After breaking up, you may feel like you’ll never love or laugh again. You may feel lost and broken, alone and unwanted. Do not despair, for you won’t always feel this way! You will get through this season, you will heal and grow forward. This prayer for healing is inspired by something unexpected: a money parable. It’s not one of Jesus’ money parables…rather, it’s the Parable of the $20 Bill. It includes several surprising tips on how to recover from a breakup, including a prayer for healing.
In Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God, Dallas Willard answers questions such as, How do we hear God’s voice? How can we be sure that what we think we hear is not our own subconscious? What role does the Bible play? What if what God says to us is not clear?
Conversational prayer changed my relationship with God! I’m learning how conversational prayer works – our home group is doing the Forming workbook by David Tackle. If you haven’t heard of conversational prayer yet, let me know in the comments section below. I’d love to write an article that focuses on conversational prayer for healing after a breakup.
Letting go of someone you love is the hardest thing you’ll ever do. When you say a prayer for healing after a breakup, trust that God cares about you, is looking out for you, and wants the best for you! Your heart and attitude toward God is different when you believe He loves you so much. A healing prayer is different when you are friends with God.
Here’s a parable that will change how you see yourself, and help you heal after a breakup.
Table of contents
The Parable of the $20 Bill
At a recent conference, a speaker started his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. He asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?”
Hundreds of hands started going up. The speaker said, “I’ll give this $20 to one of you, but hold on a minute.” He then crumpled the $20 bill up. He then asked, “Now, who wants it?” All the hands remained in the air.
“What if I do this?” he asked. The speaker then dropped the $20 on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty.
“Now who wants it?” Still the hands were in the air.
“No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value,” he said. “It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value in God’s eyes. To Him, dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless.”
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A Prayer for Healing After a Breakup
Father God, thank you that I am priceless to You – even when I feel rejected, crumpled, dirty, and lost. I give you my life. I trust You and love you, and I believe Your thoughts about me are precious! You love me, and You protect me. I don’t understand why this breakup had to happen, but I know that You are with me. Things are difficult right now, but I know You are bigger than my problems and that You have a good future planned for me. I want Your plans to come to pass in my life, and I trust in You to change my circumstances according to Your will. Amen.
Don’t give up on God
After a breakup, you may feel like God had deserted you. You feel alone and abandoned, unwanted and rejected. It’s depressing and sad to lose someone you love, especially if the breakup was unexpected. You may even feel like all the prayer for healing in the world won’t help you after a breakup – and you might question whether God can heal you after a breakup.
Don’t give up on yourself!
Try not to feel sorry for yourself. “Self-pity is a destructive and negative emotion,” says Joyce Meyers, “It blinds us to our blessings and the possibilities before us and it steals our hope for both today and tomorrow….Self-pity is actually idolatry because it is self-focus carried to the extreme. When we allow ourselves to fall into self-pity, we are essentially rejecting God’s love and His ability to change things.”
Don’t waste your precious energy and time on self-pity. You’re in a difficult season right now, and it seems like all you can do is say a prayer for healing after the breakup. Pray, but don’t feel sorry for yourself.
Be hopeful when saying a prayer for healing after a breakup
A more loving, peaceful, suitable relationship is in your future! Any prayer for healing after a breakup has to include hope for the future. God has thoughts and plans for your good, to give you hope and a plan for your life. If you will hold on to your hope and never stop fighting for it, you will see amazing things take place in your life.
Praise God for the blessings you enjoy
Tell me three amazing things about your life right now. Is the sun shining? Do you have food in your belly? Are you able to walk, dance, sing, and have a shower without help? Can you name one person who loves you? Do you know you are a child of God? One of the best ways to heal after a breakup is to focus on the blessings in your life. Practice gratitude to God, and balance your prayer for healing with praises for the good things God has given you.
Know that God has a purpose for your life
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Prayer for Healing After Breaking Up
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life! Honor God with everything you own; give him the first and the best. Your barns will burst, your wine vats will brim over. But don’t, dear friend, resent God’s discipline; don’t sulk under his loving correction. It’s the child he loves that God corrects; a father’s delight is behind all this. – Proverbs 3:5-12, The Message.
I welcome your thoughts on this prayer for healing after a breakup – as well as The Parable of the $20 Bill. I can’t offer relationship advice or counseling, but you might feel better if you share your thoughts. And, don’t forget about conversational prayer for healing after a breakup! I can write a post about that, if you’re interested.
If you feel like you’ll never recover from this breakup – and you don’t know how or what to pray – read 5 Ways to Talk to God When You Can’t Pray.
Father God, I pray for healing for people who feel lost, rejected, alone, and sad after a breakup. I pray that you find ways to comfort them and show them how much You care. Amen.
Whether you saw it coming or not, a break up is never easy. In fact, more times than not, a break up can cause you to question everything in your life. You may find yourself questioning whether you’re good enough within other aspects of your life that you normally would be confident in. If you allow it, rejected feelings endured from a break up can send you into a state of depression. Even though everyone around you is telling you that it’s going to be okay, your heart is uttering something different. However the reality, even though it may not feel like it, is that one day you will be able to put the pieces back together and feel whole again.
While you’re mourning your relationship, turn to prayer to move on after a break up. You’ll discover a newfound view on relationships; moreover, you’ll discover a closer bond with your relationship with your Lord and Savior as well. Psalm 34:18 represents the Lord’s love for you as His child. The scripture says, “The Lord is near to those who are discouraged; He saves those who have lost all hope.” More than ever, the Lord is listening to your words and striving for you to see that. You may be asking yourself, “Why is God allowing me to hurt?” As a child of Jesus Christ, it’s imperative that you understand every instance in your life has a meaning – ultimately, there is a lesson to be learned. God’s plan is reiterated in Jeremiah 29:11, “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.” Everything will eventually make sense and that moment of awe is right around the corner.
The worst thing that you can do, while going through a break up, is to allow yourself an indefinite period of self-pity. It’s understandable to be heart broken and sad; however, it is inexcusable to allow the sorrow to take over your life. Without pain, you would never truly appreciate the glories of life and the feeling of true love. Try this prayer – you’ll find that the wise words cover the array of feelings and emotions you’re experiencing.
Lord, thank You for being You and for Your willingness to be here with me during this time. It’s been difficult lately with this break up. You know that. You’ve been here watching me and watching us together. I know in my heart that if it was meant to be it would have happened, but that thought doesn’t always mesh with how I feel. I’m angry. I’m sad. I’m disappointed.
You are the one I know I can turn to for comfort, Lord. Provide me with reassurance that this was the right thing for me in my life, as it is right now. Lord, show me that there are so many great things in my future, and offer me solace in the thought that You have plans for me and that one day I will find the person that fits with those plans. Assure me that You have my best intentions in mind, and while I don’t know what all of those intentions are, this wasn’t a part of them. That one day you’ll reveal someone new that will make my heart sing. Allow me the time to get to that point of acceptance.
Lord, I just ask for Your continued love and guidance during this difficult time, and I pray for the patience of others as I work through my feelings. Every time I think of the happy times, it hurts. When I think of the sad times, well, that hurts, too. Help those around me understand that I need this time to heal and work through that pain. Help me understand that this, too, shall pass for me. That one day the pain will become less, and remind me that You’ll be there right with me the whole time. Though I may have difficulty letting go, I pray that You surround me with people that help me through and lift me up in prayer, in love, and in support.
Thank You, Lord, for being more than just my God in this moment. Thank You for being my Father. My friend. My confidante, and my support. In your Name, Amen.
Break ups are the furthest thing from easy. Use this time to reevaluate who you are what you want to be as an individual. Assess things from a different lens, by identifying where you are in life and where you want to be. Most times, when you’re in a relationship, an individual makes decisions around their partner. While this understandable, it’s’ important to identify what you really need and want out of life – make sure you’re striving to achieve happiness for you and not someone else. As odd as it may sound, learn to embrace this difficult time and look for ways you can cultivate a stronger bond with your Lord and Savior through prayer.
Accept that you will need to be patient and learn that time will heal all wounds.
Are you seeking healing after a breakup in relationship? The prayer below will help you to let go of the hurts of the past and leave an open space for the healing to occur. It is helpful to offer gratitude, in advance, that you will be divinely guided as to what to say, where to go and for what needs to happen next. In A Course in Miracles, it teaches us that God’s will is your happiness. If you could see it from above, you would see that this situation is your next step to a higher experience of happiness.
Dear God,
I am feeling great sadness due to the breakup of my relationship and I’m not sure how to cope. I call upon Your love to give me strength and lift me high above my situation. Help me to remember I am worthy of a kind, loving and lasting relationship. I release the past and I’m willing to accept a future, as directed by You, that is filled with the love, happiness and consistency. Please heal my mind of any thought I have that aligns with loss, pain, disappointment or inconsistency. Please heal my heart and replace my sadness with Your love and certainty. Thank You for deciding for me about what I should say, think and do as I go forward to ensure my path is filled with happiness. I’m willing to forgive this person for any words they have used or actions they have taken that hurt, failed or disappointed me. I’m willing to forgive myself for my mistakes and trust You will show me a future of happiness and undisturbed peace. Thy will be done. Amen
This Prayer is an excerpt from the Miracles in Prayer book by Robin Duncan.
This book includes 150 Prayers for Everyday Living.
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“It is my great desire that these prayers will help you find peace when you need it the most and also to experience miracles as part of your daily life. I’d love to hear about your experiences from using the prayers.”
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With love,
Robin Duncan
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Going through heartbreak can feel like being underwater when you need to breathe. We build our lives with someone we trust and care for, and then, in the blink of an eye, it’s all gone. This can leave people feeling sorrow, anger, and some serious questions about themselves and the future.
If you’re dealing with heartbreak and want to heal, Here are 10 Things You Should Never Do After a Breakup:
1. Don’t hold a grudge.
Forgive them. Even if they’re not sorry. That doesn’t mean you have to get back together with them. You can forgive them, wish them well, and part ways. Forgiveness is an essential part of healing your broken heart. In order to move on, you need to forgive the other person.
2. Don’t be afraid to admit to your feelings.
Let it out. It’s normal to feel sad. Don’t feel weak or stupid if you cry or get upset. These things are normal. Going through grief is just another step along the path to recovery. Let yourself grieve.
3. Don’t expect to heal overnight.
If you expect to be completely healed in a day after being in a relationship for three-years, you could be sorely disappointed.
4. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
Give yourself some ‘me’ time. You’ve probably been in a relationship for a while. Now is the time to take a step back, look at your life, and move on to the next challenge. Everyone falls down. It’s how you get back up that defines you.
5. Don’t obsess over whose fault it was.
We all make mistakes. There are probably some things you wish you could change or take back. If so, focus on fixing those issues for your next relationship.
6. Don’t Speak out of Emotions.
Avoid doing and/or saying something that you will end up regretting!
7. Don’t add insult to injury.
Distance yourself from your ex. This includes social networking. You can’t heal if you’re constantly opening up old wounds. Think of it as cutting a wound open that has stopped bleeding and started closing.
8. Don’t rush into another relationship.
Start dating other people once you feel ready again.
9. Don’t compare everyone else to your ex.
A lot of times, we keep ourselves from entering into new relationships because we are looking for someone just like the one who has already hurt us. (sad but true)
10. Don’t be afraid to love again.
You have to open yourself up to possible heartbreak if you want to love again. But it’s worth it. Allow God to place your heart in the hands of the right person and He’ll reward you infinitely.