Prayer for starting a business

Dear Lord

The author of all that is holy and blessings. Thank you for giving me divine wisdom and righteousness, the gift of life, perfect health and for ever providing for my family.

My sweet Jesus, I come to you today asking for once again your divine favor and wisdom. Lord I want to start my business, however I have not the means or wisdom to start the business, but I come to you today, trusting and believing in your ever kindness that you will see me through.

I thank you that you have blessed me immensely, I am where I am because you want me to be, and I am heading towards the direction that you are guiding me to.

I thank you lord Jesus for you always listen to my prayers and answer my requests, however ridiculous the are.

Thank you lord Jesus and I ask all this through JESUS’ name, Amen.

Return to Business Prayers

Business prayers are for anyone starting out a new business venture, going into business for themselves, starting a home business, or starting a new business partnership. More and more people today want to work from home and start their own home businesses. We wish you much success!

 “Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed.”

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”

Prayers for Business

Starting a Business

Dear Lord, I ask for your help in starting my own business. You are my strongest ally, and my best partner. Please join me in this new venture so that I may succeed For myself, my family and the customers I will serve. Grant me your powers of good judgment, Your wisdom and guidance, So that my business may prosper and do right By us all in Your Heavenly name. Thank you! Amen.

The Right Direction

God grant me the inspiration, the motivation, The right direction, and the resources To succeed in my new business. My intent is clear And my will is strong. Help me stay focused on my goals And to reap honest rewards for the benefit of all. Thank You, God, for your kind assistance. Amen!

Prayer for a New Business

My partners and I have begun a new business. We ask your kind blessings, Lord, to guide us on our way To keep our hearts pure and sincere, To bless us with the spirit of cooperation To resist all greed and dishonest temptation, So that we may serve our own as graciously as You serve us. Hear our prayer, oh Lord, so that our business reap may the right profit and stay the just course. Amen!

Business prayers are for anyone starting out a new business venture, going into business for themselves, starting a home business, or starting a new business partnership. More and more people today want to work from home and start their own home businesses. We wish you much success!

Business Prayers

Starting your own business or going into partnership with others.

Business prayers are for anyone starting out a new business venture, going into business for themselves, starting a home business, or starting a new business partnership. More and more people today want to work from home and start their own home businesses. We wish you much success!

“Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23

Dear Lord, I ask for your help in starting my own business.

You are my strongest ally, and my best partner.

Please join me in this new venture so that I may succeed

For myself, my family and the customers I will serve.

Grant me your powers of good judgment,

Your wisdom and guidance,

So that my business may prosper and do right

By us all in Your Heavenly name. Thank you! Amen.

My partners and I have begun a new business.

We ask your kind blessings, Lord, to guide us on our way

To keep our hearts pure and sincere,

To bless us with the spirit of cooperation

To resist all greed and dishonest temptation,

So that we may serve our own as graciously as You serve us.

Hear our prayer, oh Lord, so that our business reap may the right profit and stay the just course. Amen!

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