by Cherry Grace G. Alday (Pasay City, Philippines)
Dear Lord, you have witnessed the rebelliousness of youth since the very beginnings of time. You understand a parent’s anguish and helplessness over the actions of his child. Please help us to transform our anger and frustration into loving care for our child who has gone astray. Help us begin to mend our broken fences and heal our broken hearts. Bless our child and also help him to mend the error of his ways. Help and bless us all to do right in Your name and restore us to peace and tranquility. Amen.
“Forgive the rebellious sins of youth …” Psalm 25:7
Return to Prayers for Children
These prayers for children have been taken from out-of-print prayer and clergy textbooks. Our prayer sections are a work in progress and we will continue to add more as time goes on.
These prayers are broken into sections. There are prayers for children in trouble, for sick children, for those who are angry or depressed, and short blessings for children.
If you have a prayer request for a child, add it at the bottom of this page.
Related: How to Teach Children About Prayer
“Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the Kingdom of God.”
A Short Prayer for a Child
Strength and wholeness. I shall run and not be weary. I shall walk and not faintCome Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove,
With light and comfort from above.
Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide,
Stay close by every child’s side. Amen!
Table of contents
- 1 Prayers for Children in Trouble
- 2 Prayers for Children Who Are Angry or Depressed
- 3 Prayers for sick children
- 4 Prayers for Children to Learn
- 5 Bible Verses About Children
- 6 Prayer Request: Post Your Own “Prayers for Children”
- 7 Recent prayer requests…
- 8 A Prayer for a Sick Child
- 9 Prayer for a Troubled Child
- 10 Blessing for a Child
- 11 Prayer for an Angry or Depressed Child
- 12 1. Prayer for Personal Protection
- 13 2. Prayer for the Protection and Safety of Family
- 14 3. Prayer for Children’s Security
- 15 4. “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” Protective Prayer:
- 16 5. “Priestly Blessings” Prayer from Scripture:
- 17 Prayers for Protection and Safety from the Bible
Prayers for Children in Trouble
There are times in life when are children may stray from the Lord’s path. What follows are prayers for children who have lost their way, and need God’s guidance and blessings.
Rebellious Youth
Dear Lord, you have witnessed the rebelliousness of youth since the very beginnings of time. You understand a parent’s anguish and helplessness over the actions of his child.
Please help us to transform our anger and frustration into loving care for our child who has gone astray. Help us begin to mend our broken fences and heal our broken hearts. Bless our child and also help him to mend the error of his ways. Help and bless us all to do right in Your name and restore us to peace and tranquility.
“Forgive the rebellious sins of youth …”
Child of The Light
Blessed is the Child of Light
Who doth seek his heavenly Father
For he shall have eternal life.
He that dwelleth in the secret place
Of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow
of the Almighty.
For he shall give his Angels charge over thee
To keep thee in all thy ways.
Know ye that the Lord hath been
Our dwelling place
In all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth,
Or ever he had formed
The earth and the world
Even from everlasting to everlasting,
Hath there been love
Between the Heavenly Father
And his children.
And how shall this love be severed?
From the beginning
Until the ending of time
Doth the holy flame of love
Encircle the heads
Of the Heavenly Father
And the Children of Light:
How then shall this love be extinguished?
For not as a candle doth it burn,
Nor yet as a fire raging in the forest.
Lo, it burneth with the flame
Of Eternal Light,
And that flame cannot be consumed.
From the Essene Gospel of Jesus
Read our Prayers for Purity.
Prayers for Children Who Are Angry or Depressed
Here is another prayer found in an out-of-print prayer book for a child that is upset or facing a difficult situation.
My Greatest Gift
Heavenly Father, my child is your greatest gift,
and my biggest challenge!
I know my child is truly distressed,
and yet I am at my wit’s end to find a peaceful resolution.
I feel helpless and frustrated.
I ask myself, What would my Heavenly Father
do in His infinite wisdom and beneficence?
Lord, come into my heart and mind,
and share Your loving wisdom with me!
Help my child to heal his pain, and help me
to become as loving and wise a parent, as You are for us
Your children. Thank You Lord, for
hearing me and coming to my aid! Bring your loving Peace to me and my child today.
The Kingdom of the Heavenly Father
My children, do you know that the Earth
And all that dwells therein
Is but a reflection of the
Kingdom of the Heavenly Father?
And as you are suckled and comforted
By your mother when a child,
But you go to join your father in the fields
When you grow up,
So do the Angels of the Earthly Mother
Guide your steps
Toward him who is your Father,
And all his holy Angels,
That you may know your true home
And become true Sons of God.
While we are children,
We will see the rays of the sun,
But not the Power which created it;
While we are children,
We will hear the sounds of the flowing brook,
But not the Love which created it;
While we are children,
We will see the stars,
But not the hand which scatters them
Through the sky,
As the farmer scatters the seed.
Only through the Communions
With the Angels of the Heavenly Father,
Will we learn to see the unseen,
To hear that which cannot be heard,
And to speak the unspoken word.
Prayers for sick children
There are few things in life that are more difficult than dealing with a sick child. As a parent, our children’s wellbeing is what we care about most in the world.
The following are prayers for children dealing with an illness.
Bring Healing to Our Child
Lord, you love our child as You love all children,
Bring healing to our child who is not well.
Stay by his side and comfort him through this trying time.
Keep us ever mindful of Your loving presence
Bless us with Your powerful healing and comfort us also.
Thank You for hearing our prayer!
Restore My Child to Health
O Lord God, I come to You for help and succor.
You have afflicted my child .
Help me to understand that You mean well.
Give me grace to bear my child’s affliction with patience and strength.
Bless me, O Father, and restore my child to health.
Do not forsake us, but give us an assurance of Your loving Kingdom.
Bless this illness to me and my child , and help us both to be better children of Yours because of it.
In the name of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ. Amen!
Read more Prayers for Healing Here.
Prayers for Children to Learn
These are good introductory prayers for children to learn. They are relatively short and they also rhyme making them easy to remember and easy to say.
They can be said in the morning or before bed.
Come Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit, come
Let thy bright beams arise,
Dispel the darkness from our minds,
And open all our eyes.
Revive our drooping faith,
Our doubts and fears remove,
And kindle in our breasts the flame
Of everlasting Love. Amen!
A Child’s Morning Prayer
Lord, I awake and see your light,
For You have kept me through the night,
To You I lift my hands and pray,
Keep me from sin throughout this day,
And if I die before it’s done,
Save me through Jesus Christ, Your Son.
Look Upon a Little Child Child’s Morning Prayer
Lord, look upon a little child,
By nature sinful, weak and wild;
O lay Thy gracious hands on me,
And make me all I ought to be.
Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,
Look upon a little child;
Pity my simplicity
Suffer me to come to Thee.
O supply my every want
Feed this young and tender plant
Day and night my keeper be,
And every moment watch round me. Amen!
Related: The 5 Best Bible Stories for Kids
Bible Verses About Children
Click here to read more Bible Verses About Children
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.”
Also, we have a great collection of simple Bible Verses for Children to Memorize.
Prayer Request: Post Your Own “Prayers for Children”
If you’d like, you can post your prayer below so the PrayWithMe community can help pray with you.
Rules for Posting: All prayers are posted publicly through to this site. Don’t use full names or any other identifying information that you wouldn’t want out on the web.
Don’t post with ALL CAPS, and try to use proper spelling and grammar.
If you can, help pray for others and post comments of support.
Recent prayer requests…
Tap below to see prayers from other visitors to this site.
- Deliverance/Healing – Please pray that God move everybody out of my son life that should not be there. The enemy is trying to pull him back into …
- Stress and peace – My prayer is that my children get closer to GOD and change their wrong ways and that God help my husband with his drinking and …
- Jackson – Please pray for my 7 year old grandson and his mother to be strong in very serious situation where his father took him and won’t …
- Guidance for our son, ambition for his heart – Please pray for our son who is lost…he can’t find the ambition to get up and go and do…all he wants to do is play …
- Two twins girls pregnant wanted – Pray for vicky to become pregnant and carry two twins healthy beautiful daughters in her womb.
- Prayer for my son and daughter – My son Jeremiah has been diagnosed with a moderate delay in speech please pray that God enables my son to grow mentally, physically and spiritually …
- Safety for Gabriel – May Gabriel be kept safe from his father Brian who physically, mentally, emotionally abuses him.
- Prayer for my daughter – Please pray that my daughter Emily is free from test anxiety tomorrow when she retakes her math test. This test is important and she has …
- For my daughter – Please pray for my daughter Isha (15 years old)who has gotten much into lying, even for silly things . She sometimes money form my purse …
- Please stop children suffering – Please I pray you create a world in which children do not suffer in any way. Be it physical, sexual or emotional. Please help parents …
- Healing, guidance and open heart – I’d like to pray for my son Tucker. He’s at faith camp right now and I just want to pray that he’s able to open …
- Continuous prayer for my two sons studying in USA – My two children namely Prosper and Richard are currently in the USA studying. I want you to continuously pray for them for divine protection , …
- Guidance – First I would like to ask for forgiven for past sins . I would like to start by saying I do appreciate god By blessing …
- What shall I do – Lord I thank you for this day. Thank you for blessing me and giving me new mercies every morning. I really need your help, its …
- My 18 year old daughter – My daughter Heaven Destiny Pierce grew up thinking that my husband who has been in her life since she was 6 months old and she …
- My son Nick – For my son Nick that god just floods him, his vehicles, work crew, and job sites with 100’s of 1000’s of protecting guarding angels and …
- Pray for my very sick child – My daughter kade is very sick with nec. An infection is over her body. Please pray for her she is in intensive care. Please help …
- Praying for my grandbaby and her family – I pray that she have everything she needs in and outside of her body from her head down to her toes. I ask to pray …
- For my daughter – Please pray that my daughter releases the hurt and anger she feels from being deceived by others. Please pray for a peace of mind and …
- Bless my womb – Dear St. Jude please I need this miracle… I need a baby. intercede for me such that I may have a baby soon to save …
- Prayer for Children – For my sons to cut back the drinking.
- Prayer for my son taking exams today – Dear God Please help my son to pass the exams he is taking currently. Help him, guide him. Lord Jesus. you take over, I cry …
- Son – Lord please help my son control his anger, help him to realize that you are his salvation. Protect him from all evil thoughts and shield …
- My Son to pass his exams – Dear God, please be with my son as he is taking his exams today 16 July and tomorrow 17 July. You take over Lord Jesus …
- Prayer for My Son – Dear Lord Jesus. I pray for my son’s good health and safety. I fervently pray also that he be relieved of this separation anxiety that …
- Trust the plan – Please pray for our custody battle to come out in the best interest of the child. Mother is trying to take him from my son …
- Prayers for me and my family – Prayers for me and my family!
- Hoping for miracle to be a mum – Dear God I know I have done many wrong things through out my life and I want you to know I spend every day trying …
- Now i lay me down to sleep – Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the lord my soul to keep if I should die before I wake I pray the …
- Help with 9 year old – Please pray for my troubled daughter she is so angry and hurt I don’t know what to do she hits and screams and calls every …
- Prayer for the fruit of womb – Father I pray that you bless us with our children in Jesus name.
- Protect Zion – God please keep Zions purity innocence mind body heart soul and spirit sacred. Block him from being harmed by those are supposed to care for …
- Grandson – I am not able to see my grandson at this time, he is a little over 2 yrs old. Pray for covering of his whole …
- College Admission for my daughter – College Admission for my daughter
- Prayer for a son – Please pray for my son Chandler! Pray that God has His way in Chandler’s life and that Chandler will follow God’s Word and Will! Pray …
- Fruit of the womb – Family in Christ Jesus me and my husband kindly request a prayer for God to bless us with a Child. Which we surely believe through …
- Son – My young adult son needs the courts mercy. Thank you Jesus.
- Prayer for my 3year old Emilie – I pray that my child Emilie will be cured from eczema which is affecting her skin. Lord please cured her my heart heart broke day …
- Please pray for my drug addicted and hurting daughter – Lord, please heal my daughter completely from all alcohol, drug, and nicotine addiction. Please speak to her heart, mind, and soul in a way that …
- For help and protection – I pray for my son rossheed to get through with his green card .
- Need financial help to pay off my childs doctor education fee – No words to say .Just waiting on the Lord to open doorsof heaven to pay my sons medicine studies fee.
- Hurting mother – My son is incarcerated and I would like prayers for him to be strong and me also
- Lost – I am praying for my son and I to be healed and free from the abuse, manipulation, attacks, and untruthful slander of his father. May …
- Please pray for my son – Please pray with me for complete healing of my son’s brain. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
- Prayer for my kids – Please pray for both my sons. I am having the hardest time trying to get them to walk a straight path and do what they …
- Pregnancy – Dear lord I ask that you bless me with a baby please lord Jesus we have been trying for a long time and Friday is …
- Protection. Let no evil harm come to him – For my son’s protection and for him to b safe. He left 5days ago and we haven’t seen him cents. His name is Ruben.
- Son’s salvation – For my son’s eyes to be opened and his heart to be changed to follow Jesus as he was created to.
- Prayer for my Children – Please pray for my 2 teenage boys who got anxiety and depression. I pray that God will bless and heal them and come out happy …
- My grandson and his anger – Dear St Jude please intercede to Our Blessed Lord through his most sacred heart to help my grandson control and understand his anger. Support and …
- Wisdom – Lord I pray that my son passes his state board exam today and find a job he is happy with in future.
- Pray for my son PLEASE! – Please pray for complete healing of my son’s brain. I am in constant prayer and reflection. I am praying for a miracle:)
- Pray for my family – Pray for my children. My son has been on drugs. please pray for him to overcome. Pray God to give me strength to deal with …
- Please pray for our faimly – Dear God please give our daughter her health back,please keep our faimly together,let our love grow stronger and deaperPlease show us the us with …
- custody for my children – Late last year i was evicted where i stayed with my two children and under the eviction pressure, i had to take the children to …
- prayer for rachel – Pls pray for my daughter, she just left a long term abusive relationship, had to move and lost her house, also facing unbearable strife at …
- Pray for my son. He’s going down the wrong path – Lord Jesus, I come to you to surrender all of my concerns of my son. It’s in your hands to deliver my baby boy from …
- Grow up to be a gpod boy – My grandson 4yrs is very adamant and for small petty thingd he gets angry and he doesn’t know what he is doing. He keeps runningand …
- Successful Pregnancy – Father God I ask if it’s your will that you bless me to concieve a daughter, I just want a Mother daughter relationship, it would …
- For my family – Dear JEHOVAH my father in HEAVEN, please help my children for they are weak. I try but they do not hear. I set example but …
- Controlling – Father please help me to stop trying to control and want my way with my stepdaughter and her job. My hours that I want for …
- Worried anxiety panicking – Want to help my son all he’s doing is sleeping eating no money to fix his car not working I think some thingsvwron happened on …
- Concentration and interest in studies with good memory power – Please pray for Theola, that Lord Jesus will bless her with his divine wisdom Knowledge and understanding fill her with his Holy Spirit. Deliver her …
- Praying for our children – Please pray for the children around the world for they are I future and most of all the children.
- Fruitfulness… I want to have my children – I want God to bless my home with children… I am also over weight. I want him to help me loss weight. I want God …
- Deliverance – Hello, I need prayers for 2 off my children, that have walked away from God, my son’s name is corny Martins he is addicted to …
- Failures – Dear Lord, we need your strength in this difficult time of my sons failure. We lift our family to you and ask for your grace …
- Children – I ask for prayers to get the application process for my house and land approved to have all my kids living together with me. I …
- Deliverance and salvation of my son – That God will deliver my son from the unwholesome relationship he has gotten himself into. Asking God to renew his mind and that he will …
- God’s blessings to me my children – Dear god please hear my prayer protect and guide my children today and always may they have peace in their hearts and forgiveness for my …
- My son – Please pray for my son he has ADHD and we are having a real hard time getting along. I need prayer to deal with him …
- Babies – Dear heaven frother I really want you to ancer my& my husband prayers for two Heath mearcle babies one boy and girl or fetnal twins …
- My Son have low platelets count admitted in hospital – Dear brother and sister Please pray for my child he is in hospital ( St Johns Hospital medical, Bengaluru) suffering from low platelets count since …
- Fasting for my sons – Today I am fasting and praying for my sons. My oldest is about to have a baby and has always had problems keeping a job …
- My baby son – Lord my 6 year old child is having a very depressed and hateful attitude o please help me to teach him with patience
- Ja’kyrick – Please pray for my son Ja’kyrick to be tried as a juvenile as he is and please let him come home to me and be …
- My seed are supremely blessed trophy of grace – Please pray for Olivia and Samuel for God’s protection on them always, they will obey God, I declare academic championship, martial champion, health champion ship, …
- Scared Daughter – Her is the message me daughter Brittany just sent me. Please pray for her and her family.. Mom, Hey can ya pray for me, I …
- Prayer for a son – Please continue to pray for my son Chandler! Pray that God has His way in Chandler’s life and that Chandler will follow God’s Word and …
- Pray for Saige – Prayer for Saige who was born today prematurely and she has cyst . please God bless her and let that cyst be nothing serious take …
- My daughter’s future and happiness – My daughter is appearing for her NET exam this Sunday, 8th July. It is very ,very important for her to pass this exam. Her brother …
- Help – Please help me, that my daughter definitely decides not to go to western playland, for her own safety please St. Jude I beg of you …
- For family – Please pray for my husband, children & loved ones that God’s will be done in our lives & that we love Jesus more each day …
- Special and urgent prayers – Lord, I know all is possible with you, even when hope seems not available. I pray you give my children zita and Nestor all the …
- Babies one boy and girl – Dear heaven father I& my husband are trying to get get my pregnant with two Heath mearcle babies one boy and girl please help us
- My son – For my son Sam. To obey as an act of love. To have wisdom for his behavior and to love his parents and sisters. To …
- Prayer for my Son – Please pray for my son John Gerard for a successful job interview. This is his 11th interview, was hired on the 8th time but contract …
- Healing of my Daughter – Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ, Please heal my daughter Reshmi ,completely of her spondylitis problem as well as all other ailments she …
- Help with my grief – I lost my best friend, my beautiful 19 yr old daughter in a car wreck on July 16th, 2016. She was my world. I am …
- Prayer for a son – Pray for my son, Chandler! Pray he follows the Lord on all His ways! Pray That He Will Not Be Involved In Any Relationship That …
- My children need prayers – Heavenly Father, I come to you today for help and guidance for my children. Save them from the negative world. Help me guide them to …
- Gifted and Talented Student – Please pray for my daughter who’s trying really hard to get into year 5 & 6 gifted and talented opportunity school. We she is very …
- Healing for loved ones – Dear Lord, your goodness and love inspires my soul. I feel your love in good times and when I feel helpless. I know you love …
- Holding on – My family is in desperate need of relief for a safe return home of our seven kids and a job a car and money a …
- Custody – I am going through a custody battle for my baby boy. Please pray that he returns home and my family is restored.
- My daughter Pass her Exam – Dear, God cover my daughter Gabrielle Wilson in the blood of Jesus give her the wisdom and knowledge to pass her Major Exam in nursing …
- for my son Raul – Please pray for my son he choose the wrong path he’s doing drugs stealing he has a mental issue please help me get him help …
- Prayers for my son – Praying for my son for protection deliverance peace and more love
- Pray for Santiago – Pray for my son in foster care..
- Help! – Please Lord, I rely on your help,my son Aaron, has kept an A averege in school.He has applied for many schools and has placed him …
- Ja’kyrick Help – Please continue to pray for my son continuously as we go to court in the month of July let everything work in our favor so …
- My newphew with lymphoma – My 5 year old newphew admitted in hospital with lymphoma stage iii
- Threaten Miscarriage – Dear Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I pray that this particular pregnancy will be permanent. I come against any miscarriages and premature birth. I pray that …
- For my baby boy – Please pray for my son and I to have the strength to get through this difficult time. He is so loved and so blessed, please …
- Evil spirit – My children staying in a flat at the back of our house. Every evening for the past two weeks a evil spirit came into the …
- Prayer – Lord Jesus, I admit I am having a tough time right now. I have been praying for over 40 years for my family. I am …
- Patience – Please give me patience with my newborn daughter. She is only 2 months old and I get tired and frustrated when she constantly cries or …
- Very Good Exam Results – Please may our son gets good exam results today. This is his second year rewriting. May they be high to enter University. Please God have …
- My kids’ provision and transformation – Pray that God provides their school fees. Its overwhelmingly large, unless God intervenes. Also pray that my son gets rid of anger and bitterness, to …
- Healing for a child – Father, we ask for protection as little Cicely goes into surgery to remove a benign tumor behind her eye. Please Lord, give peace to her …
- Salvation – I asked to please pray for my son alyias who is suffering from a lot of anxiety and also for salvation I also have another …
- Ja’kyrick – Please pray that my son gets out of jail this is such a nightmare he could of gotten killed. Please let this be a lesson …
- God Blessing on my Children – Dear God Please can you lead them down the right path. And shine your light on them so that they can make the right decision. …
- Children – Please help me in prayers so that God my bless me with children.
- Pray for my sons – Please pray for my sons, Samuel (17) and Dave (16) – 1) the restoration of their brotherly relationship; unity and love between them. 2) their …
- Hope for Joe – Dear Father, I pray that you are present in Joes life, please cast confidence and hope upon him. Let him know you’re there listening to …
- Request prayer to concieve – Please prayer that god will bless me with children soon, its been 4 years since im married. waiting on god.
- Total healing and deliverance – Please pray for my daughter who is bound by demons who manifest themselves in sodomy and insanity. Please pray for my three children who are …
- I need help – Help me pray for Mr son Yondo that God directs.him in the right path. May God go inside him and shake to him adhere to …
- Conceiving a child – Please pray for me. I have been trying to have a baby since 2 years now and multiple ivf’s. Really need your prayers now.
- Prayer for sons, Kirk, Trent and myself Nina – My son, Kirk had a stroke and is ok except it left him with short term memory so he is living in a home that …
- Lucy and Michael to be blessed with baby – Dear God I beg you shower your choicest blessings on Michael and Lucy to have a healthy baby. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayer …
- Children at School – Please pray that my children will honor God in their school work and they will be successful, so they will get a scholarship to college.
- To get back my son – Dear God, please return my boy. I can’t live without him
- Prayer for my children – Please pray for my daughter that she returns home. She just graduated and she is 18. She is not staying in a godly and safe …
- All that God has promised – For all my children, to be saved, for them to live in their purpose, trust God, love God, love themselves and others, stop procrastinating and …
- Prayer for my son – Dear God, Thank you for another day filled with Your mercy and grace. Today I ask that you go before Tank, move through him and …
- Prayer to have a boy and a girl – I am married for 3years now and I have not been able to conceive. I want God to bless me with twice, a boy and …
- Daughter – Please pray for my daughter Jemma who is constantly rude and disrespectful to me. She is 22 years old and I have asked her to …
- My Prodigal Son – My son, Landon has not been living for the LORD. He has left home at 17, and he’s staying with very bad influences. He chose …
- Healing for Christopher – He has had fever for 9?days wich by prayer and motrim have controled results say normal on culture so i bring this prAyer in agreement …
- Family – Please pray for the Lord to give me the strength and guidance and wisdom.. And to get into my apartment and get my power and …
- Healing – Lord heal my daughter at present early suffering with skin disease. I trust you with whole heartly kind take away her disease and recover her. …
- Salvation – I pray for the salvation of my two boys and husband. Let Christ into their hearts so they will fine peace and serenity. Thank you …
- A mother’s heart – Please pray for my son to get direction on what he wants to do far as career I hoping he goes to school .He is …
- Success in exam – Mother Mary, please pray for my daughters Shruti and Shreya for their success in their mid term exam which is starting from 21st June, to …
- Miracle Children – God in His mercy should remove whatsoever that is causing delay of my miracle children to show forth.God should confirm His word in (Psalm127:3) in …
- Deliverance – I need God’s intervention in my life and the live of my wife
- Prayer for my daughter – Dear Loving Father, I pray for my daughter to get a good job soon. I also pray that you bless her with a loving life …
- A Prayer for my Grandchildren – Dear Father I am not here for myself bout for 2 of my grandchildren there father Lord dont spend time eith then all he does …
- Help bring us back – Dear Lord, please help my family in this difficult time my children were taken from me illegally and even after this was admitted I still …
- Truth – Our family just lost a heartbreaking and very expensive legal battle. Please pray that the Holy Spirit speaks to the little girl that knows the …
- Salvation – Salvation and deliverance from drugs
- Deliverance/Healing – Please pray that God move everybody out of my son life that should not be there. The enemy is trying to pull him back into …
- Save my children – Please pray for my children and their salvation. My daughter is 22 my son is 18. They are both unsaved and leading very unsafe life …
- child – My name is Royston I am 24 years old I am from Australia my Father is Fijian and my mother is Native Australian my Ex-partner …
- Home – Please pray this single mom of three will get the home we put an offer on today. We need a place to live and the …
- Deliverance and protection for teenager – Prayers for my son to receive God as his Lord And savior. No more being tempted by Satan and others who don’t following God’s word. …
- Prayer of salvation for Chan – We pray a prayer of salvation that my children would accept Jesus as their Lord and savior. My 3 youngest have made decisions to follow …
- May God Guide My Children – Please pray for my Children, Mark & Dorcas to be able to hear and obey God. May God direct their paths, so that their career …
- Healing – I found out I have something wrong with my pelvis and in slots of pain. And my daughter hates me and all her back.the devil …
- Prayer of healing for my infant son’s stomach – Please pray for my 9.5 month old son, Noah, he hasn’t had a bowel movement for 2 days. Hes in excruciating pain. We are on …
- Family – My son mistress me and wishes I was dead cause I don’t give his way
- sogood2me – My SON I pray that he finds his way in LIFE and PEACE that GOD will always PROTECT him even when he’s at his worst …
- Son’s custody battle – My son has permanent full custody of his 11 year old son and has had it for three years. The child’s mom was addicted to …
- Bring my granddaughters home – Lord forgive me for my sins Please touch the judges heart and return my babies back home .my life without them is no life.i love …
- Keeping the family together in love – My daughter Anthonique told me that something keeps telling her that Jesus is not real and thoughts are telling her to harm herself and she …
- Children – In the name of Jesus
- Special Intention for my Daugher – Special intention prayer for my daughter Christen.
- Return the Childers that we’re illegally taken from their parents – My prayer request is that God will soon return each and every one of those children that were illegally taken from their parents arms by …
- Healing – Please intercede to heal my ear. And grant. My mobility……with healing
- Rebellious – Prayer please for my teenager son.hes rebellious and doesn’t want to go to church anymore.i need prayer for health thank you God bless….
- Successful pregnancy – Please bless the pregnancy I’m carrying to be successful with a healthy baby present in my womb.
- My Hope is in the Lord! – Father, I love You! Forgive me for my bad thoughts and actions! I thank You for loving us so much, that You died for us! …
- My family – Please Lord help my son, Michael with his shortcomings. His mild autism, his attention deficit and anxiety. Help him find his way in the world. …
- My sons – Father i pray that my sons find you. That they raise their children to know you and love you. That they understand that Jesus gave …
- Behaviour problem – My child is 10 yearso old. Heis having adhd. And writing disability. He is having behavioural problems please give a reply
- Help me pray for my children – I’m a single mom with two kids and no father in the picture. In need of prayers for both my children. Prayers for my daughter, …
- Need to have love and patience – Dear Lord, please fill me with love and patience in taking care of my 5 year old adopted little girl.
- Prayer for protection – God, I put my children under your divine protection. I pray that the angels of peace surround them. Keep them safe in Jesus Name. Amen
- Healing/salvation for Michael – My adult son is suffering from what I feel is a demonic presence. He is manic and has not sought help. He seems toromented, angry, …
- Favor And deliverance – Please pray for my son’s ,especially the one who living overseas the devil trying to mess him he was the one who was taking care …
- Prayer for good and happy live for my son and daughter – Oh Dearest Lord, Please bless both my son and my daughter, please help my son and daughter achieve success in life and love. Help them …
- Salvation for my grown up girls – I have the oldest daughter her name is Ryan a middle child Jessica and youngest child Carol Ann daughter not that strong had some problems …
- Deliverance – Please pray for my young adult and teen children. They have decided that God is not real and are living in very worldly ways. We …
- Please God help these poor children and parents separated at the border – Please God help these crying innocent children at the Mexican border They don’t understand politics. They are victims! Pls also help the parents who are …
- Hope – Please pray for me I am going threw a downhill in life with people that want to see me down and gone. I am a …
- Protection for grandson – My grandson has nightmares about his father dying in a Mexican holding site. He is 9 and born 10/31/2008. He is very grounded on Christ. …
- Salvation – Please pray for my son James. My son James is an adult son with autism spectrum. Please pray for his life to be saved by …
- For my daughters – Please pray for a hedge of protection around my two young daughters. Their abusive father has been illegally keeping them away from me for nearly …
- Love – That my children be close to Jesus
- Prayer for my Children – Please pray for my 2 teenage boys who got anxiety and depression. I pray that God will bless and heal them and come out happy …
- Temporary dialysis heals my son kindeys – Praise God. My children are being attacked by illness that are becoming burdens on my family. I ask for healing from all illnesses and speedy …
- Prayer for my son – I pray for my son’s coming back to church and complete turn around. To turn his back on bad influences and that he will realize …
- Pray for my autistic son – Hi brothers and sisters in Christ, Please pray for my autistic son (6 years old). Pray that he will improve especially in the following areas: …
- My Brother’s Keeper – Please help lead my baby brother away from the ones who are not right for the path that was chosen for Him. Allow him to …
- Granddaughter – Please pray for me and my family. I have sole custody of my granddaughter and her biological father is stepping in and taking me to …
- Prayer Request – Pray for my son to get a God fearing, loving wife, someone who will love him and be by his side always.
- Family prayer – Son and his disobedient and not wanting to follow simple instruction. during just what he want I have redirect him seens like to more i …
- Prayer for peace – My son and his father is not getting along. There is a lot of contention. I need prayers for peace in the home. Thank you …
- Freedom – I have two sons and a nephew in prison I Pray for forgiveness Mercy and Grace for them and for them to come home healthy …
- God’s Help For My Children – I pray for daughter and husband to have favour in getting all their finances and approvals in place to be able to move to Canada …
- Come little children unto Me – I pray for the children of the border crisis. And i.ask God to have those he has anointed stand up to what is right. There …
- Protection – Prayer needed for protection from the evil one. Give us the words to say, if needed, in this situation. Give us your guidance, Lord, in …
- Prayer for the Immigrant Children separated from their parents at the borders – Heavenly Father, please watch over all this children, while the politics of the United States of America correct this atrocity. Protect and Bless all this …
- Prayer for Justice – Please, I need alot of prayers in this area. I asked for a divorce in August 2015. 3 Days later, husband filed but I wasn’t …
- My son – My 6 year-old son Henry has symptoms of Autsim and ADHD. He also has severe food intolerances and allergies and is only able to eat …
- Family – Please keep me and my children in your prayers. That I can find adequate living arrangements so they can come home from state’s custody. And …
- Healing – I want God to heal my 6 years old son from brain cancer which doctors say there is to cure and deliver my son from …
- My Daughter’s Protection from Diseases – Dear Lord, I come to you with the assurance that you have special love and corn for my daughter. Please protect and heal her from …
- God-fearing lifetime partner – I have 6 grown up children who were raised in a Christian home. However, only 2 are regularly attending church service now. My second daughter …
- Help My Son Do Well In Summer School – Dear Jesus, Please help my son do well in summer school. He is struggling with a very ill parent and has let his school work …
- Physical healing for my son – Dear father, I know you are all powerful. I ask your mercies to completely heal my son’s throat so he will be able to swallow …
- My son – Please pray that my son will get his life together, live it with honesty and integrity and be the man God created. Also pray that …
- JOB WITH SECURITY – Please pray for both of my children to get a good /secured job in USA
- family – Lord first let me praise you for being with us and not letting this be worse. Lord that you would blanket our family with your …
- Am standing in the need of prayer – GM the police ran into my home lock up my son and my nephew up they being miss treated in there both is innocent of …
- Need my family back – Our father God i come to you today to ask you to reunite me back with my family you know the situation in Jesus name …
- PRAYER FOR CONFUSED YOUTH – My daughter (and many other girls I know) hates being a girl. She calls herself TRANS-GENDER! I know this is disrespectful to God who created …
- God’s Grace – I pray to God to take away distraction from my child, let the fear of God posses her. Let her finish well in her studies …
- Guidance for my daughter’s further education – My daughter is doing her 12 grade. I am confused where to send her for further degree college. India, UK or Newzeland or be in …
- Deliverance – Help pray for my teenage daughter to be set free from bad company and drugs addictions.
- My daughter – Please pray for my daughter, she is at high school repeating her grade 9 and during her first term this year she still did not …
- Family – I have a sick son please pray with me that God will heal his body.
- Everything – My grandma kidnapped my kids and will not give them back lord i ask u to please let her let my kids go please open …
- Forgiveness and peace – I first ask to forgive me for for my daily sins….My son 19 yrs old smart young man very bright polite, respectful , everything u …
- Please pray for the salvation of my three sons – Please pray for the salvation of my three sons, ages 20, 24 and 26. And that they can have a lifelong relationship with Jesus and …
- Strength guidance and faith – Lord i pray for the strength and patience to be a good mother to my daughter to not give up on the process of motherhood …
- Prayer for my son – I ask for prayers over my 19 year son to help see what God has planned for him. He is looking for a job without …
- In the name of Blessing of the LORD’S granting – Father GOD help me to help my self i ask in the name of Jesus if you will continue to bless me with the children …
- Salvation for family members – I’m asking prayer for my son, grandaughter, Heather to be saved. I also ask prayer my son & Heather be married and living to raise …
- Peace & happiness – God Almighty I bring my daughters to you asking that you direct their lives so they can attain their heart desires through your direction and …
- Prayer for troubled teenage son – Lord please hear my prayers for my son Nathan please guide him in the right pathway help him to make the right choices and to …
- Grant a voice to my grandson – Heavenly father i come to you meek and humble, giving you all the honor and glory, blessing your name for who you are and what …
- Prayer for my son – I am asking for God’s plan to be ordered for my 30 year old son, Joshua. He lost his job, he is behind with rent …
- Protection – Having dreams of my daughter almost being hit by car or seeing her lying on the floor next to a semi. Shes alone in my …
- Prayers – Please pray for my son. He is going through a depression. I worry about him. I pray that God will please get him through this.
- My children – I have a sixteen year old daughter who had a child when she was only 14. I raised her alone. I’ve always been there for …
- Help in school for my son. – Pray for my Son. He’s a freshman in college. Pray that God will give him the wisdom, knowledge and understanding he needs in order to …
- Employment and strength – Please gube me strength and wisdom and courage to move on in my life and forgive me for my sins..i need clarity and understanding in …
- Prayer for me and my Son – Please pray for me and my son. I am currently battleing anxiety and depression. I suspect that my son has a disability that will impact …
- Strength to resist temptation – Dear God help us to be worthy of your love and give us strengths to stay away from evil in thoughts, words and deeds.
- Protection – My daughter Oprah, is very disrespectful to this family she not doing well in school. Whenever put things down that are not belong to her …
- For my children – Father take control of my children little princess who is having a lot of challenges coming her help her to be a good leader and …
- Children – In need of prayer for my children keep them protected by the armour of our father. Lean towards our father and not by the darkness …
- For Him – Please pray for safety of my son and give him strength to carry on please help him get his lift.
- Children’s Safety, Protection and Jobs – I’m requesting prayer requests for my two adult children’s safety, protection and good paying job/careers for them. They both need to be protected and be …
- Forgiveness love – Pls god guide my children in the right path make them strong boys have no fear and pray for me to be there for them …
- Conceive a baby girl – Please pray I conceive a healthy baby girl or twin girls. Been trying for so long now.
- Family – For all my children myson raul is lost and needs to be found he has lost his way
- Honorable life – Jeremy to choose the right path and to not smoke pot. Turn to god
- Protection prayer for my children – Please pray for my two children a prayer of protection. They have been going through trials at school and they are now anxious, unable to …
- Probation/ Time served – Probation/ Time for my Son. To touch the heart of the District attorneys supervisor heo is being pressured others. God bless you and thank you
- Our Children – Please pray for my two nephews who have both been to prison, due to the addition of meth…one is out now and has been doing …
- Prayer for a niece / nephew – For sister and family
- Becoming a mother – I pray to become a mother again and get pregnant me and my husband have been try for a little girl and her getting treat …
- Salvation and accomodation – Scott healing from serious post traumatic depression, stumbled by his very close cousin and brothers death needs to find Salvation, good accomodation and a job …
- Pray for promiscuous son – My son is addicted to drugs and is involved in promiscuity. He’s also bisexual. He has little to no self-worth and as such engages in …
- Please pray for my son Liam to get in to kindergarten at true north academy – Please pray for my son he is on a waitlist very close to getting in to the kindergarten i so badly want him to get …
- My children will shine – I pray for my children to make me a proud mother one day.
- Leaning on you Lord – Lord please have mercy on my children. Forgive them for their sins. Protect them Lord. Court is coming and iam so worried. Lord please help …
- Leaning on you Lord – Lord please have mercy on my children. Forgive them for their sins. Protect them Lord. Court is coming and iam so worried. Lord please help …
- My daughter’s examinations – Father in heaven thank you for this day. Thank you for blessing me with children. Thank you for heir lives, friends, teachers and associates. This …
- To concieve twins – Lord God i pray that when i conceive again , i may conceive twins, i pray for a healthy pregnancy free from complications and miscarriages …
- I need urgently 15000 – Plzz God help me because I wanted to take admission in college in 2 days plzzz good help me
- Heal relationship with my children – Lord please heal my relationship with my children.
- Crisis – Prayer for my daughter, who may be homeless if she cant sort out her accommodation. Prayer for best accommodation to be made available for her …
- Protection – Please pray for my daughter, she uses drugs and doesn’t listen to anyone. She comes and goes as she please I think the evil spirits …
- Prayer of protection for my 16yr old son – I prayer the almighty charges his angles to surround and protect my son. I pray that the father gives him courage to see that the …
- Praying without ceasing/believing God in all things – I have been under a spiritual attack. the. devil is using and have been using all four of my children to cause division between us.this …
- Guidance – My Prayer is what to do with a son who has been abused in his early life by a si called christian He took to …
- For loved ones – For my grandson Kyle and brooke for there daughter they need a strong prayer
- Children – Im asking pray for my daughter Sunshine for God to get her off the mess devil think he got her in a relationship with another …
- Life and divine protection – May all my children live and not die. May my family live. May my ministry manifest.
- Son future – My son named M Gaurav aged 14 years totally spoiling his future life and not responding to parents. He behaves like rowdy. Spiritual values totally …
- pray to bring Bharathidasan/Chottu back to me calling me “mummy” as before – Please pray for conversion of Bharathidasan/ Chottu, to cleanse him of stubbornness, arrogance, anger, grudge, ego, misunderstandings and bring him back to me calling me …
- Wyatt’s new heart – Please pray to remove any and all narcissistic personality disputes of my son Wyatt. Give him a new heart and attitude of a Christ-like teen. …
- Prayer for child – Praise the Lord!!!! I request you all to pray for me to have a child. Thank you!!!
- Special needs/depressed/borderline delusional child – Dear God, Please help my child find peace in the child’s mind and heart. Help my child know that everyone has something in their lives …
- Prayer for me and my son – Please pray that God will heal my body from boils and that he will bless my son DaJon with a job.
- Blessings for my children – Please God bless my children to know you in their lives to call on you in times of trouble right now mazvi needs a job …
- Healing – Pray for my daughter after surgery yesterday, for blockage.
- Help for Co-parenting – I have two adopted teenage daughters that have experienced early life trauma. Their father (my ex-husband) refuses to talk to me about co-parenting. He makes …
- Visa – Prayer for my child to get a visa.
- My Daughter – The prayer is for me to have the guidance to redirect my daughter. She’s a young teen and has gotten involved with the wrong crowd …
- Speech – Dear Lord Please help my daughter to start talking and conversing with us..please help me to help and guide her..thank you
- My brother – Please pray for my brother and his girls as he has been raising his girls for the last 80 days alone. He is in court …
- Strengh and peace – Lord please give me peace and strength to allow you to fight all my anxiety and fear my heart is heavy with so much I …
- Daughter’s happiness – Lord, please help my young daughter Samantha. She is facing unhappiness in her life. She feels she has a solution, but I don’t feel it …
- My Son – Please help my son locate a job so he can take care of his responsibilities. Please bless his spirit that he may not stay in …
- Moving situation. Worked out – Please let moving work in my favor. Deposit returned and money to move. Relationship with son repaired. Motivation increased to finish. Strength to endure peace, …
- Pray for Health – Please help me pray for my 3 year old nephew who was detected with cancer 2 Days ago today he starts his chemo! Help me …
- Help my kids to prosper at their school work and give them wisdom – Kindly pray for my kids in all of their studies exam and school work. For concentration and understanding their school work.
- God’s help – Scholarship for my children and spiritual growth.
- For my daughters healing – Dear Lord Please be with Layla and allow her to heal quickly and permanently from her head injury. Restore her to perfect health. Please also …
- Lord hear our prayer – Please pray for my wife to conceive soon, seven years have passed in our marital life still we do not have kids,please pray for us. …
- Family intentions – That my children will return to the church and the sacraments That I will find a way financially to retire within the next 2 years …
- My babies – Dear God if I have rewarded evil evil for good I take it back father God I pray that you watch over my son and …
- My daughter development – Pray my daughter, Angela’s development. She has development delay, weak muscle and brain problem. Please pray for improvement. Thank you.
- Daughter – Please pray for my 21 year old daughter. She has told me she is seeing a young man, and although he seems very nice, he …
- Infertility Journey – We pray our IVF cycle results in a viable and healthy pregnancy. We pray the eggs retrieved today are healthy, we pray to God and …
- Freedom for my Son – Please pray for my son Jaylon Francis.. He was taken to jail on April 24, 2018 and he’s still there not knowing when they’re going …
- Prayer for my son – My son Ajani is 8 going on 9 a few weeks ago he started stealing from his teachers myself and his granddad. We spoke to …
- My loved ones – Please pray for my children. my daughter is having her baby her name Carmen. Pray for margarita a prayer for Alexander and I want you …
- Prayer fir my son to pass the qualifying exam – Dear St Jude i pray to you with all my heart asking your help to please help Gerard to pass the qualifying exam and Kim …
- Family – Lord in jesus name we pray for the safety and for you dear lord to keep ur loving hand on each and everyone in our …
- You are a God of restoration – Lord I thank you for reunification and restoration for those that have list prayers here and also for myself. I realize that in this season …
- Prayer for my son – Dear Lord, I thank you and I love you. I come to you today in fervent prayer for my son. Father I know that You …
- Prayer for total healing for my brain damaged baby – Am praying for my little baby girl. She had a severe brain injury while being born. She has been on ventilator since She was born …
- Family – Please pray for my children and grandchildren who has health conditions and need God’s peace and help in their daily lives. Please pray for me …
- Protection – Lord, please watch over my children. As they get older, they are under my control less. Please watch over them as they go into the …
- Rebellious – My son has no respect for me I’m the mother he’s rebellious
- Baby girl – Lord I conceived already and I have been asking from you for a daughter. You have blessed me with three cute boys but father this …
- Vote no – Vote no for abortion
- Please – God I need forgiveness I am so sorry for the fact that I took laundry detergent at school god I do not want to get …
- An Obedient Son – Kindly pray for my son who is now 11 years old for godly wisdom and the gift of obedience to his parents and elders.
- Family – I am going through some Fertility Medical Procedures. Please Pray the Procedure is successful and the Lord Bless me with a Normal Healthy Baby. Thank …
- Prayer for school going children – I pray for my two sons, my nephew and my three nieces to do well is their studies. I ask for God’s guidance and wisdom, …
- College Student living a life of destruction – My 21 year old college daughter needs some prayer. Since she’s been in college (3 years) she has absolutely no relationship with God. She suffers …
- My son Matthew – My son was murder on March 17 2018 praying that his killing get wat they deserve and praying the Lord have his soul he resting …
- Prayer for successful exam of my son – Please pray for my son john derick datul that he passed his removal exam tomorrow in math. May he be given wisdom and blessings during …
- Healing – Lord i pray for my childrens mental and emotional well being. That you guide them in every descision that they make. That you give them …
- Prayer for a baby boy – Dear Lord i come into your presence with humily and total submission. I thank you for your mercy and blessing my marriage with three lovely …
- Prayer for my granddaughter to be brought back to me – Good morning, my granddaughter’s mom brought her to me to raise her, everything went well, we gave her stability and all the love that she …
- Bring my FAMILY BACK TOGETHER – Father God, For yet I have sinned as a parent. Lord please bring my family back together & help us find a home. Thank you …
- Salvation – I Pray for Salvation for Jason and that the Lord will heal him from a divorce, i Pray the Lord Bless him with work , …
- My son – Please pray for my only son. My desire is that God is pleased with him. That he may grow up to be that God fearing …
- Praying getting my walk closer to God in praying for perfection of my kids grandkids in family – Praying for protection w me my family in enemies
- Finances – Please pray for my children finances and mine also. I am single and having a hard time. I was part of hurricane Harvey and having …
- Mother’s wish – My daughter turned 13 a week ago. Despite an above average intelligence, she has being demonstrating a lack of insight. Many have described as lacking …
- Prayer for baby to be healthy – Dear Lord I come before you asking for your grave and mercy ! Father I pray that the bleeding that I have experienced was just …
- Help – Please pray for my children Isabella and Jesse. I made some bad choices in life n my children are no longer with i’m doing my …
- Finding peace and reconciliation – Please prey that way find out how peace and reconciliation with my daughter. Thank you so very much. Kristin
- Guidance for my teenage son who is struggling with studies – Please pray with me for my 16 year old son who loves gadgets and finds it hard to study on his own. The only time …
- My son changes hatred turn to respect and love – Please pray that my son is changes his feelings to hatred turn to love and love himself not become a rebels to his parents…thank you …
- Deliverance – Please pray for my son who is struggling with same sex attraction. Thank you!
- Pray for Samuel – Father God I pray to you for healing for my little grandson Samuel who is suffering from breathing problem and a horrible cough that continues …
- Healing – My 3 months old baby is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Please pray for her.
- My family – Good morning to all I am praying for my family my kids and the Bahamas that God would keep use safe.
- Catholic schools – Please pray for my daughter Melissa she is serving in the US Navy. Today she is asking for financial help from the catholic school administration …
- Faith – Please help me pray that all goes well and my son will be home to stay forever!
- Anger – Lord make me your own, the fruit of you, let not my anger take over me, forgive me for my sin, my thought and anger. …
- Healing for my Daughter & Family – Five years ago, my Daughter remarried after losing her husband of 15 yrs to an accidental death. We were so happy she had found someone. …
- Financial Prayer – That my children will have a personal relationship with God so that they will be a positive example to their children and service God and …
- My son to be safe – Dear Lord My son is lost in his journey! He refuses to look for … Dear lord please guild him , shine his way and …
- My Boys – I pray to be forgiven by my children for the choices I’ve made in that led me far away from them for so long. I …
- Admission to nursing program – My daughter needs a miracle prayer because she completed her prerequisite for nursing. she is waiting for a miracle call for admission.
- Pregnant And Praying For A Daughter – I first want to say Thank You God for giving me opportunity to care and I will be completely thankful with whatever gender you decide. …
- A Daughter – O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my …
- Prayer for my son recovery of fractured bone – Lord , Please touch and Heal my son I know that he belongs to you Heal all the pains that he feels I surrender my …
- Son – Please pray for my son Mike to get over his depression quickly. Also give him love and patience with his children. I fear he is …
- Set my heart free – My Lord, Today I ask you to please protect my child from being wrongfully charged of a crime he didn’t commit. Give him the opportunity …
- Family Freedom – I would love for my children 22, 20 and 17 to be walking out their life calling/destiny in the Lord. I pray that my failures …
- Pregnancy – Please pray for Snježana. She s pregnant. That everything would be good with she and baby. That she give birth well and that she and …
- My lost child – My youngest 17 yr old Dillon is so lost the enemy has him in bondage. We need the power of the Lord to set him …
- Prayer for tortured, jailed, abused and abondoned children and babies all over the world – Heavenly Father, I pray for all children and babies all over the world. Abandoned, babies, abused babies and children. Children and babies put in jail …
- Grandson – Dear God, Thank you for your help and guidance. Thank you for answering my prayers. Please help the doctor help my grandson on Monday. I …
- Teen with low self esteem – My teenage daughter suffers from low self esteem and anxiety. She has very few friends and is struggling with her self worth. She cries all …
- I am praying for my son for his safety – My son is 27 and is disabled he lives in Flordia . In his own aptment . Well what was his foster mother Betty Bunnell …
- My son and my unborn baby – Dear God for a long time God something has been hindering me whatever it is I do not know father God before your goodness sake …
- Prayer for a child who is going astray – Dear Lord, please touch my son Cecil. He is mixing with bad people, coming home smelling of beer and skipping classes. Mend his ways dear …
- Family – Pray for my eldest daughter and my other 3 children
- For My Daughter’s Exam – Please pray for my daughters chemistry exam today.
- Grant my petition of a baby boy oh lord – Oh lord my father I thank you for a special moment like this I bless you for all you have done in my family and …
- Help – I don’t know how to pray for my daughter and son-in-law anymore. There are so many issues!
- God is always watching when you least expect it – Dear heavenly father I am truly grateful thank you for waking me up so beautiful and prosperous day father God I pray for the souls …
- For my son – Please pray that my son will be motivated to survive snd never give up nor quit this breaking period…Please blrss him for strength each day….
- One last grade – Please pray that my son is able to pull up one last grade. He has a small learning disability and has worked his butt off …
- Deaf and dumb spirit – My son name Aiden,he is not understanding anything,often crying and laughing..I couldn’t understand anything,sometimes screaming a lot..I fell like dying,eating only plain chapathi,he is in …
- Claude Anthony’s Birthday – Please help me to the Lord God that always HE protect Claude Anthony from the eyes and the plans of evil doers. That He will …
- Prayers for my children health and exams success – In the name of the Father, Son and Holly Spirit. Amen. I am asking God almighty to bless my children giving them good health and …
- Adoption Guidance – That God will guide us thru this journey of building a family.
- God please give me a baby boy – Lord Jesus…first of all I am giving you thanks for all your the blessings that you have showered upon me and my family. Thank you …
- Pregnancy – Prayers request: Please pray for Snježana. She s pregnant. That everything would be good with she and baby. That she give birth well and that …
- Child and mother – Please pray for my daughter and her child. My daughter is going through a divorce, and needs prayers to keep her and her daughter safe. …
- Healing – I pray for healing upon my two children that are very sick. Let their body receive permanent healing in Jesus name AMEN
- To confirm heartbeat – Please Jesus let us see today a heartbeat. I don’t want to go thru another M/C. In Jesus name everything will be fine today. Amen
- Teen son so troubled – My son is so troubled. 14.5 spent a week in behavioral health for suicidal thoughts. I am so lost and in despair. I want to …
- Prayers for son – Dear Believers in Christ, Please agree with me in prayer for my son’s acceptance to medical school soon. Jesus Christ, you have never turned me …
- Prayer for good marks in my previous exam – Please pray for me to get good results in my class 10 final exam.
- Help for autism – Please pray for my autistic son to learn to accept himself and for his anxiety and maladaptive behaviors to resolve so he may serve God …
- Safety – Please pray that Jack, a teenager, makes moral and virtuous decisions especially this week. thank you
- Let Fred out and come – Hi.can you pray for my son come home.he in the county. Jail. And that his p.o.officer and lawyer .will talk for his good.and let. …
- A levels first year – In Jesus name, I ask brethren to agree that my daughter Hemara will excel in all her A levels especially Biology. There is power in …
- Prayer for my Grandson – Please keep my grandson safe and help my daughter to find her way through her trials and tribulations. Please keep me strong so I can …
- Healing of injury – St. Jude please help my 2year old daughter. She lost part of her finger in a injury and it hasn’t started growing back. I ask …
- Child support for my baby girl – I am 31 yrs old mother of a 1 yr old baby girl. I have longed for her since my prev relationship was barren. Now …
- Son’s anger – I pray the blood of Jesus over my son. He is angry with our current situation. He Hs been manipulated by his father and his …
- To deliver a baby boy – Please pray for me to deliver a baby boy
- Please pray God will protect my children – Please pray for my children. I’m worried about them. pray protection and safety over them. God knows the situation. I feel helpless
- Prayer for sons – I am blessed with 3 beautiful girls and want to be blessed with pious,intelligent and healthy Sons who will praise the name of my living …
- My Children-Wyatt & Liam – St Jude please pray for my babies. Wyatt was born at 31 weeks and is currently in the nicu at a local hospital. I feel …
- For my son to move out – My son Antonio is very disrespectful he is my only child he talks to me like I am someone in the street no job pays …
- Kids – Please pray that I can find my son’s mother she took my son away from me and won’t let me see or talk to him
- Prayer for guidance with my son – I am in need of prayer for my 9 year old son Chaz, he is really struggling at school and seem to keep getting in …
- Protection to my daughters Helga and Evana – Please pray for my daughters to protect them from all evils, to fear god , to obey elders and to study well.
- Rebecca – Please pray that Rebecca passes her Chemistry final exam with the grade she needs to pass the course and graduate. Please give her endurance. Lower …
- For my family – Asking for prayers for my son asking for protection and guidance in Jesus name amen…God bless you all!!!!
- Protection – Lord I ask if you can watch over my son in prison my daughter who’s in high school to watch over them protect them
- Help for my son – I pray that my son Matt regains his faith take away his torments and to pass his exams Math..Bio and Geography Amen
- Grandsons – Dear God, Please let my grandsons find friends and be happy I their new Christian school. They are both struggling to fit in. I ask …
- Peace of mind for my son – I pray for Brandon Ray my son Strengthen his troubled mind
- St jude – Please help bring my daughter Aimee back to me.
- My baby granddaughter – All my heart is asking is that my baby granddaughter Kaiya recovers from her injuries, to be given a chance to live a happy and …
- Breaking the chains – I have two sons that need prayer. I pray for god to heal there addictions. And that they know there need for him. Open doors …
- Bring her home – Please pray that my daughter come home she moved out yesterday she’s only 18 she feels unloved unappreciated feels as if the world is against …
- Prayer of being on my own – Please help me pray as I set out with my three boys, to get our own place to call home, to bring us four back …
- I need a job desperately. I need prayer for a reconciliation and healing for myself and children – My children and i have been seperated 4 years due to a ugly divorce we need prayer for healing and reconciliation
- Healing after death – Please pray that my 21 year old daughter to walk again after a prolonged cardiac arrest. He has promised to show her her true identity …
- Help – Prayer for my family my 10 yr disabled daughter was sexually assaulted by 2 of her classmates and the bus driver did not stop it. …
- Praying for God’s Will – Please pray Gods will for my daughter. She is struggling with anxieties, stress and fear. I pray God will wrap her up in his loving …
- For Morgan – Favor for my child
- Guidance/protection – I would like for all to pray for Felicia,she has walked away from God/the church. She graduated from university 5yrs and is working in a …
- Kids – Please pray that I will somehow have three healthy children of my own in the next five years,for good fertility
- Prayer to Protect my Daughter – Lord father in heaven. My daughter against the evils & temptions of this world. Lord Jesus I ask that you heal her soul from all …
- Prayer To Conceive – Lord, My father, My Savoir, My counsler my light. Lord I come to you broken , angry, weary & jealous. Lord I ask that you …
- Born at others expenses – Will you pray for children to fast without eating and drinking literal earthly food, mother’s milk, and other liquids or medications because of why God …
- Prayer for guidance – Please pray for my family that we receive wisdom and guidance on an important decision. Please also pray that I get over my anxiety and …
- Pray for my son’s education – Dear st Jude, my son is going downhill in his studies. I am desperate. Please help him to overcome difficulties.
- Prayer for my baby speech – Dear Lord – My daughter Katherine hasn’t started to speak yet though she is close to 2.5 years old , she is trying to speak …
- Prayer to bring my children close to each other again – Dear All, I need prayers for my children to get back together and be close to one another again. May they forgive each other and …
- Miracle – Please pray for my daughter Krystal who is in desperate need for god help and guidance to make the right decisions and choices, she is …
- Love and safety – Please pray for my daughter and her young daughter. Prayers are needed as she is going thru a divorce. Please pray for the safety and …
- Healing my daughter – St Jude. I pray for healing over my daughter Leah. She has been sick so much and pray for full healing over her. May her …
- Baby girl – Dear lord, I know you know my heart and hear my prayers. I lift up my prayer to you, that lord, if it’s your will, …
- For my son Andrae – Please to help me pray for my son Andrae he is lock up and will be released next Wednesday and am asking the Lord to …
- Miss my boy Seth – Failure to get there Sorry does not cut it I need my boy seth next to me Now
- Employment – Lord Jesus I place my daughter Laurisa before you this morning. I am urgently seeking you help for her to get a job. Lord Laurisa …
- Prayers for Bryer – Father we ask that you heal baby Bryer’s heart. That you be with the surgeons who are set to repair his tiny heart next Thursday. …
- For my son’s success – Please pray for my son that he will be included in the final list of cadet applicants to take oath this May..
- Pregnancy – Prayer Request : Please pray for Snježana. She s pregnant. That everything would be good with she and baby. That she give birth well and …
- My daughter is blind in love and living in sin and fornication – Pease pray my daughter stops living in sin and fornicating. She is a Christian and has lost her way. She is being used and manipulate …
- Bless me with baby boy – Oh God. Oh lord. Oh Jesus. It’s been more than 6 years that I m praying for a baby boy. Please shower ur love on …
- Healing of Injury – Please pray for my daughter she sustained a injury in her finger Pray god can bring back what was lost
- For more children – Please allow my husband to open up his heart to having more children. He refuses and wants to be be done with it.
- Health for son – A prayer for son’s hand injury to heal and he be healthy.
- Daughter – Pray for my daughter to earn her PhD soon. She is having a difficult time completing her research. Once completed God will lead her to …
- Hope – Prayer for my daughter who has severe bitterness l cannot understand . Demanding for lavish life and refusing to live in hostels or family member …
- Personal – To get pregnant
- An apartment for my daughter – Dear Lord. I place your daughter whom you have let me borrow on this earth in your hands as she ventures into this new job. …
- Protection – Please pray for my children and I. We finally fled a domestic violence home and now their father is suing me for custody and our …
- I am married women both of us we need kinds – My father I humble my self before you to make my fruit of my womb to barren a kinds I asked in the marvelous name …
- My prodigal sons – Please pray that my sons Seth and Luke will be delivered from addiction and will turn their lives over to Jesus.
- Family – Dear Lord please forgive me for my sins. Please help me not to get angry when I feel slighted or when things come up that …
- Praying for a baby girl – Please Lord Give Me a beautiful baby Girl♡. Thank You Lord For My two handsome boys ♡ LORD PLEASE PLEASE I WANT A BABY GIRL.
- My Son – My son is 18 he just lost his father and he is in a state of depression. His name is Marco Beckford please pray for …
- Help me FATHER – Dear Father, my adult children want nothing to do with me. I try to reach out and their words and actions hurt me more. Please …
- Making the right choice – Dear God I have not always lived a righteous life, I have sinned. Now I need to make a choice to stay where I am …
- I need money – O God pls help me. I need money for my children education and my husband mediation expenses. Pls pls pls god help me help me
- That my memory will improve and I will not have dementia – I pray that I will be able to provide for all four children and keep well— also for school fees and to manage my bills
- Pray for healthy twins – I pray and ask the lord to bless me with healthy twins
- For my son – Please pray for my don Glenn Mark that he will be included in the final list of cadet applicants to take oath as member of …
- Miracle – Faith – Please pray for my daughter to get into this summer program which will help her prepare for college. Also, please pray for my brother to …
- My daughter wont speak to me – Heavanly father I pray to you in the hope my daughter will talk to me and come home. My daughter has been having some trouble …
- Healing of injury – Please pray for my 2 year old daughter who lost part of her finger in a accident I pray to St. Jude that my daughter …
- My son – Father GOD please protect my son who is locked up. Please keep him safe, his mind strong, his Faith in you to become stronger. He …
- Prayer For A Competitive Exam – I am preparing for my neet exam please pray for me that i succeed in it.
- Lord give me Strength – Please pray for me, I live with a broken heart everyday. 9 years ago my oldest daughter took my grandbabies from me, due to her …
- Healing of injury – Please pray for my 2 year old daughter she sustained a finger injury and we hope what was lost will grow back
- Fruit of the womb – O Lord, open up my womb for conception of twins this year in Jesus name, amen.
- For my son – Please pray for my son Glenn Mark that he will be included in the final list of applicants to take oath as cadet of the …
- Adoption/immigration – Dear Jesus I can that we can adopt M she been living with us for 7 months, the her immigration status will be indifinate and …
- Twins – 10 year twins boy & girl to get a new start on life with a loving family to welcome them into their Hearts & Home.
- Safety for my family – My family are off to Africa on Sunday. Please God keep them safe.
- Prayer for male kids – Thank you my Lord and my God for the three girls i have.. please Lord I ask that you bless me with s male child …
- Concession – My daughter got accepted to be a zoo volunteer, the third and final mandatory training is also the night of her school’s overnight camp. She …
- Lord Please Help Me – Lord Please help me to endure the pain that I’m going through with my son and his kids. Please Lord lead me and guide me …
- My Son Dave’s Illness – Please pray for my son Dave who has multiple illnesses.
- Save from homeless – Please Lord, heal the health of my children please give me a job that I am capable of doing heal my ears….heal my irritated mouth …
- Having a baby girl – Please pray for my pregnancy for having a baby girl. I am sorry for everything Ive done .I will always be the best that I …
- Heal my son flu and cough – Dear Lord, thanks for giving me a good husband n also a cute baby. Please heal my newborn baby myson from his.flu n coughing. In …
- Prayer for missing son – My son James Timothy is missing and have been for two years. Those involve will not tell where he is. I contacted a young woman …
- Pray for my 14 yr.old grandson Emmanuel – Please pray for my grandson 14 yrs old he have a bad behavior problem
- Divine Release – Grace & Peace be with you! Can you please join me in prayer for my son Julius, he has been charged on a conspiracy charge, …
- Relationship advice – Please pray as I need to make. A decision about a relationship and for my kids
- Please give us a miracle – We ask you to bless us and help us through life. We are asking you to give us a chance to be parents to a …
- Help – I’m due to fly with my 9 year old boy tomorrow for his birthday, I’ve just realised my passport has expired. I pray for discretion.
- That my great grand baby starts talking clearly – Pray for my great granddaughter she was borne with slow brain function she is 18 months she’s now walking slow saying words.
- Release my son out of jail – Dear Lord,I ask that you release my son Dekory out of jail in May 2018, Lord he has done some wrong but not enough to …
- Prayer to deliver a baby girl – Dear Lord, I humbly ask that You bless me with a daughter. It has been my heart desire to have a baby girl, she will …
- Prayer for family with sickness – Dear Lord please cure my 3 year old daughter Emilie from severe eczema. Which never goes away, so that she can play in the grass, …
- My son/My Fears – Please pray for protection upon my son, I cannot help but feel this really bad feeling in my gut as if something was going to …
- For my Daughter – Please let my soon to be 7 month old daughter sleep through the night and every night from now on and get used to her …
- Homecoming prayer – Oh Lord I ask that you grant me with a blessing to bring my grandbabies home. Oh Lord I ask that you be with my …
- Help with our greatgrandson – Dear God, Please help with our greatgrandson Christofer. He was physically abused and neglected by his mother. Now he has a lot of anger issues …
- Knowing what’s best – My son has done a terrible thing and is becoming progressively more violent and unpredictable. He may now be subject to local authority care and …
- Protection of my Grandchild – Please ask God to surround my grandchild who has a learning difficulty from a very insensitive tutor who leaves her out when it is not …
- Healing – Please pray for my son Steven has chronic back pain, migraine, insomnia, asthma and he is aspergers
- Prayer for children – Oh dear God please protect my child from bad decisions, help him find good friends and return home without harm. I thank you my Lord …
- Bless my children – Gracious Heavenly Father, thank you for my children. Thank you for trusting me to raise them for you. Lord they belong to you and I …
- College acceptance – My daughter Bella needs prayers for college acceptance. She has been waitlisted at 3 and has been accepted to her 3rd choices. She is waiting …
- Dear saint jude – Dear saint Jude help me get back to my son in Ohio I’m trying to transfer with my job to Columbus Ohio. I miss my …
- To bring my Bharathidasan back to me – Please pray for conversion of my son chottu and to come back to me calling me “mummy” again
- Pray for my son. – Please pray for my son to recover soon from his cold and continuous cough. I believe in Lord Jesus.
- Prayer for Guidance and help – Lord God Almighty . Source of all I ask your Devine guidance through the holy Spirit to be with Jemima as she continues. Her studies …
- Please pray for my son Christian – Please pray for my son Christian that he change his ways and turn his life to the Lord and watch over my home and my …
- Grateful for Help – Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for your help with my grandson. He is turning around. Our path is bumpy but we have started to …
- My Grandson – Bless my little guy and give him the same opportunities in school and baseball as the other students and players…and let him succeed!
- Daughters forgiveness – I pray for my daughters heart to be softened and let me see my grandchildren I ask this in the name of Jesus.God hear my …
- Prayers that my Children and I find church – Prayers that my children and I find church that God wants us to be at and become active and my children become saved and baptized.
- Prayer for child – Dear Jesus please bless me and my husband Nagendra with a child of our own dear Jesus. It should be from my egg and from …
- Prayers for my sons – Please dearest Lord, Help my sons and help us to be better parents and a better family. My younger son is lonely and isolated. Please …
- Help – Hey, can you help me get a prayer chain going for a little boy named Dakota. They had to life flight him. He shot him …
- My son going to court in the morning – My 21 year old is going to court in the morning,he just got out of rehab,And he’s learning about God and getting closer to God!And …
- My special needs son – Please pray that school can understand him and support him through the eyes of the child that he is. Pray for this who have “invisible …
- My son Hates me – My son says he hates me, he constantly disrespects me. I gave him 2 years to straighten up his act and I’m on the verge …
- Desperate prayer for son and family – Please pray for our family crisis. We are in desperate need of help with making a right and just decision and to please God. We …
- William please forgive me – William a mother is never complete without her children . I pray you forgive me I pray you and my grandson and Daniale come and …
- Protection over my daughter – Dear Lord I place my daughter before you heavenly father and I pray that you protect her from all the evil in the world. We …
- Bless my kids – Praying that God get my son out of the trouble he is in,and that my daughter be a very good mother to her kids.
- Pass Exam – Lord please help me pass my economics exam tomorrow. Please let all my other subject results be good. Amen.
- Prayer for my Child – Dear Lord, Please bless my son , help him focus and help him get admission in a good university. In hope and prayer.
- I want my teenage son to believe in God – My teenage son stopped following me to church. He said he doesn’t believe in God. Please help pray with me so that he can confess …
- Get twin babies – God bless us to get twin babies as me n my hubby catching up age..n we really loved to having twins..pour ur blessings to get …
- Pray for our family – Please pray for my son’s welfare and happiness for our family
- My kids – Lord, be bigger than the court, be bigger than my opponents, and demonic enemies.i pray God that you continue bringing the home with full custody. …
- My daughter – Lord please help my daughter not to be angry and to be patient and most of all to trust in you.
- Prayer for my siblings to be saved – Please help me receive justice against a rapist abuser and help my three younger siblings and there half brother away from him
- Prays for my son – Please pray for my Son to pass all his final exams. He always get nervous and anxious and forgets everything. Thank you!!
- Prayer for healthy twin sons – Prayer for twin boys O Lord I thank you for your love and protection daily. Please forgive me for all my sins. I that you …
- Healing of the body – Praise the Lord. Please pray for my 2week old grandson, Donnie. I join with you in thanking God for his healthy delivery & continued healing …
- Please grant my son a Lottery Seat for the STEM K-8 School – Please create permanent distance and protection from the toxic families and bullying children we’ve met in my son’s preschool over the past two years. Please …
- For studies – Kindly please pray for my son Ashvinn to get excellent result in SPM examination . I hope he will be able to get straight A’ …
- Success in exam and good health – Please pray for my son who is unable to concentrate in his studies and is distracted to social media . He is unable to sleep …
- Pray for my daughter – I ask that you pray for my daughter to help her move away from bad male influences , life choices and get her life back …
- Thank you – Dear Lord thank you for another day and for the many blessings in my life. Thank you for keeping our families and co-workers safe. I …
- Urgent prayers for Daughter Needed – My daughter suffers from anxiety and depression and recently turned 18. She is struggling with school and just being there. She does her work at …
- Down syndrome risk – Please heal Charlotte from a high risk of Down syndrome. Please take it away and heal her and let her be born healthy . I …
- Children – Peace of strength do the right things
- Let my son succeed – Please pray for my son to pass high school & graduate with his class May 2, 2018.
- My daughter – Please pray for my 11 year old daughter. She is having many problems with coping with life. She screams all the time and struggles with …
- custody battle – My goddaughter is in an ugly custody battle. Her ex-boyfriend tells lies to the court and is brain washing their 8 year old daughter. He …
- Prayer for custody battle – My goddaughter is in an ugly custody battle. Her ex-boyfriend tells lies to the court and is brain washing their 8 year old daughter. He …
- Healing and protection for my son please thank you jesus – Healing and protection for my son please thank you..
- My Grandson – Lord please wrap your loving healing arms around my grandson cody and breathe complete health back into his precious life.
- Grandson pain – Pray for my grandson the his foot stops hurting and he can play basketball today
- Grandson foot pain – For the pain to heal in my grandson foot so he can play basketball today
- Pray for Tristan’s blood pressure – Please pray for the healing of Tristan’s blood pressure. He has to have oral surgery. I pray for a miracle that when they take his …
- God’s divine intervention – Kindly join me in prayers. I am currently pregnant,and have 2 daughters already, and anxiously believing God for a baby boy this time, to make …
- Son hypertensive – Dear God! I pray when my son goes to the oral surgeon on Wednesday he will not be suffering from high blood pressure. I pray …
- Family – Dear Lord I’m asking for my family especially the children to be kept and covered continuously as great trials and test may arise against us.please …
- Pray for Tristan’s blood pressure – Please pray for the healing of Tristan’s blood pressure. He has to have oral surgery. I pray for a miracle that when they take his …
- My son – Please pray my son Matthew will be able to raise his calculus grade. Please pray that as his meeting Tuesday, he will be able to …
- Pray for Liz to have a healthy baby – Please pray for my daughter Liz who is pregnant and so very anxious that the baby is unwell resulting in a still birth like the …
- children – I pray for health, strength, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, love, patience and gratuitute for my four children Zachery Marc, Rebekah Maria, Michael and Michelle. I especially …
- High school life – Please say a prayer for my daughter, her boyfriend of over 2 years broke up with her at the beginning of her senior year. She …
- Stress about custody of child – Pray that my boyfriend can get his daughter to our safe environment and get custody of her. Pray that her mother would find some peace …
- God I need a male child – please Lord I need a male child I already have two Girls just a healthy son from God Almighty because we only on having 3kids …
- Right job for my daughter – May God choose an institution or company that can hire my daughters who is a nurse and a tourism graduate for a permanent position.
- Pray for my son – Please God help my son to stop drinking and ruining his life and mine I am not perfect but I am trying to help him …
- Prayer for my life turnaround – I want my son to be blessed and forgiven, to lose weight, mend broken relationships, restore communication with people who have disappeared from my life, …
- Healing from warts – Jesus please heal my child of a wart on his face.
- Prayer for babysitting – I am a single man. I am going to help out a poor Mom with some babysitting. Our culture today is suspicious of single men …
- Prayer for My Daughter’s Miracles – Dear Lord, I know that you are working miracles in my daughter’s life. Her family is getting along better and she is recovering every day …
- Prayer for homeless family – I am helping a homeless family. They are 8 people living in a small trailer (6 kids, 2 adults), and are beginning to get at …
- For all the children in Florida – Please pray for every family in Florida that is going through this horrible shooting tragedy. Pray that they will have strength and faith.
- Please pray for my grandchild – My 10 yr. Old adopted grandchild has a severe mood disorder and adhd. We are trying everything to help this child. Please God don’t let …
- My son in jail – My son is in jail his attorney is trying to get the court to send him through drug court the prosecutor wants to give him …
- To be the Best Parent – To be the most Best Parent and Motivation to my Children for them to have Great Behavior And Love each other And Keep Doing a …
- Pray for exams – Pray for my daughter Shiney from Bangalore for exams she got maths exam tomorrow from 0730 to 1030h She lacks concentration and finds difficulty in …
- Prayers for my daugthers summer employment – Please pray for my daughters summer employment. It is very important to her to be able to return to it.
- Academics Break through – Could you please pray for my 15 year old daughter she is struggling in school, her work is always incomplete she cant study she says …
- Salvation – Please pray for my children and grandchildren who are not saved that they will come to the Lord through the testimony of myself or other …
- Pray the truth come out .. Girls in neighborhood make me out to be a bad mom – Please god don’t let them make me out to be a bad mom.. I love nurture and protect my 4 babies. I would never bring …
- For a son – Heavenly father, first I’d like to thank you for giving me a beautiful daughter. Lord I pray my next child will be a healthy baby …
- Prayer for my daughter to score the highest marks in her board exams – Please pray for my daughter Sara to score 100% marks in her Board Exams and stand 1st in her school and coaching classes
- Prayer for sick grandson – My grandson is sick with the flu. I know this can be dangerous in children. Please restore him to health quickly, & prevent family members …
- Exam – please pray for my Child’s exam results….please help her to taste success and blessings of God.
- Please untie my tubes and give me another chance God – I ask for prayer that God heals my tubes to become united, I had lost my daughter in 07/2013 and I had my tubes tied …
- Losing Hope- Custody – Dear Caring Community, Please pray for me and my three young children that we are reunited immediately. It is a terrible situation that’s gone on …
- Baby – Plz bless me with a baby girl
- Quick healing of my niece – Please pray for My niece who has a very bad leg infection after Bonemarrow transplant due to Leukemia .she has been in hospital for many …
- Need my daughter to come back home – Please pray that my daughter Jordan comes back home. Please pray that she see the truth before it’s too late in Jesus name Amen
- Two children in critical conditions – Just found out a newborn girl has a possible intestine issue and is going to be checked out in the next few days. Also a …
- Prayer for my son – My son has autism. I believe that it is generation curse on my family.Vinaka
- A prayer for my 2 grandsons – Pray for my grandsons, especially the oldest one not want to continue to try to hurt the youngest one,pray for them to stop crying and …
- Prayer for the return of Daughter Michelle to connect with mother – Please help me to pray that my daughter Michelle will return home to connect and bond with her mother, sister, stepfather and niece. Please pray …
- My son – Please pray for my son doesn’t need additional surgery for his eye. Please pray that the medicine works and that his vision returns back to …
- Praye for my son in drug abuse – My son name is Philippe. I need prayers for him. He has been put in drug by is grirl friend who is so wicked. I …
- my son – please pray that my son comes to his senses…my son was a devoted follower of Jesus…he began dating this girl who is a wiccan(witch) and …
- My grandson – That my grandson will be given to me by the courts so I can care for him until my daughter is well enough to care …
- Custody of granddaughter – I pray for a favorable outcome that my son to be granted primary custody of his daughter and for discernment for the judge to make …
- unity – Please pray that all my children come together as the family Jacob Anthony, Samantha Leigh, Javier, Jody, Marina, Rolando, Mason Alexander and my mother Lola …
- Prison guidance – I am seeking prayer from other people in the world who have kind hearts, and who know how sin can cause despair and fear in …
- Daughter ran away – I pray to god to bring back my daughter Ashley back to mom’s house, god i ask for your help to tell ashley to go …
- heal my son lord – lord pls heal my son rv euan.he is sick right praying for his fast recovery lord us always lord god..thank u so much …
- nephew – I pray for my nephew Nicholas Anthony Hackett died on February 6th 2018 i pray for his soul in jesus name amen. I am also …
- Pray fory wife – Kindly pray for my wife as she diagnosed with breast cancer and she is espected. Doctor ask if you retain the baby your breast will …
- Prayer for a baby boy – Please support me in prayers to get a baby boy.l already have to lovely daughters & would wish to complete my family with a healthy …
- For my 3 year son – Please help me pray for my three one son. He needs some help with his speech god please help my baby understand and talk more!
- Fertility and Miracle Baby – My husband and I had lost a pregnancy around thanksgiving 2016 since then we not been able to conceive despite even seeking medical attention and …
- Our children & grandchildren – Delverance for our son from drugs and alcohol, and two of our grandchildren deliverance from drugs and alcohol. Loose from all wrong relationships. Also a …
- My family – I come to you today asking for forgiveness for i know i am not a perfect parent but please dont let them keep my kids …
- Prayers for two Estranged Young Grandchildren – Please pray that my grandchildren, ages 10 and 7 that they will be protected by their guardian angel and that nothing bad happens to them …
- My Granddaughter – Please I am begging; oh mighty father bring our Granddaughter home to us. We will love her, cherish her, and protect her. Let our voices …
- Prayers for srengh – Prayers for my sons Jason and Jessie going threw this trials in juvenile detention center, asking God to guide them and protect them, and let …
- Pray for My babies an I – Dear Heavenly Father I come to you on bended knees begging for your guidance your mercy your protection. Please keep my children Carlos And Sofia …
- Prayer for my daughter – I pray for my daughter Marla and for her to get the help she needs. I pray for her to have the confidence, & strength …
- Teenage son depression and no friends – Please pray that my sons depression passes, he makes friends and can see that a change in schools would be good for him. Amen
- BLESSING FOR MY CHILDREN. Protect them from evil. Guide them to follow your ways – Dear Lord God my Father As a sinner and not worthy to come under your table and even to ask or seek your help and …
- peace between sisters – Lord I want peace between my daughters x and c . touch them both with your loving hands. let them know you make no mistakes. …
- Perserverance – Please pray for my daughter Kaitlin as she struggles through college. Thank you.
- Healing from Learning Difficulties – Brain Rewiring – Please pray that my children and husband overcome their learning difficulties in Literacy and Mathematics. Bring forward supportive teachers and friends who understand their needs …
- Bless me with healthy baby boy – Thank u god for giving such a good life to feel the fragrance of my life. Some little problems is there but those are lessons …
- Prayer for a child – God. I am asking you to bless me and my husband with a child. I pray that you may heal my ovaries. I pray that …
- Prayer for fruit of the womb – My prayer request is that please help pray for l am in need of children
- Pray for my son – Almighty God, heal my son and let his diagnosis be cancer free. Protect him through his surgery and recovery and give him peace of mind. …
- Urgent prayer request. – My children’s mother, my ex-wife Lisa has been abusing our children Zoe and Ethan. Currently, our children reside with her. Her behavior and abuse of …
- My son Ethan – I am asking prayer for my son, Ethan, who has a drug problem and has relapsed. He is currently under probation and has to take …
- Prayer for children – Heavenly Father in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ i humble myself before you, forgive all my sins. Father i pray not for …
- Beaten child – Please pray for baby “T” she was beaten by her mothers boyfriend and the outlook this far isnt good. Shes only 11 months old
- Pray for IUI sucess to be blessed with a gift of child – Oh my Jesus please forgive all my sins and I am ever so thankful to you for all the blessings you have showered upon me …
- For my daughter protection from evil/witchcraft – Please pray for my daughter Analia Mclean-stowe that God ultimate protection will be upon her and that almighty god will destroy and burn with fire …
- Bring my daughter back home – Please Lord bring my daughter back home and not let her be adopted amen
- Court Trial – Ask you to pray for me on this day January 31, 2018 that the judge have mercy on me with my case. And give me …
- Please pray that we will get the four bed room house please my kids cant wait – Please pray for all my family and friends and that we will get our new house soon please God
- Daughter and her daughter – Dear God please pray with me to deliver my daughter and her daughter to a better life…please pray with me and guide them to a …
- Prayer for my daughter – Pls pray for my daughter who struggling in her math class. She is losing interest in school. Please help and pray for her to pass …
- Child custody – Please pray for me to regain full custody of my daughters as I will be going before the courts very soon. Please pray that God …
- Ashton Back – Please pray for my 12 yrs old nephew. He has several AVM in the brain and has been thru alot since he was 6 months …
- Return our granddaughter to my son through this difficult time. – Blessed saint Jude I today implore of you to return our granddaughter into our safekeeping. Protect her father from the evils of her mother’s wrath …
- For my granddaughter – Please St. Joseph, loving earthly Father of our Lord.. Hold my granddaughter Faith close to you today and tomorrow. Remove her anxiety and allow her …
- Kamya needs her mother – Please help me and my family pray at this time. Myself and my youngest daughter Kamya have temporarily been separated and I pray for her …
- Please hear and answer my prayers – Dear St. Joseph, As our Lord’s earthly Father, please touch my granddaughter today and heal her of her anxiety. Please sit with her today during …
- Restoration of children in my custody – I ask as a honorable Veteran father of three who am a christian likewise children . I wish to conclude family matters custody of children …
- Our love – Please help me to follow the rules and be a nice person on earth. Also please help me to stay calm before l get angry. …
- Thank you St Joseph Cupertinco – Thank you St. Joseph Cupertino for my daughter earning a good grade on her exam.
- Pray for my son – Lord please pray that my son is protected from all harm in IN JESUS CHRIST HOLY NAME PLEASE FATHER GOD PROTECT MY SON AMEN
- HAving a Baby – Please help me to have a baby
- Sick baby – Please I ask everyone to pray for a baby reggae he’s very sick in hospital and his twin brother need’s him I ask that god …
- Save daughter’s relationship boyfriend – Dear Lord Please help save my daughter’s relationship with her boyfriend of 4 years. Be with him and guide him in his thoughts. Grant him …
- Prayer for concieving – Dear God,I prayed for you blessings for granting us a child that we really want,to enlighten my heavy heart,to have a strong mind and body …
- prayer for daughter and her child – Please pray for my daughter and her child… she is going through a divorce and her husband is trying to get custody.. He has no …
- Salvation/Deliverance/Healing/Restoration – Healing body, soul, spirit from all hurts of the past. Deliverance from his past, wrong ways, rebellion & anger. Restore him 7 fold whole, sound, …
- Lord give my younger sister children – Oh lord, Thank u for the gift of life, let my sister (Osaretin) have her own kids .Help her Lord in Jesus name. Amen
- Children questioning their faith – Please pray for my son Malik who is almost 17 and my 19 year old daughter Madelyn. They are my middle children and either questioning …
- Son – God please bless my son through his journey in life father please bless him wit all the things I can’t give him in life protect …
- Getting closer to God…..believing – Please pray for my children that they change there ways and believe in jesus …they are good children…thank you
- Healing of My Body Bones – I am 3yrs old i pray for healing of my bones May i grow health and have health bones May God have mercy on Me, …
- Healing and forgiveness – Please pray for my daughter that she will be given a second chance. She drove after drinking. She made a big mistake. Praying that the …
- Cancer in my niece, a beautiful high school, girl NEEDS prayer – Almighty Father in Heaven, please help Klee beat this, destroy the cancer tumors in her brain, let her win this battle and stay on earth…stay …
- Children – I pray for my children Zachery, Maria , Michael (Autistic) and Michelle for health, knowledge and spirituality in their daily lives. Keep all evil away …
- Bless me with a healthy baby girl. – Dear Lord Please hear my prayer to conceive a healthy, beautiful daughter. Last year i lost my baby girl at 4 months too young. I …
- Passing Examination – Greeting in Jesus’ name. I request you brethren to join me in prayer for my daughter, Michelle who is doing a bridging course to be …
- My children and friends’ children – Dear lord, I dont Request anything for myself. All I ask Is that you always protect my children. May they always have everything they need …
- Prayer for me to have my own child – Dear Lord please forgive me for my past sins, please make me conceive with Mike’s and my own child naturally and give birth to this …
- Pray for my son – Pray to Jesus and Mary that they will take my son from Satan’s grasp.
- Prayer for my son Danijel to receive full scholarship for USA high school – Oh St Jude, help my son Danijel to continue his education in USA. Danijel pause one school year because we did not have money for …
- Very sick granddaughter – Please pray for very ill granddaughter. She is the light of our life!
- Novena – To protect a 2yrs old from being in a middle of a terrible divorce to keep her safe from harm safe from the possibilty of …
- Children & Wife – St JUDE & Joseph, Mary Queen of Peace , Mother of God, Please bless my children with their health employment issues and debts . Help …
- Prayers for my granddauughter – My granddaughter to have a siblings in Jesus name
- Prayer for someone in womb – Please pray for me. I’m pregnant with third child and I’m longing for son in my womb. My first son is cerebral palsic and a …
- Grandson – Heavenly Father I thank You for favor in my life. Lord I plead the blood of Jesus over Zyon my grandson. Heal every ailment in …
- Heal my son oh Lord – My son is sick. Oh Lord please heal my son, he’s my everything I love him so much. Please protect him Lord.
- God It’s been a week since we found out our 3 year old daughter has Kidney reflex and may need surgery – Dear God It’s been a week since we found out our 3 year old daughter has Kidney reflex and may need surgery she is on …
- I pray that my son’s financial aid for him to attend University gets approved – I pray that my son’s financial aid for him to attend University gets approved as soon as possible. He needs his financial aid in order …
- Dear Lord I ask u to please show my sister Chelsey the right way help her change for the better – Dear Lord I ask u to please show my sister Chelsey the right way help her change for the better. Let her know u love …
- Child looses developmental delays and autism traits and develops properly and our financial situation changes son we can have a house of our own .please forgive me for my sins and lead us in the right direction – My daughter didn’t start talking very early. Now she has but as a mother I’m always comparing as she has certain traits .i pray she …
- Blessings for a baby – Hello, Please help me pray for my son Joshua 19 months who is being agressif and not sleeping at night. Dear Lord, you know our …
- Praying for my son – Please pray for my son tommy’s safety and well being. I have not heard from him and getting heart sick with worry. Please St. Jude …
- Son – really do not have a prayer my son thinks he is gay and need allnthe prayers I can get to get our family through this …
- children – I place the upbringing and education of my children Zachery, Maria, Michelle and Michael (who has Autism) to be placed under your armour of health, …
- Prayer for my son – Please pray for my son Ebenezer President who is 19 years and using substances.
- Need a financial breakthrough – Father I cant do it on my own.I.need money to pay for my child fees.Please help me.Dont put me to shame Lord. I need your …
- Home for a family – Dear Lord I prayer that through you I can get the money to provide a home for a dear friend and her only child so …
- Need a financial breakthrough – Father I cant do it on my own.I.need money to pay for my child fees.Please help me.Dont put me to shame Lord. I need your …
- Pray for Special Children – I pray and ask this prayer for all the special children in this world, especially my son Michael who has Autism and my nephew Nicholas …
- Foster~~Adoption – I pray for God’s will regarding my foster child and her two siblings.
- A Prayer For a Sick Child – Please pray for this precious little girl. Please Lord we ask that you heal Hope, that you come into her and take away illness, …
- Prayer to heal drug addiction – Lord, you as our creator, we trust in your name so we call for your help day and night. I have so many fears day …
- A Prayer for Children in Trouble – Dear Lord, you have witnessed the rebelliousness of youth since the very beginnings of time. You understand a parent’s anguish and helplessness over the actions …
- Prayer for child to make friends at school – Please pray for my young daughter who is having challenges making friends at school. it appears that there are a couple of girls in her …
- prayer for my son in prison – Please pray for my son Nigel,19 yrs who is in prison awaiting granting of bail.He is in a very dark place and is so lost.Free …
- Prayer for success in school – Please pray for me as I have been struggling in nursing school. I desire to care for my brothers and sisters in Christ. This is …
- Prayer for my daughter who seeks a relationship. – Please pray for my beautiful 30 year old daughter who has everything to offer a man, but cannot seem to find and build a relationship …
- Addict needing prayer – I’ve lost everything to drugs I’ve done all my family and friends so bad I’m 24 been addict since 18 also just lost love of …
- Prayer for my son – Pray for my youngest son that he may have the wisdom and strength to face the difficulties in his life and for him to be …
- Prayer to heal Cough and Fever – I pray for healing for my son. He has cough and on and off fever for 4 days. May the hand of God touch him …
- prayer for troubled daughter – (Honolulu, Hawaii) Dear Lord,Hear my prayer help me to heal the wounds that are troubling my daughter. Help her to make the right choices and …
- Prayer for my son’s cancer – My son was diagnosed with cancer on 2009, was operated on March 2010. from there he was free of cancer.Now that cancer has comeback again …
- sick child – Jesusplease heal our daughter Kaitlynn, restore her heal and let her run and feel the wind in her hair. Please take her illness away, let …
- Prayer for my mentally and emotionally abused child – I have been praying for 8 years for the Lord to remove my daughter’s father or change his selfish and cruel ways but neither has …
- Please prayer for our daughter – Please help me in prayer for my 18 year old daughter – she has become angry with us, her parents and has moved out of …
- Prayer for my son who has walked away from the Lord – My son turns 17 this week. A few years back he got involved with a non Christian girl and she showed him terrible things and …
- Prayer for an autistic child – Please say a prayer for my beautiful daughter, Bella. She is an autistic child who struggles with everyday life. I don’t know what the future …
- Prayer for a baby’s health – Please pray for baby Ayaan (10months) who is currently critical in the hospital after major heart surgery. several complications where uncovered during surgery. I am …
- Prayer to Protect my daughter – Please help my baby. Shes seems so confused and hurt. Please keep her safe when she visits her dad on weekends. Shes been coming home …
- Prayer for our little boy in my tummy – (Northern Ca. ) Pray for a miracle for our little son still in my womb. My water broke at 20 weeks 3 days ago. The …
- Prayer for my disrespectful son – Please pray for my son he’s 18yrs old and doesn’t wanna do anything with his selfhe doesn’t go to school all he wants to do …
- A child of divorce prayer – Heavenly Father, you have created all of my children and entrusted them into the care of my ex and I. My daughter didn’t ask for …
- Prayer for a troubled Son – Please pray for my son as he is going through a deep dark place. Saten is after him and has been after him ever since …
- Prayer against illness and bullying – oh god i beg you, please listen to my prayer.wherever i go i have no friends, i have enemies everywhere, they all are against me …
- please pray for me and my child – Dear GodThank you for helping me always. You answered all my prayers. My daughter is the best gift that I have gotten. My husband left …
- Prayer for my lost son – First for my son Brandon who is so lost and angry and hates himself. That he may find the Lord and live the life God …
- Prayer for my daughter to be confident in her studies – Dearest Lord I come to you for help as mother and as your child. Father help my little one with her school work Father, help …
- Prayer for my baby bukita – God you have given this blessing to us, She had been so much from the day she was born. She had so much pain. she …
- Prayer for everyone who has come to this page – God you have all the strength to do any miracle anytime U r so great, for u all this will be so easy. Please cure, …
- Prayer to Cleanse his soul Dear Lord – Dear Lord help my son, now a man but still a child at heart. All the good I passed onto him in his teaching is …
- Prayer to get a part time job – God, please I’m your child, please help me to get at least a part time job. I’m stressing everyday, I looked for many jobs on …
- Prayer for bullying – I need help to stand up to those who have been bullying me and I dont know if I can cope if they keep getting …
- Please pray that God touch both our hearts – (Edinburg, TX, US) Pray for me and two kids that husband left behind for another woman. After 3 months of separation he has filed for …
- Pray for Tourette Syndrome – Please pray for my son Andrew who is only 11 years old and has Tourette Syndrome and has been on medication since the age of …
- Healing for Hanna – Please pray with me for my daughter she is nine months and has never been home. She has a kidney disease which caused wboth her …
- Pray for my teenage son from his addiction – My son is 17. He is in trouble (yet again) with school and the law. He is struggling in all aspect of his life. He …
- Sweet baby Jayden – Little Jayen is the two year old son of Candace Daniel born with a heart defect. He recently had a stroke and is back in …
- Request For Prayer for Successful Heart Surgery For Baby Noey – Dear Father,We thank you for giving us our dearest grandchild Baby Yana Staijsea “Noey”, for the joys and laughter, inspiration, strength and hope that she …
- Prayer for Michelle – Lord I ask that you be a guiding light by her side at the hospita. That you watch over all the cancer treatments she is …
- Prayer for my child’s distress – Heavenly Father, my child is your greatest gift, and my biggest challenge! I know my child is truly distressed, and yet I am at my …
- Pray for my son to submit himself before an awesome God – Pray for my son to submit himself before an awesome God. In and out of jail his entire life. He needs the love of a …
- A Prayer for America – Through Prayer, God has appointed for our receiving mercy, and obtaining grace to help in time of need.”Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne …
- prayer to get pregnant – Dear holy God I come to u today and always your loving servant to ask of you a request to be able to conceive a …
- Prayer to conceive a healthy and beautiful baby. – Almighty Father God I greet you with love and gratitude. I thank you for all the blessings that you already bestow upon me. I ask …
- Prayer to cure ROHHAD – Dear Lord, please help Marisa who is suffering from ROHHAD. Please help her find support in all who love her and help us in finding …
- Prayer for my troubled and defiant child – My son is 12 yrs old. I am a single parent. My son’s father has been in prison since I was 8 months pregnant with …
- Help for my daughter – Please help my daughter find the true meaning of Love and commitment. She always seems to find great guys but all her relationships never seem …
- A Prayer for my darling daughter – Lord you have been with her so many years now, and we as parents have made those ups and downs with her, which have been …
- Prayer to heal my daughter from marfan’s syndrome – Lord although the doctors say marfan’s syndome is incurable,i believe and have strong faith that with you nothing is impossible.I release my daughter Anne to …
- Prayer for My Single Adult Son – Please dear Lord help my son to find someone to love and share his life; someone that has the same values as he. He also …
- Prayer for granddaughter – Dear Heavenly Father I ask that you wrap your loving arms around my grandaughter SonnieLord she lost her father at the age of 3 but …
- Gods guidance – Dear Father in Heaven, guide us, my husband Lee daughter Tasha and me Shirley that we may be able to guide our child with your …
- Prayer to heal body and brain – Dear Heavenly Father,Please touch Avari’s body, and heal her brain, as only You can do. We pray that her life is restored totally just as …
- Prayer for Lost and Angry Kids – Please pray for my children jon and kels , they have witnessed alot of pain and suffering due to loss and suffering of their family …
- Prayer to watch over my daughter – Lord, please watch over my daughter, she has run away, but Lord you know where she is. You know the pain, hurt and confusion she …
- Prayer for Defiant Child – This is for my daughter who is 16 and extremely defiant – she currently got admission in a school but wants to come back from …
- Prayer for my daughter to make the right choices – Please pray for my daughter in making the right choices in her life. She is pulling away from her family. Leading herself into big problems …
- Please Pray For Natasha – Natasha is a mother of 2 children ages 7 and 4. She does not have a relationship with God and the only way the children …
- Prayer for my daughter – Oh God, i pray for my daughter. Kindly give her strength to over come all the Obstacle that come across her, to build confidence, in …
- A Prayer for My Precious Little Girl – Dear Lord,I just ask that you lay your hands on my precious baby girl, Jaeda. She seems so unhappy, angry and sad. I need you, …
- Prayer for my child to heal who is undergoing dental surgery today – My lord, The head of holy world, The king of mercy and love, my child Edwin is undergoing dental surgery today, I pray for him …
- Prayer for safety for my child – Please pray for my little girl she is five years old and her name is madison. she told me around six months ago that her …
- Prayer of Peace and Protection For My Grandson – (United States) My 4 yr grandson needs protection from all the suffering his mother is going through. May God please bless him….keep him well. Please …
- Prayer for two year old child who is battling for life – Dear lord there is nothing which is impossiible in your handsKindly save life of Falak who is 2yrs old who struggling for life in hospital. …
- Please pray for my niece Clara – My Lord and colleagues in Jesus’ NamePlease help my niece clara who is right in now a wrong way. Please Jesus and saint return back …
- Prayer for son who has lost his way – I don’t have words that are wise. I just beg for prayers for my wonderful 17 year old son, Corey. He has lost his way, …
- Relationship Troubles! – Dear God, Lately my relationship has been falling apart, the love is there but something is wrong. I ask that you help us get over …
- Prayer for Child with Pneumonia – (bridgewater, MA) I thank Lord Father above for the hearts and faith of Mighty’s parents, may he provide comfort and continued strength to them in …
- Prayers for My Husband against severe depression – Dear Lord, please hear my prayer. My husband has not worked for 7 years. He is severely depressed and has no motivation to improve our …
- God was so good to me and my special needs Daughter Our Whole Life But God Became Even Greater On The Day He Came To Carrie My Daughter Home To Heaven – Sacred Heart of Jesus my love for you and my devotion to you was a blessing I never expected through the life of my child …
- Prayer for Health and healing for a sick newborn baby – LordWe come to You this day with a longing that You heal our newborn baby.We ask that you protect him during his time in surgery …
- Prayer for friends child – Dear Lord, Sylavana is a dear, sweet child of my cherished friend, Teena. I know they trust You will provide for them in the darkest …
- Baby Noah – Dear lord I pray that you Watch over little Noah as he is about to go through Heart Surgery at St Louis Children’s Hospital. Little …
- Prayers for my edcation – i really really want to go this the pennsylvania school for the deaf. i’m deaf just like them kids are and i would fit in …
- a prayer for Khanya – Lord Jesus,i come to you in prayer,praying for sick little Khanya,whose condition seems to be worsening,we try evryday to make her better but looks like …
- Prayer for my granddaughter – Dear Almighty God,Please help my granddaughter Bella recover very soon from her illness of diarrhea and vomiting. We pray Oh God that you hear our …
- prayer for my cousin – Please pray for my 13 yr old cousin Jack. He has something wrong with his spine and its making him not be able to feel …
- Prayer to cure meningitis – I am requesting prayer for my friends child his name is elijah, hes hospitalized with meningitis, seizures and keeps forgetting to breathe hes only 3 …
- Prayer for Peace after Abortion – dear,dear,dear lord jesus please help me i would like the PrayWithMe community to help me ,at twenty two i did an unspeakable thing and terminated …
- May the Lord Jesus lead His Children Home – May the Lord Jesus watch over His children who are called by His name. Tenderly He calls them to come to the water and drink …
- Please pray for my husband… – My husband has been incarcerated 4 and a half months now and his court date is approaching. It’s February 29th so we’re hoping that’s a …
- For daughter to stay on the cheerleader squard – Please pray for my daughter Raven, She is a cheerleader and ran into some problem with the leader. Once they give them 15 dem they …
- Prayer for Humans harming Gods temple! There Bodies! – Father God I boldly come to your thrown this day and ask that you remove the harden hearts and the lies from all your sons …
- Pray for my little boy, Mikey.. broken hearted he’s autistic! – Lord, in Jesus name. PLEASE I beg of you to help my precious lil boy, Mikey. He’s special needs.. they think autistic. Well Lord, I’m …
- Prayer for my kids whose dad died two years ago – Lord I pray you touch my kids. My kids father died two years ago. My husband and I have been there through it all. Before …
- Bless the mind and heart of the eldest granddaughter – Lord, hear my prayers. Bless the mind and heart of the eldest granddaughter, Cayla, that she may find peace from all her angsts. Please bless …
- Prayer for my home – Heavenly father, I come to you tonight to pray for my home let peace reign in every corner of my home comfort my daughters help …
- Help us to find home again Lord. – Heavenly Father, I ask that you help us find a home again for my family. Our home was taken from us by no fault of …
- Dear god,Please help my little girl to learn. – Dear god,I come to you for help, please give me strength to continue to teach my little girl, there are time I feel like giving …
- a health concern for our little grand daughter – Father in heaven,We ask for your loving protection over our new little grand daughter that has just been born. Lord you know having been born …
- A prayer for my grandson Craig – Lord my God,please hear my prayer.I know in my heart that my life would not be possable without you,I love you and I thank you …
- Prayer For baby Bright – I am praying for my son who has malaria since three days a go , he is away from me on a journey with my …
- My Child has been diagnosd with a Rare Disease and am in bits – My child has just been diagnosed with Hirschurprungs disease. It only affects 1 in 5,000 children. I am struggling to understand why God would choose …
- Prayer for a child who has cancer in the blood – Dear Lord Jesus, I come to this morning with a heart that is crying for a child who has this sickness but lord i believe …
- Prayer for strength for a father in need of seeing his only adult her every other week as a shared parenting with his daughters mother. – Lord, I ask that u strengthen my son that is in a court battle with his only child’s mother. Our/his request is to continue his …
- Prayer for the youth program – Father God,I have worked for many years with your children in a residential program. Children who have been abused or neglected. Children left to raise …
- Protection Prayer for my daughter from a heavy evil – For the past 2 weeks, I wake around 2 or 2:30 every morning. I cannot go back to sleep until maybe after lunch the next …
- Prayers for my beautiful babies – I ask God to touch my beautiful son, who has autism. I know he gets overwhelmed with so much therapy. I know he has so …
- Prayer for Single Mother of sons – Dear GOD,I come to you in prayer. This is the not the life I envision having but the life you’ve in tented for me to …
- Prayer for the recovery of my son – (Malabon City, Philippines) (Sorry but I’m not very good in english so I have to write it in tagalog language)Inihihingi ko po ng kapatawaran ang …
- Prayer to help for family relationship – My daughter, Jessica, has pent up anger related to my sister, Karen and her husband, Tim, and it has caused distress between my sister and …
- Prayer For Baby Keenan. – Lord, we humbly ask you for your help and mercy with this precious little boy. You know he is suffering through several physical issues, and …
- Prayer for all trouble children and praying parents – Lord, I thank you that you hear the prayers of your people. I pray for all the children that are battling with the feeling of …
- Prayer to support children – Dear St. Jude, Being you are the Saint that helps in despaired causes, please pray for us and intercede on our behalf. I have children …
- Prayer for My Boys – Please God … Protect and guide my son as we move to a new home, that he feel safe and secure, that he see the …
- Please pray for my son he has a mental illness also ADHD – Please pray for my son he has a mental illness also ADHD but he refused to get help. Most of the time he is full …
- Prayers for Doctors to do through with Surgery – So, the doctor’s at Brenner’s decided they didn’t want to do hunter’s surgery they are afraid he will not make it through it. So they …
- Please Pray for my 3 children and Grandchildren – Dear Heavenly Creator, All 3 children are in their 30s,but I feel as if they are small again. My oldest and only daughter has 2 …
- Heal her heart and restore her, Oh Lord. – Lord I come to you humbled and ashamed not worthy of your blessings but I am saying this prayer for my teenage daughter who has …
- Prayer for every child in the world. – Please dear Lord, Heavenly Father, Creator of mankind and all that is beautiful. Thank you for placing such loving parents, friends, two wonderful sons and …
- Prayer for my son with lupus – Lord, I thank you! You are an awesome God! Lord I ask that you touch, restore and heal Dan’s body. Lord your word says that …
- Prayer for father of disabled adult child to provide for disabled child after father is dead – Dear God, I pray that you will un-harden a father’s heart. He is the well-to-do father of a defenseless disabled adult son. Pray that he …
- My daughter has completely written me out of her life – Jesus please help my daughter has completely written me out of her life all because I would not let her get a tattoo and because …
- Prayer for Nicholas – (Scotland) Heavenly Father,The Gospels tell us how you called the children to you.I pray tonight that You are with baby Nicholas as he undergoes his …
- Praying for my kids, kids and siblings & their kids – Oh God and all saints I come asking for your miraculous support. I pray that you keep your eyes and arms around my G-kids lalia …
- Pray for Lilly Father, you created this beautiful little girl and gave her to our family as a gift – Dear FatherFirst we give thanks for your love and hope that comes from You.Father, you created this beautiful little girl and gave her to our …
- Prayer for unborn child with heart Defect that requires Surgery after birth – Prayer for Lillian the unborn child of my daughter Emily and son in law Jason.Emily is being induced next Tuesday 4/26/16, Lillian has a heart …
- Our daughter is our greatest gift from you thank you Lord for bringing her to us – Dear Lord,Our daughter is our greatest gift from you thank you Lord for bringing her to us.Please guide her protect her and keep her safe …
- Please help with our struggles both legal and medically – Please heal these children. I am all three of their mothers and have battled since youth of mental illness and substance abuse. The eldest two …
- A healing prayer for Savanna my Grand Daughter. – “Lord God,You are the Great Physician.My Grand child Savanna is sick and needs your healing touch.Lord, you are the healer of weaknesses, colds, flu, fevers, …
- Please guide Robs in finding her way back to who she use to be – Dear Heavenly Father,Please guide Robs in finding her way back to who she use to be. Her thoughts are negative and different, her actions are …
- Prayer for spiritual growth in young adult daughter – (Arizona) Father, I lift up my daughter, Rachel, to you now. I pray she would seek a life of holiness and purity. I pray she …
- Prayer for a Grieving Child Who Has Lost Their Mother – Dear Jesus,I am so sad and my heart hurts that my mommy is no longer with me. It hurts because I don’t understand why she …
- Prayer for my only child to do well in school and life – Dear Lord, I ask that you will be my child’s shinning light, and guidance to life. He will be starting first grade soon. He has …
- I pray you bring and end to suffering – Dear heavenly father,I come before you tonite as a frustrated and grieved mother for my daughter nicole.I lift her up to you and pray you …
- Prayer for son in prison he took things lightly and was charged for impersonating an officer – please pray for my son Don, he made is a good boy however he took things lightly and was charged for impersonating an officer. Pray …
- Prayer for prayers to be answered – Dear God, I pray daily for help to relieve me and my extended family from our financial burdens. Instead is seems our burdens are increased …
- I am asking for prayer for my son – I am asking for prayer for my son. He is 15. He has been in detention for parent abuse. He is angry and doesn’t want …
- Lord heal my child with Tourette ADHD bronchitis – Lord Jesus I come to as faithful as can be please intake this hex of sickness off my child. Lord Jesus I know if you …
- Please let those who help and guide her be positive and successful – St Jude Please intercede and help to get my daughter Brittany back into school and off academic dismissal. She has had many trials, problems and …
- Prayer for my son whom has Aspergers – Lord, Our Heavenly Father,Please help me as as mother to understand and be patient with my son whom has numerous amount of learning differences! Please …
- Prayer for Special Forgiveness – My Lord and My God, we are really sorry for having offended Thee, by being so sarcastic and arrogant about special children in our lives. …
- Prayer for my son Aryan – Father my lord, thank u for the multitude of blessings u have bestowed upon the children n this home, I can’t thank u enough lord …
- A prayer for Crandon – My Grandson been taken away by his mother about 445 miles away. This child was taken just because in South Carolina the mother has all …
- Prayer for my sister who is distress and frustrated – Dear heavenly father,I am truly in pain.I come to you to pray for my sister who is distress,frustrated,helpless and in pain.she grew up like a …
- Mercy Prayer Please for my children – Praise be to GOD always an forever. Please pray for my family. right now pray for my daughter. she is in a deep depression does …
- Prayer for healing for our baby – I’m 4 months pregnant with twins. It’s been an easy pregnancy but incredibly hard to get here. Years of infertility & fertility treatments, we were …
- I pray that they may treat my son equally – Almighty Father I pray for my son who is in prison that he may not be distressed while he is serving his sentence and that …
- prayer for my stolen child – Dear Father God, I come before you today to pray for my daughter which has been taken found me over 2 years ago by her …
- Prayer for my daughter in her career and health. – Please pray for my daughter Denyze that she will be successful in her career during her work in Bahrain and the illness she is suffering …
- Prayer for Carlene – God, please put your loving arms around Carly…just snuggle in with her as she lays in that hospital bed and help her understand what is …
- Gods Will over Job my son could be going for a job interview and we all pray he gets it – (Oak Forest, IL) Father, my son could be going for a job interview and we all pray he gets it and all goes very well. …
- we come to you , asking your grace and mercies to be showered upon little Thinsika daughter – Dear Lord our Heavenly Father , Almighty God and creator of the Universe, we give all praises unto you and worship your holy name. Abba …
- Please give me strength to help her through it all, the good and the bad – Lord Jesus, Please hear my prayer. I feel like I’m at the end of my rope and there is no hope.Please help my daughter whom …
- Lord God thank you for tearing down the strongholds of addiction and mental illness and depression in my children – Lord God thank you for tearing down the strongholds of addiction and mental illness and depression in my children as they learn to walk with …
- Prayer for Kilby to be healed of asthma and lung infection – Dear Father God, I come to you in faith praying that you will touch my little niece with your healing love. Please minister to her …
- Healthy and obedient children / financial recovery – Please pray for my kids Eiron Kyle, Eilrus Ken, Keanjela, and Kim to be more diligent, healthy, and become more eager in finishing their studies …
- For my little one’s and family – Dear Heavenly Lord, A good day to you. I come to ask your presence for iam truly in my painful crisis of my life. I …
- Prayer for One of God’s Children – I need prayers for my daughter Chris. She is almost 24 and has had many troubles in her life. She grew up with seizures, made …
- I put my faith into you….Help us! – Dear lord, as we continue to sit here and pray for Ronnie. Let him continue to fight. We have hope and faith along with you …
- peayer in the time of troublle – Father, in the name if jesus, Proverb 3:4-6 says, Trust in the Lord with all thou heart and Lean not to thou own understanding, but …
- Prayer For Marriage To Come To Pass This 2017 – Please pray that God should not allow this year to pass me by like other years. We’ve been planning for years now and whenever my …
- Prayer for My Special Friend – You touched my heart when I first seen you but i was not looking before.Please forgive meI only had a little time to take care …
- Please pray for my grandson Jamal. He had been rushed to Johns Hopkins – Please pray for my grandson Jamal. He had been rushed to Johns Hopkins. We are not sure what is wrong yet. They don’t know if …
- Prayer for salvation for my family and all – Pray all for my entire family especially my deceased mother and father and for my living son and grandson and all my siblings. keep my …
- Prayer to Heal my family – I have been in a bad relationship for 18 years I have tryef to hold my family together even felt with my children’s father cheating …
- Prayers for our unborn precious baby girl – Please pray for my precious unborn baby girl. She has been diagnosed with a terminal disease and I have been told she will die at …
- Prayer for my sick son Oratile – (Jhb) Heavenly Father,Please forgive us our wrongs and we thank you for all the blessings. My GOD here I am asking again and beseeching You …
- I pray he will open up our hearts and see what’s been missing – I’m in need of prayers. My husband and I have been going through a rough time. We had a fight few days ago and now …
- Prayer for NICU babies in need of prayers – Dear God, Remember your little ones that you have known before they were even in their mama’s womb.They have come early to this place and …
- Prayer for my baby – Dear God,Thank you for all the blessings you have favoured upon me and my family. My littlest child, Sze Ning, is now ill with cough, …
- God, I ask that you watch over my dear daughter. Lord please help her make better choices – Lord God, I ask that you watch over my dear daughter. Lord please help her make better choices with the men she chooses to be …
- Prayer for child wanting to commit suicide – Dear Father, you gave us this beautiful child for us to enjoy. Now she is wanting to leave us by taking her own life because …
- thank you for giving us another day to live and another year to love – Jesus,thank you for giving us another day to live and another year to love.Lord,may your presence will be with us all.Jesus, with my child.Let her …
- The Prayer for my daughter Christina & stepson – (NY ) Dear GodI thank you for my life, health and strength during this difficult time in my life (unfaithful, wandering husband,no employment, ceasing of …
- Prayer for my son become a better person. – Please pray that my son stop hurting us with his words of anger. Make him realize that he is 22yrs and him and his girlfriend …
- Lord, Bless my Children – Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in a word of prayer. I ask that you watch over my 2 children. Keep them happy, healthy …
- A Prayer to Jesus to Protect the Children – May the Lord Jesus watch over his children , Whom he will call out by name; Inviting them to drink from the waters of life …
- Prayer lord for my son who is jail tonight to get out lord on bond for judge to let him get out on bond – (United States) I prayer to you almighty father for my son to get release out of jail on bond and that the judge release him …
- Prayer for child’s safety – Dear Lord, Thank you so much for answering our prayers when we prayed for Ayden’s reflux. We know that it is your divine intervention that …
- Please protect our precious Cameron – Dear LordI firstly ask for your forgiveness, please forgive us.I ask that you protect Cameron as he begins this massive battle with Cancer. I pray …
- Prayer for Jasmine’s Needed Miracle – Please pray for my niece Jasmine. She is in ICU and the doctor’s say it does not look good. She is on constant dialysis, has …
- My Son Ethan Job to speak and understand – My son Ethan Job age 3yrs old.He quit hyperactive and minor autism doctor said.He is lovely boy sometimes he doing gud sometimes he getting very …
- Prayer for a Second Chance – Dear Lord,It’s me again and I really need your help. I have not followed your ways and in that I have failed. I have lost …
- Prayers for My Daughter’s Mental Health – Heavenly Father, I ask you to watch over and guide Ali through these most difficult times. Adolescence is a trying time and she is turning …
- Prayer for my precious little boy – (Covina, Ca.) LORD I humbly come before your almighty throne to lift up my little nephew Anthony. This precious 5 year old little boy has …
- Father I ask that you guide them and call them unto you – Dear Lord, first I want to thank you for the prayers that have been answered and your abundant blessings that you have given me. You …
- Prayer for my Beloved Daughter – Holy Spirit cover me as I pray! God I come to you through your son Jesus Christ before I lay. Protect my precious angel you …
- Pray for my rebellious youth who has stop beleiving in god – Lord I pray that she would turn away from these troubled friends and seek refuge in you. I pray that she would turn away from …
- Prayer for my rebellious son – Dear god,I come to you to ask you to be with my 9 year old son,chris.He is so uptight about and on everything.He is rebellious. …
- guidance and strength that we need to set boundaries with love – God on High,Please give my husband and I the guidance and strength that we need to set boundaries with love. Our addicted daughter needs your …
- Prayer for My Son to Find His Heart – Dear God. I pray that you help my son find and know you can always be in his life & his heart. I want him …
- I pray Gods will for Joes life – (St. Louis mo) I pray for my youngest son, now 29 years old I pray our sweet Lord gives Joe wisdom and guidance. I pray …
- smart child having difficulty in testing – Dear God my daughter is having a difficulty writing test at school Father I ask you in Jesus name to please rain down mercy on …
- Prayer for my child Matthew – Dear Lord: Please help Matthew. Lay your hands upon him and make him well. He is such a beautiful little boy. He is full of …
- Prayer for my Xhusband and three teenagers. – My xhusband just lost his “big”house that him and his “x”wife bought a while ago. He could not keep up the 1250 mortage payments wo …
- Prayer For Diane – Great Spirit ; Please accept DIANE into your loving embrace. Let her live in eternity with those who have gone before and those who will …
- Prayers for a 17 year old girl – It is not easy to be a 17 year old girl ( or her parent). My daughter has been feeling low. In January, her first …
- Prayer For my adult child to Gain Knowledge and Seek God’s Intercession – Dear Lord,Bless my daughter in her time of need.Give her the knowledge to go forward and seek your intercession.Help her think clearly and not be …
- Heal my son’s mind, heart and life – Heavenly Father,I am your loving servant coming to you in my hour of despair, asking for your divine mercy and healing in my son’s mind, …
- Please pray for my daughter who feels like she will never have and husband and children – Please pray for my daughter who feels like she will never have and husband and children. She wants more than anything to find love and …
- Prayer for my children and my son with autism – Please pray for my son. He has autism, and has now gone back to school. School is difficult for him and he has many issues. …
- Please pray for my son sundeep he is very angry and depressed – Dear brothers and sisters Please pray for my son sundeep he is very angry and depressed and feels he is not good enough even though …
- Lord help us and our children – Lord we hope you look after us each step of the way.God of Light and Truth,thank you for giving mea mind that can knowand a …
- Prayer to heal anxiety and fears – (Manila Philippines) Dear Lord, God Master and Creator of life, please heal my nephew Tommie from whatever ails him, his anxieties and fears. Keep his …
- Pray for my son Jamouri as he prefers death to life, evil to good – (California) I know my son is a good boy inside he just has let evil come into his heart and I pray the Lord will …
- Prayer for my 28 day old baby boy in Apollo NICU Madurai – Oh God! Plz help my little baby boy to come out of dangers and enjoy a normal life with out any aspirations. Kindly make him …
- Prayer for Battle against Cancer – (Malabon City, Philippines) Lord,I know have never met this boy(my office mate’s nephew)who’s fighting for his great battle for cancer. At this point in time, …
- Prayer for PEACE LOVE and GODS FAVOR – Heaven Father,You are in control. You know what this child is in need of. All the days of my childs life BE IN CONTROL. Bring …
- Prayer to Keep me safe through this night – Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord, my soul to keep, Angels watch me through the night,And wake me with the …
- Prayer for my children to understand schooling – Please pray that my children understand clearly at their different schools, Angels support them in their every day life, they should be free from worry, …
- A prayer for my son with ADHD – Please Lord, help me to know how to manage my son’s behavior. Please show me the way. All I want to be is a loving, …
- Please help us as parents to restore faith in our adult children by a better example – Dear God,Please help us as parents to restore faith in our adult children by a better example. Please help strengthen our family and pray our …
- Prayer for my precious grandaughter – Please pray for my grandaughter she is only 3 and step sister has always been jealous and angry since she was born. This girl is …
- Prayer to heal childs cancer – Lord I praise you, we believe in your word and promises..forgive me lord for my sins..I pray you forgive my sins, that my sins are …
- Prayer for a good relationship for daughter – Lord I pray that my adult daughter meets, has a good relationship with a good christian (catholic) man who would love her for who she …
- Prayer for divine Healing for my children – Dear Prayer worriors,Please join hands with me in prayer’s for God to stretch his healing hands on my little daughter Christine who is suffering from …
- Prayer For Elliot – (New Jersey) Dear God I humbly request your guidance and healing hands to watch over my little boy so far away. I think about him …
- Pleas help my nephew’s arm – Lord,I come to you today in this online environment, posting so that maybe others may hear and gain strength from your Heavenly intervention.Please heal my …
- renew their strength from the wealth of your glory – (botswana) Mighty lord I pray tonight that to each and every person who is facing a difficult challenge renew their strength from the wealth of …
- Pray for child’s healing – Dear Lord: Please help Julianna. Lay your hands upon her and make her well. Father please use your power to cure her of cancer. She …
- prayer for our unborn son’s head growth – We are appealing for prayers for the head growth of our baby boy. I am almost 20 weeks along, and in my last ultrasound they …
- Heal my children O Lord – My God, I praise you and I worship you.I am grateful for all the things that were given to me especially my beautiful family.I pray …
- Prayer for Christopher’s Bypass Surgery – Please keep my baby safe during his heart surgery tomorrow. I am so scared and need to trust in the Lord. Please have Your angels …
- Prayer for my son’s lost children – Please pray for my son. His ex-wife has run off again with his 2 oldest children, This is the 3rd time. He is very angry …
- Lay me down Prayer – Gentle Jesus, meek and mild Look upon this little child.Pity my simplicity, help me Lord to come to thee. Now i lay me down to …
- Prayer for the development of my daughter’s brain – Dear God,We always believed you, we always believed in your strength but why are you testing us so much why u testing our patience. Please …
- Lord God Jesus In Heaven – Please Father God the Ultimate Healer and Creator of mandkind,I pray for a miracle healing for my great nephew Amaree, he is suffering with a …
- Prayer for a mother’s child – Lord Jesus as my child embarks upon another phase of his life I beg and pray that you are with him. I decree, declare and …
- Please heal my baby My baby is admitted in NICU for dropping of platelet – Dear Brother/ Sister,My baby is admitted in NICU for dropping of platelet, the current count is 75000, which needs to raise to 1,50,000. In the …
- Prayer for my daughter to make the right choices – Dear Lord,Hear our prayer help us to heal the wounds that are troubling our daughter currently. Help her to make the right choices and I …
- Pray for my girls – Heavenly father,Please come into my daughter and 2 future step daughters life and bring them the wisdom to know right from wrong and to take …
- Bless my Children Lord – Lord, bless the path that my children walk. Protect them from temptations and negative influence. Guide there decisions to always support a healthy and happy …
- Heal baby Jaylon’s heart, Oh Lord – (FL) I am currently 7 months pregnant and on Feb 14th 2013, my baby Jaylon was diagnosed with a heart defect. This information was detected …
- Lord Bless my Children – Lord I thank you for my children you have shown all three of them favor. Lord I lift my son to you right now Im …
- Prayer for strength and courage during Difficult Time in Life – Lord I ask for your guidance and strength through this tough time in my life. I put all my faith in you because you are …
- Financial miracle – (UK) My husband and I started a business with a another couple in Africa we live in the UK and the plan was that they …
- Prayer for my beautiful children – Dear God,Thank you for all you have done for me, my husband and my children.Protect my children (Summer and Lwethu) from harm, evil, accidents, witchcraft, …
- Prayer to be united with my children – Dear Lord, here I am praying to you to grant my request to be united with my two beloved children someday, they are living in …
- Praying for having a health baby this year – Dear lord, I am praying at your lotus feet for the first time for bearing a healthy, beautiful and intelligent child. I am trying for …
- Prayer for my son’s healing addiction – My 18 year old son was away working in another province and my husband and I have just learn he has been hospitalized. With some …
- Prayers for my daughter – My daugther Vineta Anne 8 years old has not been well for 3 weeks already. she says dhe feels like something(phlegm ) stuck in her …
- I ask O God that you protect my Grandson – Almighty Father,You knew my grandson before he was conceived and you were there as he was protected in the womb of his mother.I ask O …
- Prayer to Help My Child – Father, help me to help my son. The son that you wanted me to have, the son that I have loved all my life and …
- Innocent Child of God – Please pray for Titus Beeler. He is a 3 year old beautiful child that we just found out he has Leukemia. The family is a …
- I believe in the power of prayer – Jose is my grandson who is 11 years old, he is always saying he wants to die and saying he will kill his brother in …
- Prayer for my oldest son in his time of hurt – Our oldest son was the light of our life, now his laughter and smiles are gone. They have been replaced by rage and anger. He …
- Prayer for daughter to stay on the right track – (Thailand) That she may understand that God is her only help. To understand that she cannot make bad choices most of the time and that …
- Pray for Great Nephew He is 3 months premature and only 2 weeks old – Dear God,Please provide your healing touch to my Great Nephew Jayce. He is 3 months premature and only 2 weeks old. He has suffered many …
- A Prayer for Jessica – Dear Lord,What a beautiful blessing you have given us. For 23 years as Jessica’s earthly parents we have been thankful for her very being. She …
- father in heaven. I lift up my son to you. Heal him O father. He has gone astray – My dear father in heaven. I lift up my son to you. Heal him O father. He has gone astray of late. He has left …
- A Prayer for Febrile Seizure sufferers – To my beautiful granddaughter and all others who suffer this terrible illness,May GOD ever be at your side and shine LOVE and LIGHT upon you.May …
- Please pray that my daughter will be granted the gift of friendship – Please pray that my daughter will be granted the gift of friendship. She is a shy girl and never has had the opportunity to have …
- Prayer for my marriage and daughter – Lord, I am lifting up my marriage to you. I pray you will heal our brokenness and strengthen our marriage. I can’t do this on …
- A Prayer for the Hoeme Family – (U.S.) Dear Lord our God I lift up the Hoeme’s child to you. Touch his heart make him well and healthy. Be by their side …
- Heal tummy troubles – My son is 2 months old and is having troubles with his tummy and sleep! We can’t find a formula to agree with him so …
- Prayer concerning my Son – HelloI would like for prayer concerning my Son Jamal he is 7 years old, his dad and I are divorced. He had my son call …
- Prayer for Son’s Successful Surgery – Father, I want to thank you that our son has had his operation, and all went so successfully. I want to thank you for such …
- Prayer for my baby.. – Hi my name is Yamy I’m a mother of 3 and am currently pregnant with my 4th, I am 3 months and a few days, …
- Prayer for my child – Please can you pray for my child that is living with family , I sent him away because he was not behaving and was doing …
- Prayer and Protection for my daughter – Lord please protect my daughter from being molested by her father. Give my daughter the strength to always be able to tell others what is …
- My Lost Son – Dear Lord Jesus, please hear my pray, I have lost my sons love. He is very angry with me, His father, I miss him so …
- A prayer for GODS protection in my life. – A Prayer for GODS protection.Dear GOD i pray that you guide and protect my life from the hands of my enemies.GOD of grace please cover …
- Ryker’s peace – I thank you dear Lord for your Grace and Mercy upon my precious great niece..may she be filled with your presence daily keeping her content, …
- Prayer for adult children – Pray for my two adult children who always fight for anything even small things, let them be mature enough to know that trying to win …
- Prayer for Strength and Wisdom to Raise my Daughter – Dear Lord, give me the strength and wisdom to raise my daughter in Your eyes. To help her understand the world as she grows into …
- Prayer for my daughter’s current trials – I pray most fervently for my daughter whom needs the Lords heavenly guidance. She is experiencing friendships and division among them. I pray that she …
- Strength and wholeness. I shall run and not be weary – A Short Prayer for a ChildStrength and wholeness. I shall run and not be weary. I shall walk and not faintCome Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove, …
- Prayer for my boys and myself – Need peace and healing from the turmoil that’s been caused. We need to get out and I’m in search of various ways. I honestly want …
- Prayer for my children – Oh Lord i ask in the name of Jesus Christ to show light to my children, to make them wise enough to no the bad …
- Prayer for a sick child – Please if you may pray for my brother Michael , just today on christmas day hes had some complications… He isnt able to walk properly …
- My brother is a single parent raising two young daughters – Dear LordMy brother is a single parent raising two young daughters; his wife is trying to overcome her alcohol addition problem….they have both been in …
- Prayer for school Struggles – I am a teacher, and I am struggling to keep my faith. My students are from a very high poverty community. Fighting is valued over …
- My children need their parens to survive Thank you God – My children need their parens to survive Thank you God for healing me and my children in sickness GIVE US Joy and Happiness in our …
- Pray for all the children being abuse – Dear Father which are in Heaven, let your name be sanctified Jehovah, the highest. I need pray for my grandchildren that you put a hedge …
- Prayer to get my life back together – My prayer is for the strength and to get my family back im 24 years old with six kids and no home that i can …
- Prayer for Autistic son to make friends – Dear Lord, I ask you to please end my son’s loneliness. He has a good heart that loves and adores you. Allow someone to see …
- Prayers for Jacob Hall – This 6 year old sweet boy is fighting for his life after a shooting at his elementary school. Please pray for Jacob and his entire …
- Prayer for a little child – Pray for my family, pray for my little child who has travelled overseas for a visit. Keep her in good health, keep her safe, guard …
- Prayer for child to listen – PLease pray for my little one Mikey, he dosen’t listen and gets angry easily. My child a very smart, talented, he loves singing, dancing, but …
- i am shalu. i cancelled my marrisge on the day of my marriage – i am shalu. i cancelled my marrisge on the day of my marriage as my boyfrien dsaid he can’t live withpout me. now he is …
- My Son Moses-Paul God Grant Him To Play For BRONCHO Tomorrow And Carry his Team to Victory – God thank you for my son Moses-Paul as his football team Bronco starts playoffs tomorrow,let him play and carry his team to victory.Let him play …
- Prayer for the families of New town CT – Dear Lord, I ask that you watch over the families that lost a child in the brutal massacre that happened in New town CT last …
- Prayer for the much loved child – Dear GodPlease pray for the little star who lies in London hospital awaiting healing from you. Give courage to the family, the parents and the …
- Father Bless All Children! – Dear God in the Holy Percious name of Jesus. I pray that you Bless all children everywhere! God pour out your blessings to protect and …
- Our little Samuel – (Nottingham England) please lord heal our little Samuels poorly heart and give us all the strength to carry on through all the highs and lows …
- Sarah’s bedtime prayer – (MISSISSIPPI ) Jesus Jesus here I come, please bless the bed that I lay on. Now dear Lord as I lay down, please place your …
- Prayer for my hurting Great Grandson – Lord God, You are all powerful and will grant what is asked of You by those who love You. Please bring peace and healing to …
- Prayer to help me to stand bravely – This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If …
- Prayers for our unborn son – Please pray for our 21 weeks unborn baby boy. The doctors tell us that our son has a lack of connection between the two sides …
- Prayer for sick brothers and sisters – lordthough we are strongsome of our brothers and sisters are notwhile we can care for ourselves, they cantLord, please help them through the worldand when …
- Please pray for him – Jose is my grandson who is 11 years old, he is always saying he wants to die and saying he will kill his brother in …
- Heavenly Father grant wellness to 4 year old Julian – Heavenly Father grant wellness to 4 year old Julian and peace and comfort to his parents and family. He isJust a little bit and needs …
- Prayer for Strength for College Success – Dear God,We ask that you give our son strength for college success in the weeks ahead as he finishes his semester. We ask that you …
- Prayer for Desta – Dear Lord,We thank you for our creation. We know that all you do is for our good and the good of the universe. You love …
- prayer for healing – heavenly father I humbly come before you and bring my children cherry and the unborn child to you kindly bless them remove all traces of …
- please watch over my darling daughter who struggles with addiction and hopelessness – please watch over my darling daughter who struggles with addiction and hopelessness. She is one of your beautiful soul’s that is lost in this challenging …
- Prayer to heal Hunter – Please, please, anyone who visits this page, please pray to our Father God for the son of my friend. Month-old Hunter is ill with RSV …
- Prayer for my rebellious daughter – I would like everyone who reads this to pray for my 15 year old daughter. She is an angry girl and does not like school …
- Prayer to get preganant tonight for twins boy and girl. its been really hard to get preganant – Please pray for. Me and husband. To get preganant tonight we have been trying for many years no baby yet. We want twins boy and …
- Special Prayer for my daughter P – Dear God,I ask in your name to help me have the right tools and guidance for my youngest child is troubled. I know she needs …
- Healing for my daughther’s mental illness & for her marriage – Dear Lord I pray for your healing power on my daughter’s mind, spirit, body & soul. Balance her bi polar moods. Break off the chains …
- Prayer to Win Over Drug Use – Heavenly Father,You see the anguish and sorrow. May there be victory over drug use, victory to heal this lil brain, victory to heal her heart, …
- Help our young adult daughter – Dear Lord,Please help create inner calm in our 19 year old daughter Tiffany. We pray the Holy Spirit warms her heart and she turns back …
- Children to get jobs and experiencing financial challenges – Heavenly Father I am lying my daughter, her husband and their 2 kids at your feet on the cross. Please provide them with jobs according …
- Prayer for my son. – Please Dear God, I am so afraid for my son. Please give him the willpower and strength he needs to get back on his recovery. …
- Jayden and kayden – Oh lord I ask that u bless my twins jauden and kayden lord guide them nuture them to good health heal them lord kayden is …
- Prayer for difficulty at school – Dear God,Please be at my sons side, he is having difficulty with school, mid terms are apon us and his learning disability is making this …
- Prayer for my sweet little boy with heart troubles – My incredibly sweet little boy who will be six in January has been experiencing complications with his heart. I am sick over this. If you …
- Prayer for calmness of spirit – Lord i pray for my family especially my grand daughter to be peaceful and calm and not be so defiant . Such a loving and …
- Prayer to my daughter who had a relationship with a seperated married man – (Q.C. Philippines) Lord, you call me as your faithful servant as your Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion giving your Holy Bread and Body to …
- please pray for my son to stop drinking alcohol,smoking,lying, and being so angry – st. joseph, please pray for my son to stop drinking alcohol,smoking,lying, and being so angry at the world and me because his life isn’t working …
- My Family – God my life is nothing without you in it. God I come to you on bended needs asking you to lift my brother and his …
- Please lord watch over my 2 angels Domonic and harmony – Please lord watch over my 2 angels Domonic and harmony . Stop the evil and the misery and pain my mom’s putting them thru. Let …
- Prayer to guide a mother – (Laguna, Philippines) Lord, please guide our children that they may overcome all hardships in life. We pray for this mother and daughter to increase their …
- Prayers for my children. – Please God give my boys strength and knowledge to advanced on the Leap tests this week. Also, please grant my boys to be healthy and …
- Prayer for my son to be happy again – Please pray for my son that he may find his way back to God he has become a angry teenager who has started smoking weed …
- Prayer for child to recover – Dear Brothers and Sisters,Please pray for the child (manjunath 3 yrs) who is admitted in the hospital and is very serious, Dr’s has given no …
- Healing Prayer for my Daughter – Loving Father, I pray to you for my daughter keziah to restore her hearing completely and to help her with her adenoids problems.forgive us our …
- Please pray for Caleb – PRAYERS NEEDED – My best friends grandson who is only 2 months old has a tumor behind his right eye which the doctors are removing …
- Positive Influences – Dear Lord, Wrap your loving arms around my son who is 21 years old ; guide and direct him in the ways that are pleasing …
- Prayer request for premature baby – Please send us your blessings our way. BABY YARETZI was born premature at 32 weeks and was infected with the Explicitly bacteria and Meningitis. Severely. …
- Prayer for my friends sick baby – I just spoke to my oldest friend and her baby has been ill in hospital for four days. they arent sure what the illness is. …
- Prayer for my daughter – I ask Our Father in Heaven to bring peace and mercy to my beloved daughter who is left alone to raise her 3 children after …
- Prayer for baby Jeremiah – Asking for prayer for baby Jeremiah, he was born on Saturday 2/11/17 with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, they revived him but right …
- Prayer for our precious student – We pray for our lovely kindergarten child who you hold always in the palm of your hand.We seek your intervention and the intervention of all …
- For Landon – Prayer for a Sick ChildLord Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd of the sheep, You gather the lambs in your arms and carry them in Your bosom: …
- Dear God Please make Ayden be more respectful – Dear GodPlease make Ayden be more respectful and give him strength to be a good Catholic, good student and a good talent in baseball.Thank you …
- I pray for serenity my granddaughter – Heavenly Father I pray for serenity my granddaughter who has problems for any reason or at any moment she has this angry outbursts whether it …
- Prayer for my grand son and his child mother and interfering family – Dear eternal god how is god and forgiving guide and protect my grand son his child and his child mother.protect them from her sisters brother …
- Prayer to heal Son’s Health Problems – (Boston) Lord I know you are the greatest and there is none like you. I humbly bow down and worship you. Lord hear my plea …
- Thank you Lord for Margot who was born a little early – Thank you Lord for Margot who was born a little early help her Lord Jesus help her to grow and heal her little body I …
- Invocation For God’s Healing Touch – Dear Lord,My little niece Georgia needs your healing touch now more than ever. Please be with her and give her and her mother both the …
- Prayer for My Wife and Kids – Dear Father,I would like to pray that you bring me and my family through these difficult and trying times. Please let our kids see that …
- Healing for Lindsey – Lord, You created Lindsey, you knew her before she was born, you thought of her before she was conceived, you knit her in her mother’s …
- prayer for my child – Dear lord,Please help us get through this day tomorrow and let my son come home. Guide him to trust in you lord. I pray he …
- Most high please let their be peace between my son – Most high please let their be peace between my son and the ppl that live in apt 403 let what ever beef be squashed and …
- Baby Christian – Please Lord, in your name, heal baby Christian from the illness that is plaguing him. Please give peace to his mother and father and help …
- Heal our 5 year old daughter’s broken leg dear lord – Dear lord our daughter has a broken leg and has 4 weeks in a hospital bed strapped to traction and cannot move her leg. Please …
- Help me unite with adult daughter – Dear Lord Please let my daughter find her way home to me. I love and miss her so much. With my sincerest and heartfelt wishes….Thank …
- Please pray for my daughter’s one has left home and the other got in with wrong crowd – Please pray for my daughter’s one has left home and the other got in with wrong crowd and has a young son .. she has …
- Lord we ask that you see our children home – Lord we ask that you see our children home where they belong, so our family can be whole again. We ask that you keep them …
- Prayer for Teenage son to make friends and excel in school – I ask and pray for my teenage son to make friends and excel in school. I just recently married and we have moved to a …
- Prayer for baby francine – Lord , Thanks for everyday, and forgive us in our since . IM HERETO YOU LORD TO HEAL BABY FRANCINE , WHO IS IN iCU …
- Please dear god help my daughter find a Christian caregiver for my grandson – Please dear god help my daughter find a Christian caregiver for my grandson. Please hold him in your lap bring him loving care from the …
- Please pray that my son will stop throwing up – Please pray that my son will stop throwing up and that he will gain strength through Jesus and Mary. Please make him well.
- help us right now and remove the pain from all of us – Lord Jesus help my grand daughter who seems to have visit website on internet that her eyes shouldn’t have seen and now she is saying …
- Prayer for Mackenzie and others like her – Please pray for my daughter Mackenzie. she is having problems at school. she is only 7 but she is very stubborn and easily distracted. she …
- Prayer for my son Praneil.. – Would be really grateful if prayer could be said for my son who has a eye problem… through wearing contact lens.. please pray for my …
- Heal & restore my nieces baby’s health & life – Lord Jesus, please hear my families prayers for Veronica Rose she is currently in the hospital right now and she’s fighting for her life. She …
- A morning prayer for Children – Dear loving lord, you love me night and day, i want to love you in all i do and say, i’ll try to please you …
- Pray for a Miraculous Healing – Pray for a miraculous healing for Jennifer, a child inthe UK who is suffering from terminal cancer. Pray for divine intervention for this precious child.
- Prayer for Specail healing for a sick child – (w va) Meme has had surgery and been moved for ICu. Her temperature is up and so is her blood pressure. Dear God help this …
- Bless all the sick children in the world – Almighty god I ask for no money, fame or anything fancy but my ask is for you to bless all the sick children in the …
- Prayer for protection and comfort for lil J and S – With drug addicted parents ..j and s are 3 and 6 years old brother and niece and nephew who are growing up in and …
- Ar the end of the day – At the end of the day, just kneel and sayThank you lord for the work and playI will try to be goodFor the work that …
- Angels Prayer – Angels watch me through the night,protecting when the morning lights. By my side everywhere I go,safe inside I feel it so.Thanks to my angel who …
- Oh father my grandchildren 14 and 13 are very naughty – Oh father my grandchildren 14 and 13 are very naughty and dont listen and want to do what they want. I am very worried about …
- broken home – My ex has custody of our children she is for the most part a great mother . She is under stress lately and her heart …
- Distressed mon – I am a single mom with a deaf son whose 11 year’s old..recently he’s being doing things that are baffling me. He took money from …
- Pray for my Granddaughter S.Alise – Please pray for my granddaughter who struggling with parents not being together and has been acting out, taking things that don’t belong to her, having …
- Brooks salvation and she will come back home and find Christian friends – I pray for my brooks salvation and I pray she will find a good Christian support group and that the Lord will protect her and …
- Prayer for little lucas – Father we lift little Lucas to you and ask you Lord to heal his body. Lord we ask that you make him whole and strengthen …
- God, you understand – God, you understand what’s happening. give me strength to hold my son through his sickness like you hold us through suffering, tears, and give us …
- Jesus please restore skyler home – In JESUS name please in the name of the Lord Jesus please restore skyler home to me soon, and Father please bless you financially so …
- Pray for Healing of Sweet 6 year old girl. – Lord, I ask you to please heal Skylar’s body and give strength to her bones. Please help each breath to be a stronger breath. Please …
- Please pray for my son Jeremiah he is locked up having allot of anxiety – Please pray for my son Jeremiah he is locked up having allot of anxiety and stress he lives very paranoid please pray for him peace …
- Prayer for a child who is defiant – I would like prayer for my daughter no school will keep her they say she is too defiant. Pray for her so she will be …
- Keyira,safe and home tonight in her bed. – Lord God, we are believing in faith that Keyira is every wit whole, spirit, soul and body. We pray the blood of Jesus about Keyira …
- Prayer for Our little heart warrior – 8 yrs ago I had a granddaughter born with 5 heart defects,,the drs sent her home to die,,,I got busy sending prayer requests..they came from …
- Prayers for Son who will be taking exam – To Our Lord, Our Lady and to Saint Joseph of Cupertino, please help my son who will be sitting his third year examinations during the …
- Prayers for the Lords guidance and protection – Dear God, pray for my son Zack who is stressed and has had many troubles in his young life. Guide him into goodness and protect …
- Pray for my first born son – There Lord I thank you for giving me strenght I ask in Jesus name that you may remove every hate,rebellious, and abussiveNess that my son …
- Prayer for my sons birthday coming up October 15 2016 – Please pray for my sons birthday that this year and onward to be very successful because he has been having bad luck no matter what …
- give my son Paul the strength and courage to overcome – Dear Lord all mighty, I ask that you give my son Paul the strength and courage to overcome his anger anxiety and depression. Please give …
- Prayers for God’s Love Strength and Forgiveness – Please fill my son’s soul and heart with only making the right choices for his every step. Please forgive my son for all his wrong …
- Angel Prayer – learned in school – Angel sent by God to guide me,Be my light and walk beside me,Be my Guardian and protect me,On the path of life direct me.
- Prayer for safety of my 2 year old – I’m praying for the safety of my 2 year old. I have gone to the courts and the police regarding her father and her soon …
- Prayers for children in trouble – Lord I come to you as humble as I know how. I thank you for first loving my children and my self.I thank you for …
- Prayers for my kids to do well in school – Dear Lord, I plead with you for my kids future that both my kids do well in school and get a scholarship to college. Please …
- God of heaven and earth – Thankyou heavenly father for your gift of life, and thankyou for the precious gift of our families, lord I pray for all children who are …
- She’s only 3 – My granddaughter Emma was born with Bilateral Dyplastic Multicyctic Kidney Disease. She also is failure to thrive. She’s fought a miraculous fight. In the next …
- I need money very urgent – Dear god me a sunilmartin from India we r a poor people’s in my locality &saffaring fainancial problrms since last 10year we r facing day/day …
- Prayer for my grandchildren – Pleas touch and agree with me in prayer for my grand children who are away from me. Please pray for their protection from abuse, molestation …
- Prayer for ill baby girl – Please pray for my baby girl cousin. She was born 12-30-13 at 1:02pm and is absolutely beautiful. This morning she started spitting up blood.and the …
- dear lord i ask you to plz watch over my kids and family – dear lord i ask you to plz watch over my kids and family too keep them from harm and to keep them safe dear lord …
- Shes having alot of trouble at home n school – Shes having alot of trouble at home n school. Please pray for her n her parents, Daniel n Crystal give them understanding, patience n for …
- 4 year old who has fear having a bowel movement – Please pray for Jordan Paul Tatum, since the age of 1 1/2. He has fear and anxiety having a bowel movement. Please lord heal Jordans …
- Prayer for my niece Zoey – My niece Zoey who is 2 months is in the hospital. She turned blue last night and stop breathing. My sister rushed her to the …
- Heavens Father Keep them in your protection – Heavens Father, I call my children by name Daija, Isis, MaKayla, Monet, and Devin protect them watch over them they are yours. Put you shields …
- Prayer for Child’s safety – My Lord , my child is your greatest form of mercy and love towards me. He means the world to me , hes my pride …
- Prayer for my sick baby – Dear god , please look after my baby and heal him from his illness . Let him know his family are all with him and …
- Prayer for my son, JosiahDavid – (USA) Dear Most High I reverence you love protection and power to do all things I ask for a special hedge of protection and peace …
- help my son and daughter-in-law to conceive a child – Please Jesus help my son and daughter-in-law to conceive a child. They are desperate to have a child and have been trying everything to conceive. …
- Prayer for my brother’s kids – I pray that my niece and two nephews choose the right path in life. A path that is opposite than that of their parents. Bless …
- Pray for my newborn little girl – My god, my lord, please help our family during this time. Please let my baby girl be healthy and have no issues. I feel like …
- For strength and guidance – I pray that my son will have the strength and be ready to accept consequences / outcome of his school discipline case to be heard …
- Help my child lord – Dear Lord I ask that you please help my child to hear and not need major surgery or a ear piece..She is a bright great …
- Prayer for my three children – Please be with my three children…help them to remember and love me and all of the wonderful love and times we shared together…my friends too…help …
- For the guidance and comfort for antonio – Heavenly father i pray that you will comfort antonio through any problems that he may be expierienceing. Please help him through the loss of his …
- Lord, hold and protect our little granddaughter – Lord, hold and protect our little granddaughter, dispell her anxiety and fear, and restore her ability to take pleasure in life and experience laughter and …
- lord,I m asking identical healthy baby boy twins – Father lord,I m asking identical healthy baby boy twins,and this month lord must not finish before I conceive.have mercy oh lord,and imadking permanent job in …
- protect my son from all evil – My son who is 20 had a seizure on feb 3rd. he has gone for tests please pray that he is healthy and no epilepsy. …
- Prayer for my teenage son – My son seems to be stuck in a rut. He’s a freshman in High school and hates school with a passion. He is isn’t motivated …
- For my own healing – Requesting for prayer for my healing. Iam paraplegic for 2 1/2 years and constantly in so much pain. That throughout this healing journey, I may …
- protection, good health, positive friends – Dear Jehovah God, please send guardian Angels to protect my grandson from dangers and evil seen and unseen. Give him wisdom, good health, true love …
- Prayer for Peace and kindness – Please help me pray for a teenage boy I’m taking care of to be kind,loving and peaceful to me and to others, help him to …
- Healing of Son’s sickness – Father I ask that you will supernaturally heal my son Mason throughout his body.. I pray peace and comfort during the night and that his …
- Protect and bring my daughter anyssa home safe – Father GOD, my daughter Anyssa has been missing for over a week now. Please I beg of to please let her return to us and …
- Prayers for my grandson – Lord please help my grandson Nicolas be ok. Please watch over him and protect him and that what the doctors are hinting us not what …
- a prayer for Susan – Please help Susan as she goes through this time of hurt. She is seeing what a divorce is through her aunt and uncle in law. …
- Healing – Dear Lord i come to you to ask a blessing upon Khloe Grace….hold her in the palm of your hand and grant her complete healing …
- Prayers for Daniel, in ICU after Near drowning – Pray for our friends son, Daniel – 3 years, hospitalised in serious condition after drowning. Pray for him so that our Lord shall heal and …
- Prayers for little Bobby – Lord please lay your loving, merciful and healing hands on this infant boy. You and you alone know what is wrong and what he needs. …
- Prayer for guidance and peace – I am a single mom with no extended family or support struggling with a defiant teen who is angry, bitter, mean and so disrespectful. My …
- Prayers for Avalina – Dear Lord, I pray with all of my heart for my neice, Avalina. She is 5 years old and has been in a terrible accident. …
- God, please help my niece – God, please help my niece who feels abandoned and gone astray. Keep her safe and away from evil thoughts and behaviours. Help her to find …
- A prayer for our troubled daughter – Dear Lord ,you were with us and helped us always. Now my little angel is choosing bad path and bad friends. she needs your guidance …
- God’s Child – Father I come to you in Jesus name. I give you my child. She is yours not mine. I can’t take care of her anymore. …
- Heal a child of molestation – Lord open up this child’s mind and heart to you help him/her to see it was not their fault and this does not make them …
- My Sons Diploma – Dear Father help my Son to get through his graduation with diploma I know he did a lot of mistakes through his schooling but he’s …
- Prayers for Hannah – Dear Lord, Please watch over Hannah a 7 year old recovering from chemo cancer treatments,liver failing, fluids being drained & on breathing tube. Thank you …
- Open the heart of my granddaughter daddy – That he would put my granddaughter happiness before his, that he would hear cry to go home and live with her mother and visit him …
- Prayer for good eyesite – Please Dear God restore and grant to our wonderful 17 month old Bryce perfect vision, wonderful health and a normal developmental as well as neurologically …
- Son court child support custody case – (Texas) Dear Lord I pray that u will be beside my son’s side in court tomorrow. That he will not go to jail & that …
- Adam’s Wisdom Prayer – Heavenly Father, Please give my son Adam the wisdom he needs to pass his tests. He has failed so many times and is loosing his …
- My precious granddaughter – Please protect and bring my granddaughter home. Let her find some good Christian friends that will be good for her. I am so worried about …
- Prayer to heal nephew – Lord i come to u today to heal my nephew please make him well for he has little brothers who looks up to him n …
- Baby Joseph – Our church’s miracle baby that was born with Trisomy 13 on Wednesday, May 16th . Dr’s said Joseph wouldn’t be able to live outside the …
- Lost sheep – Father God,at this midnight hour,I praise and thank you for protecting my children and all the children of the world.At this time I pray for …
- Please pray for this child – I am a new teacher and I am dealing with a child who is obviously a disruption to my class. Please pray for this child …
- For Calvin – No child I know, but never, met has suffered more. Lord please grant our little trooper recovery yet again. Should it be his time to …
- For Conner – Please pray for my 2 year old nephew and my family. He is in critical care and has suffered enough.
- My husband and I are always away with our son. Please guide him and protect him always dear Lord – Dear Father,My husband and I are always away with our son. Please guide him and protect him always dear Lord. Please make him strong and …
- Health and happiness Please god, help my children be happy, healthy, respectful, and well mannered – Please god, help my children be happy, healthy, respectful, and well mannered. Please let lil joes cardiac appt go great. Please let him have a …
- 15 mo old girl recovering from heart surgery but was in respiratory distress during the night. – Unknown named 15 mo old girl recovering from heart surgery but was in respiratory distress during the night she is stable now but she and …
- Doctors always told me I wouldn’t be able to have kids, last year I had my son. My miracle – Prayers for my son. Doctors always told me I wouldn’t be able to have kids, last year I had my son. My miracle! He is …
- Prayers for my daughter to have a miraculous turn around in school and every day life – Please help my 9 year old daughter she is a bit slower in her school work and she really struggles help her gain wisdom and …
- please pray for my husband visa. he is on visit visa which is going to expire tonight – please pray for my husband visa. he is on visit visa which is going to expire tonight. his working visa is under process they are …
- Prayer for my two sons I pray for them to be obedient and seek our heavenly father – My older son is going through difficult situations, alcohol and financial problems. My younger son using marijuana. I am born again and praying for their …
- My grandson is 11 and is struggling in school with teachers who Can not reach him – My grandson is 11 and is struggling in school with teachers who Can not reach him and inspire him to learn. Please pray that he …
- Prayer for sons protection, restoration and release from selfishness and bondage – In Jesus name I pray that both of Robert’s sons Kenny and Christian be restored to him. Their mother suffers from severe mental illness. I …
- Dear Lord look down upon my son and give him the strength to do the best he can – Dear Lord look down upon my son and give him the strength to do the best he can do with your guidance help him find …
- Lord I pray for all 4 of my children to right in school and home or any place – Lord I pray for all 4 of my children to right in school and home or any place. I pray that you set they minds …
- Please help him heal guide him in the right path help him realize his errors – Please help him heal guide him in the right path help him realize his errors and please please keep him away from drugs and alcohol …
- a prayer for me boyfriend to leave that woman who trying to end what we have – i want my boyfriend to come back to me and our kids boyfriend have being talking to this girl for 3weeks he even talk …
- Please help me pray for my son to our Heavenly Father for clear direction – Please help me pray for my son to our Heavenly Father for clear direction, disciplined, freedom from addiction, guidance and protection . He is 16 …
- Please pray for my sick child, that she makes a complete and full recovery – Please pray for my sick child, that she makes a complete and full recovery. Please pray that God will guide the doctors for a quick …
- Father, my heart is so troubled but, in you i find unending peace and rest – Please O Heavenly Father, my heart is so troubled but, in you i find unending peace and rest. I ask you to save, forgive and …
- I pray for all my family rather near or far I bled the blood of Jesus – I pray for all my family rather near or far I bled the blood of Jesus rite now over my 12 grandchildren an jelani heal …
- Protection for my children and grandchildren and greatgrand daughter – I prayed today for protection over my children! my grandchildren, and my great-granddaughter, also my God children. I pray also for a blood covering protection …
- Prayer for sons to be saved Dwayne and Vincent Vincent to hold past – Prayer for sons to be saved Dwayne and Vincent Vincent to hold past. Hurts ,so he can be healed,let him forgive the person/s who hurt …
- Prayer for my son My son is going through some difficult situations. – My son is going through some difficult situations. He is so angry and I don’t know what to do. Please Lord help my child. Help …
- My son Jonathan,18 yrs old has turned into a very rebellious child – My son Jonathan,18 yrs old has turned into a very rebellious child.Avery undisciplined and into drugs.Disrespect everyone around him.Having a bad time in school,expeled from …
- Dear Lord Protect my grandaughter Lily from her bullies at school – Dear Lord Protect my grandaughter Lily from her bullies at school. Help her thrive in what she is good at . Keep her strong and …
- Lord its time i have my own child. Grant me the best gift of life – Lord, you know i have tried… this issue lead to a breakup. Lord its time i have my own child. Grant me the best gift …
- For my unborn not to be taken away from me by the social workers – Dear lord you gave me a vision 4yrs ago about me having a son that will wipe away my tears… Now the social worker wants …
- JESUS, please look upon Macy..plese let her surgery be a success – Dear JESUS, please look upon Macy..plese let her surgery be a success an for her to be completely a fast recovery for this little …
- we are so in need of friends standing with us against bulling – I ask that all put my grand daughter in prayer, we are so in need of friends standing with us against bulling, this is really …
- Lord please help me in my son get back to our relationship – Lord please help me in my son get back to our relationship where we talk and have a life together, for I have disappointed him …
- Father help my grandson suffering from pain in the stomach – Father help my grandson suffering from pain in the stomach for several days. Please heal him and keep him on your tender care. I ask …
- Pray for my son and his alcohol addiction and depression – Please pray for my son and his alcohol addiction and depression please remove it from his life help him find happiness and a good person …
- Prayer for my 5 year old son struggling in kindergarten – Heavenly Father I come to you for help with my son he is having trouble in school with his work and staying focused I pray …
- pray for our 2 yr. Old grandson for a successful surgery – Please pray for our 2 yr. Old grandson for a successful surgery procedure & positive outcome. Thank you & God bless. Grateful grandma.
- Prayer for my preemie son to have a sucessful surgery – My son who wanted to be here before his time. Has had to deal with all the issues premature babies can succumb to. He is …
- Please help my son overcome his learning difficulties – Dear Lord,Please help my son who has just started school.Help him find inner happiness and overcome problems he has with learning.Keep him strong and safe …
- Please pray for my grandson Jeremiah for his safety – Please pray for my grandson Jeremiah for his safety. His mom is abusive to him and have her boyfriends be mean to him also. She …
- Steady Good Work and diligent hands for God’s Glory. – Dear Heavenly Father, You have given Ryan,Charles, Harold Jr. and me many responsibilities and we’re grateful that You trust us to fulfill these things. I …
- Dear Lord, I’m praying for Restoration and healing – (Portland Oregon ) Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that you would restore me to my children that I have been A strange …
- Daughter single mom struggling with depression – God put your arms around my daughter who has a young daughter. My daughter is struggling with mental health and physical hip problems. She is …
- My daughters pain Please pray for her healing – Please pray for her healing. Years of chronic daily headaches. Please heal this child. Her general health, pain tolerance and job are at risk. We …
- pray for our precious little toddler to talk – our 3 year old toddler isn’t speaking words correctly and has a limited vocabulary. please pray all obstacles in her way are removed and that …
- My son is addicted to drugs and prostitutes – Please pray for my son Eddie who is addicted to drugs ,phonorgraphy and woman. I once checked him into a rehab but came out the …
- Pray for my son Andrew struggling to speak – Heavenly Father, thank you for blessing my son Andrew to speak words out of his mouth, to have speech and to be expressive with his …
- God bless saoirse in her new home with mom – God bless saoirse in her new home with mom.Let her visit her dads home often. Help this 6 year old girl to come to terms …
- Prayer for my son to do well in his test – Dear Heavenly Father I worship you I adore you and I give you all the Glory because you alone are the most Holy. I ask …
- Healing for Brooklyn and to buy a house – God bless and heal Brooklyn Fri all her allergies. God please grant me a house to live in. U know my situation and I give …
- Lord, please bring financial peace to me – Lord, please bring financial peace to me. I’m tired of worrying about having money. The costs go up and my income stays the same. I’m …
- Please pray for my son’s pray that Mark – Please pray for my son’s pray that Mark find some lovely girl that will make him very happy. Pray that Ray get full time work …
- Please pray for my daughter in college – Please pray for my daughter in college. Please pray for a peace to help her comprehend the material and control her stress and anxiety. Pray …
- Dear God please let me go see my son – Dear God please let me go see my son I have faith in you to bring me to my needs to go see him thank …
- Grow closer to my son and daughter – Dear heavenly father help a good mother to my kids. help me be the resposible mother . Shine your light on me so my …
- For My Daughter To Return Home – (UK) Please will you pray that my daughter will return home to me? She is with her father who left us and he is a …
- Help my son with migraine – Oh heavenly Father I come to you to seek mercy on my son , he has bad migraines and cannot function. Take this Evi from …
- father bless our child – Oh god Listen to they prays as they bring them to god guide they little hands in which way to go and be w them …
Prayer can be very comforting, especially when a mother is concerned for her children. There is no doubt that being a mother can be frightening and frustrating, but is undoubtedly also a rewarding job. A mother’s prayer can be a blessing for her child or a plea for rescue; in any case, prayer can be a soothing way to ease the burden sometimes inherent in raising a child.
A Prayer for a Sick Child
St. Gerard, who, like the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many disease and even death, listen to me who is pleading for a sick child. I thank God for the great gift of my child and ask Him to restore my child to health if such be His holy will. This favor I beg of you through your love for all children and mothers. Amen
Prayer for a Troubled Child
Dear Lord, you have witnessed the rebelliousness of youth since the very beginnings of time. You understand a mother’s anguish and helplessness over the actions of her child. Please help me to transform my anger and frustration into loving care for my child who has gone astray. Help me begin to mend broken fences and heal broken hearts. Bless my child and also help him to mend the error of his ways. Help and bless us all to do right in Your name and restore us to peace and tranquility.
Blessing for a Child
My daughter, I bless you in the name of Jesus, proclaiming the blessings of God, my Redeemer, upon you. May He give you wisdom, a reverential fear of God, and a heart of love. May He create in you the desire to attend to His words; a willing and obedient heart that you may consent and submit to His ways. May your eyes look straight ahead with purpose for the future. May your tongue be as the pen of a ready writer, writing mercy and kindness upon the tablets of your heart. May you speak the truth in love. May your hands do the works of the Father, may your feet walk the paths which He has foreordained for you.
Prayer for an Angry or Depressed Child
Heavenly Father, my child is your greatest gift, and my biggest challenge. I know my child is truly distressed and yet I am at my wit’s end to find a peaceful resolution. I feel helpless and frustrated.
I ask myself, What would my Heavenly Father do in His infinite wisdom and beneficence?
Lord, come into my heart and mind, and share Your loving wisdom with me! Help my child to heal his pain, and help me to become as loving and wise a parent, as You are for me Your child. Thank You Lord, for hearing me and coming to my aid. Bring your loving Peace to me and my child today.
Our world is filled with events and situations that can cause great fear and anxiety. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and live imprisoned by fear. We are promised in God’s Word that he is faithful and will protect us (2 Thessalonians 3:3). God wants us to let go of fear and to live life to the fullest! (John 10:10) When you are overcome by worry, use these prayers for protection to remember who God is and the protection he has promised you.
1. Prayer for Personal Protection
Father, I come to You today, bowing in my heart, asking for protection from the evil one. Lord, we are assailed moment by moment with images on television, the internet, books and newspapers that leave us vulnerable to sin of every kind. Surround us with Your divine hedge of protection. Encompass us round about with Your strength and Your might. Let all who take refuge in You be glad, let them ever sing for joy. And may You shelter us, that those who love Your name may exult in You. For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5:11-12)
Lord, I ask that You protect our minds. Father, the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. (Romans 8:6) O God, set our minds on You. Let us not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may prove what Your will is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2) Help us by the power of Your Spirit to think on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, let our minds dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
Strengthen us in the power of Your might, O God. Dress us in Your armor so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil. We know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.(Ephesians 6:10-12)
You are our keeper, O Lord, the shade on our right hand. Protect us from all evil and keep our soul. Guard our going out and our coming in. From this time and forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen. – by Lynn Cooke
2. Prayer for the Protection and Safety of Family
Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my kids (grandkids). Keep evil far from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge and strength. I pray You will guard their minds from harmful instruction, and grant them discernment to recognize truth. I pray You will make them strong and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that You have overcome and will set right all injustice and wrong one day. Help them to find rest in Your shadow, as they live in the spiritual shelter You provide for them. Let them know that the only safe place is in Jesus, and that their home on earth is only temporary. – Ryan Duncan, Culture Editor at
3. Prayer for Children’s Security
Lord, I pray that my kids (grandkids) will develop an eternal perspective and purpose, not an earthly one. Help them to see life–and every challenge–through Your eyes, eager and unafraid to share with others the good news of Jesus wherever they go. I pray that they will set their minds on things above, not just what’s going on here, and that they will be rooted and grounded in Your love. I pray they will come to understand the extent of Your own love for them–that it surpasses all the head knowledge they will acquire in school. I pray they will be filled up with You from morning ’til night. – Rebecca Barlow Jordan
4. “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” Protective Prayer:
Celtic monks used it to start their day.The hymn was several stanzas long, and the last two stanzas were especially memorable and moving:
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
I bind unto myself the Name,
The strong Name of the Trinity;
By invocation of the same.
The Three in One, and One in Three,
Of Whom all nature hath creation,
Eternal Father, Spirit, Word:
Praise to the Lord of my salvation,
Salvation is of Christ the Lord.
5. “Priestly Blessings” Prayer from Scripture:
>Numbers 6:22-27 is known as the “Priestly Blessing” or sometimes the “Aaronic Benediction.” There are seven requests made in this prayer.
The LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: “’The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”‘ “So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”
1. The Lord bless you…
The word “bless” means to “provide favor or benefit.” Father, we pray that for our children. You are the Eternal God. Please place Your great kindness and advantage on those we love. May they be approved and favored by You.
2. and keep you…
The Hebrew word “keep” means to “watch, guard, defend.” This is a prayer for protection. Father, my children are not perfect. They are going to make mistakes. But please watch over them and guard them again mistakes of youth that are unalterable. Please defend them against temptation. Protect them against Satan who desires to devour them.
3. the LORD make his face shine upon you…
This is a request for God’s presence.Father, as a parent I know that I can’t be with my children all the time, but You can. Just like they feel the warmth of the sun shining on them, please allow them to experience Your presence. Thank You for being with them wherever they go.
4. and be gracious to you…
Grace is God’s undeserved favor. He gives us what we don’t deserve. Father, thank You for Your gift of grace. I pray that gift to be poured out on my children. Following that great gift of salvation, please show them your kindness and love in all the endeavors of their lives.
5. the Lord turn his face toward you…
Here is a request for God’s fellowship.Father, thank You, that because of their trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in my children. Please walk with them in a powerful way. Enable them to submit to the Spirit’s control day by day and moment by moment.
6. and give you peace.
The Hebrew word for peace used here is “shalom.” It means “completeness, wholeness, and contentment.” Lord, please calm my children’s fears; soothe their anxious souls. Keep them complete and whole in their thinking, emotions, desires, and actions.
7. So they will put my name on ___________ (the name of your child/children).
This is a request of identification. Lord, please place Your holy mark on my children. Set them apart to be used by You. I love them but You love them more. You love them with an everlasting love. May they represent You well on their earthly journey. And when their journey is completed, welcome them home to live forever with You.
(notes by Ron Moore, The Journey) Must-See Version of Psalm 91 Has Taken Us by Storm from biblestudytools on GodTube.
Prayers for Protection and Safety from the Bible
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:3
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1
“My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” – John 17:15
‘And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” – Matthew 6:13
“Because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” – Psalm 16:10-11
Read more Bible verses about protection.
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