Prayer for orphans

This post is part of my lenten series: 40 prayers for Russia’s orphans.  Won’t you join us in lifting up some of the most vulnerable children in our world today? 


Day 8

As we drove around Moscow going to various appointments or to visit Arie, John and I had a lot of time to talk with our facilitator and translator. She was such a wonderful woman, full of kindness and entirely capable. We asked her opinion on many things. Once, John asked her what happens to older orphans. We knew the statistics were grim (majority either turn to crime, prostitution, or suicide), but we wanted to know step-by-step what actually happened to them.

In Moscow at least, the children leave the orphanage “homes” when they are 17 or 18 years old and the government provides an apartment (to own, not just rent) and tuition for a college education. Mostly, she said, these young adults are encouraged to learn a trade.

When we heard this, our initial reaction was something like that’s actually not too bad, but then our facilitator went on: the young men and women who have spent their whole lives in an orphanage are often unable to cope with the world once they leave. They’ve had meals prepared, clothes and school supplies bought, they’ve lived in community their entire lives, and they just don’t have the skills to live alone. They become terribly lonely. The worst, she said, are holidays. When every other college student returns to Mom and Dad for New Years or summer holidays, these orphaned students have no one. Just think for a minute when you were in college or just starting out in the world. Think about how many times you called home, emailed, or visited your parents to ask for advice or just for a hot meal and come company. These young adults have no one.

Many of the young children in baby homes right now are the offspring of young men and women who grew up as orphans themselves. Having grown up without an example to follow, they simply do not know how to parent.

There are organizations that exist to help these young people not just survive but thrive. They provide mentorship, classes for life skills, and invaluable direction for those who don’t know where to turn. We should remember to pray for them, especially now.


God who guides our every step,

Today we pray for the young men and women who have just left or are about to leave their orphanage homes. They are in deep need of your love and guidance. We pray you will provide for them in very practical ways.

Give them a safe place to live, food to eat, an education, and a way to be fulfilled in their work. We thank you that the government provides many of these things in Russia.

However, we know that it is not enough. We also pray that you will bring older and wiser people into their lives to provide wisdom and direction. We pray you will give them a community in which they experience real love. Give them a place to go for the holidays, someone to call for advice, and a loving hand to hold as they figure out how to make their way in the world.

Provide them with spiritual direction through your church. Bring them missionaries, clergy members, and believers to share your gospel truth. May they find unwavering peace and lifelong direction in your precious word.

As adoptions in Russia close, we pray that you will bless the people and organizations who help these older orphans with all that they need. Make them a blessing in their country.

We thank you for every good and perfect gift; we know they all come for you.

Be with these oldest orphans today, we pray in Jesus’ name.


God, you know the needs of orphans across the world, inside and out. Please have mercy on children without families, blessing them with clothes, good food, and safe places to live. Send compassionate adults into their lives to love and walk beside them. And bring them the peace that comes from knowing Jesus. Amen.

Would you be willing to share this prayer with your church on Orphan Sunday, November 12th?

Orphan Sunday is a worldwide event that takes place every November. It’s an easy way to talk to your church, small group, or family about orphan care. The Orphan Sunday website (organized by CAFO, the Christian Alliance for Orphans) offers many resources, from images to share on Facebook to Bible studies and t-shirts.

Many of you, along with your churches, support Last Bell and other organizations that care for orphans. There’s a vast network of people doing great work—including some former orphans!—and we’re thrilled to be part of it. We’d be honored if you brought Last Bell and the other orphan care organizations you care about to the awareness of your church and friends on November 12th.

We welcome you to use our Responsive Reading Guide, as a whole or whatever sections are best for your church’s unique approach to worship. You can read it or download a PDF copy here:

Orphan Sunday: A Responsive Reading Guide

We hope to “see” you on November 12th. Thanks for your compassion and love for orphans!

The Potter from Christian Alliance for Orphans on Vimeo.
prayer for orphans

Prayer for Orphanage Children

Prayer For  Orphanage Children

Matthew 19:13-15, ”Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And he laid hands on them, and departed thence.”

Ephesians 6:4 , “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

The Bible says children are the heritage of the Lord. Caring for the orphanage children is caring for your own children.  God wants us to extend our portion of love these to orphanage children. Children are a source of blessings to their parents and people around them. When you care for the orphanage children, God will care for your own children too.  Do you know that playing with children in the dream is one of the signs that God is blessings you? Whatever it takes for you to surround yourself with the orphanage, do it with sincere love and care.


  1. Children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3)
  2. Children are the strength of the home (Psalm 127:5)
  3. Children are the hope of the home (Psalm 128:3, 4)

Children needs the continued prayers of their parents to become great in life. Any parents that does not guides his children in the right ways through prayers and good morals put their lives at risk. The existence of the parents is to reach out for their children. We have some children that are very stubborn to their parents. The way the parents trains their children in spiritual matters from infancy will have a great impact on their destiny. God expects parents to train their children in the way of the Lord and when they are old they will not depart from it. How can the enemy capture the star of  children when the prayers of their parents never stops.


  1. Showing love to them
  2. Accepting them as your children
  3. Providing for their pressing needs
  4. Praying for them
  5. Offering good morals to them
  6. Show care for them
  7. Providing financial care for them
  8. Sharing gifts to them that comes from your heart
  9. Motivation and inspiration
  10. Accommodating them


Psalm 127 :3- 5 and Isaiah 49 :24 – 26

  1. O Lord, bless all the orphanage children around the world, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Power of Resurrection, restore the glory of these orphanage children, in Jesus name
  3. What killed their parents will not kill these ones in Jesus name
  4. The hands and powers of the enemy shall not prevail against the orphanage children, in Jesus name
  5. Foundational problem will not trouble the destiny of these orphanage children, in Jesus name.
  6. O Lord, establish the wall of fire from above to protect these children from the enemy of their parents, in Jesus name
  7. No strange sickness or disease will kill their destiny untimely in Jesus name.
  8. My Father, as you have created this children to this world, they will never suffer what their parents suffered before they departed this world, in Jesus name.
  9. My Father, Let these children achieve what their parents could not achieve for  many years, in Jesus name
  10. I disappoint any evil personality that wants to use them for blood sacrifice in Jesus name
  11. Every power sent from the pit of darkness to covert the destiny of these children to emptiness, die by fire, in Jesus name.
  12. I fire back every evil arrow against them in Jesus name
  13. The battles that defeat their parents will not locate these children, in Jesus name
  14. My Father, let not the sin and atrocities of their parents affect these children’s destiny, in Jesus name
  15. Evil kidnappers, assigned to invade the orphanage home and steal these children, your plans are turning to nought, in Jesus name.
  16. Any evil dedication that their parents has subjected them to, I cancel it by the blood of Jesus.
  17. Every covenant of death that swallow children at their infancy will not touch these children, in Jesus name
  18. The destiny of these children have been bought by the blood of Jesus.
  19. I break every curse of limitation, operating on the destiny of the orphanage children, in Jesus name
  20. I command the spirit of sorrow and pain to depart from these children, in Jesus name
  21. Father, bless the works of their hands, in Jesus name
  22. O Lord, any orphanage children that are yet to be married or favour, My Father, connect them to their destiny helper, in Jesus name.
  23. Father help them to always remain ahead and not behind, in Jesus name
  24. I break every curse of rejection and hatred hovering around their life, in Jesus name
  25. I use the blood of Jesus to wash them from the sins of their parents and ancestors, in Jesus name
  26. Father, let their breakthrough be unique and wonderful, in Jesus name.
  27. Father, retrieve their original glory from any man that have deceived them, in Jesus name
  28. Father, send a helper to fund their academic and project, in Jesus name
  29. Evil plantation of their father’s house and mother’s house affecting their marriage, break by fire, in Jesus name.
  30. Father, these ones will not give birth to their children without seeing them, in Jesus name
  31. Every circle of affliction and pains militating against orphanage children, break by fire, in Jesus name
  32. Mockers of destiny, stay away from these ones, in Jesus name
  33. Evil dreams that have pushed them into destruction, backfire, in Jesus name.
  34. Father, help the orphanage children not to go astray in Jesus name.
  35. Evil stamps in any areas of their body, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus
  36. Remote controllers from the village assigned against orphanage children, be set ablaze by fire, in Jesus name
  37. Father, cover them with the blood of Jesus.

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