Home Prayers for Strength Prayers for siblings

Prayers for siblings

Prayer is not always one of my strong points. I know it is essential in the life of a believer, but I often find myself repeating the same things in prayers.  Recently, I have been trying to focus on praying more and praying better.  I’ve noticed that there are a lot of suggestions for praying for children/husbands/boyfriends/fiancés.  While those are great, because I four younger siblings, they are definitely on my prayer list.  Here are some topics I have come up with.  Let me know what you think!

1. Pray that they will always serve God first.  Of course my ultimate hope is that my siblings will choose to follow God.  I want nothing more to see them in His Kingdom someday soon!  

prayers for siblings

2. Pray that they will make wise life choices.  I have come to realize that I don’t have a whole lot of choice in what my siblings do, so I pray that their choices will be made with prayer and thought.  I pray that as the choose spouses and careers, they will find joy and peace.  

prayers for siblings

3. Pray that they will be helped through temptation. Obviously my siblings will face temptations to do the wrong thing.  Like Job prayed for each of his children to avoid sin, I pray that my siblings will be able to stand firm.  

prayers for siblings

4. Pray that you will be friends as you grow older. I wouldn’t say I am super close to my siblings, but I think we are growing closer as we age. I pray that as we grow up and go our separate ways, we will see each other as not just siblings, but friends.  I pray that we will be able to go to each other in times of need without fearing judgment or criticism.  

prayers for siblings

5. Pray that they will learn from their mistakes and continue to grow.  Even as I pray that they will be able to stand firm against the pressures of the world, I know that they will have times they will fall. Some people go through life never learning from their poor choices. I pray that this will not be the case with my siblings, but that they will grow in wisdom and godliness.


Please pray for a 10 yr girl and a 13 yr old boy who are siblings. Their mom past away a few years ago, their dad has remarried. The dad disowned his son and his son now lives with his grandparents. They both need the Lord so much. They respond well to His Word, but, the world pulls at them from all directions. Please pray as led in Christ.

Heavenly Father,

I lift these two young children up to You. They need You as their Father. Consider their enemies, Lord. Plead for their cause and deliver them out of Your delight for them. Separate them unto You. Give them an everlasting hunger for Your Word and presence that overtakes any other desire. Let the world and what it has to offer grow dim to them. Open their eyes I pray to a new life in You; let their ears hear and their eyes see. Contend with that which contends with them. Let Your Words flow out from their mouths. Let conviction and pardon pour out of them to the people around them and even to the nations I pray. Let them move in power and love; and make love perfect in their hearts. Give them love and prayers for one another.

I stand in prayer with all those who love them and pray for them.

In Jesus Name, Amen.


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