Prayer covering for intercessors

Word Ministries invites all intercessor partners of any tier to join a conference call with Germaine Copeland and the Global Company of Intercessors to pray every Tuesday night at 8:00 pm EST.

God is looking for just one person committed to pray! Are you willing to be the one?

An intercessor is an individual who prays for others. That is the simplest yet most comprehensive definition that one could have. The person who is willing to pray for others sometimes states that she/he felt that it was a deep seated desire or a prompting of the Holy Spirit that drew them to times of prayer for others. The individual may pray for family members, communities, elected officials, entire regions of a country or at times for a particular nation or its leaders.

Intercession is a part of the life of all believers but for some individuals there is a heartfelt desire or stirring within them to spend time dedicated to bringing individuals and their concerns before the Lord in prayer for extended periods of time. They are drawn to the prayer times at their church to pray not just for themselves but for the concerns of the church and others. They read books on prayer and find themselves drawn to them. Intercessors tend to flow in compassion and operate in the gift of faith, believing that the Lord will intervene in situations as they pray. They spend time studying scriptural promises connected to God’s answers when His people intercede in prayer. The intercessor stands in the gap and makes up the hedge (Ezekiel 22:30) for the people of God. They have an ear toward the people to hear their burdens and a heart open toward the Lord in prayer to take these burdens and cares before the Lord. They learn to walk in humility and the grace of the Lord, knowing that all the glory for answered prayers belong to Him.

If you are interested in joining the great company of Intercessors here at Word Ministries check out the options below. Join us as we join the innumerable company of praying people on the earth believing in a God and Savior that will hear and redeem us.
prayer covering for intercessors

Intercessory Prayer – What is it?
Intercessory prayer is prayer for others. An intercessor is one who takes the place of another or pleads another’s case. One study Bible defines intercession as “holy, believing, persevering prayer whereby someone pleads with God on behalf of another or others who desperately need God’s intervention.”

Intercessory Prayer – The Biblical Foundation
The Biblical basis for the New Testament believer’s ministry of intercessory prayer is our calling as priests unto God. The Word of God declares that we are a holy priesthood (1 Peter 2:4), a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), and a kingdom of priests (Revelation 1:5).

The background for understanding this calling to priestly intercession is found in the Old Testament example of the Levitical priesthood. The priest’s responsibility was to stand before and between. He stood before God to minister to Him with sacrifices and offerings. The priests also stood between a righteous God and sinful man bringing them together at the place of the blood sacrifice.

Hebrews 7:11-19 explains the difference between the Old and New Testament ministries of the priest. The Old Testament Levitical priesthood was passed on from generation to generation through the descendants of the tribe of Levi. “The Melchizedek priesthood” spoken of in this passage, is the “new order” of spiritual priests of whom the Lord Jesus is the High Priest. It is passed on to us through His blood and our spiritual birth as new creatures in Christ.

Intercessory Prayer – Our Model Intercessor
Jesus Christ is our model for intercessory prayer. Jesus stands before God and between Him and sinful man, just as the Old Testament priests did: For there is one God, and one mediator (intercessor) between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5). It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us (Romans 8:34). Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25).

Jesus brings sinful man and a righteous God together at the place of the blood sacrifice for sin. No longer is the blood of animals necessary as it was in the Old Testament. We can now approach God on the basis of the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross of Calvary for the remission of sins. Because of the blood of Jesus, we can approach God boldly without timidity (Hebrews 4:14-16).

Jesus was an intercessor while He was here on earth. He prayed for those who were sick and possessed by demons. He prayed for His disciples. He even prayed for you and me when He interceded for all those who would believe on Him. Jesus continued His ministry of intercession after His death and resurrection when He returned to Heaven. He now serves as our intercessor in Heaven.

Intercessory Prayer – Effective Intercession
In intercessory prayer, we follow the Old Testament priestly function and the New Testament pattern of Jesus – standing before God and between a righteous God and sinful man. In order to be effective standing “between” we must first stand “before” God to develop the intimacy necessary to fulfill this role. Numbers 14 is one of the greatest accounts of intercessory prayer recorded in the Bible. Moses was able to stand between God and sinful man because he had stood “before” Him and had developed intimacy of communication. Numbers 12:8 records that God spoke with Moses as friend to friend and not through visions and dreams as He did with other prophets.

As New Testament believers, we no longer sacrifice animals as in Old Testament times. We stand before the Lord to offer up spiritual sacrifices of praise (Hebrews 13:15) and the sacrifice of our own lives (Romans 12:1). It is on the basis of this intimate relationship with God that we can then stand “between” Him and others, serving as an advocate and intercessor in their behalf.

Peter uses two words to describe this priestly ministry: “Holy” and “royal.” Holiness is required to stand before the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). We are able to do this only on the basis of the righteousness of Christ, not our own righteousness. Royalty is descriptive of the kingly authority that is delegated to us as members of the “royal family,” so to speak, with legitimate access to the throne room of God.

Go Deeper Now!


– We have all


and deserve God’s judgment.


, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him.


, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He


for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was


, and

rose from the dead

according to the


. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your


, declaring, “

Jesus is Lord

,” you will be saved from


and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, today I am deciding to follow JesusYes, I am already a follower of JesusI still have questions

Partnering With God In Prayer: A Bible Study For Intercessors

This Bible study outline presents scriptures which underline intercessory prayer principles. Meditate on these prayer scriptures to pray in confidence and receive God’s answers.

“Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” – Matthew 6:10

  1. Bringing the Kingdom to Earth.
  2. Our Part.
  3. The Kingdom starts in us. (Luke 17:21, 22)
  4. We make disciples. (Matthew 28:19a)
  5. Externalizing the Kingdom. (Matthew 6:10)
  6. We are not called to bring about the Kingdom on earth.
  7. We are called to pray that the Kingdom will come on earth.
  8. God answers and expands the Kingdom through prayers of Disciples.

Praying in Partnership with God

  • Authority:
    1. God gave humans dominion over the earth. (Genesis 1:28; Psalms 8:4-6)
    2. We are given spiritual authority by being set in heavenly places. (Ephesians 2:6)
    3. God looks for man to stand in the gap. (Ezekiel 22:30)
  • Relationship: (Romans 12:1-2)
    1. Enter into relationship with God.
    2. Be changed in God’s presence.
    3. Then you will know God’s will.
  • Speaking out God’s will on earth: (1 John 5:14, 15)
    1. Pray in confidence.
    2. Ask according to His will.
    3. We know He hears us.
    4. He will give us what we ask.
  • God answers our prayers: (Matthew 16:19)
    1. We have the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.
    2. What has been bound in Heaven we can bind on earth.
    3. Whatever has been loosed in Heaven we can loose on earth.

Prayer Power Boosters

  • Maintain the right attitude:
  1. Forgive those who sin against you (Matthew 6:14)
  2. Remember whose side your are on (Luke 9:54-56)
  3. Don’t pray to impress people (Matthew 6:5-8)
  • Turn on the light:
  1. Pray blessing on your enemies (Luke 6:28)
  2. Bless and do not curse (Romans 12:14)
  3. We are called to be a blessing, and in doing so we inherit our blessing (1 Peter 3:9)
  • Never quit: (Luke 11:5-13)
  1. Ask boldly
  2. Continue to ask
  3. God wants to do good for you
  • Multiply power through corporate prayer: (Matthew 18:19-20)
  1. Jesus is present in group prayer.
  2. There is power in agreement.
  3. God answers prayers of agreement.
  • Use your prayer language: (Romans 8:26-27)
  1. Sometimes we don’t know what to pray.
  2. The Spirit prays for us in accordance with God’s will.
  • Follow the prayer outline given by Jesus: (Matthew 6:9-13)
  1. Pray to God the Father.
  2. Worship Him.
  3. Pray for the Kingdom to come on earth.
  4. Pray for provision.
  5. Pray for forgiveness.
  6. Pray to be delivered from darkness.

“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” – James 5:16b

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