Sample prayers for prayer meeting

Here is a collection of Prayers for Meetings of any kind: Business meetings, Sunday school meetings, church or family meetings, and prayer meetings.

Opening Prayer for Meeting

Lord, we are meeting today to conduct matters
of business. Guide our hearts and our minds in the
spirit of fairness, right thought and speech. Impart your
supreme wisdom upon our activities so that our affairs
may reach a successful conclusion. Thank you for being
our source of guidance today. Amen!

Read our full collection of Opening and Closing Prayers

Prayer to Come to an Agreement

Dear God, we seek your help with our affairs today.
Bless this meeting with your divine intelligence, and
help us to make the best use of our own. We are
of diverse opinion here. Yet we wish to mend our
differences and reach agreement satisfactory to all.

Please share a little of your wisdom with us to help
us do right by all concerned. Thank you for your
Heavenly blessing. Amen!

Sunday School Meeting

O God, we thank You for this privilege of meeting
today in Your house. Help us worship You
acceptably. Bless Your word to us all.

Bless our pastor and people, in the name
of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.!

School Board Meeting Prayer

Loving and Gracious God, you are indeed the giver of all good gifts
and we thank you today for all your blessings, for the successful outcomes
of our school events and for all our staff members, both the teaching and
support members.

We ask that you bless them abundantly and we continue to seek your wisdom,
guidance, courage and strength. Be with us in our deliberations and help us
to be wise in the decisions we make for the good of all those who have placed
their trust and confidence in our leadership.

Give us insight to lead with integrity that our decisions may reflect what is
right and good. Keep us from short-sightedness and pettiness. Help us to make
decisions that are for the good of all and guard us from blind self interest.
Dear Lord, grant us the humility to always seek your will in all that we do and say.

All Glory be to you, loving God, now and always through Christ and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.

Hosting a prayer meeting? Check out these great Prayer Meeting Ideas.

Family Meeting Prayer

Our family gathers today in joyous occasion,
thanks to our Lord who looks after us all.
Bless this happy meeting and may we all
be praised in Your gracious name!

Prayer Request: Post Your Own “Prayers for Meetings”


If you’d like, you can post your prayer below so the PrayWithMe community can help pray with you.

Rules for Posting: All prayers are posted publicly through to this site. Don’t use full names or any other identifying information that you wouldn’t want out on the web.

Don’t post with ALL CAPS, and try to use proper spelling and grammar.

If you can, help pray for others and post comments of support.

Recent prayer requests…

Tap below to see prayers from other visitors to this site.

  • Meeting Boss- O Lord Jesus Christ, I pray for Thy intentions regarding my meeting with my employer Jason Allen Alexander so that he pays me salary. Amen. …
  • Prayer- God bless sporting, chambering, the manner of as the earth with my friends and I and sisters in all the churches in the town I… …
  • Prayer for my son’s to meet good women- Please pray for my son’s to meet good women who will change their lives for the better and make them happy. In the name of… …
  • Prayer for my son’s to meet good women- Please pray that my son’s will meet good women who will change their lives for the better and make them happy. …
  • Breakthrough for church growth and personal- Lord I pray for a supernatural growth in our church from this day forth. Let Your holy and loving presence fall on all those who… …
  • Career guidance- I pray for God’s guidance and favour as embark on career development. May my goals be achieved, may I make the correct decisions, may God’s… …
  • My marriage in falling apart- I’m really worried an extremely emotional for the past eight and a half years on my marriage to John Visconti it’s never been a normal… …
  • Finding love- Lord help me bear the weight of solitude and loneliness. Give purpose to my life and courage to see the good things around me. My… …
  • Perseverence- I have a meeting with my department boss tomorrow. My relationship with prior person who held that position seemed better for whatever reason(s). I hope… …
  • Relationship- Lord am in love with a man for 4 years and we were very happy with each other and suddenly something happened and now he… …
  • Healthy Baby- Please keep my pregnant daughter in your hands. Fill her with love for the new baby and bring prosperity to this little family. Thank you! …
  • Ministry in Egypt- Pray for Our Ministry in Egypt , Our Ministry name is (New Seasons) our Ministry meeting every Saturday , Pray for The Holy Spirit Presence… …
  • Special Silent Request- God would arrange a meeting for someone I have been praying for–would love to see what God has been doing in this families life: if… …
  • Praying request for my VISA interview- Hi Brother/Sister, Kindly pray for my VISA interview results to be positive for my US work permit. and for my mother’s health Thanks …
  • God’s Favour- I have a meeting with the financial advisor at the college I was accepted into and I would like if some of you would pray… …
  • Marriage need saving- My husband is a person who fusses about everything and always talks mean to me each day, I never fuss or talk harsh to him… …
  • For my life- Please, God helps you know about my life. I need this house to help to find something the end of this month. I need husbands… …
  • Friendship- I pray for a true friendship. I pray for a friend for my mother in law Lorraine. She is lonely and needs a new friend… …
  • Courage to fellowship- Heavenly Father I need resources or specific help from you to stop letting fear take me from Your will for my life. I need more… …
  • Relationship- Dear God please help me I had to take a CAT scan with contrast and can you please let my results being negative I just… …

More prayers posted in: Meetings

Saying a prayer before a meeting is just one way to bring the Holy Spirit near. As in Matthew 18, 20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Here is a look at some great sample prayers for meetings.

Prayer #1

As we gather here in the harbour of your safety
We thank you for fellowship and family.

We ask that you will strengthen us, restore us and inspire us with your love.
Lord, would fill us with your peace
So that as we journey onwards
We would pour out your love and grace to others.
We ask that our souls would catch the wind of your spirit
so that we would take your promises to all the earth.


Prayer #2

Dear Father,

We thank you for everyone gathered here now.
Thank you that you know each of us by name and have caused us to walk with You.
We say that we are dependant on You and our trust is in You completely.
As we surrender ourselves in adoration we ask that You would come by Your Holy Spirit and inspire our hearts today.

Come fill our lives with Your love,
Fill our conversations with Your grace and truth,
Fill this meeting with Your presence.

We ask this for Your glory and praise.


Prayer #3

Dear Lord and Father,

Thank you that you promise us that where two or three are gathered you are there in the midst.
Lord we welcome You amongst us today and celebrate the gift of life that you have lavished upon each of us.
We ask that You would open our ears so that we may hear your voice.

Open our minds so that we may receive Your eternal wisdom.
Open our spirits so that we may know Your leading and guidance.
And open our hearts so that we may receive Your wonderful love.

We ask all this in the glorious name of Jesus.


Prayer #4

God, you have made the heavens and the earth.
You have revealed your beauty in creation
and inspired the book that we are now about to study.
Please help us now as we read together.
Take us deeper into understanding more about you
and your love for us.


Prayer #5

Lord, you have entrusted use as stewards of your creation
Please guide our hearts as we make our decisions
We seek you first in all we do together
We give you our business, our suppliers, our customers and our workforce
May we be always mindful of their service
We confess that we are nothing without you
And our trust is in you completely

Prayer #6

As we gather here in the harbour of your safety
We thank you for fellowship and family.

We ask that you will strengthen us, restore us and inspire us with your love.
Lord, would fill us with your peace
So that as we journey onwards
We would pour out your love and grace to others.
We ask that our souls would catch the wind of your spirit
so that we would take your promises to all the earth.

Prayer #7


May your goodness and love be present amongst us today.
Come bless our gathering with unity, hope and vision.
Lord, we pray for unity.
Build in us all a deep respect for one another so that your church may be one.
Lord, we pray for hope.
Come stir your hope within our hearts and renew our faith.
Lord, we pray for vision.
May your vision fill our lives as we seek to reveal your love.
We ask all this in the glorious name of Jesus.


Prayer #8

Heavenly Father,

Fill us with your spirit and courage so that we might bring our talents and gifts to this important work.
Open our minds to the task at hand. Open our ears to each other. Open our hearts to your will.
We make this prayer in your name.

Prayer #9


Look lovingly on this group gathered here.
During this meeting, as we discuss and deliberate on issues of importance to this school, help us to be guided by you Spirit.
May we be wise in our discernment, balanced in our judgment, fair in our decision and visionary in our planning.
Though we may, at times, have differing views, may we listen to one another and be guided by our common goals.
May we always be mindful in our words and actions of what is best for all children in our school.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,


Prayer #10

We ask you to preside over our meeting and our labours, and to bless all our endeavours.
Help us to build a community united in harmony of love and service.
Watch over our families at home, at work and at school.
We thank you, Lord, for everything that widens our knowledge and equips us more fully for the task of life and living.
Give us the knowledge and prudence which will enable us to live our life well.
Teach us to know our own weaknesses that we may ever be on our guard against them.
Teach us to know our own strengths that we may use, to the full, the gifts and talents which you have given us.
Help us to share a loving concern for each other at all times.
Above all, Lord, help us to really know you, for this is the beginning and end of all wisdom, this is eternal life.


Here is a collection of great prayers to share before your next meeting or training session. These will help to keep your mind, body, and soul in focus.

About the Author of this Blog Post Crystal Ayres has served as our editor-in-chief for the last five years. She is a proud veteran, wife and mother. The goal of ConnectUs is to publish compelling content that addresses some of the biggest issues the world faces. If you would like to reach out to contact Crystal, then go here to

send her a message


Greetings: Good evening Brothers & Sisters! Welcome to our community. Once again, tonight, we will celebrate the goodness of the Lord! So, are we ready to praise the Lord?

Sing a Holy Spirit Song.Opening Prayer:Oh, Holy Spirit, once again we pray for a Spirit-filled prayer meeting tonight. Send forth your power to recreate us, giving us a new life. Help us to know Jesus in a more intimate way. We ask you oh Holy Spirit that you anoint our prayers, the music, the prayers, the topics and the ears of those who will listen. Send your Holy Angels to be with us and guard us against negative forces. Fill us, cleanse us, mold us and heal us in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

God is Good? ….(all the time), And all the time….(God is good)
Let us sing with all our hearts, with all our minds and with all our strength.
Leeeeet’s sing to the Lord!!!!

Sing Joyful songs.
Adoration Prayer:Praise you! Praise you, Jesus. We glorify you, we magnify you. We give you all the honor and adoration. Yes, Lord.. because you are our God. The God of the Universe. The King of all kings and the Lord of all lords. Yes, sweet Jesus, You are. There is none like you. Thank you for loving us.

Contrition Prayer:Brothers and Sisters, listen to the Lord’s promptings and not your own feelings or desires. Let the Holy Spirit touch you in a personal way. Surrender to our Lord your cares, sorrows and fears, and ignore anything that is negative and anything that will hinder you in coming to the Lord to receive guidance, healing and forgiveness tonight. God loves you. He loves you so much. Not only that He humbled himself when he became human, he went farther than that, he died for us. There is no greater love than the great love of Jesus for us.

So before we enter His throne of grace, let us bring to mind all the sins that we have committed as we sing this song of forgiveness.

Sing a Contrition Song.Yes, Lord. We are sorry for all our sins. All the sins that we have committed consciously and unconsciously. Especially Lord when we become too proud of ourselves and our achievements in life and can no longer see our own sins because they have been blocked with our arrogance and pride. Help us to have a pure and contrite hearts, to be blameless, to strive to be perfect in your eyes. Enlighten when our hearts are darkened with sins. Give us your peace and joy. Help up to love the sinner but hate the sin, to welcome the poor, the unknown, the unimportant and the needy and not to look for a status symbol in a person. Help us to be simple and humble always. To be like you in all our actions, words and deeds. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sing Worship songsContinue to praise and worship God in words and in tongues.

Praying over the Love Offering Box: Lord, we praise and thank you for this love offering that your beloved servants have given from the goodness of their hearts. We pray that you bless and multiply this love offering and guide us in using them in accordance to your will and glory.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Praying over the Petition Box:

Lord, we lift up to you this petition box. Lord, you know our hearts and our desires, we ask that you look upon this petitions with mercy and love. Grant us also the gift of expectant faith and the grace to accept your will for us.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

End the prayer meeting with:Our Father……

Hail Mary…..
Glory be…

A Sample Prayer for Personal Character

Abba Father, thank you for bringing me into your family. May I never disappoint you in the way I treat others. May they see in me the qualities of character that can only be attributed to your presence in my life. To you be the glory and the honor, forever and ever, through Jesus my Lord. Amen. ~Phil  Ware

A Sample Prayer of Personal Renewal

(When you are unsure of where you will spend eternity) Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. Amen

Graduation Prayer

Father, I have knowledge, so will You show me now, How to use it wisely and find a way somehow To make the world I live in a little better place, And make life with its problems a little bit easier to face. Grant me faith and courage and put purpose in my days, And show me how to serve Thee in effective ways. So my education, my knowledge and my skill May find their true fulfillment as I learn to do Thy will. And may I ever be aware in everything I do, That knowledge comes from learning, and wisdom comes from You. Amen.

Prayer of Commitment to Marriage

Heavenly Father, thank you that you love each of us and want us to experience wholeness and hope in our lives. You see when we fail to live according to your ideals and instead find ourselves in a broken relationship. Help us to be willing to accept our own responsibility in this and be willing to ask for forgiveness and to extend forgiveness. May we never retaliate when we feel wronged, but help us to make choices that would show that we have made a commitment of love which we will keep. May we never take this commitment lightly but choose to work at our marriage. May we also realize that sometimes renewal of relationships takes time. May each of us determine to demonstrate patience, kindness and love in how we interact with each other. We ask this in the name of our loving Lord. Amen. – Anne Nickel

A Morning Prayer

“Dear Lord, I give you my hands to do Your work; I give You my feet to go Your way; I give You my eyes to see as You see; I give You my tongue to speak Your words; I give You my mind that You may think in me; I give You my spirit that You may pray in me. Above all, I give You my heart that You may love in me – love the Father and love all humankind. I give You my whole self, Lord, that You may grow in me, so that it is You who lives, works and prays in me. Amen.”

Benediction Prayer

Therefore, may the blessing of the LORD be upon you, and may you know the joy of putting his name upon others.  For indeed, blessed are those who walk in the light of God’s face.    ~Jill Carattini

→ How to Walk under the direction of the Holy Spirit

A Prayer – When You are Fearful

Father God, I am feeling fearful today. Life seems to be uncertain and out of control. I recall that the Bible tells me ‘Perfect love casts out fear’. You alone are Perfect Love, so would you please cast out the fear I feel and replace it with confidence in your sufficiency. Psalm 121 tells me that you never slumber or sleep, so I will trust you to take care of me – moment by moment, day by day. In Jesus name. Amen

A Prayer about Commitment

Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. For it is your business, not mine. You will know every shade of my suffering; You will care for me with your perfect fatherhood. -George Mac Donald

→ How to Commit your Spirit to God

Please Make Me New!

Heavenly Father, Thou hast made me, be pleased to new-make me. I am thy work, complete me; I am thy harp, tune me; I am thy child, teach me. – Charles  Spurgeon

→ Article on How to Become a New Person

In God’s Will

Lord Jesus, keep me in Your will. Don’t let me go mad by poking about outside it. -Corrie Ten Boom

→ Knowing God’s will for your Life

A Prayer of Confession

Forgive us, Lord . . . for the things we have done that make us feel uncomfortable in Your presence. All the front that we polish so carefully for men to see does not deceive You. For you know every thought that has left its shadow on our memory. You have marked every motive that curdled something sweet within us. We acknowledge–with bitterness and true repentance–that cross and selfish thoughts have entered our minds; we acknowledge that we have permitted our minds to wander through unclean and forbidden ways; we have toyed with that which we knew was not for us; we have desired that which we should not have. We acknowledge that often we have deceived ourselves where our plain duty lay. We confess before You that our ears are often deaf to the whisper of Thy call, our eyes often blind to the signs of your guidance, Make us willing to be changed, even though it requires surgery of the soul and the therapy of discipline. Make our hearts warm and soft, that we may receive now the blessing of Your forgiveness, the benediction of Your “Depart in peace . . and sin no more.” Amen -Peter Marshall

→ How to Remain Guilt Free

A Prayer for When You Need Wisdom and Direction

Father God, there are so many decisions to make and I don?t seem to know what is the best for now or for the future. You said if we lack wisdom, all we need to do is ask you. I really need you to pour wisdominto my mind today. Thank you!

A Prayer for Success

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain.” So God granted him what he requested. I Chronicles 4:10 NKJV  

A Prayer for When You are Weak or Ill

Father, I am feeling lousy today. I ache all over and feel very weak. You said that your grace was sufficient for me. Please strengthen me. Give me joy in spite of how I feel physically. Amen

A Prayer for the Young Women of the World

Father God, thank you for all the young women in the world. Give them dreams that are bigger than themselves–so they will have to trust you to make their dream come true. Give them a will and heart to be all you created them to be. Help them to work hard and be successful. Enable them to be generous to those who are less fortunate. Give them hearts full of love and compassion. Give them the strength to say “no” to activities that they would later be remorseful about–that they would do what is right for them and for the world around them. Help them to be kind to others. Protect them from people who would harm them physically, emotionally and mentally. Let them know that allowing You to direct their way is the smartest thing they can do. In Jesus wonderful and powerful name. Amen

→ Getting the Power to Live

A Prayer for Others

Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give Your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend Your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest Your weary ones. Bless Your dying ones. Soothe Your suffering ones. Pity Your afflicted ones. Shield Your joyous ones. And all for Your love’s sake. Amen – Augustine of Hippo

A Prayer for Prodigals

Prayer FROM ISAIAH 33 (Taken from Living in His Presence by Sylvia Gunter) Isaiah 33: 33:2:  Oh Lord, be gracious to us who stand and pray for these wayward ones _____________.  We have long waited for You to intervene.  Be our strength every morning and our salvation in this distress.  Keep us steadfast in intercession with clean hands and a pure heart. 33:5:  Lord, be exalted, for You are the King.  Fill the home of Your covenant families with Your righteousness. 33:6:  Be the sure foundation for our times and provide us a rich store of salvation, wisdom and knowledge.  Let us know the fear of the Lord, which is the key to Your treasury of good gifts and answered prayer. 33:10:  Arise, Lord, stand up and show Your power to all these children of Yours. 33:13:  Stop the wayward ones whose hardened hearts are running away from You.  Make them hear what You have done for them.  We stand in prayer and acknowledge that Your power alone can release these loved ones from their captivities. 33:15:  O consuming Fire, cause _________ to walk righteously and speak what is right, to reject dishonesty, to stay away from wickedness and to reject the conspiracies of destruction and death through the bondage’s and addictions in their lives. 33:17:  Let ________’s eyes see their King, bow their knees and acknowledge that You reign in the universe and have rightful claim on their lives as their Lord. 33:19:  This is spiritual warfare, and the evil one has fiercely and violently contested for ________’s life.  The battle is the Lord’s, and Jesus is the Victor, so their parents and family stand in Your authority to receive Your promises of victory.  Let _______ not be consumed with arrogance, self-centeredness and rebellion any longer.  Free them from the oppression of everything that is foreign to Your purposes for their life. 33:20:  You have the power to make _______’s life an offering of service and worship before You.  You are at work in them to will and to do Your good pleasure.  Set them in Your peace, stability and permanence. 33:21:  Be their Mighty One, a wide river of defense and protection that no enemy can cross to destroy their life. 33:22:  You ARE THE Judge, the Lawgiver and the King.  Save _________ as You promised. 33:24:  Break the power of iniquity that binds them, and forgive them completely of all their sins.  Restore _______ to health?body, soul and spirit.  We ask in Jesus? name, Amen. Used by permission.

A Prayer for When You Need more Faith

“Teach me to treat all that comes to me with peace of soul and with firm conviction that your will govern all. Amen.” -Elisabeth Elliot

A Prayer When You Want to be Reflecting Christ

Lord, make my life A window for Your light to shine through and a mirror to reflect Your love to all I meet. Amen.

Make Me an Instrument

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.”  St. Francis of Assisi

A Prayer When You Feel like You have Failed.

Dear God, The little plans I tried to carry through Have failed. I will not sorrow. I’ll pause a little while, Dear God, And try, again, tomorrow.

A Prayer for a Dream

Father, Once I had such big dreams, so much anticipation of the future. Now no shimmering horizon beckons me: my days are lack-luster I see so little of lasting value in the daily round. Where is your plan for my life? You have told us that without vision, we perish. So, Father in heaven, knowing that I can ask You to deposit in my mind and heart that particular dream, the special vision You have for my life. And along with the dream, will You give me whatever graces, patience, and stamina it takes to see the dream through to fruition? I sense that may involve adventures I have not bargained for. But I want to trust You enough to follow even if you lead along new paths. I admit to liking some of my ruts. But I know that habit patterns that seem cozy nests from the inside, from Your vantage point may be prison cells. Lord, if you break down any prisons of mine before I can see the stars and catch the vision, then, Lord, begin the process now. In joyous expectation. Amen. -by Catherine Marshall

A Prayer for Conflict Resolution

Dear God, when your son Jesus died and rose from the dead, He broke down walls of hostility. Father, you know the conflict I am having right now. I don’t know how to resolve it. You are our Savior. Please save and restore this relationship. Amen

→ Why is M y Marriage in a State of Conflict?

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

For health and strength and daily food, We praise your name, O God. Amen

Sample Prayers before Meals

Bless us oh Lord and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, through thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord…Amen

Thank you Lord, for the food for which you have provided and for the friends and family with whom to share it.  Amen

Dear Lord, Bless this food which we are about to partake in and bless our conversation that it may be glorifying to you.  Amen

For health and strength and daily food we give thee thanks Oh Lord

A Prayer for our Children and Grandchildren

Lord, I am so glad that you know each of our children and grandchildren by name. Thank you for sending a whole hedge of angels around each child. Thank you for protecting them all today. Father, would you please turn their minds and hearts toward You and pleasing you. Thank you!

A Prayer for When You are Down-Sizing (Moving)

Lord, I really don’t what to move. I like it here – there are so many memories. I am comfortable here because it is familiar. I know it is to large for me (us) now, to much work, but I have such mixed feelings. I don’t like the thought of all the changes. I am so glad you never change. You are and always will be a constant in my life. Help me to remember that when I am packing and unpacking. Amen.

Prayer for a Pastor

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of leadership you have given to our pastor. It is a holy calling. It’s a calling to watch over himself and the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made him overseer. The church has been bought with the blood of your son, on the cross. The responsibility you have given to our pastor is awesome. He too is tempted and tried by the enemy. He has many responsibilities be it in his family or in the community and so it is our prayer that he would be kept from the evil one and that you would empower him to live a godly life, so that out of his fullness he would share the message of the gospel boldly. Help our pastor this week as he searches the Word and Your will for the congregation. Will you grant him the health and strength he needs to share your message in humility and with clarity. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Prayer for a Pastor’s Wife

Dear Father in heaven, I thank you for my pastor’s wife. I thank you she loves you and serves you so faithfully. I pray very specially for her today. I pray You will help her cope with all the unexpected things that come into her day. Help her to accept the interruptions as opportunities to serve. Help her to support her husband and learn to go with the flow of his full life. Help her to manage her household well. Just fill her with yourself today. Help her to allow your Holy Spirit to have full control of her life and may she take strength from you as she meditates on You and Your Word. Give her a hug today. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

A Prayer to Put on the Whole Armor of God

Heavenly Father, I praise and worship you because you are God.  I am honored to be your servant and I take my stand today against the devil and his schemes against me, my family and my ministry.  Father, as I take up each piece of the armor, please secure it in place on me. I take up the shield of faith and extend it over myself.  It extinguishes all the fiery darts of the evil one. I put on the helmet of salvation, which protects my mind from the enemy’s attacks.  I have the mind of Christ. I put on the breastplate of righteousness, which covers my body with the righteousness of God.  In Christ, every foothold of evil has been washed away and I am clothed in righteousness! I gird my loins with the belt of truth.  Your word, O God, is truth.  Father, sanctify me according to your word and remind me through the Holy Spirit of the truth that destroys the lies of sin.   I shod my feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.  I have peace with God through the blood of Jesus.  I have favor with God and with man.  I walk in my inheritance as an adopted son of God and have authority over evil in Jesus’ name. I will use the Sword of the Spirit by speaking the Word of God as it applies to whatever situation I may face today.  Father, please remind me of your Word via the Holy Spirit. I will continue to pray in the Spirit throughout the day, and intercede for all Christians as the Holy Spirit prompts me.  I believe that the Holy Spirit is interceding on my behalf according to my prayers.     Thank you, Father, for the whole armor of God.  Please surround me with your hedge of protection as I move forward on the spiritual battlefield today.  I praise and worship you now and forever, Amen.”

A Prayer for Those in Prison

Father in Heaven we pray for all who are in prison and ask that they would repent of their wrongdoing and thus be freed from the bondage of their sin and shame .  We pray for courage and faith for each of them.  We also pray for all who are affected by their imprisonment.  May they not lose hope.  May we all learn to follow God’s instructions to forgive each other, do what is right, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.  Amen

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