(This prayer must be recited on nine consecutive
Behold me, O my God, at thy feet!
I do not deserve mercy, but O, my Redeemer, the blood which thou hast shed for me encourages me and obliges me to hope for it.
How often have
I offended thee, repented, and yet have I again fallen and been drinking (too much/got drunk) again.
O my God, I wish to amend, and in order to be faithful to thee, I will place all my confidence in thee. I will, whenever I am tempted, instantly have recourse to thee.
Hitherto, I have trusted in my own promises and resolutions and have neglected to recommend myself to thee in my temptations. This has been the cause of my repeated failures.
From this day forward, be thou, O Lord, my strength, and thus shall I be able to do all things, for “I can do all things in Him who strengtheneth me”.
Drunkenness – is one of the most actual and dangerous problems of civilized society that exist at the moment. Alcoholism is the problem that can almost instantly ruin even the close-knit family, bust out of a prestigious job and push away from friends and relatives from an alcoholic. Thus, an alcoholic may soon find himself in social isolation, which will make him deteriorate even more, falling on alcohol as a remedy of distraction and “solution” to all problems.
Alcohol becomes for dependent a stimulant, forcing him to feel happiness. And very soon, the alcoholic is not able to feel happiness in any other moments. The more dependent on alcohol drinks, the stronger and stronger his addiction to alcohol becomes. And soon there may come a time when to get rid of dependence or cupping of delirium tremens he will need to call a team of experienced physicians.
Alcoholic beverages are the main factor that has destroyed many families. It is known that the majority of orphans are born from drinking parents. More than half of all crimes, committed in our country, were invented and implemented in a drunken state. Moreover, experts report that alcohol dependence is a major cause of poverty.
No matter how the company-producers of alcohol advertise their products, filming videos, which shows successful and wealthy people who drink alcohol, it is clear that the really successful people in life do not drink alcohol, or consume in extremely rare cases. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a wealthy man who can afford to spend time on the unnecessary consumption of alcohol, risking of his business and money. Mass audience, carefully watching bright pictures, deployed in commercials, blindly believe that alcohol may be associated with money and the good life, even though thinking on this theme allows us to understand that this is misleading.
The only correct conclusion, related to alcohol, is that it is not necessary to drink, and if you drink, try to do everything possible to stop. The attempt to make a better society for the future of children should be started with you, stopping drinking and doing everything possible to save your entourage from the craving for alcohol.
Table of contents
- 1 The reasons that force people to drink
- 2 Advice how to stop drinking
- 3 How can we help a person to stop drinking?
- 4 How to convince a person to stop drinking?
- 5 How to help a spouse to stop drinking?
- 6 Traditional methods of fight with addiction
- 7 How to Stop Drinking – Accept You Have Alcohol Addiction
- 8 How to Stop Drinking Alcohol – Make You Intentions Known
- 9 How to Stop Alcohol Addiction – Avoid Temptations
- 10 How to Stop Drinking – Limit Your Intake Gradually
The reasons that force people to drink
I drink for company
This reason is one of the most prevalent in society. At the same time it brings a lot of problems to those who drink for the company, because he does not know when to stop, and had to drink the whole company drinks. Most often you can hear the drinking half of the company persuades those who do not drink to down a shot. They can use different arguments about the respect, unwillingness to support the company, and so on. You can watch as the sober participants are forced to accept it under the pressure of such arguments.
We must not forget also that adults are the example, which is consciously or not, copied by the children. The idea is that children can ask their parents for a drink at the holiday table, to be more like adults. There are known cases when after the parents’ refusing of giving alcohol children, those found the opportunity to try it on the street or at school. You have to understand that we aren’t talk about that it is necessary to allow children to taste alcohol, explaining that “it’s better for a child to try alcohol with parents then somewhere else”, but about that parents have a duty to be an example of sobriety for their children.
Avoiding the solution
Drinking alcohol may well be the reason that will help to move away from every day solving important problems. I’m sure many know the situation, when someone of your friends drinks constantly after work, trying to ignore what is happening in his family. It also happens that a person comes to work tipsy to make it easier to put up with the profession, which he did not like, as well as with the chief, who he considers wrong. It would seem that a correct way out in this situation is to try to improve relations with the chief and team work, or, in the case of a family, begin to deal with the own relatives, but in practice it often happens that people prefer a society of bottle to attempt of establishing a state of affairs.
Attempt to improve mood
An attempt to make your own mood better is not the last one reason that causes people to drink. It often turns out that a person starts drinking when the mercury is falling. And very soon an alcohol becomes a very reliable medicine, helping to improve a person’s mood perfectly. Thus, even if an alcoholic has the opportunity to cheer up other ways, he chooses a “cheap” and easy way to experience the feeling of happiness and even euphoria. It is understood that the life of an alcoholic might just be empty.
If there are no hobbies in human life, interesting passions, favorite work and a strong family, he can start drinking in order to feel better and to get positive feelings. Many alcoholics, having drunk, forget that their mood will be even worse after dispels of alcohol intoxication.
I drink by force of habit
Perhaps this reason for drinking alcohol will seem to someone quite absurd, but it makes many alcoholics consume strong drinks constantly. It is known that the use of alcohol by force of habit creates the risk that in the end people can acquire not only psychological but also the physiological habit. As a rule, a drinking human doesn’t know how this procedure occurs. This is due to the fact that for potential alcoholic, drinking by force of habit, it is necessary increase the amounts of alcohol in order to feel relaxation and good mood, it is known that alcohol are addictive.
Drinking alcohol by force of habit is probably a ridiculous reason to drink, but because of it many people annual become alcoholics. Those who used to laugh at those who become addicted because of the force of habit do not even notice how the same thing happens to them. We must not forget that the use of wine, vodka or beer by the force habit can cause that the body will continue to feel a physiological need for alcohol. The constant presence of alcohol in the blood will soon become the norm for the body and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of this dependence, which wasn’t considered as a problem by alcoholic from the beginning.
Surely many readers have a question how to stop drinking until the habit has not yet developed a dependence? Drug experts recommend taking emergency measures immediately when the threatening trend has been seen. First of all, we should try to replace the habit with any other, carrying benefit for the psyche and health. If the patient previously had a habit of playing chess, it is necessary to find interesting opponents and start playing again, gradually displacing the desire to drink alcohol. In case if the chess becomes not interesting, it is necessary to try to find any other interesting hobby or passion.
You need to know that for the formation of the new habit a person usually has to spend 21 days. It is the opinion of psychologists who advised showing some persistence in instilling of new habits. Restraining yourself during prescript period, it is possible to achieve the disappearance of desire to pull at the bottle by force of habit or because of boredom. Replacing formed after giving up drinking vacuum with an interesting new hobby, an alcoholic can further protect himself from the desire to drink and to fix a new healthier habits.
The final recovery from addiction means a certain period of abstinence from alcohol. Only after the patient hasn’t been drinking alcohol more than six months, we can say that there was a cure for alcoholism. We must remember that even in the case where the dependent person is cured, it is necessary to avoid further consumption of alcohol, as this may lead to a relapse of alcohol dependence.
Advice how to stop drinking
We know that many people, having noticed a primary addiction to alcohol, try to do everything possible to deal with the addiction on their own. Anyone who wants to do away with addiction to alcohol on their own can use these operating tips. Follow these simple guidelines which soon will allow stopping drinking strong beverages:
- you need to determine for yourself what is the reason to pack up drinking;
- try to reduce the number of situations where it is necessary to drink;
- drink alcohol only when you want it (do not drink for the company, coercion, etc.);
- try to live as you want, but not as it is dictated by the bad company or alcohol.
Although these tips can be called quite common, but they are able to point to a real way out of the situation with alcohol dependence. First of all, it is worth remembering that the implementation of the first of the tips can bring significant relief. The fact is that knowing what for you need stopping to drink, you can surely determine whether or not you want to tie with alcohol.
The second advice, suggesting a decreasing the number of situations, when you can have a desire to drink, will be rather efficient because consciously limiting meeting and guests’ visits with alcohol and compulsive company, an alcoholic is able to protect himself from the temptation to drink. And it will be very useful for those patients, who are not strong mentally enough to stop drinking when they are persuaded psychologically by other members of the company.
Having made the decision to stop drinking, you have to be alert to the possibility that in the future a situation where you need to refuse from drinking decisively will be repeated again and again. That is why you need to prepare mentally for that you will have to learn how to refuse from proposed drink firmly and politely. The most potentially dependent person also can’t forget about what has forced him to stop drinking and why he does not drink in companies. Moreover, never forget that communication with friends and colleagues do not happen in order to drink, but in order to be enriched spiritually and culturally, talking with nice people.
Very often the biggest problems of dependent people, who have decided to stop drinking, become the question about the reason for refusal from alcohol. Answer these questions honestly: if you do not want to drink, say so, because it is true. Even if the owners of a party or friends will hate to hear it – it doesn’t matter, the main thing you should remember is that honesty in this matter is the best policy.
Trying to decide on that, why you need to stop drinking, you can try to make a list of reasons, write them down on paper. Such a list might look like this:
- I wish that all the moment in my life would have been realized;
- I do not want to waste my time, ruining the body;
- I do not want to spend my own precious time to restore the body after a binge;
- I don’t want to live shorter life then it could be;
- I want to have an opportunity to relax and have fun with friends without alcohol.
Naturally, everyone, who wants to stop drinking, will get individual list. This is due to the fact that each has his own potential alcoholic experience, which has to be followed, describing the reasons for the cessation of drinking. Such leading questions can help:
- what result alcoholic wants to achieve in the long term;
- what look does a man want to have in ten years and what health he wants to have at that time;
- does a dependent want to have a happy family and ability to have children;
- what credibility alcoholic wants to have among his colleagues and friends.
You can use these leading questions or contrive new one, more suitable for a particular situation. Answering the invented question, make a list of reasons, which motivate to stop drinking. This will for sure allow determining the order you want to stop or not. It is necessary to remind once again that self-deliverance from alcoholism requires a strong desire to stop drinking and consciousness. In case if an alcoholic can’t decide whether he really wants to stop, this “exercise” with making a list can help him, strengthening his motivation or revealing its absence.
In a case when we talk about refusing from alcohol in a situation of formed dependence, you need to remember some nuances, allowing stopping to drink. First of all, we must not forget that the alcoholic is likely to have a physiological dependence on alcohol. Remember, it is almost impossible to find an easy way to stop drinking. Experts recommend trying to change the environment in which the alcoholic lives for the better. Positive changes may just be the trigger that will force the patient to reconsider his attitude towards his life and self-dependence.
Needless to say that the awareness of the own problem is a first right step to the top of the struggle with the addiction? Just realizing that there is a problem that requires a solution, the patient can begin to work hard to overcome himself and his craving for drink. Besides, we must not forget that an alcoholic may need the help of relatives who could support him and give him every kind of help – both moral and real.
Remember that if even having defeated an addiction, you keep drinking, you have to control yourself, understanding when you really have a desire to enjoy with taste of a small amount of alcohol, and when a situation arises where consent to drink is “knocked out” under the pressure of the company.
Experts advise reviewing described reasons periodically that forced the alcoholic to stop drinking. In addition, psychologists and drug specialists also recommend making a motivational list, which will periodically return to the thoughts of the reasons for which it was necessary to begin the process of a fight against alcohol addiction. Those who want to stop drinking can be guided by the following list:
- stopping drinking is necessary in order to make life richer and more bright;
- tying with alcohol is needed in order to be healthy and live a long time;
- you can drink alcohol only on major calendar holidays;
- drinking alcohol is needed only to the dose that gives pleasure;
- alcohol interferes with living a desired life.
How can we help a person to stop drinking?
Many relatives and friends of alcoholics are wondering about how to help a loved one to stop drinking. First of all, it is worth remembering that it is necessary to encourage an alcoholic a desire to “stop”.
Almost in every adult human’s life a great role is played by his parents, who have raised him and did everything possible to create a successful future for the child. That is why the influence of parents is possible and even necessary to use, being engage in the treatment of alcoholics from drinking. Experts report that the paternal power is required for each person, because the lack of it can have a pernicious effect in future human’s life.
According to the results of some tests and psychological experiments, it became clear that alcoholism affects people who, for whatever reasons, have problems in communicating with parents. A particularly important role in this aspect relationship with his father plays, although some psychologists have reported that the relationship with the mother is more important for understanding why people started drinking.
The integrity of the individual also plays an important role for every human. Often a feeling of inferiority is the reason of person’s attempts to solve this problem, he starts drinking, because alcohol gives a sense of confidence and allows you to forget about the discomfort, appearing in a sober state. Also, sometimes the situation appears which say that man supposedly friends with alcohol. Such behavior can be called childish because there is nothing in common with the behavior of adult man, able to admit his mistakes and problems.
How to convince a person to stop drinking?
The first thing you should do – is to stop trying to say to alcoholic what he has to do in order to stop drinking. You have to avoid an ironic of communication with the alcoholic, representing craving for alcohol as a defect of an alcoholic, which he supposedly can get rid of at any time, by his own will. It is worth remembering that the alcoholic can’t understand what made him start drinking, and what to do in order to get rid of alcohol addiction.
Well known cases when patient’s relatives instead of becoming a support for the alcoholic can become a cause, driving him deeper into alcoholism.
How to help a spouse to stop drinking?
It is necessary to treat your spouse with understanding, trying not to accuse him of all sins. You should not be with your spouse in opposition, since it can only embitter him or her, forcing to consume alcohol with even greater zeal. The most important nuance, allowing helping the husband is the understanding of the problem and support. Try to perceive the problem of a spouse, as your own, providing an effective moral support.
Trying to force a husband to stop drinking, try to show him how much a life is better free from any addiction. In order to demonstrate it your own husband, choose the methods that will be effective in his case (use a good knowledge of the spouse as a person, his interests, and hobbies).
How does a woman can stop drinking? Alcoholism is a problem among women, the fight against which may require considerable efforts. Women should think about their own families and children. Experts, who understand the importance of the maternal instinct, can free a woman from the psychological dependence on alcohol in a short period of time. Ladies need to think about what is more important – a dubious pleasure of drinking or the joy of family life among children and husband.
How to pack up drinking beer? People who are dependent on alcohol beer should consider that non-alcoholic beer doesn’t differ from alcoholic beverages in any way but allows you to protect yourself from getting used to the constant consumption of alcohol. Besides, you can choose one day a week, when it is allowed to drink a small (strictly limited) amount of alcoholic beer. This will create a specific way of escaping for lovers of beer. And better of all is to replace it with tea or juice.
Traditional methods of fight with addiction
Traditional methods are a proven by years way of a fight with alcohol dependence. First of all, it is necessary to separate the cases when a person has a desire to get rid of dependence, as well as when an alcoholic does not want to give up drinking. We must remember that using of such methods is possible only in case if an alcoholic has visited a doctor and got the green light to the use of the specific recipes. The treatment under the supervision of an experienced psychiatrist for sure will bring more pronounced effect, and will not waste time on the use of home remedies.
There’s never an easy way of how to stop drinking alcohol, and whenever I hear people talking all negative about people who drink and how they don’t want to quit drinking, I become a bit rather sad. This is not because I see the issue of drinking as being beneficial or something near that, but it’s just so hard to see people viewing this whole thing as a joke when in fact, it’s not even close to that.
People abuse alcohol not because they always intended to. Some might drink for fun, which I view as a different ball game, while others also try to seek solace in drinking which to them brings about some form of fulfillment. Almost all the people who drink seem to have different reasons why they drink. For some, it may be due to emotional relapses, psychological relapses or even mental issues. In all this, identification of an appropriate and sound strategy in overcoming ones drinking problem is key in getting out of the habit. Putting a stop to drinking is really not a one day show. It takes a lot more than just telling yourself that you want to quit drinking one day, quit the bottle for some few hours, only to return to it the next day. It’s a lot of effort going in and coming out. Before you decide to quit drinking, what are some of the things you need to consider to bring this habit of yours to a definite end? Below are some useful pointers to help anyone out there battling with their urge to put a stop to drinking.
Before you begin on the whole process of recovering from your drinking habit completely, you might take a little more time in achieving this especially when you’ve been drinking for a very long time. It might start slowly while trying to control the urge, and a few slip- offs is quite expected but don’t let that get to you as this is very normal at the initial stages. But with time, you’ll outgrow this stage and come out just fine. The steps below can guide you know how to go about putting a stop to your drinking habit….
How to Stop Drinking – Accept You Have Alcohol Addiction
Find out ways to stop drinking alcohol
First of all, you need to identify the fact that you have a problem. Becoming fully aware of your drinking defects makes it easier for you to know just what you are up against. It guides you towards the right path in examining how bad your drinking has gotten and what harm it has brought you. Sometimes, we all need that physical shock in one way or another in order to recognize correctly our problems and how they’re really affecting us. It’s a wakeup call perhaps if you’d like to call it that way. Identify your alcoholism problem.
How to Stop Drinking Alcohol – Make You Intentions Known
Secondly, there’s the need to make your intentions known about wanting to quit drinking. Make it known to your family, your immediate colleagues at the office, your friends, etc. These are the people you hang around all the time or most of the time. If you going to quit the bottle, at least they need to know….., so that they don’t get in that position where they tempt you to drink. It can get really hard fighting the urge at some point especially when all your drinking pals hit the bar and order your favorite beer just for you. Let your true intentions be known to all who care to help you overcome this situation.
How to Stop Alcohol Addiction – Avoid Temptations
You can end the alcohol addiction early enough to avoid an alcohol treatment centers
Also, avoid temptations as much as possible. Likely activities that trigger your drinking mood or strong urge to drink need to be avoided completely. If you used to hanging out with the boys and take in a few shots during the night, you need to stay away from that. Give all those activities a break. Just lay low and try other activities that don’t involve alcohol intake for a change. Cut back on your urge to drink and fill it with fun-filled activities like going for work outs or taking swimming lessons for a change, going to the movies instead of the club at night.
How to Stop Drinking – Limit Your Intake Gradually
Try cutting down on your drinking habits gradually at this point. You’ve successfully managed to progress through the top steps listed above, now it’s time to put that into real test. Limit your intake of alcohol gradually. It can’t just end in one night or day.., it takes a slow and steady process. At first, you might feel the urge to want to fight back and break into the habit of drinking once more. But just exercise control and authority over the situation. If you were taking four glasses of wine daily, now cut that into two and start taking a minimum of say two to three glasses. From there, train yourself to take in less and while doing this, learn to control yourself as not to get intoxicated. That’s the worst thing that could happen to you when you drink alcohol and lose it – it might end you in an alcohol rehabilitation center. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Eat right and live right.
Whenever people tell me they want to quit drinking, I don’t usually sweet talk them about the process going to be all rosy and smooth. It’s not the case. There will arise those moments when you feel you can no longer continue or go on with the whole getting clean process. It’s tough to just do away with a habit that’s virtually become a part of you. It’s almost like throwing away one part of you that you like so much. And everybody else is just telling you how easy it is and how you can do it and all of that sweet talk…, hmm, it can be frustrating sometimes. But you need to realize where you stand in all this and how useful getting clean can be of an immense benefit to you and those who care about you. It’s not just you that matters, its everybody else who’s been affected by your drinking that matters as well. Just make yourself that promise to stay clean and follow the process of becoming clean. Its your determination to make it that will lead you there. Stay focus and keep moving. Be strong and don’t let anybody pull you down. If you feel you’re at the point where you need to be in one of the alcohol treatment centers please do.
How to Stop Drinking Alcohol was By: Chantelle Iris Nunoo