Prayers for breast cancer

Father, for the strength You have given me I thank You.

For the health You have blessed me with, I thank You.

For the women who are going through breast cancer and their families I ask You to strengthen and to heal as You see fit.

Lord we know You want us to be in good health and to prosper.

Lord use us to do the work You have for us to do.

For we know time is getting short on this earth.

Lord be with every woman who is sick and encourage them as only You can.

I know how faithful You are.

You have shown Yourself to be everything You say You are in Your Holy Word.

I praise You for You made this body and You can heal this body.

In Jesus Name I pray.


Dr. Anthony LaBarbera Dr. LaBarbera

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prayers for breast cancer

1 Any counseling program for children of breast cancer survivors? Dr. Anthony LaBarbera Dr. LaBarbera

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See Below: Any therapist should be able to help your child. Ask your child’s provider for recommendations. …Read more

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Dr. Barry Rosen

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Cancer (Definition)

Cancer is a group of diseases that is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth leading to invasion of surrounding tissues that spread to other parts of the body. Cancer can begin anywhere in the body and is usually related to one or more genetic mutations that allow normal cells to become malignant by interfering with internal cellular control mechanisms, such as programmed cell death or by preventing …Read more

Dr. Bahman Daneshfar Dr. Daneshfar

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2 Can elderly breast cancer patients still get radiation therapy? Dr. Bahman Daneshfar Dr. Daneshfar

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Yes: Breast cancer is treated by stage but consideration is made to performance status not just age. So if the disease requires radiation even the elderly can usually tolerate the treatment. Stage 1 patients who have positive receptors may be able to omit the radiation if they are over 70 if they take hormone pills. …Read more

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Dr. Martin Rubenstein Dr. Rubenstein

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3 Do people with stage IV metastatic breast cancer often undergo chemo? Dr. Martin Rubenstein Dr. Rubenstein

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Yes.: Under certain circumstances hormone therapy might be the initial treatment, but most stage 4 patients eventually undergo chemotherapy treatment. This will depend on age, tolerence for treatment, hormone responsiveness and other tumor characteristics. …Read more

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Dr. Carlos Encarnacion Dr. Encarnacion prayers for breast cancer 4 Is mastectomy really necessary for a stage 2 breast cancer patient? Dr. Carlos Encarnacion Dr. Encarnacion prayers for breast cancer

Depends: The choice between mastectomy (either one or both breasts) and lumpectomy depends on many factors including genetic issues, size of the cancer and of the breast, location, and many others. It is a choice to be made by both the surgeon and the patient after a thorough discussion. …Read more

prayers for breast cancer

Dr. Clarence Grim Dr. Grim prayers for breast cancer 5 Patients with advanced breast cancer,Has received chemotherapy,Is there any need for radiotherapy? Dr. Clarence Grim Dr. Grim prayers for breast cancer

Breast Cancer: As you see on TV cancer Dx and Rx is very individualized. Some need radiation and some may not. So discuss this with your Dr. …Read more

prayers for breast cancer

Dr. Barry Rosen Dr. Rosen

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6 When is tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment? Dr. Barry Rosen Dr. Rosen

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Chemotherapy: Tamoxifen is a very effective drug for the treatment of hormone-sensitive (estrogen receptor +) breast cancers. It may be used alone or in combination with traditional IV chemotherapy, depending on the cancer stage. Furthermore, tamoxifen has been shown to be effective reducing the chance of developing breast cancer in high-risk women (“chemoprevention”). …Read more

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Dr. Liawaty Ho Dr. Ho

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7 What recommendations do oncologists have for a stage 1 breast cancer patient? Dr. Liawaty Ho Dr. Ho

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D/w your oncologist : Stage 1 in general is treated with surgery and radation therapy if lumpectomy is chosen. In addition, anti hormonal therapy is recommended for er+ cancer. Chemo +/- biological therapy i.e. Anti her2neu inhibitor – is given for some cases of stage i breast cancer- depending on the size, prognostic factors, oncotype dx, her2neu receptor status, age, preference, ps, etc. D/w oncologist in detail. …Read more

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Dr. Travis Kidner Dr. Kidner

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8 Can photoacoustic breast imaging solve the conventional challenge in diagnosing breast cancer for patients with dense breast tissues? Dr. Travis Kidner Dr. Kidner

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Unclear: The data is unclear on this. I do not think it is ready to prime time just yet. …Read more

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Dr. Barry Rosen Dr. Rosen

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9 Does anastrozole tablets for breast cancer also treat bone cancer in women with metastases? Dr. Barry Rosen Dr. Rosen

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Sort Of: We define cancers by their organ of origin. Therefore, by strict definition, bone cancer originates from bone cells; Anastrozole won’t help these rare cancers. More commonly, cancers can spread to bones–we call this bone metastasis. Breast cancer can spread to bones; anastrazole can prevent the spread of certain breast cancers. Hope this helps. …Read more

prayers for breast cancer

Dr. Simon Kimm Dr. Kimm

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10 Is brachytherapy helpful for a prostate cancer patient who has metastasized cancer cells? Dr. Simon Kimm Dr. Kimm

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No.: Brachytherapy is used in the treatment of localized prostate cancer, or cancer that has not spread outside of the prostate gland. If a patient has metastatic disease, treatments need to be systemic, with the aim of halting the growth & spread of the cancer throughout the body. These treatments include hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. Urologists & medical oncologists can help. …Read more

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Dr. Addagada Rao Dr. Rao

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11 Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer with a liver transplant patient? Dr. Addagada Rao Dr. Rao

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If needed yes: Liver transplant patients need chemotherapy will be given with close monitoring , working as team . Interesting observation, in liver transplant patients the incidence of ovarian cancer is less than the normal population. …Read more

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Dr. Regina Hampton Dr. Hampton

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12 Why are certain chemo treatments done for a breast cancer patient in stage 3? Dr. Regina Hampton Dr. Hampton

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Yes: In the majority of cases, stage 3 breast cancer needs chemotherapy in order to cure and prevent the cancer from coming back. Speak with your navigator and oncology team and ask questions so you understand the details of treatment and your stage. …Read more

See 1 more doctor answer Dr. Paul Hartlaub Dr. Hartlaub

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13 Are there alternatives to mammogram for breast cancer screening? Dr. Paul Hartlaub Dr. Hartlaub

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None as good: Mammograms are the best test for detecting breast cancer. It is not clear that breast exams by a health care provider add benefit (tho they may), and breast self exams have not been shown to be beneficial. Certainly, if you notice a bump, a change in skin, a nipple discharge or any abnormality that you are concerned about, you should get it checked out. …Read more

See 1 more doctor answer Dr. David Dang Dr. Dang

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14 Some alternatives to mammograms for breast screening. Dr. David Dang Dr. Dang

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None: At present there are no definite good alternatives to mammograms for breast screening. Ultrasound and MRI are complimentary to mammograms but do not replace mammograms. Specifically microcalcifications are best seen on mammograms which have resolution of up to 70 microns. There are some advertised screening alternatives but none are as tried and true as mammograms. …Read more

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Dr. Rafael Lugo Dr. Lugo

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15 How can I transition from breast cancer patient to cancer survivor? Dr. Rafael Lugo Dr. Lugo

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Survived: If you have survived the treatment and you are cancer free then you are a survivor. Congratulations! www.Drlugo.Com. …Read more

prayers for breast cancer

Dr. Bahman Daneshfar Dr. Daneshfar

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16 Can radiation therapy for breast cancer give me leukemia? Dr. Bahman Daneshfar Dr. Daneshfar

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Not likely: Leukemia is more likely as a cancer caused by chemotherapy since it exposes more bone marrow. Radiation to the breast will expose very little bone marrow and leukemia is not likely but nothing is impossible. …Read more

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Dr. Pamela Pappas Dr. Pappas

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17 Are there breast cancer scholarships for children of survivors? Dr. Pamela Pappas Dr. Pappas

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Possibly: There are scholarships for children whose parents are dealing with, or who have died from, various cancers. Here’s a site that lists some of them: there may well be more than this. Good luck to you. …Read more

prayers for breast cancer

Dr. John Fung Dr. Fung

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18 Experts, might someone recommend nexavar (sorafenib) for a stage 4 inactive neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer patient? Dr. John Fung Dr. Fung

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Possibly: Stage 4 indicates that you have net at a site distant from the pancreas or regional lymph node, likely the liver. Not clear what you mean by”inactive”, whether you mean it is stable or not secreting any substance. In any case, sorafenib (nexavar) is being tested in metastatic net in clinical trials (http://clinicaltrials.Gov/ct2/show/nct00131911) & (http://www.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/pubmed/23475104). …Read more

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Dr. Raj Syal Dr. Syal

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19 Will radiation for breast cancer increase my risk for other cancers? Dr. Raj Syal Dr. Syal

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Yes: Talk to your doctor about this risk and steps for prevention. …Read more

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Dr. Liawaty Ho Dr. Ho

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20 What are some treatments for breast cancer stage iv? Dr. Liawaty Ho Dr. Ho

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Systemic therapy: Mainstay therapy for stage IV cancer would be systemic therapy – in the form of chemotherapy or antiestrogen therapy for er+ breast cancer- in the right setting. Palliative radiation or surgical procedure can be given in the right setting i.e. Painful bony metastases, spinal cord compression- to relieve symptoms. Palliative care will be always part of the treatment througout the course of cancer. …Read more

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Dr. Mark Hoepfner

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Breast Carcinoma (Definition)

Most breast cancers are carcinomas. This is a type of breast cancer. These cancers start in the cells that line organs and tissues. In fact, breast cancers are often a type of carcinoma called adenocarcinoma, which starts in cells that make glands (glandular tissue). Breast adenocarcinomas start in the ducts (the milk ducts) or …Read more

Dr. Barry Rosen

doctors shared insights

Breast Cancer (Definition)

A condition in which cells lining the inside of the breast grow …Read more

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