Losing a loved one can bring about a sudden feeling of shock and trouble. Reciting a traditional prayer for comfort can help to bring you consolation and reassurance. Here is a look at some great prayers for loss of a loved one.
Prayer #1
Comfort me with Your love O God
Wrap me up in Your strong embrace
Shelter me from the storm O Lord
Envelop me in Your tender care
By day I pour out my heartbreak to You
By night I give you my racing thoughts
In You I take refuge
In You I will not be afraid
For you hold me strong, You hold me safe
Calm my fearful heart O God
Still my anxious mind O Lord
For all my life is found in You
All my being is given to You
All my hope begins in You
Prayer #2
Lord, at the moment nothing seems to be able to help the loss I feel.
My heart is broken and my spirit mourns.
All I know is that Your grace is sufficient.
This day, this hour
Moment by moment
I choose to lean on You,
For when I am at my weakest Your strength is strongest.
I pour out my grief to You
And praise You that on one glorious day
When all suffering is extinguished and love has conquered
We shall walk together again.
Prayer #3
Our Father in heaven, may Your Name be honored. There is none greater than You. You are our refuge and strength. You are always ready to help in times of trouble. We praise You, Lord. We lift our hearts with praise. It is good to sing praises to You, our God; how delightful and how right! Lord, You are great and mighty in power. Your understanding is infinite. We thank You, Father, for the life of our loved one(s) who have gone on to be with You. Thank You for their time on earth and the impact they had on our lives. We are thankful to You and we bless Your Name.
Prayer #4
Father, You can count the stars and call them all by name. Your power is absolute. Your understanding is beyond comprehension. You support the humble and bring the wicked down into the dust. You comfort those who mourn. We declare that those grieving the death of a loved one; mourning will turn into dancing. We confess that You are their rock, fortress, and Savior in whom they will find protection. You are their shield, and the strength of their salvation. Father, You are their stronghold. As they call on You, You have promised to answer. We believe that You will be with them during this period of bereavement, rescue them from grief, honor them, and give them Your salvation.
Prayer #5
Father, we ask You to send Your peace to those persons who are mourning. Continue to surround them with family, friends and loved ones who will offer words of comfort. Give them sweet and restful sleep. Father, remove the spirit of heaviness, and give them garments of praise. In due time, bless their lives to overflow with laughter and joy again. As they take refuge in You, please help them to put their trust in You. Holy Spirit, we ask that You settle the hearts and minds of those who are feeling any guilt, resentment, bitterness, or anger. Help them not to look back but to press forward.
Prayer #6
Father, forgive the bereaved for any sins they have committed through thoughts, words, or deeds. Forgive them if they have not meditated on Your Word to find comfort. Father, forgive them if they have not been totally submissive to Your perfect will for their lives. Forgive them for any hurtful things they may have said or done to the deceased. Lord, help them to forgive the deceased if necessary. Please remind them of anyone they need to forgive; and help them to forgive quickly.
Prayer #7
Loving Father, I am finding it so hard to even get up out of bed to start the day, knowing that I have to face it alone and without the one I love so dearly – I know that without Your grace and sufficiency I could never get through the day – but I thank You that You have promised to be with me and to provide me with Your strength for the day as well as bright hope for tomorrow.
I can’t imagine tomorrow being anything but a day filled with pain – as I do not have my loved one beside me, but I ask that in Your grace You will give me the strength to get through today, step by step – knowing that You are there to carry me, even when my heart seems to fail from the grief and pain that I am going through.
Thank You that You have promised to carry our pain and thank You that Your grace is sufficient for every eventuality in our lives. Give me the strength and to cope with the loneliness I feel and help me to move forward in my life-plans, knowing that You are with me, to support and strengthen.
Give me hope for tomorrow – for my hope and my trust is in You, Lord. Hold me close I pray and thank You for always being with me and the great comfort that I have in knowing You, as my own dear Saviour and friend.
Prayer #8
Loving Lord and Heavenly king, I want to lift up some dear friends of mind that are going through much grief at the moment and are finding it so difficult to come to terms with all that has taken place in the last few days…
I humbly ask that You would come to them and provide the comfort they need to come to terms with all that has happened – and the strength to face the reality that things will never be as they were.
Lord I know that their grief seems to be overwhelming them and I am hurting for them, and know not what to do to help – and so I am coming to You to in prayer, to ask that You will meet each of them at their point of need and help them to turn to You at this sad time.
I pray that as the day passes Your healing touch will comfort and succour them in this time of distress and may this be a thing that causes each of them to draw closer to You, knowing that You alone can heal the broken-hearted and bring joy out of pain.
Thank You Lord for being there for me and into Your hands I place each one of these dear ones who have such sadness in their hearts – I KNOW in Whom I believe and an confident that You will bring good out of this situation – and to You be all the praise and glory, Amen
Prayer #9
Loving Lord I am filled with grief and sadness at the loss of my precious loved one – and yet that pain is tinged with gold, knowing that they trusted you as their Saviour and that they are now in Your presence.
I know that I am going to miss this precious one, who has been my strength and my joy for so long, and thank You for the precious times we had together.
Often Lord I expect my dear one to just be there, or walk through the door – and then remember that they have gone home to be with You. At times this is quite hard and yet I know that I must not grieve as those that have not hope in Jesus – but rejoice knowing that the day is coming when we will be together with You and You will wipe away all tears from our eyes – but at the moment my loss is like an open wound – and I pray that You will heal my brokenness and the loneliness I feel… and draw me every closer into Your arms of love my Lord and my God.
Thank You for all You are to me and may I rest in You in Jesus name, Amen
Prayer #10
My heart is reaching out to you,
For what you’re going through;
I’m thinking of you frequently
And praying for you, too.
If there’s something I can do,
Anything at all,
Think of me thinking of you,
And don’t hesitate to call.
Prayer #11
When someone we love passes away,
We ache, but we go on;
Our dear departed would want us to heal,
After they are gone.
Grief is a normal way to mend
The anguish and pain in our hearts;
We need time to remember and time to mourn,
Before the recovery starts.
Let’s draw together to recuperate,
As we go through this period of sorrow;
Let’s help each other, with tender care
To find a brighter tomorrow.
Prayer #12
If we could bring you back again,
For one more hour or day,
We’d express all our unspoken love;
We’d have countless things to say.
If we could bring you back again,
We’d say we treasured you,
And that your presence in our lives
Meant more than we ever knew.
If we could bring you back again,
To tell you what we should,
You’d know how much we miss you now,
And if we could, we would.
Prayer #13
If there was ever a time in my life I was weak, it was the days, weeks, and months after my daughter died. To know that God’s strength was at it’s best when I needed it the most gave me courage to take another breath. It seems impossible to “glory in my affirmities” when you don’t feel you have the strength to go on with your life, but God’s grace *is* sufficient. There is power through Christ Jesus to sustain you when nothing else can. You must allow Him to carry the burden – there are things too big for us to handle on our own. We cannot as mothers (and fathers) get through the loss of a child and retain any sanity without His help.
I don’t think it’s wrong to ask “why” – I have many times over the years. But you have to recognize God’s authority and know that whatever purpose there was for your child, it was fulfilled during the time you carried him or her. We don’t understand all of it, and honestly I don’t believe we have the capacity to. But I take comfort knowing that one day, God will hold me close and explain it to me in a way that I can understand.
Prayer #14
Praise God that He is close to those who are suffering. He knows the pain we’re going through and He keeps us from being consumed by it. I know without a doubt that had it not been for the grace of God, I would have come through my daughter’s death a bitter and downtrodden woman. But through His love and compassion, He saved me from being crushed by the weight of the burden I carried. My heart still aches for my baby and it’s been seven years since she died – the ache has dulled some with time, but I don’t believe it will ever go away completely. I still cry at times talking about her, but I rest in the knowledge that God is near and will continue to carry me if I allow Him to. It’s a choice – a conscious decision you have to make. You have to acknowledge that you need help getting through it, and God is the only answer.
Dianne Gray, head of the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation discusses the five stages of grief and the classic book, ‘On Death and Dying.’
“Could I ask how do I pray an extremely powerful prayer with 100% unwavering faith to ask the “I AM” to have me lose 40 kgs of weight healthy, supernaturally and miraculously?”
I wasn’t sure if I understood the request correctly, so I wrote back:
“It sounds like you are looking for a prayer that will help you lose weight without you having to do or change anything with your eating or exercise. Is that correct?”
“Yes!” He answered.
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Here was my response in part and I hope it helps you too today:
I applaud you for wanting to achieve a healthy weight. I know how to pray to God for wisdom concerning weight loss, but I do not know a prayer that will enable you to lose weight without you having to do anything. Notice that I did not say that such a prayer doesn’t exist; I am just saying that I do not know one.
However, I can give you a prayer so that you can ask God for wisdom on the right daily actions to take to lose weight. Here is that prayer:
Gracious heavenly Father, you have said in your word that if anyone lacks wisdom, all they need to do is ask and you will give them wisdom liberally and without reproach (James 1:5). I come to you in the name of Jesus asking for wisdom to take care of myself so that I may glorify you in my body and my spirit (1 Corinthians 6:20). Give me the desire to choose foods that bring energy and vitality to my body and clarity to my mind. Give me enthusiasm to exercise so that I may strengthen my body and have the energy to do the things I need to do. Most of all, Lord, give me wisdom to put you first in my life because You have said that if I seek first your kingdom and all its righteousness, my needs will be taken care of. Thank you, Father, for giving me the gift of abundant wisdom today. Amen.
Now that you are asking God for wisdom, consider the wisdom that he has already given you. Here is a scripture to ponder:
“Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin (James 4:17).”
What good things do you already know to do that will help your body stay healthy? According to this scripture, you have a responsibility to do them. Write down all the wisdom that you already have about health. Then ask God daily to help you put it into action – starting today.
Even if you lost weight supernaturally, you will need wisdom to avoid regaining the weight you lost if poor health habits were the cause of your weight gain.
Do not ever give up striving to be healthy; that is the 100% way that you will never get what you want. At least if you are working on it, you are giving yourself a fighting chance!
My prayer for you today is that you put your faith into action every day. According to scripture, you will inherit the promises of God when you put faith and patience to work.
Update: I now have free online audio prayer classes called ‘Secrets to Always Answered Prayer.’ These classes were taught by the anointed teacher Kathy Logan. Listen to these prayer classes and develop your faith in prayer today: Click here to see the list of free prayer classes.
Be blessed in health, healing, and wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Author of the ‘Take Back Your Temple’ ebook
P.S. When strength to continue your weight loss program fades, you need supernatural help! With The Weight Loss Prayers, you’ll get 30 success prayers adapted from my own successful 85-pound weight loss journey.
by Vasanti (Mundel)
I humbly and earnestly request you to please pray for my need. I am the eldest, and from a very poor family, I am the breadwinner, and my parents are sickly. I have three younger brothers, of whom the youngest developed glaucoma and is now fully blind. He is dependent on me to provide for his medical expenses, and for his learning Braille.
My other two brothers do cultivation in our village, which is very remote, and during the recent floods, all the crops perished. I am the only one in the family who was able to study, and with our extreme poverty, lack of basic needs, I persevered and successfully completed my degree in Christianty and Mass communication. I am the first and only one in my village, and the whole village is honored by my achievement, as we dont have electricity supply at home, yet I studied with the light from a small bottle lamp.
Having graduated I worked in a Catholic institution, I was happy in my work. My superior suddenly terminated my employment for no reason, as they had someone else lined up, to replace me. However the person replacing me is from an affluent family. It is sad, that my superiors knowing very well my poverty and my poor parents and blind brothers dependency on my salary, did something wicked and heartless like this. Above all, I am without a job for over two months now, no income, my brothers medical needs have not been provided, he is unable to continue with his Braille, we are without proper food, while my superiors who did this live a care free, secure life with all their needs met.
I pleaded and appealed to all those that matter, but none were willing to help me, as they all prefer to be on the side of the powerful person, and not spoil their friendship by trying to take up my cause.
I plead the mercy and intervention of God to take up my cause, and deliver justice, Now I am compelled to seek justice in a court of law, and I ask you to pray that God may guide and direct my lawyer, and anoint him with the Holy Spirit. That the presence of the Lord will take authority over this case, and that Jesus will release truth over all the falsehoods and hidden lies being cooked up to safeguard those responsible.
That the mighty power of God will expose all hidden and shady deals, and that He will bless every tear and pain that I and my poor parents and blind brother suffered and endured in silence, because of inhuman and wicked and heartless superiors,.I pray that God may forgive them and that they repent for their wrongdoings. May the glory and justice of God overrule all wrong and injustice. To God be the glory!! Praise and bless His Holy and Mighty Name. May Mother Mary, St. Joseph and all the saints intercede for me.
7TH Mach 2011