Heavenly Father, please hear my prayer. Please intercede for me in the restoration of my relationship with my boyfriend. It will take a miracle, but I know that nothing is too hard for you. You have healed people of Stage 4 cancer instantly. I know that you can restore our love to the happiness and joy we’ve had over our 12 year relationship.
I’m trying so hard to be still and know that you can change anything, I wait in prayer with expectancy and gratitude. I know at your set time you will intercede. I know that you are the one who brought us together and deep inside my heart that you see my genuine love for him and that you know he had the same for me not that long ago. Please bring him home to me Dear God, please give me another chance.
Please don’t let me lose him. I ask you for this miracle in Jesus’ name. I’ll try to be patient and wait for your intercession. I know you can change anything – you have the final say, nothing is too hard for you. I love and trust in you always. Thank you in advance for this miracle, I promise
I’ll spend the rest of my life making him happy. I wish to be his wife one day but if all it can be is his lifetime partner & girlfriend, I’ll be so happy to be that also. Please intercede, please restore our relationship to what it always was, true love and happiness in one another. Please give me a sign if you can to ease my worry and uncertainly as I wait with expectancy. Thank you Heavenly Father.
Love & Devotion always, Joanne
A struggling relationship is a source of immense emotional pain. If you’ve ever endured a broken marriage or a slowly-dwindling long-term dating relationship, you know how difficult it can be to find lasting reconciliation.
If this is you, the power of prayer may be just what you need.
Faith is a powerful thing, and appealing to God for the health of your relationship can have amazing results. Used in conjunction with other efforts, such as relationship counseling, prayer can be downright miraculous.
Rest assured that God hears your prayers, and that He cares about you. His answers may not always come in the form we expect, but they do come when we ask for help.
And sometimes, the very act of praying can bring about huge change in your life. When we pray, we take our abstract desires and put them into words. We say what we want out loud. Sometimes, that’s enough to help us make sense of our problems and go about finding the solutions—God works through natural means as much as He does through the miraculous.
But whichever way prayer works out for you, it’s always worth your time. To help you learn how to use prayer well, let’s take a look at 7 examples of prayers for a struggling relationship.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you that You created romantic love and realtionships. You know the depth of my feelings and hopes for the future about my romantic relationship with ____________.
Here are the things that I am so thankful that he/she brings to my life…
Here are the things I see in this person that I have always looked for in a life partner…
As wonderful as our relationship is, I realize that opening myself up to someone else makes me vulnerable to possible heartbreak, yet I believe love is well worth the risk. Sometimes I feel insecure. Here are some things from my past relationships and this relationship that sometimes hold me back…
Lord, you also know that there are pieces of our lives that don’t exactly fit together right now. Here are the facts, logistics and external factors of the relationship that need to be worked out…
(Examples: not able to spend time together due to geographical location/job demand, age differences, unfinished business such as education, concerns about economics and making a living, children from previous marriage, controlling family members, cultural differences, etc.)
You also created each of us as unique people. Help us to appreciate and enjoy our differences and to discuss them openly so they won’t get in the way. Here are some of our personality differences that we need your help with…
(Examples: Either partner’s differing lifestyle, personal habits, attitudes, personality traits, life goals, interpersonal skills, communication skills, low/high self image, control issues, dependability, maturity, emotional baggage etc.)
Here are some of the faith issue we could use your help on…
I ask that you will give me discernment to see any red flags that I need to pay attention to in our relationship. I know that verbal, mental or physical abuse are very serious and should be dealt with immediately by professionals. Please help me listen to you now to here whether there are any signs of abuse on which I need to seek immediate help…
I realize that I’m feeling so happy right now that it’s remotely possible that I might be looking at things with rose colored glasses. Here are some things my friends and family have been saying to me about our relationship that I need Your truth about…
I pray that you will strengthen our ability to communicate as a couple, especially on the following issues…
Please make me aware of the times we both have unrealistic expectations about our relationship based on books, movies and people we know. Please show me one unrealistic expectation that has been a problem for us that I may not be aware of…
I pray now for the future of our relationship. Here are my hopes and dreams for our future together…
I pray that you bless my partner with all good things. Here is my prayer of blessing for him/her…
I thank you so much for bringing this special person into my life. I know that You love me much more deeply than anyone in this world can ever love me. Thank you that Your love makes me strong enough to love others. Here is my prayer of thankfulness to You…
Cover us in your love. I pray this in the name of Jesus, the one who loves us so much that He laid down His own life for our sake. Amen.
We all have relationship problems at some point. How we deal with the problem can make or break our relationship, for better or worse, for richer or poorer. Here’s a quick summary of five different ways to deal with different types of relationship problems….for better or worse.
5 Ways to Deal With Relationship Problems
How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together: Breakthrough Strategies to Resolve Your Conflicts and Reignite Your Love by Susan Page is a good resource for dealing with relationship problems without having “the talk.” If you and your partner have been talking about your problems for years – or he doesn’t want to talk about them – you might want to read this book!
A reader inspired me to write this article. On How to Get Over an Addictive Relationship, she said, “I am currently in a very addictive relationship and the most toxic one in my life. I am with a man that has abused me physically, mentally and emotionally…and I am always begging him to stay with me. I found out over a month into the relationship that he is married back in his home country but by then I was already addicted to him that I didn’t end things at that moment and after that is when the physical abuse started…I am currently in counseling trying to get out of this relationship but it’s going to be a year this Friday and I am having such a hard time letting go.”
What are her options? Let’s find out…
Stay, and keep suffering. I think this is how many of us deal with relationship problems. We stay in relationships because we’re scared of the unknown. There are practical considerations (money, kids, mortgage, jobs) and emotional issues (enmeshment, “addiction”, insecurities, fears). So we stay in relationships that are full of problems – and we let our lives run away without us. Sometimes this is our only option…but not very often.
Stay, and blame your partner. It’s his fault, isn’t it? He’s the liar, cheater, abuser. He’s the one who is causing all or most of the relationship problems. He won’t go to counseling, and he doesn’t want to change. There’s nothing you can do to save your marriage or solve your relationship problems. So, you deal with it by pointing the finger at him. You let him have all the power, and you default to the “I’m powerless to change anything” position. This way to deal with relationship problems is more common than you think.
Stay, and pray things change. I’m a huge fan of prayer! In fact, I’ll probably say a prayer for you and your relationship problems at the end of this article. But, I am not a fan of sitting still and praying for things to change. I believe God wants us to act as if everything depends on us, and pray as if everything depends on Him. I believe God needs us to take action, and He’ll guide us one step at a time. Praying through your relationship problems can help you cope – but there comes a time when you need to take action.
Read How to Solve Relationship Problems Without Breaking Up if you want to stay with your partner.
“5 Ways to Deal With Relationship Problems” image by cocoparisienne via Pixabay, CC License
Leave, and keep suffering. Sometimes we deal with relationship problems by breaking up physically and socially…but not emotionally. We stay connected via Facebook, Twitter, email – anyway we can. Our way to “deal with relationship problems” is to straddle both sides of the fence. We indulge our appetite for our relationship – even the unhealthiest parts – while obsessing about how many relationship problems we have. We might as well stay in the unhealthy relationship if we leave and keep dealing with the same old relationship problems.
Leave, even though you’ll be heartbroken. If your relationship problems include lying, cheating, stealing, and betrayal, then one option is to leave. Yes, your heart will break. Yes, you’ll grieve the loss of your relationship. Your dream of a future together is shattered, yes. But you will heal, my friend. You will become stronger and healthier if you know when to leave a relationship. I believe this is the best way to deal with relationship problems – depending, of course, on what type of problems you’re dealing with.
My prayer for everyone dealing with relationship problems is that you receive clear guidance about which road to take! May you know whether you should stay and stick it out, or go and grieve your broken heart. May you connect with God, your Source of energy, strength, love, and spirit.
I welcome your comments on dealing with relationship problems below. I can’t offer advice on your relationship or marriage, but writing might help you work through your emotions and experiences.