When Love is Found Jeanne Cotter and David Haas
Includes: When Love Is Found • We Will Serve the Lord • In Love We Choose to Live (G-4080) • Bridegroom and Bride • Love One Another • God Beyond Glory • We Have Been Told (G-2662) • God the All Holy • Where There Is Love • Seek First the Kingdom (G-3955) • The Servant Song (G-4995) • Faith, Hope, and Love (G-3702) • Come and Journey with Me (G-4082) • There Is One Body • Love Is the Sunlight • Blest Are They (G-2958) • Psalm 33: The Earth Is Full of Beauty • Psalm 34: The Goodness of God (G-3456) • Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (G-4081/1.30) • Psalm 112: God’s Command • Psalm 128: Happy Are They Who Honor the Lord • Psalm 145: Our God Is Compassion • Psalm 148: Let All Praise the Name of the Lord • Psalm 33: Blessed Are We • Instrumental Procession: Love Is the Sunlight • Rite of Marriage I: No Longer Two o Rite of Marriage II: Mighty Spirit • Nuptial Blessing: May You Be Filled • Wedding Blessing I: O God, Send Your Blessing • Wedding Blessing II: Mighty Spirit • Wedding Blessing III: God Be with You.
Pachelbel’s Canon in D and Gathered in the Love of ChristMarty Haugen
Marty Haugen’s Instrumental version of popular canon for oboe, flute, cello, keyboard, guitar, followed by original hymn text and tune based on canon for cantor(s), assembly, and above instruments. Use together or independently.
“Gathered in the Love of Christ”
Vocal Solos for Weddings
Alleluia and Verses forChristmas, Easter, Ordinary Time, Last Weeks in Ordinary Time, and Weddings – VERDI C/C/S, Lectionary Nos. 15, 164-1, 303-8,509-2, 777-2&4. Acc. G-2065 2.00
Ave Maria (Lat.) SCHUBERT (arr. PROULX) High solo voice, key of B-flat, Piano (5-E) G-5687 4.00
Ave Maria (Lat.) SCHUBERT (arr. PROULX) Medium solo voice, key of A-flat, Piano (5-E) G-5688 4.00
Behold, Thus Is the Man Blessed FERRIS Solo High Voice, Acc. (4-M) G-1475 1.75
Bless, O Lord, These Rings Joseph Roff Solo or 2 Voices, Acc. (3-E) G-1609 3.00
Blest Be the Tie That Binds (boylston) Lowell Mason, arr. Lynn L. Petersen Low to medium, Piano (5-E) G-5368 4.00
Build We a House HAAN Vocal Solo, Acc. (3-E) G-4102 3.50
By My Side Thomas Porter Acc, Opt.Guitar (3-E/M) G-3357 4.00
I Hear My Beloved K. POWELL Solo, Flute, Guitar, Acc. (2-E) G-4487 4.00
I Will Greatly Rejoice in theLord HILLER C/C/S, Acc, Opt.Flute G-2954 3.00
Instrumental Part G-2954-INST 2.00
Lord, May Their Lives Robert J. Carroll Medium Voice,Acc. (2-E) G-1601 3.00
Lord’s Prayer, The Richard Proulx MediumVoice, Acc. (2-E) G-1705 2.00
Love in Christ Is Strong and Living (dorothy) R. C. Schultz, arr. Lynn L. Petersen Medium Voice, Piano (3-E) G-5367 3.50
May Your Faithful Love Be uponUs (Psalm 33) PORTER C/C/S, Acc, Opt. Flute, Guitar G-3356 2.50
O Perfect Love Robert E. Kreutz Vocal Solo or Duet, Medium Voice, Acc. or Guitar (2-E) G-2444 3.00
One in Heart and One in Mind Johann Sebastian Bach, arr. Joseph Roff Medium Voice, Acc. (6-M) G-1970 3.50
Our Love Is Precious Jeremy Young High Voice, Acc. (4-E) G-3080 3.00
Psalm 32(33) – “The Earth IsFull” KREUTZ C/C/S, Lectionary No.776-1, Acc. G-2490 3.00
Psalm (102)103 – For Weddings:”He Crowns You with Love” CONLEY C/C/S,Acc. G-2527 3.00
Psalm (111) 112:49 “A Light Rises in the Darkness” PROULX C/C/S, Acc. G-3461 3.50
Psalm (127)128 – “Happy AreThose Who Fear the Lord” – “May the Lord Bless Us” – “Happy Are Those Who Fearthe Lord” – “See How the Lord Blesses Those Who Fear Him” CHEPPONIS C/C/S, All Lectionary uses, Acc, Opt. Guitar, Flute or Oboe G-2858 4.00
Psalm (135)136 – “O Give Thanksto the Lord” ISELE C/C/S, Acc. G-3001 3.00
Psalm (144)145: The Lord IsCompassionate J. SMITH C/C/S, Lectionary No. 776, Acc. G-3493 3.00
Sacred Trust Robert E. Kreutz Medium Voice, Acc. (3-E/M) G-1870 3.00
The Lord Bless You and Keep You BUTLER-MOORE Vocal Solo, Acc. (3-E) G-3822 3.00
This Love, O Christ Randall Sensmeier Acc, Opt. Flute (3-E) G-4164 3.50
Unity Candle Song, The Raymond Haan Low/Medium Voice, Acc. (2-E) G-2230 3.50
Unseen God, Your Hand Has Guided Randall Sensmeier Oboe, Organ (5-E) G-5533 4.00
Wedding at Cana, The Robert E. Kreutz Vocal Soloor Duet, 2 Mixed Voices (3-E) G-2394 3.00
Wedding Psalm: Happy Are Those LAGINYA C/C/S, Acc. (E/M-3) G-4712 3.50
Wedding Song Ralph C. Verdi Medium Voice, Acc. (3-M) G-2945 2.95; High Voice G-1809 3.00
Wedding Song, A J.Robert Carroll Medium Voice, Acc. (2-E) G-1917 3.00
Choral Highlights for Weddings
At the Table of Christ Jesus HAUGEN 2 Mixed Voices, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar,Acc. (4-E) G-4846 1.30
Ave Maria BACH/GOUNOD (ed.PROULX) SATB, Harp or Keyboard, Opt.String Quintet and Organ G-5416 1.30
Full Score and Parts G-5416-INST 20.00
Full Score G-5416-FS 8.00
Ave Maria (Lat.) SCHUBERT (arr. PROULX) SATB, Soprano Solo, Piano or Harp, Opt. Organ (8-E/M) G-5573 1.40
Benediction CarolBrowning SATB, Asmbly, Guitar, C Inst, Acc. (5-E) G-4809 1.30
Bless the Lord, O My Soul HANDEL (arr.MATARANGLO) SAB, Acc. (5-E) G-3796 1.00
Blessed Are You GUIMONT SATB, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. C Instr. (5-E) G-3690 1.00
Blessing Prayer HAAS SATB, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. 2 CInstr. (5-E) G-3699 1.30
Blest Are They HAAS One of the very biggest hits in the GIA catalog! Unison or SAB, Asmbly, Acc, 2 C Inst, Guitar (9-E) G-2958 1.40
Set of Instrumental Parts G-2958-INST 4.00
Blest Are Those Who Love You Marty Haugen SAB or Unison, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar,Acc. (3-E) G-3336 1.30
Blest Be the Tie That Binds NORRIS SAB, Acc. (4-E) G-2621 .60
Call, The John Leavitt 2 Voices, Acc. (3-E) G-3081 .80
Come and Eat This Living Bread (adoro te devote) GLOVER Fresh, vibrant setting of an old favorite. SATB, Cantor, Asmbly, Acc, Opt. Guitar, Bb Instr, Oboe, Violin, Cello, 8-9 Handbells, Orff Instrs. (4-E) G-4586 1.40
Set of Bb and Bass Instrumental Parts G-4586-INST 4.00
Come and Journey with Me HAAS Unison or Solo, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc. (4-E) G-4082 1.30
Come Down, O Love Divine SANTANGELO SATB, Acc. (8-E) G-32 .90
Come to the Table TonyAlonso SAT(B), Asmbly, Guitar,Piano (5-E) G-5606 1.30
Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life Don Muro SATB, Acc. (5-E) G-3277 1.20 Covenant Hymn (Wherever You Go) Gary Daigle Unison, Asmbly,Guitar, Acc, Opt. C Instr, Cello (14-E) G-3977 1.40
?ATB, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. Flute, Oboe,2 Violins, Cello (11-E) G-4017 1.50
Deep Down in My Soul HAAS SATB or Unison, Descant, Cantor, Asmbly,Guitar, Acc. (9-E) G-3953 1.40
Every Morning in Your Eyes: Psalm for Weddings Rory Cooney SATB, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Flute, Acc, Opt. String Quartet (4-E) G-4112 1.20
Faith, Hope, and Love Daniel Meyer SSA, Piano (6-E/M) G-5175 1.30
Faith, Hope, and Love Francis O’Brien SA(T)B, Descant,Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. Flute G-5447 1.30
Faith, Hope, and Love HAAS SATB, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. C Instr. (3-E) G-3702 1.30
Faithful God David Haas Unison, Descant, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. C Inst. (4-E) 4 1.30
Gather the Faithful and Lord of All Hopefulness (slane) Arr. J. YOUNG SATB, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. Violin, Percussion (9-E) G-4435 1.40
Set of Percussion Parts (Finger Cymbal, Tambourine) G-4435-INST 6.00
Gathered in the Love of Christ HAUGEN 2 Voices, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. Flute,Oboe, Cello (4-E) G-5066 1.30
God Has Put the Angels in Charge of You JANCO Unison, Descant, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. 2 C Inst. (8-E) G-4215 1.20
God Is Love HAAS SATB or Unison, Cantor, Asmbly, Acc, Guitar,Opt. 2 C Inst. (4-E) G-3209 .80
God Is Love: Canticle of Christian Unity (mandatum) Richard Proulx Unison, Sopr. Descant, Acc, Opt. Cong. (3-E) G-3010 1.00
God Is Love: Communion Processional (mandatum) PROULX Communion refrain rescored for cantor or cantor/choir and assembly. SATB, Cantor, Asmbly, Oboe, Acc. (6-E) G-4853 1.30
Instrumental Part G-4853-INST 3.00
I Am for You Rory Cooney Unison, Solo, Asmbly,Guitar, Acc. (10-E) G-3967 1.50
I Will Praise Your Name COTTER Unison, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc. (3-E) G-4634 1.00
In Love We Choose to Live COTTER 2 Voices, Guitar, Acc, Opt. Asmbly. (5-E) G-4080 1.30
It Is My Prayer HOW 2 or 3 Treble Voices, Acc. (2-E) G-4313 1.20
Let Us Go Rejoicing from The Mass of St. Augustine ROBERTS SATB, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc. (12-M) G-4606 1.30
Lord, It Is Good HAAS 2 Voices, Descant, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar,Acc, Opt. C Instr. (4-E) G-4800 1.30
Love Is Patient Timothy Valentine SATB, Cantor,Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Optional String Quartet (7-E) G-4816 1.30
Love Is Patient and Kind CLUTTERHAM SATB, Acc, Chimes or Handbells (7-E) G-2064 1.00
Love Never Fails David Haas SATB, Cantor, Asmbly,Guitar, Acc, Opt. 7 Handbells (5-E) G-5661 1.30
Love One Another (ewalry) John Bell SAB (3-E) G-5158 1.10
Love One Another James Chepponis Unison Choir with Descant, Asmbly, Acc, Guitar (8-E) G-2615 1.40
Love Poured Down from Heaven ALONSO SATB, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. Flute,Cello (6-E) G-5605 1.30
Set of Instrumental Parts G-5605-INST 4.00
Many Waters Cannot Quench Love John Bell SATB (4-E) G-3848 1.30
May God Bless Us P. GIBSON SATB (4-E) G-3358 .80
May the Light of Christ: A Marriage Blessing James Chepponis Unison, Guitar, Acc, Opt. Asmbly, Descant, CInstr. (6-E) G-3751 1.00
My Song Will Be for You Forever HAAS SATB, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. CInst, Horn in F, Cello (or Bassoon), 23 Handbells (11-E) G-4336 1.50
Set of Instrumental Parts G-4336-INST 6.00
Set of Handbell Parts G-4336-HB 10.00
No Greater Love Michael Joncas SATB or Unison, Asmbly, Piano, Guitar, Opt. Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, 2 Bb Trumpets, 2 Horns in F, 2 Trombones, Tuba, 5 Strings, Harp, 3 Timpani (11-M) G-3141 1.50
No Greater Love Than This GUIMONT SATB (or Solo), Solo, Asmbly, Acc. (10-E) G-3687 1.10
Not for Tongues of Heaven’s Angels Michael Joncas SAB or Unison, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. 2 C Instr. (8-E) G-3158 1.40
Nothing Can Keep Us from God’s Love David Haas 3 Equal or Mixed Voices, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. C Inst. (4-E) G-5816 1.30
Nuptial Blessing, A Michael Joncas SATB, Presider orCantor(s), Asmbly, Organ, Opt. Bb Trumpet (10-E) G-3272 1.20
O God, Whose Loving Hand Adrian Self 2 Mixed Voices,Acc. (3-E) G-4197 1.10
O Taste and See HAUGEN SATB, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc. G-3962 1.40
Onward to the Kingdom (marie’s wedding) Arr. HAAS Unison or 2 Voice,Asmbly, Guitar, Acc. (2-E) G-3954 1.00
Psalm 145 James Chepponis Alternaterefrains and versification make this a very versatile setting. SATB, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. Flute or Oboe (7-E) G-5646 1.40
Psalm 34: Drink in the Richnessof God JONCAS SATB, Asmbly, Cantor, 21 Handbells, Organ. (9-E) G-4915 1.40
Set of Instrumental Parts G-4915-INST 15.00
Put on Love Kathy Powell SAB, Cantor, Asmbly,Guitar, Acc, Opt. C Instr. (8-E) G-4078 1.30
Quiet Strength COONEY Also great for graduations. Unison,Guitar, Acc, Opt. Flute (7-E) G-5011 1.30
Seek First the Kingdom HAAS Unison or 2 Voice, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt.2 Woodwinds (6-E) G-3955 1.00
Instrumental Parts G-3955-INST 4.00
Servant Song, The Richard Gilliard, arr. Francis O’Brien SAB (3-E) G-5451 1.10
Shelter LISICKY SAB, Cantors, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt.Flute (4-E) G-4426 1.20
Show Me the Path HAAS SATB, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc. (4-E) G-3927 1.30
Song of St. Patrick HAUGEN Unison, Guitar, Acc. (5-E) G-3593 1.10
Taste and See CONLEY SAB, Cantor, Asmbly, Acc, Opt. Flute (5-E) G-4065 1.10
Taste and See (Psalm 34) CHEPPONIS SATB, Cantor, Asmbly, Acc, 2 Treble Inst (Cor Bb) (3-E) G-5232 1.30
That We May Be One James Moore SATB, Acc. (3-E) G-3311 .90
That You Might Have Life HAAS 2 Voice, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc. (4-E) G-3449 1.30
The Father’s Love Simon Lole 2 Treble Voices, Acc. (4-E) G-4179 1.40
The Fire of Love Timothy Valentine SATB, 1 or 2Soloists, Guitar, Acc, Opt. String Quartet, Asmbly. (12-E) G-4817 1.40
The Goodness of God HAAS 2 or 4 Mixed Voices, Cantors, Asmbly, Guitar,Acc, Opt. 2 C Instr. (3-E) G-345 1.30
The Lord Is Kind and Merciful COTTER A lush setting; Jeanne’s bestseller! SATB,Guitar, Acc, Opt. Asmbly, C Instr, String Quartet (5-E) G-4081 1.30
Set of String Parts G-4081-INST 8.00
The Love God Has for Us CURRIE SATB (3-M) G-2963 1.00
The Love of Christ the Lord (Nothing in This World) Timothy Valentine SATB, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. C Inst. (8-E) G-4814 1.40
The Love of the Lord Michael Joncas SAB, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. 2 C Instr. (4-E) G-3220 1.30
The Spirit’s Gift of Love LOVELACE SATB, Acc. (3-E) G-3754 .80
This Very Morning COONEY Contemporary hymn for Easter. Unison,Descant, Guitar, Tpt. (Bb or C), Acc. (6-E) G-5022 1.30
Instrumental Part G-5022-INST 3.00
Throughout All Time HAAS Unison, Descant, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. C Instr, Tpt (Bb or C), and 12 Handbells (4-E) G-4690 1.30
Instrumental Part (Trumpet) G-4690-INST 2.00
Ubi caritas (Live in Charity) from Taizé BERTHIER 2 or 3 Equal or Mixed Voices or SATB, Cantor, Asmbly, Opt. Acc, Guitar,Bass, Flute, Oboe, Bb Tpt. (8-E) G-2586 1.40
Universal Praise LOVELACE Festive setting of Psalms 148 and 150 with ostinato and chanted sections. SATB, Solo, Opt. Acc. (12-E) G-5344 1.50
We Give You Thanks HAAS This is probably the ultimate ThanksgivingDay anthem. SATB, Guitar, Acc, Opt. C Inst, Cello, 18 Handbells. (4-E) G-4973 1.30
Set of Cello and Handbell Parts G-4973-INST 15.00
Wedding Song from Colossians PROULX Solo Voice, Acc. (3-E) G-3784 3.00
Wherever You Go HAAS 2 Voices, Guitar, Acc (Piano or Harp), Opt.Asmbly, C Instr. (5-E) G-4079 1.10
Who Calls You by Name and You Are God’s Work of Art HAAS Unison, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc. (5-E) G-4865 1.30
Within the Wings of God’s Embrace WARNER SATB, Asmbly, Guitar,Acc. (2-E) G-3992 .80
You Are All We Have O’BRIEN SATB, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc, Opt. 2 C Instr. (5-E) G-3663 1.30
Your Goodness, O God GUIMONT SATB, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc. (4-E) G-3683 1.00
Your Wonderful Name HAAS Unison, Descant, Cantor, Asmbly, Guitar, Acc,
Opt. C Instr. (6-E) G-4340 1.10
Instrumental Part G-4340-INST 2.00
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Cor. 12:9-10, NIV, emphasis added)
Strong in Christ
This might sound odd to you if you haven’t yet experienced Christ’s power in your life. God’s grace is such a powerful force that nothing compares to it. And it does make us strong in Christ. On our own, yes, we are weak. But when we lean on Christ, we are made strong in him. Hence, we are not afraid of anything. Not even the devil.
Because of God’s power in our lives, we are not afraid of anything. Not even the devil. With the words of A. W. Tozer, “I’m not afraid of the devil. The devil can handle me – he’s got judo I never heard of. But he can’t handle the One to whom I’m joined; he can’t handle the One to whom I’m united; he can’t handle the One whose nature dwells in my nature.” We can’t handle the devil. But God can. Outside of Christ, we are weak. But in Christ, we truly are strong.
How wonderful, liberating and encouraging! It’s time to be bold and follow Christ wherever he leads us. Let’s celebrate our weaknesses, that’s when God’s power is made perfect in us. That’s when Christ’s power rests on us.
Gracious God,
How perfectly you’ve arranged everything.
It’s not about us, it’s about you.
Thank you that your power is made perfect in our weaknesses.
Be praised for making us strong in Christ.
Your way of loving us as we are is a huge blessing.
May your power rest on us all the days of our lives.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Do you dare to celebrate your weaknesses? Have you experienced Christ’s power in your life?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you let God make you strong in Christ!
Image courtesy of Amar Yashlaha/Unsplash, design by Mari-Anna Stålnacke.
Doubts can be giant erasers to faith. What was written on our heart seems to disappear with a small stroke of uncertainty.
Have you ever been there? I have. God just gave me a huge gift, a huge undertaking and a huge blessing; he laid it right out at my feet. It was a dream come true, a once in a blue moon kind of deal, yet the more I looked at this project, the more I started to say, “God, how are you going to do this thing? How are you going to pull it together?”
I need babysitters to accomplish it – and there are none.
Finances to get some help – and there aren’t extras.
Time to accomplish it – and it is depleted.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes,
my lack of good stuff starts to make me think I lack a good God.
I start to see an absent daddy.
Then, mumbling words start to flow:
Where are you God?
Do you really love me?
Are you actually going to help me?
God has better things to do than worry about me.
I better figure this out all on my own.
When we start to see all we have to do,
suddenly we fear what God won’t do,
even though God normally says he can and will do it.
So how do we stay strong and not break to pieces beneath the smiles we have implanted on our faces?
1. We remember the wellspring, the hub, the core – God’s power to provide.
I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Phil. 4:13
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Is. 40:29
My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. Ps. 119:28
Imagine. See. Dwell. Reside. Sit. Be. Receive.
2. We go back to the basics. When we love and hope, we secure our hearts in the tight wrapping of God’s hands. The mark ingrained is strength.
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will walk and not grow weary; they will run and not be faint. Is. 40:31
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Pet. 4:8
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 19 We love because he first loved us. 1 Jo. 4:18-19
Sitting in love means sitting in the oceans of Jesus’ perfect blood covering; it washes away insecurities, inadequacies and inabilities. Because he was strong – we can be strong.
3. We remember what we are hoping for in tomorrow, not what we are working for in today.
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be crying any more, for the former things have passed away…. (Revelation 21:4,).
You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Ps. 16:11
For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison 2 Cor. 4:17
When we realize today is but a blip,
we remember that from Jesus’ chalice we will one day sip.
As we remember Him, the glory, the power, the hope and the real purpose and the mission, we will regain our strength to stay steadfast in what he is about to do.
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. Eph 3:20-21
God is strength.
We grow in him, by being attached to him
– then we realize we can do all things through him.
We become strong in the Lord.
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