God bless my family images

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god bless my family images

Dear God, Bless my Family. Short Prayer and images

Dear God, Bless my Family,

give them strength and peace,

may we seek your will,

may we see that you are our shelter

in the midst of the difficulties.

Lord, protect my family

from dangers and enemies.

When we are on the way you have for us

help each one to be strong,

may we not get away from your way

because there is happiness
and life with you.

Lord, Protect my family from illness,

from viruses that are around,

may we all have good health

and good mood to live each day.

Mery Bracho

god bless my family images

Dear God, Bless my Family. Short Prayer and christian images to share with my children, brothers and sisters, mom, dad, whatsapp, nice image with prayer by Mery Bracho.


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