Praying for mom

My 3-year-old daughter prays for her husband every single day. She is always talking about her wedding and even gets on one knee to propose to her dad (and to me!). Her little face lights up with the question: Will you marry me?

She’s so absolutely adorable, and it provides for many teaching moments about how marriage and family works. This stage of “I want to marry my dad” and “I want to grow up to be mom so I can marry dad” is a new and bittersweet experience because I was a single mom when Elisha and Elyssa were this age and they didn’t have a father figure.

praying for mom

So although praying for my husband is something I already do on a regular basis, my Little Pige has inspired me to pray for him more earnestly, and to say prayers that will bless him in every area of his life. I want my marriage to always be strong and I want us to grow closer together and to enjoy one another. 

Whenever I pray for him, I develop a thankful heart toward him and I am more able to see his support, his patience, and his willing heart. Whenever I pray for him, he changes, because I change the way I see him.  As Dr. Wayne Dyer used to say: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.“

praying for mom

So this month, I challenged myself to pray for my husband all month in a specific way. It’s not too late for you to join me in the challenge. If you can squeeze in five more minutes, I encourage you to also journal about the experience. 

I pray that my husband will grow spiritually, discover and multiply his gifts and talents, and pursue daily rituals that will help him cultivate his divine nature, purpose, and identity.

I pray that my husband will increase in knowledge, great wisdom, understanding, perspective, and insight. I pray that he keeps a sober mind so he can make wise decisions that bring him happiness and peace.

I pray that my husband will be quick to recognize paths that don’t serve him and humble and teachable enough to switch to be in alignment with the right course.

I pray that my husband will develop his leadership skills, so he can be a successful man, husband, and father, and can be a source of protection, guidance, and provision for everyone in his stewardship.

I pray that my husband will have the courage to safeguard his heart and honor his wedding vows. I pray that he is unmovable in his commitment, loyalty, and fidelity to our relationship.

I pray that my husband will stand for what is right, act with integrity, and stay true to his standards. I pray that he will have the strength to speak up, with firmness and clarity, and that his words will inspire others to respect his convictions, his beliefs, and his faith.

I pray that my husband will serve people cheerfully and from his heart. I pray that he is generous, loving, respectful, compassionate, empathetic, and comes to each interaction with pure motives.

I pray that my husband will be diligent, honest, and enthusiastic in his responsibilities. I pray that he is blessed with the skills, knowledge, and attributes that will help him prosper and find enjoyment and fulfillment in each task he performs.

I pray that my husband’s mind will be illuminated with discernment to priorities in his life. I pray that he has the bravery to forsake any distractions that may be sabotaging his ability to achieve what he desires.

I pray that my husband will be safe and free from harm and danger. I pray he is watchful in every step he takes.

I pray that my husband finds physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual strength, as well as perspective in hardships, challenges, and persistent issues he may face. I pray he has an increasing capacity to access his inner power, so he will not be discouraged, not fear, or dismay. 

I pray that my husband will actively seek to understand the ways I receive love and to clearly express the ways he wants me to love him. I pray we can foster an atmosphere of genuine intimacy and continue to pursue each other with respect, admiration, and the magic of romance.

I pray that my husband will speak words that build himself and those around him. I pray that he strives to purify his thoughts and that he is able to eloquently and lovingly communicate them.

I pray that my husband will be an example to others who cross his path. That his life would be a reflection of who his Heavenly Father wants him to be, and that he can impact our posterity in a positive way.

I pray that my husband is surrounded by godly men that he can mentor and can mentor him. I pray that he will be a good influence and be influenced only by goodness. I pray that his friendships are strong and carefully chosen, and they can bring growth and joy into his life.

I pray that my husband will choose healthy, holy, and honorable activities that he is passionate about. I pray that he experiences freedom, temperance, and self-mastery in all of his personal habits.

I pray that my husband will be quick to forgive himself for his mistakes and can reconcile with those he has wronged. I pray he can humbly learn from each experience, so he can move forward in a positive direction. 

I pray that my husband will discover and follow his God-given purpose. I pray that he can wake up excited to live a life he loves every day.

I pray that my husband will be blessed with mindfulness, balance, and peace. I pray that he can cultivate a calm attitude, and harness his emotions in a healthy and purposeful way.

I pray that my husband feels loved, respected, trusted, honored, and appreciated. I pray that he is able to see each gesture, each word, and each act of service as a gift to him and to be open to receive it fully and with gratitude.

I pray that my husband can be clothed with confidence. I pray that he smiles and laughs each day. I pray that his light can be contagious so others can be uplifted by his joy.

I pray that my husband can have dreams, goals, and aspirations for his future. I pray he can feel deserving of life in abundance and that his steps can be directed toward the prosperity God has in store for him.

I pray that my husband will be a loving, caring, and affectionate father who will guide his kids and teach them with light and truth. I pray that he can discipline them with gentleness, boldness, and in unity with me.

I pray that my husband can manage finances with discernment and wisdom. I pray that he will be a self-reliant steward and a visionary partner with regard to money, and that he will keep an eternal perspective in temporal matters. 

I pray that my husband will be focused on unity and will be relentless in his pursuit of oneness with me and our daughters.  I pray for agreement, clarity, and compromise in all our family meetings.

I pray that my husband will be strengthened in his fears, doubts, inadequacies, worries, and insecurities.  I pray that he is empowered and enabled to withstand pressure, and that he is equipped to be mentally stable during struggling, overwhelming or stressful times.

I pray that my husband is diligent in taking care of his body, and in maintaining his own welfare, wellbeing, and holistic health. I pray for healing, endurance, and patience with any disease, or discomfort that he may experience.

I pray that my husband treats every live being with empathy, kindness and respect. I pray that he can see each person as a son or daughter of his Heavenly Father, and embrace and celebrate their uniqueness.

I pray that my husband has faith that everything will work together for his good and to acknowledge God’s Hand in everything that happens in his life.

I pray that my husband can humbly forgive when he feels wronged. I pray he can let go of bitterness, resentment, and unresolved conflicts that burden him. I pray that he can be held, healed, and restored in his brokenness and unsettled pain.

I pray for my husband’s weaknesses. I pray that he can become self-aware and continues to pray for strength and to work on himself. I pray that he can use his weaknesses to grow closer to his Heavenly Father and fortify his testimony.

praying for mom

I am grateful that my daughter taught me this lesson in praying for my husband. It’s already been an enlightening experience as I see my will yield, my expectations grounded, and my emotions settled. 

You can start the “praying for my husband challenge” any day of the month, and do it at your own pace. The last thing I want is for us to have yet another thing we’re going to beat ourselves up about. Just pick it back up and start when you left off. 

Do you pray for your husband or say daily affirmations about him? I’d love to hear how you believe that your positive words and intentions can transform our marriage.

© Elayna Fernández ~ The Positive MOM

I asked the moms among my friends on Facebook, “Imagine you were to overhear your child praying for you. What would you most love to hear him or her praying?”

I thought their answers might offer some helpful ways to pray for Mom this Mother’s Day weekend. And I was right. Judging from their answers, here are seven great ways to pray for your mom:

1.  To be an example
My friend Debbie, whose children are grown, says she would still most like their prayers for her “to be a godly example to others as I draw closer to Him each day.”

2.  For patience
My friend Cindy says she’d like to hear, “Please God, give Mom patience. She loves us, but we sometimes drive her a little bonkers.” 

3.  Grace in the mess
My niece, Elissa, said she’d like prayer “that I would know they love me even when I feel like I’m messing up.”

Read More: Inspiring Mothers of the Bible

4.  Wisdom, strength and joy
Robin, a writer friend, showed her writing chops in her answer. She said she covets a prayer like this: “Lord, give her the wisdom to know what You want her to do, the strength to do it and joy in her journey.”

5.  Rest
My friend Sonya replied to my hypothetical scenario: “This actually happened to me. Sawyer was asked in Sunday school to write out his biggest prayer. He wrote,

‘God thank you for my mommy and please give her some rest.’”

Sonya isn’t the only mom who needs a break, a nap, or a little R&R. My friend Jenn said her daughter sometimes prays, “Dear God, please help the baby sleep through the night tonight,” adding, “Seriously, when she prays this, that baby always sleeps perfectly! When I pray it, God teaches me perseverance instead.”

6.  To love God
Another writer friend, Crystal, says “probably the thing I wish for most is prayer that I would love God with all my heart, soul, and mind, like Jesus said in Matthew 22:37.” 

7.  To grow in Christ-likeness
Many of my friends, such as Connie and Jeanette, said they’d like their children to pray for them to become more like Jesus.

Several, of course, cited more specific requests they would like their children to make on their behalf—for healing or freedom from worry. The list could go on. But the seven prayers above would make a great start, and part of a fine Mother’s Day gift for anyone.

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