Nightime prayers

In the name of the father, the son, the holy spirit, one God, amen.
Lord, Jesus Christ, bless us and keep us safe tonight and all the nights of our lives. Keep us away from bad dreams and bad thoughts. Give us good dreams and good thoughts tonight and forever more. Forgive us for all that we have done knowingly and unknowingly, willingly and unwillingly. Awaken the Holy Spirit within us, teach us right from wrong. Take away all the madness, sadness, frustration, anger and despair. Give us happiness, joy, family, friendship, love, peace and good health. Lord give food, hope and home to those who have lost their ways and help them find you Jesus Christ. Amen.

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O my God, I adore you, and love you with all my heart. I thank you for having created me and saved me by your grace, and for having preserved me during this day. I pray that you will take for yourself whatever good I may have done this day and that you will forgive me whatever evil I have done. Protect me this night, and may your grace be with me always and with those I love. Amen.

Prayer II

Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I adore You and thank You for all the graces You have given me this day. I offer you my sleep and the moments of this night. I beseech You to protect me and keep me safe. Therefore, I place myself within your sacred side and under the mantle of our Blessed Lady, my mother. Let your holy angels stand about me and keep me in your peace. Let Your blessing be upon me throughout the hours of this nights, so I may awake to serve You, strengthened and refreshed, for a new day. Amen.

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