Communicate and Connect with Our Creator
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18
Prayer is an amazing gift we have been given by God. It is the avenue through which we communicate with our Creator and connect with Him on a personal, intimate level. It’s not just about what we want. Prayer is about getting to a place where we want what God wants for us. There is power, strength, and hope in prayer. And we want to pray alongside you for all that God has in store for your life.
If you would like to commit to praying regularly and receive our weekly prayer list via email, please contact Jesse Hinojosa for more information.
If you have a prayer request, please let us know. Simply fill out the form below and the prayer ministry will bring your concern before the Lord.
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Greetings to you in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ who is the only way, truth and life.We are delighted to welcome you to our website.The vision of the fellowship is to impact lives through Christ Our Lord. This website aims to offer various christian resources for the spiritual growth of individuals and also to provide information regarding various activities of the fellowship. We believe in Christ that you will be surely blessed as you browse through this website. You are also welcome to give your suggestions on further improving this website and make it much more user-friendly. We sincerely hope and pray, that the Holy Spirit will enable this online Christian resource to be a blessing to all those who come across it. God Bless You.
With love and prayers
Dublin Prayer Fellowship Team.
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18 Mar
- Jumaa Prayer Fellowship
- pray
- prayer
Jumaa Prayer Fellowship – March 22, 2019
- Jumaa Prayer Fellowship
- pray
- prayer
Jumaa Prayer Fellowship – March 15, 2019
- Jumaa Prayer Fellowship
- pray
- prayer
Jumaa Prayer Fellowship – March 8, 2019
- Jumaa Prayer Fellowship
- pray
- prayer
Jumaa Prayer Fellowship – March 1, 2019
- Jumaa Prayer Fellowship
- prayer
- pray
Jumaa Prayer Fellowship – February 22, 2019
- Jumaa Prayer Fellowship
- pray
- prayer
Jumaa Prayer Fellowship – February 15, 2019
- Jumaa Prayer Fellowship
- pray
- prayer
Jumaa Prayer Fellowship – February 8, 2019
- Jumaa Prayer Fellowship
- Pray
- prayer
Jumaa Prayer Fellowship – February 1, 2019
- Jumaa Prayer Fellowship
- prayer
- pray
Jumaa Prayer Fellowship – January 25, 2019
- Jumaa Prayer Fellowship
- pray
- prayer
Jumaa Prayer Fellowship – January 18, 2019