Prayer for my teenage son

Prayers for my teenage son. Rebellious Relationship with Parents. Have you ever laid awake at night wondering, where is my son? What is he up to? Who is he with? Is he safe? The worries of a parent over their rebellious teenage sons is never ending. Teenagers can be in the wrong place at the wrong time and before you know it they are faced with peer pressure, gangs, hanging around streets and areas that speak ‘danger’. It is for this reason, prayers for my teenage son and for improving his relationship with parents is a must currently.

This article aims to explain reasons why we should pray for our teenagers, why this age group is key and equally challenging. This article also aims to outline how our prayers can help and change the very atmosphere over the lives of our rebellious teenagers and improve relationship with parents.

What is prayer?

Prayer enables us to communicate directly with our heavenly Father. Prayer is indeed a heavenly language and is available to those who trust and believe in Jesus Christ. The word of God reminds us to “come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Prayer allows us to approach God, concerning those issues that burden us as parents; our teenage sons. Prayer releases an atmospheric change and causes the forces of darkness to submit to the power of the almighty God. It is for this reason that we should pray for our rebellious teenagers and against the strongholds that encompasses them. Our prayers are not like the weapons of the world, but they have the power to demolish strongholds and every false argument that Satan uses against us and our teenagers.

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

Why we should pray for our teenagers and how our prayers help?

God is the source in whom we can rely on

  • Prayers for my teenage son is a way to present my requests before God, with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6).
  • Prayers for my teenage son moves the heart of God as well as it teaches the fundamental principles of intercession.
  • Intercessory prayer develops my relationship and communication with God and enables me to intervene on behalf of my rebellious son by standing in the gap and pleading with God through unrelenting prayer.
  • We should also pray for our teenagers, because we are reminded that God is the hearer of prayer and to You people of all sorts will come (Psalm 65:2).
  • Praying for my teenage son will demonstrate dependence on God. As parents, we may never understand the challenges and the difficulties faced by teenagers. However, offering prayers for my teenage son, gives strength and comfort, knowing that God is the source in whom we can rely on.
  • Prayers for my teenage son, invites God to act on his behalf. We must invite God to work through us here on earth. Failure to do so, will result in evil forces to legally dominate mankind. Therefore, by inviting God to act (through prayer), counteracts “the God of this age blinding the minds of unbelievers” (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Therefore, the lives of others, such as my teenage son(s) can be saved, rather than lost, and relationships with parents can be improved.

Why this age range is specific and challenging?

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Family Database, in 2015, teenage suicide rates was perceived to be the highest in Canada, Estonia, Iceland, New Zealand. 10 or more suicide cases per 100 000 teenagers (15-19 years) were reported during this period. According to WebMd, suicide is suggested to be the third predicted causes of death of teenagers aged between 15 and 24. Teenage males account for 84% of all suicides from 5,000 lives lost every year. Equally, the suicide rate for teenage boys (15-19 years) has increased significantly by 30% from 2007-2015.

The cause of the increase in suicide cases among teenagers can be stress, depression, mental and mood disorders, history of physical or mental abuse, substance abuse, confusion and bad relationship with parents.

Some teenage sons may find it difficult in coping with hormonal developments encompassed with body changes, ‘identity crisis’ and having to develop a sense of self-independence. As such teenage boys can often become rebellious, confused, anxious and carry low self-esteem.

Therefore, as parents and guardians, we must remind our teenage sons that God knows the plans He has for them. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). We must pray and remind our teenage sons to stay on the path of purity and live according to His Word (Psalm 119:9).

Prayers for my teenage son – Rebellious Relationship with Parents

Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. I thank you for your divine blessings in my life. I thank You Father for my teenage son. Your Word says, that before You formed my son in the womb, you knew him. Father, help my teenage son to understand the authority that you have place inside of him. Help him to not accept negative talk, negative actions, negative deeds over His life, but help him to recognize the ‘Christ-like identity’ that You have placed inside him.

Father, will you release my son from the strongholds that may plaque his life right now? Will you release him from emotional, physical and spiritual hurts, and grant Your emotional, physical and spiritual protection over my son? Please keep evil far away from him and help him to trust in Your Word, because you are his refuge and strength; a very present help in times of trouble. Guard his mind and every thought that is not of You. Help my son(s) to find rest in You, this I ask. Amen.

Being able to understand the purpose of praying for your teenage son, will enable you to pray fervently as a parent. Knowing why you should pray for teenagers and the specific challenges faced, will also enable you to pray strategically, purposefully and according to the will of God.

Sources used for statistical information:

Teenage SuicidePreventing Teen Suicide

  • Also read:
  • PRAYER FOR FAMILY – bring the needs of your loved ones to God
  • PRAYER OF ENCOURAGEMENT and Strength for a Friend or Myself
  • PRAYERS FOR STRENGTH in Difficult Situations

Our children are the most important people placed under our care and guidance. Each one of our children require daily prayer. This collection of powerful prayers for my teenage son serve as just a few examples to the types of prayers you can recite for your own children.

Prayer #1

Dear Lord, I pray that you please cleanse my teenage son’s mind and soul and help him to think clear again, and to feel life again. Please help him to feel happy again and not have an empty soul. Please remove distorted delusions. Please let him know how much you love him and please keep him away from evil spirits.

Please give him the strength and will to live and know his worth. Please guide him to complete the mission that you have for him here on earth. Please let him know that he is loved and that he can trust in you always. Amen.

Prayer #2

Father in heaven,

Help me to be a good parent. As I dwell in your love, may I give my own son an ocean of love to abide in. As I receive your forgiveness, may I always be ready to forgive my own dear son and offer him a new day. As I hope in you, and look forward to the future knowing your guidance. May I gently protect and lead my own beloved son into a place of hope and vision for his future. Lord, help me to be a good parent.

Prayer #3

Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. I thank you for your divine blessings in my life. I thank You Father for my teenage son. Your Word says, that before You formed my son in the womb, you knew him. Father, help my teenage son to understand the authority that you have place inside of him. Help him to not accept negative talk, negative actions, negative deeds over His life, but help him to recognize the ‘Christ-like identity’ that You have placed inside him.

Father, will you release my son from the strongholds that may plaque his life right now? Will you release him from emotional, physical and spiritual hurts, and grant Your emotional, physical and spiritual protection over my son? Please keep evil far away from him and help him to trust in Your Word, because you are his refuge and strength; a very present help in times of trouble. Guard his mind and every thought that is not of You. Help my son(s) to find rest in You, this I ask. Amen.

Prayer #4

Dear Lord,

Help me to love, without expecting anything in return. Help me to engage, even when I don’t fully understand him. Help me to provide, quietly and gently to give good gifts. Help me to speak, not to sow criticism but encouragement. Help me to say sorry, to own up when I mess up. Help me to forgive, even when I feel hurt or ignored. Help me to hope, to breathe out joy and vision for the future. Help me to carry my son, through the patchwork of hopes, dreams, hurts, worries, anger and the joy of teenage years. Help me to remain open and soft To understand and not to judge My brilliant son.

Prayer #5

Dear Lord,

It was only yesterday I held a new life in my arms. I thank you for my wonderful son, He is so precious to me. And each year that passes I grow more amazed at who he is becoming. On this his birthday I give thanks for him, And ask that you continue to protect him and keep him On each day in the year ahead.

Prayer #6

Dear God,
I can not always be with my precious son, Yet I trust in you and know you are beside him each day. Walk close to him at school, Lord. Help him to laugh, play, learn, have fun and make friends. I trust in you.

Prayer #7

There was a time Lord when I could cradle him as he cried, and devote myself to the nurture and care of my treasured son.
There was a time Lord when I could fill his days with joyful play, new adventures and provide warmth and love for my treasured son.
There was a time Lord, when I could cuddle up, and listen to his cares, sift and solve the problems, make him feel secure and safe.

At this new time Lord, I can’t erase the sadness, I can’t provide joy, or cuddle away the worries of my treasured son.
He has grown, beyond my simple care, adrift from the joys I can bring him, apart from the sanctuary of a mother’s arms, yet he will always be my treasured son.

He needs you Father God, your spirit to comfort his mind, your strength and hope to bring joy, your truth and peace to ease his worries.

So I give him to you. I sit at the foot of the cross and ask you to move in the mind, heart and life of my treasured son.


Prayer #8

Father, as my children walk through their days, I pray You would give them clear direction in doing Your will, so they may remain within Your protection. Give them wisdom to know when to shy away from potential harm, both physically and spiritually. Then help them courageously walk away from it. May the blood of Jesus ash over each of my children, covering them as they walk through this day and every day of their lives. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Prayer #9

My son, Lord, once loved you and identified himself as your child. I know that he still loves you, but he is hiding his face in shame right now…fearing your wrath and numbing his pain in alcohol. Please forgive him when he, trembling, comes to you and silently confesses his sin. Please reach out with your strong arms and take him into a hug that a mere earthly mother could never duplicate.

Please break his strong will, Lord, in the way only You can, protecting him and preserving him for your use someday…when he is well enough to help others…

My son is an alcoholic, college student, fraternity brother, a good boy who has lost his way and is no longer walking the narrow path that You have chosen for him…he is far from home, and all alone…only YOU can save him and guide him back to Your path for him…help him, Lord, save him, Lord, love him, Lord, as only You can…

I pray this in the strong name of Jesus, who loves and saves the lost…


Prayer #10

Lord, what else can I do! I have guarded my son; I have cared for him with all of my devotion. I have done everything in my power to protect him. Now I place him in your hands, and I believe in your protection. In this river of life protect him, and free him from all evil. Deliver him from the bloodthirsty man, from the stray bullet, and from the attacker. Do not allow anything bad to happen to him.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Keep the bar high for your children. This video from Pastor Rick Warren will encourage you to be the best parent you need to be for your children.

About the Author of this Blog Post Crystal Ayres has served as our editor-in-chief for the last five years. She is a proud veteran, wife and mother. The goal of ConnectUs is to publish compelling content that addresses some of the biggest issues the world faces. If you would like to reach out to contact Crystal, then go here to

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I would sincerely hope that you don’t need to be sold on the importance of prayer for teenage son or daughter. In case you need that, here’s our pitch.

prayer for my teenage son

The teenage years tend to be some of the most difficult years for both parent and child. Parents are beginning to see a side of their child that they may never have thought existed.

The child is beginning to come into their own. For some children, this may be going as expected or at least hoped for. These are tough times, and formative ones at that. We are talking increased hormonal activity, more dangerous forms of peer pressure and so on.

This is the season in which children can be damaged in ways that may be irreparable. Perhaps you are reading this because you are already standing on shaky ground. Our God is a mighty warrior. He is a redeemer!

We are trusting him to direct that which is yet to be directed. May he cause those that are veering out of the right path to be pulled back onto it. I don’t know whom you are praying for. God’s hand will be seen in this!

1st Prayer For Teenage Son or Daughter

Train A Child

Proverbs 22:6New King James Version (NKJV)

6 Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

The bible teaches us that if we train our children in the way that they should go, they will not depart from these ways. Perhaps you are in a place where you feel as though you have trained this child, yet they seem to be departing from these ways.

We know that King David, a man whom God described as “after his own heart” raised sons who lost their way. He had sons who went against his will, and one who was the wisest fool to ever live. He would have wondered as you may now be, “Lord where did I go wrong?”

Where I have failed?

Dear Heavenly Father, you said to train a child in the way that they should go. I believe I have done so. Yet I am seeing my child depart from these ways. Lord, where have I failed? I pray that you would redeem my failure with this child. Where I may have failed to get through to them, Lord please train my child for me. Show him/her your says that he/she may not depart from them.

I know other factors may have come into play. My prayer is that you would intervene is set my child back on the right path. In the mighty name of Jesus! Amen

Keep My Child On the Right Path

Dear God, wherever I have done well, and my child is walking on the right path. I pray that you would keep them on that path. Show them the virtue of perseverance. Open their eyes to see the pitfalls of choosing alternative ways. May they not be consumed by their own worldly wisdom. Rather, I pray that my child would seek your wisdom. In Jesus’ name! Amen


1 Peter 1:16New King James Version (NKJV)

16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”

We understand from scripture that our righteousness comes from above. That is the righteousness that is not defined by the things of this world. When we take our own righteousness to be the true righteousness, we begin to view unrighteous things as being righteous. This is why our righteousness should be found in Christ, and only through Christ.

Isaiah 64:6

6 But we are all like an unclean thing,
And all our righteousnesses arelike filthy rags;
We all fade as a leaf,
And our iniquities, like the wind,
Have taken us away.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that my child would be holy as you are holy. I pray that my teenage son, my teenage daughter would find righteousness only in Christ. May they never seek it or see it anywhere else. Open their eyes to see the error of their ways. Give them a repentant heart. One that would always come and fall at the feet of the Lord. In Jesus’ name! Amen

Psalm 37:23King James Version (KJV)

23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.

Dear God, as my child finds righteousness in Christ Jesus. I know that the footsteps of the righteous are ordered by you, oh Lord. I pray that you would order my child’s footsteps. Lead him/her on the paths of righteousness. Lead him/her away from paths that lead to pitfalls.

Give my child the strength, boldness and presence of mind to follow your lead at every turn. It is easy to have steps ordered but not walk in them. I pray that my child would not follow his/her own way, but find your way and walk in it, in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen.

A Royal priesthood

1 Peter 2:9New International Version (NIV)

9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

prayer for my teenage son

Father, I declare that my child is a chosen person, he/she is part of a royal priesthood, a holy nation. My child is God’s special possession. My child will declare the praises of the God who called him/her out of darkness into his wonderful light.

I pray that this truth would never be lost on him/her. Dear God, may my child never forget this truth! May their walk be one of a chosen one, a royal priesthood and a holy nation. Let everything that my child would do be holy unto you. Even at their lowest point, may their repentance be holy unto you, Lord. Amen

Trappings of Youth

The teenage years can be very treacherous. There are people who thought they would try something once and died as addicts. Potential is often stolen by the enemy at this stage. Our prayer is that God would cover our children from the trappings of youth.

These are often the first moments that our children are beginning to step out into the world without our guidance and protection. Oftentimes it is because they have begun to reject it, starting to think their own wisdom trumps experience. God forbid that your child would be lost.

Dear God I come against the spirit of addiction. I come against the spirit of ill-advised adventure. Father protect my child from the trappings of youth. I refuse that my child would fall to substance abuse. I refuse that the enemy would steal my child through the wrong peers or through sex. Cover him/her oh Lord. In Jesus’ name! Amen

Bring Back Those That have Lost their Way

Luke 15:20

20 So he got up and went to his father.
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

Lord, You are a God of redemption. May that very nature be my portion in Jesus’ name. Soften my heart to always be open to my child at all turns. Lord, we pray for the children that have already lost their way. Call them back oh Lord. Where our ways, words and our wisdom has fallen short, take over oh Lord.

I pray that my child would never be afraid of falling back into my arms. I come against the spirit of anger and bitterness. Let it never be formed in my heart, that I would fail to open my arms for my child. As in the case of the prodigal son, may my child’s eyes be open to knowing that there is always a place in my heart and in my home.

We speak against any hindrance to my child coming back to the Lord and to me. Father, may the mouths of the enemies shut! In Jesus’ name, may your voice be clearer. May your direction be even clearer. Your hand, oh Lord will be seen in this! We give you all the glory already, for you are faithful to watch over your word to perform it.

We stand in anticipation of their return oh Lord! Thank you for bringing back our children. Amen!

Thank You

I would like to take this moment to extend my gratitude to you for taking the time to stand for your teenage son and daughter. It is not the easiest of places to be standing. Yet, there is no better place to be making a stand than in prayer. We commend you for that. If you would like our team to stand with you in prayer, please go ahead and send us a request.

If you would like to support us in continuing to create great content, please consider becoming Patreon. We have a lot of content on the way this year.

Originally posted 2019-01-29 07:50:41.

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