Scripture for marriage reconciliation

Here, we offer a marriage prayer for those who are experiencing marital troubles. As humans, we are imperfect and that goes as well for the relationships we form.

It is right to ask God for help in troubled times.

Prayers to Help a Failing Marriage

From the beginning, God meant for man and woman to be together, joined in holy matrimony. It is not good than man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him. But, just because it is Gods will does not mean it is always easy.

Use this marriage prayer if you need Gods help and guidance to heal a failing marriage.

Prayer to Restore a Marriage

Heavenly Father,
I come before you today with a heavy heart; my
marriage is in trouble, and I need your help.
Make changes in my spouse’s heart. Make us
compatible again, and bring us closer together.
Fill us with your love and give us the strength
to love one another, care for one another, and
fulfill your destiny for us.

Show us the harm caused by careless words,
and the pain caused by emotional distance.
Bring us together, like we once were. Show
us how to love one another again.

Heal the division between us. Make us one again.

In your name I pray, Amen.

Prayer to Reunite with Spouse

This is a prayer asking God for help reuniting with a husband or wife. Through lifes difficulties, God is always there to help guide the ones we love, back into our arms.

Prayer to bring Back Lost Love

Please pray that my heart’s desire be granted,
the return of the love of my life, my one true
love. I pray that my spouse may have
healed his wounds from the past and forgiven
all that has gone wrong.

Lord, help my husband (wife) be able to follow
his heart to his desire and love for me and
permanently return to me to be forever
reconciled as one, as husband and wife.


Scripture About Marriage

“And he said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

Click here to read more Bible Verses about Marriage

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More prayers posted in: Marriage


God is profoundly serious about the sacredness of marriage, and as His followers and servants it is our privilege to share this high view. Every passing year has brought a steady increase in both the numbers of, and ease with which one can file for divorce in our land. Therefore, it is more important than ever to reiterate the wisdom and goodness of God’s plan for marriage.

As a result of the constant increase in the number of relationships ending in divorce, we are compelled to reassert a biblical view of marriage, divorce and remarriage that we prayerfully hold to based on our understanding of God’s Word. The Bible clearly teaches that the Lord, in His creation of Adam and Eve as husband and wife, so designed that marriage should be lifelong, covenantal, monogamous and between male and female. In addition, Scripture explicitly commands that a believer is not to be “joined together” with an unbeliever.

Conclusion: Marriage was uniquely created by God for the display of His glory and is a portrait of God’s relation to His people and Jesus’ love for the church (and therefore how the church is to be devoted to Christ).

Suggested Scripture Study: Genesis 2:18-24, Malachi 2:14-16, Matthew 19:3-6, Romans 7:2, 1 Corinthians 7:39, 2 Corinthians 6:14, Ephesians 5:22-33


Few life experiences are more painful personally or destructive societally than divorce, so it is unsurprising to find that God hates it. God hates divorce because He loves people, including those who have been through the divorce process.

Just as the pain of divorce permeates our culture, it likewise permeates the church, and so with sensitive hearts, we weep with those who weep and mourn with those who mourn as a result of divorce. Given the tremendous emotional pain involved with this topic, we seek to be clear, compassionate and careful when sharing our convictions. Our heart is to be faithful to God’s Word and loving to God’s people. Consistent with the core values of our body, we want to be firm where the Bible is firm and flexible where it is flexible, remaining vigilant in our responsibility to shepherd well the flock of God among us while appropriately trusting each individual’s convictions to our Father.

It is the collective belief, of the elders of Watermark Community Church, that divorce was never intended to be part of God’s design and is always costly to the divorcing parties, connected children and society. While God hates divorce, He does not hate divorcees. Divorce is not the unforgivable sin, but it is a result of sin and hardness of heart. Divorce is never God’s best, and anyone who loves God and knows of His goodness would never consider it without broad input from community and spiritual counsel. Even when divorce is necessary to protect individuals from danger/abuse, it is to be done as an expression of love and in hopes of producing repentance in the guilty party that leads to healing and reconciliation. Even in these extreme cases, divorce is never to be considered as the end to a relationship, but only a severe mercy that will ultimately lead to less sin and eventual restoration of the relationship.

Whenever discussing possible situations that might allow for divorce, it is imperative that serious believers continually reiterate their desire and deep conviction that the hopeful resolution to all marital strife is reconciliation (restoring a marriage, of course, depends on two tender hearts). In other words, just as we never encourage anyone to rush into marriage, we likewise never encourage anyone to rush out of marriage. Forgiveness and reconciliation are clearly near to the heart of Jesus’ life and message. That said, after many years of extensive study, thought, prayer, dialogue and debate, the elders of Watermark Community Church and community understand that God’s best for this body of believers is to handle the difficult topic of divorce (and subsequently remarriage) as follows:

Sexual Immorality: The “exception clause” for divorce (Matthew 19:3-9) which mentions sexual immorality (porneia) is not a permission slip or loophole which would allow or in any way recommend divorce as an appropriate action for an offended Christ follower. Just as God’s gracious covenant of love ultimately overcomes Israel’s infidelity (Jeremiah 3), the covenant love modeled by God’s people can, and should, overcome the immense pain and hurt of infidelity. As a result, where a spouse has been unfaithful, we are committed to counsel the faithful spouse to uphold the sacredness of the marriage covenant and to pursue and exhaust every means necessary to grant forgiveness and reconciliation (rather than expeditiously pointing him or her to the exception). The expectation of Scripture is that followers of Jesus first and always be for genuine repentance and restoration of the marriage by calling the unfaithful spouse to be reconciled to God.

Conclusion: There is a broad call on the believer’s life to a ministry of reconciliation and this certainly includes the Christian marriage. Even in cases of adultery in the marriage, divorce is never the first option and rarely the final option. We are fully committed to wisely and cautiously counseling toward repentance and restoration of the relationship. Though the humble work of forgiving, peacemaking and reconciliation may not be easy, the effort is worth seeing God glorified and His children walking in the light.

Suggested Scripture to Study: Genesis 2:18-24, Malachi 2:14-16, Jeremiah, Hosea, Matthew 19:3-9, Mark 10:1-12, Luke 16:18, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, Colossians 1:19-22

Abandonment: A tenderhearted marriage consisting of two Christ-followers is always God’s “ideal.” Hard hearts cannot support a marriage, and it is not uncommon to find a hard heart in the midst of a “mixed” marriage (i.e., one composed of a believing and an unbelieving spouse). Though Scripture suggests that a “mixed” marriage, once it exists, is preferable to divorce (1 Cor 7), the Scripture allows for divorce when an unbelieving spouse insists on divorcing a believing spouse.

Conclusion: Though the “mixed” marriage may end in divorce, the believing spouse is not given permission to initiate divorce. Rather (as mentioned in the sexual immorality conclusion above), the faithful, believing spouse should grant forgiveness, work through difficult circumstances and push for reconciliation.

Suggested Scripture Study: 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, 14-16, 1 Peter 3:1-2

Abuse: It is never our counsel to recommend to a spouse to stay physically present in a physically abusive situation. Additionally, in a home where there is physical abuse and physical danger to children, prudence (Proverbs 22:10) demands action. Where obvious danger exists for either a spouse or child, we support the execution of all appropriate means to bring the abuse to an immediate halt including separation, church discipline, police action, a court order and other kinds of intervention by church members, family and friends. When all means of biblical intervention have been deployed and yet denied by the unrepentant spouse, he or she will then be treated as an unbeliever. Should the unrepentant spouse (unbeliever) “force the issue” by insisting on divorce, Scripture calls the offended spouse to allow for divorce that is clearly initiated by the unrepentant spouse (unbeliever).

Conclusion: Though we realize that extreme cases of abuse may escalate to a level where an unrepentant spouse (unbeliever) abandons the offended spouse (believer), we stop short of stating that physical abuse, without appropriate biblical intervention, justifies divorce. Even in cases where divorce (legal action) is the only loving recourse to protect the sinning party from continuing in his/her sin, any action taken by the believing spouse is to be done with a heart toward eventual healing and reconciliation as God allows.

Suggested Scripture Study: Matthew 18:15-17, Romans 13:1-5, 1 Corinthians 7:12-16, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3: 12-17, 1 Peter 3:1-2


While there is a broad range of convictions on the issue of divorce among serious students of Scripture, there is an even greater variety of positions when it comes to remarriage. We are continually devoting ourselves to struggle in prayer on how to best honor Jesus and glorify God in our teaching/convictions on this issue. After carefully reading through the sexual immorality, abandonment and abuse sections above, an obvious “guiding principle” at Watermark Community Church is our call to a “ministry of reconciliation.” Before we ask when/if remarriage after divorce is permissible, we must first ask if reconciliation is a viable option. Even in the most heartbreaking cases of sexual immorality, the most perplexing cases of abandonment and the most gut-wrenching cases of abuse, as long as the former spouse has not remarried or is not deceased, we believe that reconciliation is a viable option. While in a season where the possibility of reconciliation exists, we believe it best honors Jesus that one should remain single or be reconciled in marriage to the ex-spouse.

Conclusion: Freedom to remarry is not determined by the guilt or innocence of either spouse, whether either spouse is a believer or not, nor by whether divorce happened before or after either spouse’s conversion. It is our humble conviction that freedom to remarry is to be considered permissible only when the former spouse is deceased or has entered into a marital covenant with another party.

Suggested Scripture Study: Deuteronomy 24:1-4, Matthew 19:3-9, Mark 10:1-12, Luke 16:18, Romans 7:2, 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, 15, 39

Given the above convictions before God, we, as elders of His church at Watermark Community Church, do not have conviction that it is honoring to God for any ordained or commissioned leader of our body to officiate a remarriage of an individual whose spouse is not either deceased or already remarried. Likewise, we do not believe it is appropriate to use the church’s facilities for a marriage in these circumstances.

We encourage our members to practice chastity and live a life of devotion and singleness, fully depending on and deepening in relationship with their Lord while they prayerfully wait for Him to win their separated/divorced spouse to Christ and then begin the process of restored trust and eventual reconciliation. Given the difficulty of absolute dogma on this issue, we extend grace and respect the individual believer’s right to understand God’s revealed Word to provide broader freedom. In these cases, we may, for the sake of the ministry (2 Corinthians 6:3), ask that these individuals not serve in ministries related to marriage, but will not consider them deserving of church discipline when great reverence for God’s Word, caution and humility before the community of God’s people is modeled.

We ask that grace and understanding is expressed toward our position/conviction even as we will extend and offer that to our brothers/sisters who find a broader freedom before the Lord. We pray that the love, care, sensitivity and humility we have sought in writing this document would be evident to all who read it and are affected by our leadership. It would seem appropriate to conclude this statement by expressing our gratitude that the cross of Christ is sufficient to cover all of our sin, and we pray with you that His Spirit continually guides us into all truth.

The post Watermark’s Pastoral Statement On Marriage, Divorce And Remarriage appeared first on Watermark Community Church Blog.

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Here are 5 prayers for reconciliation in relationships between spouses.

Prayer of Forgiveness

Righteous Father,

I know that You seek to have us always be in a right relationship with You and sometimes I do things that grieve You. I know that I do and say things that grieve my spouse too so I am asking You to give me the right words to say to be reconciled to my spouse.  I know I have made many mistakes and have asked for forgiveness from them but it seems that it hasn’t restored our marriage to where we’re both in a right relationship with one another and I know You desire us to be in one.  I need Your help.  Please send me Your Spirit to show me what I might have done wrong that I was not even aware of and soften my spouse’s heart to accept my faults and extend forgiveness to me so that we can worship You together in the way that is pleasing to You and in the way You intended a husband and a wife to be joined together in offering You thanksgiving, praise, and honor.  I know that in my own inadequacies I cannot fully understand how to always say the right words or do the right things but it is my desire to be reconciled with my beloved mate and it is in the strong name of and for the glory of the name above all names, Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen.

scripture for marriage reconciliation

Prayer of Blessing

Great God in heaven,

I am asking You for Your forgiveness for things that I have done to You that are clearly sinful for I am surely not sinless (1 John 1:8-10) and forgive me for those things that I have obviously done wrong to my spouse to hurt them and cause them pain.   I am asking You to bless my spouse and help them to understand how far I fall short of the perfect spouse and I pray for Your help in knowing how I can help to restore this relationship and make it more of the way You originally intended for us to have a right relationship with one another and with You.  I know that my prayers have sometimes been hindered because of my own stubborn heart and unwillingness to be a greater servant of my spouse and to love them in the way that You have loved me, even dying for me while I was Your enemy (Rom 5:10) and a sinner (Rom 5:9).  Please extend to me Your mercy and grace and allow me to treat my spouse in the way that You love me unconditionally and not treat them the way that I often do.  I need Your help in doing these things and again, bless my spouse and I thank You for my spouse and for Your forgiveness, love, and grace and in the precious name of the Savior, Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

Prayer of Reconciliation

Father in heaven,

You have reconciled me to Yourself through Your Son’s precious blood and so I am begging You to help me be reconciled to my beloved spouse.  Only You can change the human heart (Prov 21:1) so I ask You to change my heart to be one that seeks to humble myself and seek reconciliation in my relationship with my mate.  Too often I speak without thinking and I know my words hurt my spouse but this is no excuse for the things that I speak to them.  I ask for Your Spirit to be sent to help us be reconciled with one another as Your Son’s precious blood was shed for our being reconciled to You (2 Cor 5:18; Col 1:20).  This I pray for Your Son’s most holy name and for His glory, Amen.

Prayer of Restoration


You are in the restoration business; restoring me by giving me Your Spirit.  You have made me into a new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17) and I am pleading with You to help me restore this marital relationship with my beloved spouse.  How often have I done things out of pure selfish ambition and gain?  I cannot count the times where I was only looking out for my own interests and not that of my spouse.  Please forgive me for my selfishness and help our relationship be restored to the way it previously was.  I need Your help in doing this because I don’t always know the right thing to say or do and I lack Your wisdom in acting out of a sincere and genuine heart that is motivated only by serving my spouse and loving them in the way that You love me.  What more can I do to help in restoring this relationship to where You would have it be?  Help me to think, act, and speak in ways that would reflect Your own love and for this I pray in the precious name of the Great Son of God, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer of Repentance


I repent of my sins and my sins against my spouse.  I am so sorry and I need to tell You and my spouse that I have sinned.  Let me be humble in approaching them by telling them that I have sinned against them by the way that I have acted or by the words that I have used.  I know that I don’t always treat my spouse in the way that I am supposed to because there are many times that I am still more concerned about myself more than I am my spouse.  I need to esteem my spouse, to cherish my spouse, and to extend to them the same grace and mercy that You extended to me, even though I didn’t deserve it.  Help me to understand that I cannot fix relationships on my own.  Only Your Spirit can give me a tenderer heart and please soften my spouses heart too so that they can accept my apologies and to let them know that I often act out of impulse and pride.  Help me to know the right words to say to them so that I can show them that I have a repentant heart and seek to be reconciled to them in our relationship because the relationship between a husband and wife is supposed to reflect that of the relationship that Jesus Christ has with me and with the church.  For this I pray for the Son of God’s glory and in His name, Amen.

Final Thoughts

Maybe you’ve prayed such a prayer before.  I know I have and I also know that I’ll need to again being I am a fallen creature.  I need God’s help in knowing how to pray and how to seek forgiveness and to love my spouse in a way that shows her that I do and not just depend on words alone.  Can you comment by giving us your own prayer so that we might know what to pray and how to pray it?

Take a look at some Bible verses about marriage: Bible Verses About Marriage

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