and release into the light any lower vibrations of fear, negativity, or stuck or stagnant energies. I call upon Archangel Azrael to release any earthbound attachments, lower vibrational beings, and anything that does not serve in creating a safe, happy and harmonious environment for me to live in.
Angels, please fill the entire building with light, bringing in love, joy, peace, and harmony. Raise the vibration, release all that no longer serves.
I ask that you surround my entire home (or building if you’re in a condo, hotel, or attached unit) with an orb of light. I ask that anything inside of this orb that is not in alignment with unconditional love or that does not have the highest interest of humanity and all beings be released into the light of the Divine.
I call upon love, peace, harmony, well-being, and Divine presence to take its place.
Thank you, Angels, for filling my entire home with light. Flow light into every corner, crevice, and cabinet. Under and around the furniture, clothes and my belongings… Under the floors, in between the walls, and above the roof… Cleanse the energy and elevate the vibration… Above, below, behind, beside and all around.
Thank you for filling my entire home with light, cleansing all that no longer serves, and raising the vibration in the way that will most serve me and the highest and greatest good of all.
I ask this according to Divine Will. Thank you for your support and love and frequency, and so it is.”
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
When Called Upon, Your Angels Will Answer
Know that when you call Angels into your space when you call light into your space, that light and Angels appear. You may visualize lower vibrations leaving and higher levels of love and light pouring in. Open your heart, let your light expand, and know that it is well within your power to call in the Angels, to call in cleansing and create a powerful shift in your home environment.
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I’ve written about more methods you can use to energetically clear your home here!
Remember when you ask your Angels for help they will answer because you are loved, supported, and guided by Angels right now and always.
With love, light, and gratitude,
Do you know how to clean your home spiritually? This house cleansing prayer will help you to remove any evil spirits in your home.
The truth is at some point an evil spirit will enter your home. The faster you can evict it, the better. For some of us, due to lack of knowledge or fear, we ignore it hoping that it will go away. After awhile we learn that the only way it will leave is if we evict it.
So, what are the signs that indicate you may need to have your house cleansed spiritually?
- You have spots in your house that are cold and there is no A/C vent to explain why it’s cold in that one spot
- Your dog/cat barks or growls at walls or specific areas in your home and when there is no one there
- Out of the corner of your eye you see shadows or like someone walked by when no one did
- Sometimes the hairs on your arm stand on end for no apparent reason
- You hear noises when the house is quite (this doesn’t apply if you live in a new construction home and the house may be settling)
- Sometimes you feel afraid being in the house alone.
- You have a picture, a mirror, a piece of art or furniture, stuffed animal, even a book that gives you the heebie jeebies.
- There is a room in your house that you don’t like, you never hang out in that room and you don’t know why.
- You hear doors opening and closing in your house but in the natural nobody was coming in or going out.
- You started having lots of bad dreams since you moved in.
- Your family was fine before you moved in and then a week later everything is upside down. Your kids get aggressive, a lot of arguing, your home has become contentious
- You’re online searching for articles to cleanse your house…that’s sure sign you know something is not right with the house.
You may not have had any of these issues before in your house and the suddenly things started happening. It is possible you had someone in your house that is involved in witchcraft or they have spirits attached to them and these spirits followed them into your home.
Also, if you like going to consignment shops and buying antiques you may have picked some up there too.
Please read this if you are about to purchase or rent a new home
A few “spiritual red flags” to keep in mind if you are in the process of purchasing or renting a home. We call these spiritual red flags because in the natural none of these would be an issue:
- Someone died in the house (it’s a good question to ask when you are purchasing a home and it’s vacant “where are the previous owners?”). You may not have any issues if they were a Christian but if they were not, it’s a risk.
- The house sat vacant for more than a year. Evil spirits love to occupy empty spaces (Matthew 12:43-45)
- The seller had the house feng shui or was involved in any other kind of spiritual practice that is not Christian. Signs of this would be dream catchers everywhere, buddhas, crystals.
- The house is a foreclosure. What’s wrong with foreclosures? Well, what if the person who had it before the current owner was also foreclosed upon? What if there is another foreclosure next door, across the street, down the road? Too many foreclosures in a neighborhood is a very bad sign. The area could have a principality over it of poverty and lack. So what would generally happen is that you may have been steadily employed for the last 30 years, you found this great foreclosure deal and the next thing you know 2 months later you lost you job. Then you go into foreclosure. You need to be aware that if you choose to buy a foreclosure you may be battling demons to keep the house.
- Too may houses for sale or rent in the neighborhood. If the owners are abandoning a neighborhood this may not be a good sign. Do some more research and understand you are taking a risk.
- The house is on an Indian burial ground or near one. Not good.
- Do a little investigative work and find out what’s happening in the neighborhood. Go back without the realtor and start talking to the people in the community and find out what’s going on. You may find out that there are common issues among the neighbors – drugs, suicide, several people lost their job, anything. Random things are OK but if you see or hear a pattern then you will want to take note. This will be an indication of the demonic spirits you’ll have to battle once you move in.
- If you are buying a new construction house and it took over 2 -3 years to be built. Remember evil spirits like vacant spaces so if you had the foundation laid and walls put up and ran out of money so the house had to sit vacant for awhile. This could be an issue.
- It is always a good idea to go by the neighborhood again at night time. You may pick up other things spiritually then that you didn’t discern in the day time hours.
You may buy a house with one or a few of these “spiritual red flags” and have no issues. Yes, this is possible. However, there will be many more people reading this that just discovered the reason for the spiritual war they are currently facing in their home.
Can you get free from these evil spirits? Yes. Do you need a pastor or a priest to do this for you? You can ask them but it is not necessary. We can walk you through the steps and you do it yourself. Or if you have a friend that is a Christian intercessor you can ask them to help.
What about sage, smudge or smudging with sage? Well, that is actually new age and this is a Christian ministry so we don’t do that. Besides what we do with get to the root of the issue. You want to pull it up at the root. If you are burning incense you will be burning incense for the rest of your life because you haven’t dealt with the root issue.
Are there any situations where the spirits won’t leave? Yes. When you move into a house you have dominion over it. Anything that enters your house you can tell it to leave and it will. However, if you buy something that is built on an Indian burial ground then you moved into their domain. Also, if you have items that are giving these spirits access to your home and you refuse to get rid of them then they will come back.
What you use for this spiritual house cleansing is anointing oil and a bible.
If you don’t have anointing oil buy some online. The type of oil does not matter. Or, you can make you own by taking some of your olive oil and pouring it into a separate bottle which you will only use for anointing in prayer. You can take it to church and ask your pastor to pray over the oil or someone from the prayer ministry to bless the oil. (Mark 6:13, James 5:14)
This is a long process which can take 1.5 – 5 hours to complete depending on how many evil spirits or items you need to remove from your house and the size of your house.
As such, we have broken this down into 3 parts so you can choose to do them all at once or on 3 different days. You can’t change the order. It needs to be done in this order so that the final step of the prayer will completely cleanse your house.
Steps 1 & 2 you need to do in preparation for the cleansing of your home.
Step 1 to spiritually cleanse your house from demonically charged items
- You have items in your house that make you uncomfortable. You need to throw them in the trash. Don’t give them to someone else, dump them.
The truth is after this first step most of the spirits will be gone. Spirits can attach themselves to items. If you absolutely love antiquing you are taking a risk every time you bring something into your house because you don’t know who owned the item before you or what they did. Also, if you have a friend or relative that you know is involved in witchcraft or the occult then whatever gifts they gave you must to be thrown out.
Occasionally we meet people who are attached to things because it has sentimental value or it cost them thousands of dollars and they don’t want to get rid of it. If this is you, we can’t help you and the prayer won’t get rid of the spirits. If you are too attached to things there is a possibility you won’t be free of these evil spirits.
100% of the time we don’t have to point out the items that are holding these spirits, the home owner already knows because the item makes them feel uncomfortable.
Just throw it in the trash.
Acts 19:19 (NIV) “A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas.”
When you decide you want to be free from these evil spirits the cost won’t matter. The fact that the item has a demonic spirit attached to it means it was used in someone’s home who was heavily involved in witchcraft or false religions. Or the item may have been crafted or built by someone who was demonically possessed.
Step 2 to spiritually cleanse yourself
2. You need to confess your sins. This is important because if you are going to throw these spirits out of your house you can’t give them any legal grounds to remain. Jesus said in John 14:30 the prince of this world is coming and he has no claim over me. Likewise, when you start telling the spirit to leave they must have no claim over you or have a hold on you.
The flip side of that scripture is John 13:8 when Jesus tells Peter come and let me wash your feet because if you don’t wash your feet you can have no part of me. In other words, unless you are cleansed of the sins that you committed as you are traveling through the world you and I have nothing in common. You must be properly aligned with God to start this process.
Here is a prayer for repentance and confession of sins:
Father God, I come to you in the name of Jesus asking for forgiveness of my sins. I’m repenting for _________, __________. _______(call out all the sins that you know you are currently participating in) I ask you to wash me clean from these sins. Guide me by your Holy Spirit to doing the things that are pleasing to You. (You need to anoint yourself as you pray this) Cleanse my mind so that I will have pure thoughts, cleanse my tongue so that my speech may be pleasing to you, cleanse my ears so that I will listen to only what you want me to hear, wash my hands so that I will only touch what you want me to touch, wash my feet so that I will travel only where you would have me go and forgive me for moving towards evil. I accept the completed work of Jesus who died on the cross for all my sins. I consider myself clean in the eyes of the spiritual beings that are around me. I am a new creation and old things have passed away and there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. When they look at me they see me clothe in the Righteousness of Christ, in Jesus Name Amen.
Step 3 to spiritually cleanse your home
3. You are now ready to start praying through your house. You will need your anointing oil.
These are the steps for the prayer
- Put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18)
- You need to ask God for angelic assistance
- You need to open your windows and doors tell the spirits to leave
- You need to close all the portals that the evil spirits are using to enter your home.
- You need to anoint all the windows and doors with oil
House Cleansing Prayer
Father God, I come to you in Jesus Name putting on Your full armor, so that I can take my stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I put on the full armor of God, so that in this day of evil I may stand my ground. Standing firm with the belt of truth buckled around my waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with my feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which I can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
(You may pray in tongues here through this the Holy Spirit will give discernment on the spirits in your home).
God I ask you to give me the gift of discerning of spirits so that I may remove all the evil spirits from my home. The only spirit that can live here are the ones who are still in the land of the living and bow to the name of Jesus. I ask that your Holy Spirit dwell here with me and my family and that you will lead and guide us through this process today. Please send angelic assistance to help with the removal of all of these evil spirits. Send the angels to war on my behalf and handle any demonic powers that we cannot handle.
(Start opening all the windows and doors in your home or at least one in each room.)
I command every evil spirit to leave this home now in the name of Jesus. You cannot stay here. You have no part in me. I renounce you and any other spirits that come with you.
(If the Holy Spirit specifically impress upon you a particular spirits or spirits make sure to command them to leave by name. e.g spirit of infirmity, addiction, sexual immorality, poverty, suicide, etc. Anything that comes to mind call it by name and tell it leave in the name of Jesus)
(Now you go room by room with the oil anointing all the doors and windows at the top or corner with the sign of the cross. Over each door and window you say this…)
I close this door/window in the spirit realm to any evil spirit. No longer shall you use this as an access point to gain entrance to this home. Only angels assigned by the Commander of Heaven’s armies are allowed to enter this home. I mark the sign of the cross as a reminder to you that this house is covered under the blood of Jesus and you shall Passover it and never enter into this house again, in Jesus Name.
(Go through your entire house and do this for every window and door. If you come across items as you are going through the house that give you a feeling that a spirit may be attached to it you need to remove it from your home.
Just as you have doors in the natural there are doorways that spirits can use to go in and out of your house. This could be mirrors. So you need to take the oil put it on your index finger and make the cross at the top of the mirror or in a corner of the mirror and say…)
If this is a doorway in the spirit realm that evil spirits are using to enter this house I close it in, the name of Jesus. You can no longer use this as a doorway. This is a mirror, an inanimate object that will never be used as a spiritual portal again. I command it to be closed, in Jesus name
That’s it. Once you have gone through all the rooms in your home those spirits will be gone and you can start closing the windows and doors in your house.
This is quite the process but you will feel so much peace in your home after you do this and you should no longer have any spirits in your home.
Here are some other prayers that may help you as well:
Prayer against a Familiar Spirit and Monitoring Spirits
Learn how to:
- Set Up A Telephone Prayer Lines for free
- How to build your Prayer Team
- Obstacles in Building A Prayer Ministry & how to overcome them
- How to Incorporate your Prayer Ministry
- How to Set Up your 501 c3 tax deductible Non Profit Organization
Print this prayer first, then use it and pray out loud in every single room or area in a home, place, vehicle, anywhere as needed. May God make home with you in Jesus name. AMEN
“And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” (Revelation 21:5).
Dear LORD and Savior Jesus Christ, I am a believer and I put my hope and trust in You.
I believe and trust the truth, that you alone have all the power and authority in Heaven and on Earth.
I come to you, asking for the spiritual cleansing of this place, for it to become new and clean supernaturally, so that this place may glorify Father.
In the Name, Power and Authority of Jesus Christ,
my only LORD and Savior, Holy Spirit please move in this house and cleanse it. As a saved Believer, I renounce all my sins, known or unknown to me, that have been committed here by anyone (including me or my family).
I renounce any sinful items ever kept here, I renounce any sinful things that were broadcast here,
I renounce any sinful or evil people who lived here or entered here.
In the Name, Power and Authority of Jesus Christ,
my Lord and Savior, I RENOUNCE any satanic claim attempts on this place, or on those who live here, or on items kept here, based upon these things that I have renounced.
As a follower of Jesus Christ, I bind, rebuke and command any demon, false angel, spirit or ghost trying to make home here. I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to go away and never come back again.
Holy Spirit I trust you to do this work right now.
I claim this place as a place of Christian spiritual safety and protection. I bless this place in the name of my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.
I ask You LORD Jesus Christ to place your blessing and spiritual protection on this place, clean it with Your Holy Blood, and let it be made as new for me (and my family).
Let only thy Holy Spirit and Holy Angels of Heaven be here with me, in Jesus name. AMEN
This is a treatment for myself, (full name), for perfect mental health, perfect physical health, perfect spiritual health, and for freedom from seeming obstructions in my life – or better – now.
I recognize that God is our rock and our strength. God’s love is the power of renewal, revitalization, and compassion. God is all-powerful and almighty. God is perfection, truth, love, freedom, fulfilment, and complete contentment. God is wholeness and oneness now.
I am one with God’s strength. I am filled with inner strength from the source of all power and all good – God the good, my rock and my staff. I am one with the perfection of God. God’s truth and love embrace my being with wholeness and oneness. God’s love, life, and healing power in me burst forth with the brilliance of perfect healing now.
I therefore claim for myself, (full name), perfect mental health, perfect physical health, perfect spiritual health, and freedom from all seeming obstructions in my life – or better – now.
I now heal and release all limitations that interfere with this claim, whether known or unknown, conscious or subconscious. My thoughts are now one with, the same as, and in tune with God’s thought. I now accept in consciousness complete and perfect health and freedom from any seeming obstacles i may have experienced in the past.
I let go and dissolve from my mind any and all ideas that anything outside of myself has any power or control over me. I am free from the thought of bondage or possession, and i know that nothing can possess or hold me in chains. I belong only to God and to myself. I am in control. I am the only authority in my life. I am divinely protected by the light of my being.
I close off myself, my energy, and my body of light to all that may interfere with these truths. I now cut any and all psychic ties between myself and all seeming obstacles of my past. These psychic ties are now lovingly cut, lifted, loved, healed, released, and let go by the Holy Spirit and God now. I am free from any interference now. I release the idea that i need anything other than my own divine light, my own divine love, and my own connection with the God-presence within me. I release all fear, mistrust, feelings of hatred, vengance, and punishment now (for uncrossing) *OR: I release all self-hatred, feelings of inadequacy, and reget now (more for general cleansing)* I dissolve all guilt and blame. I let go of negativity now and embrace my life.
I am the source of love for myself. I love myself and forgive myself now as i forgive others who have committed seeming wrongs against me. I affirm that we are all beloved children of God. I surrender my life to God and place my life into God’s perfect hands.
I now accept in consciousness perfect health and freedom from any seeming obstacles of my past – or better – now. I thank God for manifesting this healing renewal in my life in perfect ways. Amen.
Feel free to make changes to suit you and your unique set of circumstances.
This prayer treatment is my adaptation of the prayer “Freedom From Substance Abuse and Addiction” from the book Miracle Prayer by Susan Shumsky. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to get a new perspective on prayer and anyone interested in learning about and applying healing prayer work.