Jail prayer

by Denisher (Savannah,Ga)

Lord grant your mercy to free me from the things that have me bound. Lord I ask you to set me free from everything that has attached itself to me to cause me to be bound, both spiritually and physically.

Lord I ask you to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. As I walk out of those bars of confinement, let me never enter them again as an accused/guilty person. Wash me clean and make me whole. Help me to renew my mind to think like a free man. Help me to forget all the horrors I saw with my eyes and heard with my ears. Cleanse me of the filthiness of my surroundings. I thank you for the liberty in Christ Jesus. I thank you for receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Thank you for preserving my life to bring glory to your name. As I seek your face, satisfy my longings in your righteousness. Thank you in advance for a saved wife that you have prepared for me. Thank you for my children that aren’t born yet. Thank you that I might be a man to bring glory to your name and upbuild the kingdom. In Jesus name, Amen.

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Here are six prayers that you can send to a prisoner or someone who’s in prison now can use.

Prayers for their Family

Father, we pray for those who are incarcerated, but we also pray for their families that they would receive the care and attention they need, and have their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs met by other family members, friends, church members, or someone else. Please Lord, allow them to keep their hope alive that a family member behind bars is still not forsaken or forgotten by God if they have trusted in Christ; if not, we pray for them to know Your Son, Jesus Christ. May the families find comfort from others who are in similar situations and that they would be praying for one another. Oh Righteous Father of Mercy, I pray for these men and women who are cut off from their families and who are serving time behind bars. As you know, it is very hard being separated from loved ones. I pray these inmates may be able to see themselves as you see them, and that they are a child of theirs and are co-heirs with Christ, just as much as those who are out in the world. We know, if they never get out, we will all meet together someday at the great wedding feast of the Lamb of God. If they are able to be released, please shield them from the judgment of others because they have already paid their debt to society, and they are now free. They shouldn’t be referred to as a criminal, con, or anything but a child of God…just like we are. Many of these men and women face that double jeopardy every day of their life after prison, so help others see them as forgiven and cleansed, and a child of God, and treated with respect and not treated as if they’re still guilty. I pray this in the name that is above all names, the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

jail prayer

Prayer for Peace of Mind

Father God, I pray for those prisoners who are behind bars and that You give those who’ve trusted in You, peace. Please help them to know that You are sovereign over all things and that much good can come from bad (Gen 50:20; John 3:16), and in even these men and women’s darkest hours, You are their true source of light which is found in Jesus Christ. I pray that you give them the peace that Your Word promises for those who believe in Your Son (Rom 5:1) and please help them to know they are no longer condemned (Rom 8:1). With the comfort that You give us, please give to them Lord, so that they might pillow their head tonight in peace, knowing that if you would come tonight, those doors would be open forevermore. I ask this for the glory of the Lord, Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray, amen.

Protection from Danger

Father God, truly only You know how these men and women feel at this time. We cannot know exactly what they are living through right now. The world seems to be getting more dangerous every day Lord, and maybe for these men and women who might live with that fear. In Your sovereign providence, it pleased You to call out some of these in their darkest hours, and to become new creations in Christ (2nd Cor 5:17); to a new life in Christ. Help see that they can run to You Father, for You are a Rock and a Shield to those Who trust in You. In Your great wisdom God, You sometimes use hard places to soften hearts, and in such darkness, your grace is more amazing. Not many of us are great in the eyes of the world, but You have no respect for persons. You reach out to those who humble themselves Father, so help them submit to You and be set free from their fear by trusting in You. Please Father, protect them on the inside so that they would be able to study Your Word, be a witness to those still sitting in darkness, and submit to authorities which is submitting to God (Rom 13:1-5). God, You alone know the future of these men and women; help them to rest in Your sovereignty. Help them to know they can trust in You. For those who have not trusted in Your Son and received eternal life, please set divine appointments for those who are Christ’s witnesses inside the prisons, and keep them safe from harm while being His voice. May You receive all the glory for these men and women’s lives that’ve trusted in You, and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Hope in the Future

Great God in heaven, thank you for those who have received eternal life in Jesus Christ, and for those who have been born again behind prison bars. Please Father, enable them to see hope that is found only in Jesus Christ. Give them a desire to seek Him, and to long for that eternal home when all of the present, evil and suffering will be history (Rev 21:4). Please send them Your Spirit to point them to Your Word of hope in Your Holy Word, the Bible. Apart from You, and Your Word, we could not know You or Your Son, Jesus Christ, so thank You for granting us Your mercy and giving us Your grace, and for those who You have pardoned, even if the state has not, they are seen as having Jesus’ righteousness (2nd Cor 5:21). Help them to see that You have pardoned them, without parole, and loved them unconditionally. Lord God, allow them to fix their eyes on You, and the hope for a future we can’t even imagine, and that hope is found in Christ, in Whose precious name we pray, amen.

Using Bad for Good

Father, we know You can even use evil for good. All we need to do is to look at the cross, so help these men and women who are incarcerated to know that everything in our life, good and bad, is for our ultimate best (Rom 8:28). Sometimes we don’t always understand how bad can be good. Help these prisoners to see that God is not going to give up on them, because Your Word shows that You forgive their sins and cleanse them from all unrighteousness. If these prisoners are able to see that You are still working in their life Lord, they might have hope and know that You have promised to never leave them or forsake them (Deut 31:6; Heb13:5), even when they or we forsake You. Help them to take You at Your Word, and not use their feelings to guide their beliefs. Perhaps You can use others to help them inside the prison Lord, for nothing is too hard for You. Allow them to see the good that can come from where they’re at now, and even if it looks bleak, good will come from it, and in Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

For Such a Time and Place

Great God in Heaven, You alone determine the future and know that which is not yet, so help these men and women to see that You have a purpose for where they are now, and know that You can use anyone for Your glory and for Your purposes, including them. We know that You have commissioned us to make disciples of all nations, and that includes those who are incarcerated. Father, may You use these Christians behind bars to bring others into the kingdom by pointing others to Jesus Christ and trusting Him. They realize that You have allowed them to suffer the consequences for their own actions, yet I realize You may use them to reach others behind bars where we cannot, so please Father, make divine appointments for these Christians in prison, and allow them to cross paths with those whose heart You have prepared for the Word, and in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.


The Bible teaches us that Jesus expects His church to visit those who are in prison. He said, “I was in prison and you came to me” (Matt 25:36), and this is how He sees it; “as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” (Matt 25:40), but we can’t forget about these inmates families either. They need ministering too. If we minister to prisoners and their families, we do it for Jesus, but more importantly, what you do for the inmate’s families, you have done to the inmates. Ministering to prisoners is needed, but so is ministering to the families. They too are in a hard place, mentally, emotionally, and probably financially. Plus, they often live under “guilt by association,” unfair as that is, so they need all of the care and compassion they can get.

Something more for you to read: How I Was Set Free in Prison

Resource – Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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I know you might be scratching your head as to how this whole prison topic goes with Guatemalan Genes. 

First let me say that even though at many times (now is one of them) I feel like God is making no sense, by faith or probably more so by hope somehow I cling to his promise “Everything, that is all things that appear good and appear bad, will become known to you in My timing that they were all indeed good for those who love Me and that I have called to Myself, according to my plan, which is the bearing of His likeness in those whom I knew from the beginning.” Romans 8.28-29

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to write my CV focusing on my service interest and I was shocked to discover how there was a conductive thread on at risk youth and rehabilitation of offenders, starting with our graduating High School project which I proposed: “Correctional facilities in Guatemala”. Now, sadly, the issue is closer to home than I would ever imagine and has led me to make more conscientious life and career choices to work on how to better the success rates of offenders re-entry to society. I cannot do much in the US, where I am finding out the system is light years from being successful and has no serious attempt to provide with rehabilitation, reentry programs and where the few services are outsourced to people just interested in collecting the service fee. On the other hand I am in a position to influence change in Guatemala.

In Guatemala the whole penitentiary system is a shame and re-entry programs are basically non existent. As the whole world knows Guatemala’s crime rate and impunity situation is only worsen by the fact that jails and prison have become “universities of crime”. 

Today, Christmas,  may I ask for you to say  this prayer



Dear Lord, you have always shown yourself as friend of the small ones, the poor and the excluded to the point that you had wanted to go through the experience of being incarcerate: you were denounced, detained and imprisoned in the darkness of the night, led to prison and sent to questioning, insults, tortures, judged with no legal process, condemned and executed (as many through out history and still today).

Your love has taken you to identify yourself with them and to remain present in them: I was in prison and you came to visit me. At this puzzling sign we dare to ask you for all of todays inmates so that they:Don’t think that because society condemns them, you reject them.Don’t renounce for a moment to their dignity as people and children of God.Don’t ever loose their liberty within.Don’t despair nor fall to depression.Don’t give up on fighting against any type of oppression, repression or injustice.Be eager to change their conduct.Work for their life and re-entry.Don’t abandon their families and friends, nor be abandon by them.Get close to you and their situation inspires them to along with you be saviors of the world.We also want to ask for us, society and the Church so thatWe don’t reject inmates for the sake of their situation.We respect them as the people they are.We see you in them and serve them accordingly.We accompany and help them in their reentry process.Our love may, in fact, help them discover who YOU are. AMEN


Señor Jesús, Tú siempre te mostraste amigo de los pequeños, de los pobres y de los excluidos: hasta el punto de querer pasar por la experiencia del preso: fuiste denunciado, detenido y apresado en la oscuridad de la noche, conducido a la cárcel y sometido a interrogatorios, insultos, burlas, malos tratos y torturas, juzgado sin las debidas garantías, condenado y ejecutado (como muchos a lo largo de la historia y también hoy).

Tu amor te llevó a identificarte con ellos y a permanecer presente en ellos: estuve en la cárcel y viniste a verme. Ante este gesto tan desconcertante nos atrevemos a pedirte por las presas y presos de hoy para que:

•No piensen que porque la sociedad los condena, Tú los rechazas.

•No renuncien ni un solo momento a su dignidad de personas e hijos de Dios.

•No pierdan nunca su libertad interior.

•No se desesperen ni caigan en depresión.

•No renuncien a esforzarse contra todo tipo de opresión, represión e injusticia.

•Se afanen en cambiar de conducta.

•Hagan por su vida y por su reinserción.

•No abandonen a sus familias y amigos, ni sean abandonados por ellos.

•Su situación los acerque más a Ti y sean cosalvadores del mundo.

También queremos pedirte por nosotros, la sociedad y la Iglesia para que:

•No rechacen a las presas y presos por el hecho de serlo.

•Les respetemos como personas que son.

•Te veamos y sirvamos a Ti en ellos.

•Los acojamos con cariño y comprensión cuando recobren la libertad.

•Les acompañemos y ayudemos a reinsertarse.

•Nuestro amor, en definitiva, les ayude a descubrir que Tú les quieres.

Te lo pedimos por María, tu Madre y nuestra Madre.


Book suggestions:

Jóvenes en la cárcel


I feel a tear run down my face
As I sit in this quiet, lonely place.
I think of you and need you here.
I wipe away my falling tear.
I hit the floor on bended knee.
I ask, I beg, I start to plead.
Please bring him home.
God, no longer do I want to be alone.
Is there an Angel you could send to us
And give us a miracle? In God I trust.
He’s done enough time, he needs to be free.
Please God, bring him home to me.
We believe in love; I believe in you.
Please God, is there something you could do?
I’ll make it up to you, God, you know I will.
I’ll be good and honest, grateful and true.
So please send us an Angel, is all I ask of you
I’ll say this prayer each and every day
Until he is in my arms and home to stay.


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