How to pray for revival

how to pray for revival

To Americans,

For some time now, I have felt the Lord prompting me to establish this page to allow you the opportunity to commit to praying for the United States. God is in complete control of the events that shape our country.

I am convinced that the Lord has a plan to bring people in this country back to Him. I believe that renewal and revival are both possible in the United States. The fields are ripe for harvest, and if we will truly come back to God, He will hear our prayers and answer. He desires an intimate relationship with each of us. We are to pray that God will do what is necessary to bring people back to Him and also bring unbelievers to accept His gift of salvation.

Please join us in making a commitment to pray for renewal and revival in this country. The U.S. has been used by the Lord for generations to reach the world for Christ. That should not change. We don’t have to concede that our time has come and gone–that God has somehow “moved on” and has taken His Spirit to other countries. God is still with us! Pray to see His Spirit pour out across this land to bring millions to Him. Let us love one another and share the love of Christ. May God be glorified through His people coming before Him with the souls of our countrymen, women and children on our hearts. God does not desire that any should perish but that all should have eternal life.

If you are willing to commit to pray for the country on a regular basis, ask God right now to pray through you. Ask Him to remind you to pray and then do your part regardless of where you are when the Holy Spirit brings it to your mind – PRAY. Your prayer can be short, silent, long, loud or any combination – remember He knows what you are going to ask before you do… If you would like to share your personal commitment with us please email us your name and you will become part of the growing list of people praying for the country.

We will never dishonor you by sharing your email or name with anyone. We will pray for you and ask God to help you remember to pray. Let’s see what God will do. I know He will do amazing things and will bring many to Him. To God be the Glory.

INCREDIBLE!!! Over 3,000 people have shared their personal commitment with us to pray for America! Why not join us!


– We have all


and deserve God’s judgment.


, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him.


, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He


for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was


, and

rose from the dead

according to the


. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your


, declaring, “

Jesus is Lord

,” you will be saved from


and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, today I am deciding to follow JesusYes, I am already a follower of JesusI still have questions

“All the true revivals have been born in prayer. When God’s people become so concerned about the state of religion that they lie on their faces day and night in earnest supplication, the blessing will be sure to fall.” E. M. Bounds
Dear intercessors,

Many of us pray that God will send a revival among us. We intercede not only for ourselves, but for those around us, asking God to move in powerful ways. But what does revival actually look like and how should we pray?

My husband and I had the wonderful privilege of living in Wales for more than a year. A great revival swept through the land in 1904, making an impact on the nation—and the world—in a short span of time. We had the added blessing of visiting Moriah Chapel, the tiny church building where the Welsh revival broke forth. I was amazed at how insignificant in appearance the building is. Yet the power of God spread around the world from that humble place. Believers in Wales are praying for another mighty revival to touch their land, and we have been inspired to think, study, and pray much for revival since that time.

The topic of revival brings great interest to most of us because we long for God to sweep through our country. But we must realize that it is costly, and each of us must be willing to pay the price to prepare for it.

Behind the concept of revival is the Hebrew word chayah, which means “to live.” In Strong’s Concordance, the word is translated “make alive, nourish up, preserve, quicken, recover, repair, restore, save, keep alive and make whole.” Who among us does not desire that the Church be quickened, made whole, preserved and kept alive? We must pray with heartfelt passion for this to happen. And it will. When the Church is revived, she will be stronger and mightier against the powers of darkness. She will be a brighter light in this dark world. She will be victorious and attract the lost.     

When revival hit Wales, the whole community was shaken by the power of God. Crowds would go to the prayer meetings at 6:00 A.M. Because the Holy Spirit affected many people, the entire community was soon turned into a praying multitude. Evan Roberts, the young man greatly used in the Welsh Revival, would speak of four tenets or keys to walking in revival. These are helpful as we seek for personal and corporate revival in our own lives: 

  1. The past must be made clear by sin being confessed to God and every wrong to man put right.
  2. Every doubtful thing in the life must be put away.
  3. There must be prompt obedience to the Holy Spirit.
  4. There must be public confession of Christ.

We live in serious times. We need to cry out fervently to God, asking Him to revive His Church worldwide. We need to be in intensive prayer, asking God to move in our cities and nations. Studying the characteristics of revival will help us prepare both personally and corporately for a great move of God in His Church. Understanding the deep need to prepare our own hearts for revival and learning how to cooperate with God as He pours into the earth will keep us from hindering the move of God as it comes. The key phrase of the Welsh revival in 1904 was, “Bend the Church and save the world.” 

The Human Characteristics of Revival

  • Spiritual preparation – Unity and prayer are two key elements needed for revival. We must pay this price of spiritual preparation. Revival will not come without a hunger and thirst after God that brings intense prayer. There must be a longing for His glory. We cannot be indifferent or apathetic but must rend our hearts with the cries that are born by the yearnings in God’s heart. Forty days after Jesus ascended to heaven, His followers obediently prepared for spiritual revival: “They all joined together constantly in prayer” (Acts 1:14).

    “Our essential trouble is that we are content with a very superficial and preliminary knowledge of God… we spend our lives in busy activism… The inevitable and constant preliminary to revival has always been a thirst for God, a thirst, a living thirst for a knowledge of the living God and a longing and a burning desire to see Him acting, manifesting Himself and His power, rising and scattering His enemies.” Martin Lloyd-Jones  

  • Conviction of sin – In true revival, people are seized with an overwhelming conviction of sin. Even the smallest sin seems big. Sin is not taken lightly, and God deals with both the saved and the lost. Revival is intensely personal; God convicts you of personal sin, and your soul is in the agonizing grip of a holy God. There is an encounter with God’s convicting power. “They were cut to the heart” (Acts 2:37).

    “The assembly appeared bowed with an awful conviction of their sin and danger. There was such a breathing of distress and weeping that the preacher was obliged to speak to the people and desire silence that he might be heard. Many of the hearers were seen unconsciously holding themselves up against the pillars and the sides of the pews as though they already felt themselves sliding into the pit.” Wallis  

  • God-consciousness – In revival, there is a consciousness of God, an awareness of His holiness and power. On the day of Pentecost, “everyone was filled with awe” (Acts 2:43). People caught up in revival know without a doubt that God is there. They feel a divine magnetism toward His presence. 

    “There was nothing humanly speaking, to account for what happened. Quite suddenly, upon one and another came an overwhelming sense of the reality and awfulness of His Presence and of eternal things. Life, death and eternity seemed suddenly laid bare.” Winkie Pratney

May God prepare each one of us personally to pay the price for revival—the price of fervent prayer and allowing Him  to work deeply in our lives. Let us ask Him to make us conscious of His Presence and learn to abide in Him moment by moment. Pray that He will convict us of even the smallest sin in our life. Press on in prayer and fasting for revival in the nations. A worldwide end-times revival is going to be a glorious thing, but it will be costly.

We lived on a book exhibition ship for years. In some countries, thousands of visitors came on board daily. Long hours of hard work consumed our full attention. Are we ready for the demands of revival? God must prepare us, His Church, personally and corporately for the self-sacrifice that revival entails. May we not draw back but prepare to lay hold of this glorious end-time outpouring of God with all our hearts as the radiant Bride of Christ who is willing to sacrifice all so that people might be saved.

“Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you! As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you” – (Isaiah 64:1-2).

Together in the Harvest, 

Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International
International House of Prayer (IHOP) KC Staff

[email protected]

April 26, 2011

By Chase

how to pray for revival

I came across an excellent article on The Resurgence on how to pray for revival. This is a kind of a hot topic in Christianity today. I’ve often heard people say they are praying for revival (I include myself in this generalization) in their church or home. But do we really know what it means? Do we realize what they are praying for? And are we praying for it correctly? Please check it: think on it and pray.


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