God of good health

Lemons are complete cures in themselves. They have the property of curing ailments of almost all natures and in all parts of the body. Whether added to foods, applied locally, or drunk as juice, lemons make the most potent medicines of all.

god of good health

Lemons are very useful in fighting acidity. Had either plain, or in combination with water, lemons make the best natural antacids. Mix the juice of lemon with double the quantity of water. To this, add a teaspoon of cumin powder. This drink aids digestion. The juice stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juices.

god of good health

In the stomach, in prevents the formation of gas, and also helps destroy worms. Organic honey and lime added to warm water can cut fats well, and cure weight related problems and even obesity. The inflammation of gums, dental caries and other oral ailments can be prevented and cured by using lemon in the diet. The high levels of Vitamin C in lemons help make excellent oral cures.

god of good health

Choking sensations and itching in the mouth can be cured by having a mixture of lemon and honey. Immune levels can be boosted by regular intake of lemons. Their ability pto quench thirst and rehydrate the body helps in curing fevers as well. Honey and lemon had through the day in small portions can help cure colds.

god of good health

Lemons can make the best replacement for salt, and takings the place of salt can actually help reduce the severity of problems like blood pressure and cholestorol. It is also a very powerful antioxidant. Lemons can help relax the feet and also remove tans. Soak the feet in warm water and rub with lime to calm throbbing feet. The juice of lemons applied to the face can help cure pimples and acne. Lemons and honey used together can help keep the skin wrinkle free.

god of good health


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