Morning prayer for workplace

My prayer for the workplace, prayed before the work day begins, empowers me in advance to make right decisions and be a witness for my faith.

Every day in the workplace we face situations that test our faith, try our patience, and point to our constant need for Jesus’ presence. We want to make right decisions, have good attitudes and be good witnesses for our faith, but too often we are faced with unexpected obstacles that catch us off guard. I have found that the best way to respond as Christ would have us respond in every situation is to ask in advance for his presence and guidance.

Dear Lord, I give you this day. I relinquish to you my selfish ambitions and pride. I thank you for the gift of this day and good, constructive work. Please increase my anointing today.

Bless me, and show me how I can bless others. Let me be unselfish and kind, and protect me from all kinds of evil. Let me hold my tongue in check, and keep me from all bitterness or dissatisfaction.

Give me wisdom and courage, and let me care only what you think of me, not what other people think. Bless me with mental sharpness, physical health and energy to do the work you have given me to do.

Let me remember to be your servant and your witness in the work place, always acting for the good of others.

I pray for those I work with, too, Lord. Please protect their health, and lift any burden of worry, fear, frustration, or any other negative emotion they might be experiencing. Let them feel your peace, and show me how I can best exemplify your peace and joy to those I work with. Open the minds and hearts of the unsaved to your message of love and redemption through Jesus Christ. If an opportunity arises for me to speak of my faith, give me the courage and power to speak effectively.

My personal experience and tips:

Praying this prayer in the morning before my work day begins helps me to remain God-centered in my attitudes and decisions. Thanking God for my work, even if I am not always happy with a particular work situation, is an important part of cultivating the kind of grateful attitude that opens me to God’s blessings.

By praying for those I work with, I am lessening the chance that some conflict will arrive between me and my co-workers. It is much harder to be in conflict with people we are praying for. Praying for courage to speak of my faith prepares me in advance, so that if the opportunity arises to proclaim the Good News, I will not let that opportunity slide by.

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Copyright Bebe Nicholson 2011

My Heavenly father, as I enter this workplace I bring your presence with me. I speak your peace, your grace, your mercy, and your perfect order in this office. I acknowledge your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and done within these walls.

Lord, I thank you for the gifts you have blessed me with. I commit to using them responsibly in your honor. Give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job. Anoint my projects, ideas, and energy so that even my smallest accomplishment may bring you glory.

Lord, when I am confused guide me. When I am burned out infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirit. May the work that I do and the way I do it bring faith, joy, and a smile to all that I come in contact with today.

Reciting a prayer before work is a great way to get your day started. Whether you are in need of God’s presence during your lunchtime or after a morning meeting, here is a look at some great prayers for the workplace.

Prayers #1

I give you all that I am this day.
Please brush away my weariness,
So that I may be inspired in my work.
Help me to discover new ways to reveal your love to all I meet.
Keep my mind clear and focused on all I need to achieve,
And give me the wisdom to overcome difficulties and find solutions.
I look to you and trust you are with me this day.

Prayers #2

Living Lord,
Be with us as we work today.
Fill this office with inspiration and energy.
Help us to work as a team, and bring out the best in each other.
May we be efficient and achieve all we need to, but also remember to rest.
May this place be full of fun and friendship
And may relaxation and harmony inhabit this space.
Thank you for this new day and the opportunity to work together.

Prayers #3

Loving Father,
May I be your hands and feet today,
Bringing comfort, healing and care.
May I speak with your love,
Bringing hope, understanding and kindness.
May I carry your peace in my heart,
Bringing clarity, reassurance and calmness.
May each moment be filled with heavenly truth.
With you I am stronger, kinder and wiser.
Come lead me through each moment
And watch over my working day.

Prayers #4

My Heavenly father, as I enter this workplace I bring your presence with me. I speak your peace, your grace, your mercy, and your perfect order in this office. I acknowledge your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and done within these walls.

Lord, I thank you for the gifts you have blessed me with. I commit to using them responsibly in your honor. Give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job. Anoint my projects, ideas, and energy so that even my smallest accomplishment may bring you glory.

Lord, when I am confused guide me. When I am burned out infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirit. May the work that I do and the way I do it bring faith, joy, and a smile to all that I come in contact with today.

Prayers #5

Loving Father,
As I begin my day, I want to thank You for the skills and abilities that You have given me in preparation for my job. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I pray that you will teach me to speak with Your voice, to treat my co-workers, customers, and suppliers with Your grace, and to be Your witness no matter what I say or do.

I ask Your blessing over all I say, think, decide, and do today. Bless my creativity, my ideas, and my energy so that everything I do may bring honor and glory to You.

Father, when I am confused, guide me; when I’m tired, energize me; and when I’m totally burned out, strengthen me with the light of Your Holy Spirit.

May everything I do today bring hope, life, and encouragement to those around me.

And Lord, even in this day’s most stressful moments, help me find rest in You! In the precious name of Jesus, I pray.

Prayers #6

Majestic Creator, the LORD of our Kingdom Success, we seek opportunities to exhibit the Wisdom, Strength and Understanding You have bestowed unto us. We humbly seek opportunities that go beyond all the strife, we seek Courage to Strive and to dare to be Divinely different; and when we are Successful, let it be by Your Spiritual code, that is with our Faith and our Honor held high that we may be true representatives of You on this earth

Prayers #7

Almighty Father, the C.E.O. of our Workplace, even if our supervisors, managers, employees or even our customers, are creating chaos and mayhem in our place of employ or business, let us continue performing, as if we are working directly unto You, with cheerful Hearts, let every challenging duty come to us, as if it is coming directly from You. Father, give us the Blessings of Your Divine Help and Guidance, and suffer us not to fail. LORD, let us remember You when we receive the Fruit of our Success, and Bless You with Your Tithes and Offerings, as it is You who gave us the Power to Succeed. In JESUS’ Majestic and Mighty name we pray… AMEN!!!

Prayers #8

Lord, I offer you my work
I give you the dissappointment I feel
I surrender by dissillusionment
I confess my weakness
Reconnect me with You
I want to live again
To be fully alive
Stir in me a new song
May I sing for joy
Envision my mind
Equip my hands
Anoint my feet
Empower my voice
For your service
and your work
This day and everyday

Prayers #9

Lord, I feel confused about life at the moment
I’m not sure I’m in the right place
Thank you that wherever I am
You have gone before
You turn the night into day
Sadness in joy
And mourning into dancing
Help me to live in this place
And through my serving
Bring daylight, laughter and rejoicing

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