Prayers for Satan
Table of contents
- 1 Satanic Prayer as a Spiritual Tool
- 2 How to Pray to Satan
- 3 When is the right time to pray to Satan?
- 4 Prayers for Satan
- 5 1. A Prayer to Guard Your Heart
- 6 2. A Prayer to Defend Your Mind
- 7 3. A Prayer to Calm Your Emotions
- 8 4. A Prayer to Cover Your Mouth
- 9 5. A Prayer to Protect Your Body
- 10 Part One of the Battle Prayer
- 11 Part Two of the Battle Prayer
- 12 Conclusion
Satanic Prayer as a Spiritual Tool
Here are some prayers for Satan for you to use in your time of need. This essay is for those who want to develop a spiritual relationship with Satan through the devotional act of prayer. For Spiritual Satanists, prayer can help to connect you with the force of Satan. Prayer allows you to have a personal relationship with Satan that you can work on every day, both in the ritual room, and outside of ritual work.
Satanic devotional prayer can be a useful tool in your spiritual journey in Satanism. Anyone with a sincere desire to get closer to Satan can pray to him. All it takes is a heartfelt motivation to reach out to his force and make it a part of you. Hopefully these prayers for Satan can help you in your situation.
There are no set rules in Spiritual Satanism that state that prayer to Satan is required. But if you do chose to pray you have an opportunity to bond with Satan in a personal way. When a prayer is said to Satan, it is not just said with words; it is felt with the heart as well. Prayer is a form of communication with the spiritually divine.
Prayer can be considered without devotion. Satanic prayer can be used as a spiritual tool without having the need to worship Satan. In this way you can remain independent while still having the spiritual connection that you need to feel close to Satan.
How to Pray to Satan
Praying to Satan is not complicated. All you have to do is say the words not just in your mind but in your heart. Reaching out to Satan in this way allows you to have a spiritual connection. When you pray to Satan you are speaking to him and his force, not just at him. Your words are not lost; Satan knows what is in your heart.
Prayer is best done in a quiet place, away from anyone who might interrupt you. Your prayer does not have to be done in your ritual chamber. Take a few moments beforehand to focus and think and feel why you are about to pray.
When is the right time to pray to Satan?
Prayer can be used to strengthen your bond with Satan. It can be used to give you personal strength or when you are seeking reassurance or comfort. It can also be used to give you clarity in a situation or to receive guidance. Prayer can be done outside of the ritual chamber at any time you feel it is necessary.
If daily devotional prayer interests you, this Satanic prayer may be used during a moment when you have time alone to be with Satan. In this prayer you align yourself with the forces of Satan, Lucifer, Belial and Lilith.
Prayers for Satan
Prayer for The Praise of Satan’s Kingdom
Praise, Hail Satan!
Glory be to Satan the Father of the Earth
and to Lucifer our guiding light
and to Belial who walks between worlds
and to Lilith the queen of the night
As it was in the void of the beginning
Is now, and ever shall be, Satan’s kingdom without End
so it is done.
Satanist’s Creed
The Satanist’s Creed is another prayer that you can use for devotion or praise for Satan. This prayer seeks to establish your devotion to Satan. This prayer can also be said after you complete your Pact with Satan, to affirm your relationship with Satan.
I believe in the force of Satan
The father of the void
Ruler of the earth king of the world,
And in Lucifer, the guiding light and the morning star above.
And Lilith, who seeded the world with her creation
I believe I am my own church
I hold the spirit of Satan within my heart;
I was born without the stain of sin
my spirit is one with Satan
As it is now and ever will be,
So it is done.
Prayer to Satan for Power
Use this prayer in your time of need, when you feel that you need to be empowered by the spirit of Satan.
Satan, grant me the power to be strong in spirit
Grant me the ability to see what is right for me
Grant me the wisdom to understand your ways
Grant me the knowledge to empower myself
Power in the name of Satan to break the bonds that hold me back
Power in the name of Satan to overcome my weaknesses
Power in the name of Satan to be strong within
Grant me the ability to know what is right for me
Grant me the vision to have wisdom in your ways
I accept your guidance and wisdom
In the name of Satan
Prayer to Satan for Money
Satan is the god of the material world, so why not ask for assistance? While you could also use magic for the same purpose, perhaps this prayer will help as well.
Satan thank you for the riches you have brought to me
Bring me victory in my desire to grow in riches
O, Satan, ruler of the material world
bring your abundance and mercy
grant me that which I desire
Fill me with your power and spirit
Satan’s Prayer
A popular prayer that has been interpreted among Satanists for many years.
Our Father
Who art in Hell
Cursed be thy name
Thy kingdom upon earth has come
Thy will be done in hell as it is on earth
Grant us your power and might
And lead us into temptation
Deliver us unto evil
Thine is the kingdom of earth
The power and the glory
Forever and ever
So it is done.
Satanic Prayer Aligns you with the Force of Satan
Prayer can be a useful tool in your relationship with Satan. All you have to do is make a conscious effort to reach out and Satan will listen. Prayers for Satan really work. But consider that prayer is so much more than just asking for things; it is a spiritual communication between you and Satan, and your opportunity to grow closer to Satan every day.
For more information on how to Pray with Satan visit the SpiritualSatanist Blog -> How do I Pray to Satan?
Also, read a note at the Spiritual Satanist Blog about a Prayer to Satan for Guidance and Protection
Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections
For those of you who want to make Satanic prayer a part of your daily life, read about my new book, the Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections. The Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book shows you how you can use prayer as a tool to become closer to Satan, Lucifer, Lilith and Belial.
Stop wondering how to connect with Satan when it’s just as easy as saying and feeling the mindful prayers that you will find in this book. This is a pocket sized book that you can take with you anywhere! Visit the Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections page here at the Spiritual Satanist site to find out more.
Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections
If you are new to Satanism take a moment to read the Satanism FAQ
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It’s true. You have an adversary who wants to attack your desires, your thoughts, even how you see and treat your body. So you and I need to be on guard against evil and Satan’s schemes.
According to 1 Peter 5:8, “Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (NASB). But God’s Word also gives us a strategy against those attacks by telling us to “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes…” (Ephesians 6:11-18). I find it interesting that every piece of “armor” described in that passage refers to the character of Christ. In other words, put on Christ-likeness – abide in Christ – and you will fend off the attacks of the enemy.
We abide in Christ through surrender and constant communion with Him. As you suit up with the armor of God, here are five prayers to pray against evil and Satan’s attacks on your heart, mind, emotions, mouth, and body.
1. A Prayer to Guard Your Heart
Lord God, Captain of my heart, Satan knows if I follow Your Greatest Commandment – to love You with all my heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37) – he is powerless over me. Guard my heart, Lord Jesus, so that it beats for You alone. Don’t let me grow complacent toward You or be lured to love anyone or anything more than You. Remove the idols from my heart so that You alone command my allegiance and utmost affections Help me to love and forgive others as You have forgiven me so the enemy can get no foothold through hate or bitterness on my part. Cultivate in my heart Your love that “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7, NASB). Finally, Lord, set my heart on things above, not on earthly things. Help me to remember that You died for me and my life is now hidden which Christ in God (Colossians 3:1-2). Increase my longing for heaven so this world holds no power over me.
2. A Prayer to Defend Your Mind
Almighty God, cover my mind with the helmet of Your salvation, reminding me constantly that I am Your child and the enemy can’t mess with me. Fix my thoughts, Lord Jesus, on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Help me to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise so Your peace will guard my mind (Philippians 4:8-9). Don’t let me copy the behavior and customs of this world, but transform me into a new person by changing the way I think. Then I will learn to recognize Your will for me which is good and pleasing and perfect (Romans 12:2, NLT). Saturate my mind with Your truth so I am convinced that the answers are found in Your Word, not out in the world.
3. A Prayer to Calm Your Emotions
Lord, keep the enemy at bay by calming my emotions with the peace of Your presence. Help me to follow Your command and not worry about anything, but pray about everything, with a thankful heart offering up prayers and requests to you so that You can give me that peace that no one can completely understand – a peace that will control the way I think and feel (Phil. 4:6-7, CEV). Remind me, daily, that You are the Only One who can meet my emotional needs so I don’t look to any person for my identity, validation, or for my love tank to be filled. Thank You that You are the God of peace, the God of order, the God who heals my wounds and helps me sort through and make sense of life. You are not the God of chaos or confusion. Fill me with Your Spirit so I may express to others only love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
4. A Prayer to Cover Your Mouth
Lord, Jesus, guard my mouth so that my words will be few. Help me to be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger (James 1:19). Don’t let me speak reckless words that can pierce like swords. Instead, give me a tongue that brings healing (Proverbs 12:18). Don’t let me give in to gossip or speak careless critical words that will wound others. Keep the enemy far from me so that no unwholesome talk comes out of my mouth but only what is helpful for building others up, according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Don’t let me grieve the Holy Spirit through my words (Ephesians 4:29-30).
5. A Prayer to Protect Your Body
Lord, I give my body to You. Let it be a living and holy sacrifice, the kind You will find acceptable (Romans 12:1, NLT). I know from Your Word that Satan can not sift me like wheat or even lay a hand on me without Your permission. So place Your hedge around me so that my body – Your temple – can be preserved, pure, holy, and healthy for You (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Block Satan’s attempts to make me doubt that I am “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) and don’t let me listen to his taunts to harm my body through neglect, contempt, addiction or abuse. I am Yours, Lord Jesus, and I want to glorify You in my body so keep me from Satan’s attempts and the temptations in this world and in my flesh to make me impure, to dress immodestly, to make my body a showcase or advertisement for evil or self glorification.
As you pray that God will develop the fruits of His Holy Spirit in every area of your life, you will be invincible through prayer to the one who seeks to tear you down and make you less like Christ.
Cindi McMenamin is a national speaker and best-selling author who helps women and couples find strength for the soul. She is the author of 15 books, including When Women Walk Alone (more than 125,000 copies sold), When a Woman Overcomes Life’s Hurts, When Couples Walk Together, (co-authored with her husband, Hugh), and her newest, 10 Secrets to Becoming a Worry-Free Mom. For more on her books, ministry, or free resources to strengthen your soul or marriage, see her website:
Publication date: September 7, 2016
This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can’t find the words to pray.
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Prayer for the Satanic Leader
You will need the following items for this spell:
Casting Directions for ‘Prayer for the Satanic Leader. Satanic Prayer’
Say 1X:
Lord Satan
Mighty One
Wisdom Incarnate, Speaker of Knowledge
I ask that you bestow your blessings on the leaders of the Satanic Community
Guide us, so we will serve you in the ways that you desire
Give us strength, to keep us going when things get tough
Bestow upon us wisdom, so we will know what to do in all situations
Inspire us to encourage one another, rather than tear each other down
So We’ll use our words to bless rather than curse
Yet push us to stand tall when we face things that are Incorrect
To fight if we have to, yet strive for peace
Help us, Father, to be there for your children-both the adept and the new
To guide them in learning what you have for them
To encourage them not to follow anyone but you and to find their own path
Let us not forget what it was like when we first came to you
The way you were gentle, patient and kind
To love as you love, teach as you instruct
We’re happy to be your servant; disclose to us the hidden things
Try us ; therefore we might be worthy of your affairs which you put in our hands
Bestow on us your covenant as we hope in you
Let us receive your counsel, not acting unless it is your will
It is an honor to serve you, Lord Satan
Thank you
May our lives be dedicated to you; may we be a reflection of who you are to the world
Watch over us and bless your people
Lord and Mighty Satan, can it be done according to your will
Several years ago, we received an email from a young man who had been raised up in a family who was directly involved with practicing Satanism and witchcraft. His grandmother had started it, and she then passed it down to her own daughter, who then became this man’s own mother. We were thus dealing with a generational curse line that was running down to at least two generations, if not possibly more.
By the time this man contacted us, he had already been saved 3 years earlier. The only problem he was still having was that the demons, who had attached to him as a result of his initial upbringing in this family, were still continuing to stay attached to him and were thus continuing to follow, harass, and attack him.
He told us that he felt the Lord had led him to our website so he could get the deliverance that he was looking for. Since he did not much knowledge in this area of our walk with the Lord, we went ahead and drew up a very special battle prayer for him to finally break the hold that these demons still had on him as a direct result of him being raised up in this satanic family.
This article will be an extension off the other article that we have in the Spiritual Warfare section of our site. The title of this other article is, “Deliverance from Satanism.” If by chance you too have been raised up in either a satanic family or some type of demonic cult, we ask that you first read this other article so you can see exactly what steps you will need to take in order to be able to receive your full deliverance through Jesus Christ.
This particular article will be dealing with one of those steps, but there are 8 more steps that you will need to take before you can get a full deliverance from the Lord. This other article will explain to you what each one of these other 8 steps will be.
In this article, I want to deal specifically with one of those steps – and that is how to fully break the legal rights of the demons as a result of you either being brought up into one of these types of satanic families, or if you have fallen into one of these types of evil cults at a later age as a result of some type of seduction, coercion, or brainwashing.
I will give you below the exact battle prayer that we had given to this young man to help break him free from the demons who were continuing to follow him and attack him. You can use the basic outline of this prayer and just plug in your own words and your own set of circumstances, as each one of these situations are going to be a little different from one another.
This prayer had two basic parts to it. The first part of the prayer will be where he will go before God the Father to confess out the major sins of his family, and also all of the major sins that he had personally committed while being raised up in this family. He then had to fully forgive all of those who had done these horrible things to him. The last thing that he will then need to do is to fully break the curse lines that had formed out between him and his mother and grandmother.
Once that was all done, we then led him into part two of the prayer. Part two is where he will then directly engage with the demons, telling them they will now have to leave him since all of their legal rights have now been fully broken with the Lord.
Here is the exact battle prayer in its complete entirety so you can see how to form out your own personal battle prayer if by chance you have been caught up in the same type of predicament as he was.
I will leave out this man’s name due to the very personal nature of this testimony. He has given us permission to release this battle prayer in its complete entirety so it can help others do the same thing for themselves if they have either been raised up in one of these types of satanic families, or if by chance they have fallen into one of these types of groups at a later date.
Part One of the Battle Prayer
1. The Full Surrender
In the name of Jesus, I now approach Your mighty throne of grace. I come before You with a very pressing need. As You already know, I was raised up in a family that practiced witchcraft and Satanism. As a result of this horrible upbringing, I know that demonic spirits have attached to me and they are still continuing to this very day to follow, harass, and attack me.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I want all of this to stop right now! I repeat, I have had enough of all of this and I want all of it to fully and finally end right now in the name of Jesus Christ!
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now want to be set fully free from these demons. I do not want to stay under this type of bondage and slavery any more. I know You have the full power to set me completely free and I am now going to step forward on that power so You can fully and finally set me free from both these demons and this cursed and abominable lifestyle that I was raised up in.
Father, before I can resist the devil to make him flee from me, I know I have to be fully submitted to You per this verse:
“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)
Father, I know this full submission to you is a complete and full surrender to You where I give you every part of my being and every part of my life for Your full control and direction.
Father, I once more, in the name of Jesus Christ, now fully surrender all of my soul, all of my spirit, all of my body, and all of my entire life into Your mighty hands. I am now all Yours. I belong to no one else in this life but You and from this moment on, You will be the only One who will lead and guide my life into the direction that You will want it to go in – not myself nor anyone else in my life – only You and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
2. Confess the Sins of Your Family to God the Father
Father, in the name of Jesus, I know the next step I must take with You before I can receive my full deliverance is to fully confess the sins of my family members who have been directly involved in this horrible and abominable lifestyle. The verse that I am grounding on is this one:
“But if they confess their iniquity and THE INIQUITY OF THEIR FATHERS, with their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to Me, and that they also have walked contrary to Me … then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and My covenant with Isaac and My covenant with Abraham I will remember …” (Leviticus 26:40, 42)
Father, here is a list of the sins both my grandmother and my mother have done before You. Father, I will also include the sins that I have been personally guilty of committing against You as a direct result of my upbringing in this family.
1. My grandmother would cut me on the top of my head for wisdom, cut me on my feet for protection, and also cut me on my back. She would then apply a satanic medicine on the cuts in order to give me what they thought was protection from their gods.
2. They took my semen away from me and they also burned the hair on my private parts, when they would then apply their special medicines on it. I do not know exactly why they did this, but it made me more sexually promiscuous, which I ended up being until I got saved through the blood of Your Son Jesus 3 years ago.
3. They made me sacrifice doves and sheep. I know now that the doves represented the Holy Spirit and the sheep represented Christians. This obviously was a trick of the devil to think they were appeasing him, but in fact they were blaspheming both You, Jesus, and Your precious Holy Spirit.
4. Both I and they engaged in palm reading and astrology. I know now they are both tools of the occult arts and that astrology and any kind of kind fortunetelling is completely prohibited in Your Word and that they are both an utter and complete abomination in Your sight.
5. They also made me take a vow that if I ever got married, that I was to sacrifice any children I would have to their gods.
6. I was also made to swallow beads and eat certain types of their special foods, which I know were both contaminated with the presence of demonic spirits.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now fully confess to you all of the above sinful activities that I was personally involved in with this group. I also fully renounce every single one of these sins – and I vow to You that I will never, ever engage in any of these sinful and vile activities ever again!
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now ask that You wash me completely clean from these horrible and abominable practices and sins. I now know that all of these demonic acts were sins and transgressions made directly against You. Lord, please wash me completely clean by the blood of Your Son Jesus so I can now become a perfect and fit vessel for Your use and for Your glory with whatever You will be calling me to do for You in this life.
3. Fully Forgive Your Mother and Grandmother For Their Sins Against You
Even though what my own mother and grandmother did to me was horrible and an abomination in Your sight, I now want to let You know that I will fully forgive them for all of their sins and trespasses made against me. Father, I know both judgment and vengeance belong to You in this life, not to me or anyone else.
Father, I am going to stand on the verse below that I must now fully forgive both of them as I cannot stand before You with this prayer unless I am first willing to fully forgive them for all of their sinful acts towards me:
“AND WHENEVER YOU STAND PRAYING, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that you Father in heaven may also forgive your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.” (Mark 11:25)
Father, I now ask that you please have mercy on both of their souls. My grandmother has already passed on so I know her judgment has already been set by You. However, my own mother is still alive.
Father, I ask that You please make a special strong and mighty move on my mother before she dies and departs from this life. I ask that You please show Yourself to her in a mighty and powerful way so she knows that You are real and that the gods she is worshiping are nothing but the devil and his fallen angels who are masquerading as angels of light.
Lord, please use me in any way You see fit as a instrument to try and get her saved. I do not want my mother to go to hell. I want her to be fully saved under the shed blood of Your Son Jesus Christ just like I have been.
Lord, please forgive her – please have mercy on her – and please move on her as soon as possible so she can see Your saving grace and Your mighty hand and glory like I have seen.
4. Break the Curse Lines of the Demons
As a result of my upbringing in this Satanic group, I know now that there is a generational curse line that I am dealing with as a direct result of my grandmother passing on this horrible practice down to her own daughter, which is now my own mother.
Father, I now want to come against this curse line and fully break every single inch of it so these demons no longer have any type of legal right or hold on me – ever again! I know this generational curse line has been the main legal right these demons have been feeding and operating on to be able to continue to attack me like they have been doing over all of these years.
Father, this all stops right now! I repeat, all of this stops right now in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ!
Father, I now ask, in the name of Your precious Son Jesus Christ, that you break every single inch, every single abominable part of this curse line right now in the name of Jesus Christ. I ask that You completely sever and completely demolish every single inch of this curse line so that these demons have absolutely nothing else left to hold onto to continue to attack me like they have been doing.
Father, as Your newly saved and born again child, I now know that I also have Your power available to me to trample over all the power of my enemy, and that I can also use Your power to break this legal right they have had over me over all of these years. Father, You have told us in Your Word that:
“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)
Father, I now want to take this extra bold step myself based upon the wording of this verse and wield Your sword to completely sever and completely break this generational curse line so these demons never, ever come back against me – ever again!
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now completely cut and completely sever, with Your Word, every single inch of this blasphemous curse line. I now command, in the name of Jesus Christ, that every single inch of this curse line be fully and completely broken. I repeat, I now command that every single inch of this evil curse line be completely broken and completely severed in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Father, I now have full faith and belief that the curse line these demons have been feeding and operating on has now been fully broken and completely severed in the name of Jesus, and that there is now nothing else left for any of them to be able to hold onto. They are now all ready to be cast out from me and my life for good in the name of Jesus Christ.
Part Two of the Battle Prayer
1. Prayer Before God the Father
All of the legal rights these demons have had over me over all of these years have now been finally and fully broken. They now have absolutely nothing else left to hold onto. It is now time to engage with these demons to cast them off me and out of my life for good.
Father, as a born-again child now under Your wing of protection, I now want to take the full power and the full authority that you have given me in the Holy Spirit and I now want to take these demons head on – operating under Your power, Your authority, and Your anointing to drive them off me.
Father, You have said in Your Word that “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out all of their troubles.” (Psalm 34:17)
You have said in Your Word that “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me.” (Psalm 138:7)
Father, in Jesus name, I now ask that You send me into battle to cast these demons out of my life for good.
You say in Your Word that You can “make me bold with strength in my soul” (Psalm 138:3) and that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
Father, since I have now fully surrendered every part of my life into Your hands – I now want to take a hold of the verse that says to “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)
Since I am now fully submitted to You – I am now ready to resist Satan and all of his demons who have been attacking and tormenting me over all of these years. Your Word tells me that Satan and his demons will now flee if I pick up my sword, which is Your Word, and directly engage with them.
Father, in the mighty name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I now ask that You stir Yourself up as a Man of War and go before me to take out this defeated foe. Your Word tells me that “The Lord is a man of war.” (Exodus 15:3)
Your Word tells me that “The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war … He shall prevail against His enemies.” (Isaiah 42:13)
Father, in Jesus name, I now ask that You stir up Your zeal like a mighty Man of War off the wording of this verse. I now ask that You go before me as a consuming fire. Your Word tells me that “The Lord your God is He who goes over before you as a consuming fire. He will destroy them and bring them down before you; You shall drive them out and DESTROY THEM QUICKLY …” (Deuteronomy 9:3)
Your Word tells me that You will go before me and “make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron.” (Isaiah 45:2)
Father, these demons have kept me prisoner long enough. I now ask that You go before me to make this crooked path totally straight again and that you fully break the bars that have been holding me captive over all of these years. I ask that You now completely cut and completely sever the cords of these evil and wicked spirits.
Father, I now ask that You anoint me from head to foot with Your anointing, with Your power, and with Your authority to take these demons head on and drive them out of my life for good.
You have already told us in Your word that “in my name they will cast out demons,” (Mark 16:15) and that You gave the early apostles the “power over unclean spirits” and that “they cast out many demons.” (Mark 6:7)
Father, not by my might, but by Your Holy Spirit I will engage with and defeat these demons once and for all! Father, Your Word tells me that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.
Your Word tells me that I have been given “the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me” (Luke 10:19) and that “Through You we will push down our enemies, through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us.” (Psalm 44:5)
Father, now is the time! Now is the time to drive this enemy out of my life once and for all!
Father, Your Word tells me that the Sword of the Holy Spirit is Your Word. Father, in Jesus name, let your Word be my Sword! Father, I repeat, let Your Word be my Sword so I can now drive these demons out of my life for good!
2. Verbally Engaging With the Demons
(Hold the paper in your left hand and hold out your right hand against the demons as you are speaking out the following commands against them. The right hand of God is His hand of deliverance. As his representative, you have the legal right to be able to do this. SPEAK ALL OF THIS OUT LOUD TO THE DEMONS SO THEY CAN HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR)
“I am now speaking to every single demonic spirit that is attached to me – whether you are attached to me from the inside or whether you are attached to me on the outside. It makes no difference to the Lord right now since I have fully surrendered my entire being and my entire life over to the Lord. I now belong to God the Father and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I now belong to no one else but to Them.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, you have held a legal claim over my life ever since I was born into my family. My family has been practicing witchcraft and Satanism since the time I was born. My grandmother started it and she then passed it down to my mother who then pulled all of us children into it.
With my grandmother starting all of this, I now know that I am dealing with a generational curse line with all of you. But I have just prayed to God the Father and all of those curse lines have now been fully broken, fully severed, and fully demolished by the power of the Holy Spirit. I repeat, all of the curse lines that you have set up with me through my grandmother and my own mother have now been fully broken, fully severed, and fully demolished – all in the name of Jesus Christ!
I have also confessed every single sin that I have been personally guilty of committing while being raised up in my family. I have also renounced every single one of these sins before the Lord.
Demons, all of your legal rights and all of your legal claims over me and my life are now gone. There is now nothing else left for any of you to be able to hold onto. Your legal claims over me and my life are now completely null, void, and dead! I repeat, all of your legal claims and all of your legal rights over me and my life have now been rendered completely null, void, and dead by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Every single one of you, whether you are on the inside of me or are on the outside of me, now have to go. I repeat, each and everyone of you will now have to leave me and depart from me and my life for good.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, I am now coming directly against each and every one of you. I have now taken the full authority, the full power, and the full anointing from God the Father and Jesus Christ to break every single strand of the curse line that was operating between me and my mother and me and my grandmother.
I repeat, as a born-again child of the Most High God, I have now taken full and complete authority over this curse line and I have now completely broken and completely severed every single part of it. There is now nothing left between me and my mother and me and my grandmother. You thus no longer have any further legal rights to continue to follow, harass, or attack me – ever again!
Father – I now plead the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over every single inch of my soul, over every single inch of my spirit, and over every single inch of my body to give me a full protective covering. I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ over every single square inch of the house that I am now currently living in.
Demons, the Word of God is now my Sword! I repeat, the Word of God is now my Sword!
I am now taking up my sword, which is the Word of my God, which is the Word of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – and I am now coming against each and everyone of you, whether you be on the inside of me or whether you be on the outside of me.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now plead the blood of Jesus against each and everyone of you. I repeat, I now plead the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you. Your time is now up. You now have to leave me and you are to never, ever come back against me – ever again!
Demons, I now command you, in the name of Jesus Christ, GO NOW! I repeat – demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, GO NOW and do not ever come back on me or in this house ever again! Be forever banished from my presence – in the name of Jesus Christ!
Father, Jesus – I now fully believe that all of these demons are now gone and out of my life for good.
Father, I now ask that You enter me into Your perfect will for my life. I now ask that You fully guide me on a daily basis as to exactly what You will want me to do for You. I now ask that You lead me into the divine calling that you already have set up for my life. I now ask that You lead me to the next job that You will want me to have.
Father, from this moment on, I will serve and only follow You. Father, show me how to be guided by Your Holy Spirit. Teach me all of Your ways through Your Word. Help keep me on this walk so I do not stumble or trip. Lead me to the girl You would like me to marry if it is in Your perfect will that I get married in this life. Lead me to my calling in You so I can accomplish everything that You would like me to accomplish for You before I leave this world to be with You and Jesus for all of eternity. Use my testimony for Your glory.
Father, Jesus – thank you so much for hearing my prayers. Thank you so much for delivering me from these demons and this evil satanic lifestyle. Thank you so much for the new life that You have now given me.
Father, I now only live to worship, serve, and follow You.
In Jesus name – Amen.
I know some of the above activities that this group was involved in is rather graphic and disturbing. But Satan and his demons have now become nothing less than pure evil, and when they can get a group of people to fall under their direct influence and do their evil bidding – then you will see these types of evil, horrible, and vile acts being committed on their behalf.
Again, to any of you who have either been raised up in these types of demonic groups or families, or if by chance you have fallen into one of them at a later date, there is a light for you at the end of your storm cloud tunnel – and that light is Jesus Christ Himself.
No matter how hopeless you think your situation may be, there is absolutely nothing that Jesus Christ cannot overcome if you will only be willing to reach out to Him and allow Him to pull you out of the evil pit that you now find yourself trapped in.
Again, go to our article, “Deliverance from Satanism,” and follow the 9 steps that we are giving you in there. If you do, Jesus Christ will then personally show up and deliver you from the satanic bondage that you now find yourself enslaved in.