Friend having surgery

Updated on October 5, 2017

Blake started out scribbling in cards over 30 years ago. Though his handwriting is mostly unchanged, the content has improved.

What to Write for a Surgery Get Well Card

Surgery can be a scary experience no matter how serious the operation is. Going under the knife, laser, or liquid nitrogen means tissue damage. This also means the person will need recovery time. During that recovery time, a get well card is a nice gesture.

The good thing about a surgery get well card is that you have the opportunity to send some real encouragement when your friend or relative needs it. Surgery and recovery are never easy, so using a little humor or upbeat message is a great way to help the person keep a positive attitude.

What to Say to Someone Who Is About to Have Surgery

  1. I hope the surgery is fully effective and quickly leads to no pain.
  2. Thank goodness for modern medicine! I hope you recover from your modern procedure quickly.
  3. If you need anything to help you recover quickly, let me know and I’ll bring it to you.
  4. No surgery should be considered “minor.” Anything with the word surgery involved should be considered major.
  5. I’m hoping you will not have to feel much pain as you recover fully from your surgery.

Post-Surgery Get Well Wishes

These are supportive and sincere messages for a surgery get well card.

  1. It can take time to get over being under the knife. I hope it doesn’t take too long for you!
  2. “Cut it out” and “Get well soon!”
  3. Now that you have to recover, I’ll be spending some of your time bothering you.
  4. Surgeons are a way to get worse before you get better. I hope you get better fast!
  5. I’m hoping your quality of life improves quickly after this surgery! That will mean much more than just getting well.
  6. The human body is amazing in its ability to heal. I hope your healing after surgery is quick.

Funny Get Well Messages for Surgery

These are examples of funny things to write in a get well card for someone having surgery. Getting someone to laugh may be a great way to help him or her start feeling better. Remember to use tact and avoid insensitive or offensive jokes.

  1. I would have written you something funny in your get well card, but I don’t want you to laugh and rip out your stitches.
  2. Now that you’ve had surgery, I’m expecting you to be different. I hope you will be different in a good way.
  3. You know what’s wrong with the world these days? It seems like most people would rather have surgery than go around complaining. Now there’s nothing to talk about with most people.
  4. It could be worse, right? I could have been the one to do your surgery. I’m glad you have better hands taking care of you. Get well soon!
  5. I hope the hospital bills hurt more than the recovery. But hopefully, neither hurt too much.
  6. “Major pain, major surgery, and now major recovery!”
  7. If you need something removed from your body, you’ll have to remove some money from your bank account.
  8. If you were a robot, then you’d be getting a hardware upgrade.
  9. The great thing about surgery is . . . nothing. Get well soon!
  10. Next time you need surgery, let me know. I have steady hands and a knife. Don’t worry. Even though I’m not a real doctor, I could play one on TV.
  11. “Walking it off” is for sissies. Surgery is for the toughest people. You’ve proved that you’re tough.
  12. Now that your surgery is over, I know you are fixed and in good physical shape. Can you help me move this weekend?
  13. It seems like everyone is having surgery these days. You must not have been wearing your helmet and knee pads when you jumped on the bandwagon.
  14. The only thing that hurts worse than recovering from surgery is paying the medical bills.

Funny Music Video about Surgery Surgery Get-Well Sayings Funny Vs. Sincere Surgery Get Well MessagesWhich type of get well message is better for after a surgery. Inspiration for Creating Get Well Messages

Empathy is needed in order to write a great get well message for surgery. Having had surgery in the past may give you insights into the experiences a person goes through in order to recover. Here’s a video of a time-lapse healing after a surgery.

Even if you haven’t had surgery in the past, you’ll notice how everything isn’t perfect immediately after the surgery.

Besides grossing you out, this may inspire you to realize just how long it takes for human tissue to heal fully. Think about the challenges the person may face in the recovery process. Capture and acknowledge those challenges in the get well wishes you write.

Video of the Healing Process

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Surgery can be traumatic for many people. If you have a friend who’s just undergone a procedure, you may be concerned about what to say or do. There are many great ways to be supportive after a surgery, and if you stay empathetic and patient you can be a great asset to a recovering friend.

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