Jesus i need a job

Your Job Search

Now that you have registered with MDES (if you have not registered yet, go here), it’s time to start looking for a job. There are so many places to look, which proves that there are opportunities available for you. Never forget, that you still have a full time job. Your job today is to find a job.

In addition to our own job bank, MDES has put together a special selection of websites and places where you can go to find a great job.

Additional Services include jobs in Mississippi State Government, the federal government and at Mississippi’s colleges and universities.

WIN Job Centers throughout the state are equipped with computers you can use to search for a job and find out about jobs available with local employers who are hiring.

Job Fairs are also excellent job search resources where employers are on hand to speak with you in person and let you apply for jobs at the fair. To see current job fairs, take a look at the Governor’s Job Fair Network here.

Featured Employers are companies in Mississippi that are hiring. It’s a good idea to check back often to see the jobs available at these premier Mississippi companies.

Job Hunting Tips

We’ve also put together a complete guide to successful job hunting tips to help you have a successful job search. Go here to get tips on writing your resume, interviewing, and how to dress to make a great first impression. We also provide free workshops you may attend to prepare yourself to look for a job, plus you can read about other people just like you who have been successful with the help of MDES.

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