Prayer to stop drinking

by Chrissy (IL)

Dear Lord,

I have been praying and praying for years now to help my husband face his demons and overcome them through Your undeserved love and grace. Dear Lord, I pray that he sees the good he has in this life instead of the bad, I pray that he turns to you in times of need instead of alcohol, I pray that he puts his son above the drinking, I pray that he seeks help so he can be the man I know he can be. I pray that I no longer have to face the abuse and fear of his drinking, I pray that you wash over him and bring him back to Your home, I pray that he will one day sit at Your table and allow you to embrace him. Dear Lord, I pray that he finds peace and again, I pray that he stops drinking and enjoys the beautiful life you have him, the beautiful son You brought down to him, and my unending love. Thank you Dear Lord! I give you all the love and glory! In Your name I pray, Amen!

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