Child first day at school

Teaching your child the skills they need to cope will boost their confidence and soothe those first-day school fears, whatever their age

Get psyched for school success!

Whatever your child’s age, that first day at school is a huge milestone and it’s easy for them to become anxious about new routines and social situations. Teaching them the skills they’ll need to cope will boost their confidence and soothe those first-day fears – so follow these tips to make sure they survive and thrive in their new school.

First day at primary school?

Your child may be excited about going to ‘big school’ but it’s a big step up from spending his days at home with you or whiling away the hours playing with his friends at nursery…

Friendship skills

Sharing can be the key to making friends, so get your child used to co-operating with other kids. He also needs to  know that he’ll be fine when he’s away from you…

  • Focus on the upside Remind him how it makes him feel good when other children let him play with their toys or join in with their games – and that if he does the same thing at school his new classmates will see how kind he is and will want to be friends with him.
  • Find a familiar face Ask the school for a class list and arrange some playdates with your child’s new classmates before school starts. He’ll feel much less insecure about being away from you if he sees some familiar faces on his first day.

School rules

Now he’s going to school your child will have to get used to a whole new set of routines…

  • Good behaviour Explain that there are some simple rules he needs to follow in class, such as staying in his seat and listening during his lessons without talking. He’ll need to know to raise his hand if he needs to ask his teacher a question, so have practice sessions at home before school starts.


Your child may never have been in such a busy environment without you there to take care of him…

  • Meet the teacher Staff are usually at school a few days before the semester starts, so arrange a time to pop in and Introduce your child to his new teacher. She’ll be used to dealing with first-day stress and she’ll know exactly what to say and do to put your child at ease.
  • Tour the school If there’s a proper open day arranged, try to get there if you can – it’s a good opportunity to walk around and work out easy routes for your child to get to his classroom, the cafeteria or the playground, and find the bathrooms from his classroom.

First day at secondary school?

This brings your child face to face with fresh challenges and new faces.

Meeting and greeting

Teaching your child how to make the first move will help her conquer any nerves she has about her new classmates…

  • Find out about the other kids As with junior school, go to the orientation session and set a good example by being sociable yourself. Introduce yourself and your child to the other parents and their kids and ask their names, what they like, whether they’re nervous about their new school.
  • Practise breaking the ice Use role-play to practise greetings and gestures that kickstart a conversation – rehearse comments on the weather, complimenting a potential friend’s great outfit or hairstyle, or asking what junior school someone went to. On the morning of her first day, reassure her that the other kids will probably be feeling just as anxious as she is and that a smile and a nod to a classmate will go along way towards forming new friendships.

Older kids

It’s likely your child will feel pretty anxious about being among the youngest kids in school when she used to be one of the oldest…

  • Help her hide her nerves If she’s obviously overanxious, she might appear more vulnerable to older kids who might bully her. Practise standing tall and straight with her head held high, looking other kids in the eye.
  • Acknowledge her fears Bear in mind that bullying is a big problem in schools, so don’t simply dismiss your child’s fears – acknowledge them and tell her you’re there for her if she feels intimidated by anything an older child says or does.

First day at college?

Social and academic pressure can combine with hormones to make college seem scarily competitive to your teen…

Body image

Your child is right at the age where how he appears to his classmates is all-important…

  • Reassure him It can be hard to see other kids grow and develop if your body seems to be stuck at a younger age. Your child is probably convinced he’ll never catch up, but remind him that he’s still growing and gaining on the other students all the time.
  • Help him see beyond looks Focus too on the fact that it’s not just physical attributes that make a person attractive: it’s also personality, attitude and sense of humour.
  • Talk up his talents Point to other areas where your child might be ahead of other kids his age: perhaps he has a gift for art or music, or is good at sports.

Peer pressure

Your teen’s need to be accepted by the other kids in school means she might have sleepless nights worrying that she might stand out or look different…

  • Celebrate her differences Tell her it’s OK to want the other kids to like her, but remind her that she’s an individual and that she shouldn’t simply follow the crowd just to be popular. True friends won’t put pressure on her to dress a certain way or freeze her out for looking different – and any kids who do are looking for power and control, not friendship.
  • Cancel out the cliques Looking beyond the cliques who expect her to look and dress a certain way means your child can be herself, so before she starts at her new school find out all you can about clubs and after-school activities which will introduce her to new students who have similar interests.

Schoolwork panic

Your child will be well aware that high school comes complete with longer, tougher assignments…

  • Get her organised Tackle this first-day fear well ahead of time by working out ways to help manage her work: for instance, a regular study timetable she sticks to and a planner to keep track of when homework is due.
  • Set her up to succeed from day one by arranging a quiet study space for her in her bedroom. Include a well-lit desk, a dictionary and thesaurus and, if possible, a computer complete with an encyclopedia program such as Encarta and study-aid software.
  • Reading for 6-9 Year Olds Helping your child improve their reading skills is easier than you may realize. Teacher Christine Waite has these simple tips for parents…
  • Best Homework Websites The top online learning resources to help your child with homework…
  • Helping Your Child with Numbers and Sums Teacher and Supernanny expert Sandy Fazio shares some easy and effective ways you can help your young child with numbers and simple sums.
  • Supporting a Studying Child Feeling helpless as your child faces their final year at school? Here are some basic ways to support your child during this challenging time.
  • Tips for Teaching Letters and Words When it comes to teaching your child letters and reading, making learning fun and interesting is an invaluable way to boost his confidence and self-esteem.
  • Starting School By Allen Ahlberg. Deals with most activities your child will encounter, taking them through the first day, week, month and term.
  • Going Up! The No-Worries Guide to Secondary School By Jenny Alexander. Tackles common worries in a positive and reassuring manner, offering easy solutions to any issues or problems your child may have.

Your child’s first day at school

Written by: Pippa Birch

Your child’s first day at school will be one every parent will remember. My daughter’s first day was momentous – along the lines of first words, first steps and, more recently, first wobbly tooth. We’d spent all summer getting ready – buying uniform, reading “going to school” books, talking about what it might be like – much excitement! I have a confident, bright, sociable and independent daughter, but I was still worried about whether she’d make friends, whether her teacher would like her and even whether she would behave.

Little worries

One of my worries was whether she was going with the right skills – she could count to 10, write her name and recognise colours, but was that enough? I needn’t have worried. I spoke to a few teaching friends and was assured that she needn’t be doing any of those things – they were not important. Within a week it became clear why – teachers have their own methods of teaching literacy and numeracy etc and they like to start from scratch. The first term is really about settling in, learning routines and getting used to school life.

Buddy systems

Our school also operates a buddy system – a Year 6 pupil is paired with a Reception child. They send them letters before they start school, meet them on their first day, take them to lunch and look out for them in the playground. It is a fabulous system and really helps new children feel like they belong.

Tips to prepare

In my experience, and from speaking to a wide range of teachers and mums, the main tips for getting your child ready for their first day at school is as follows:

  • Make sure they are involved in buying the uniform, getting a bag and PE kit – make it fun
  • Read books about going to school – discuss feelings
  • Ensure your child is toilet trained
  • Help your child learn how to dress and undress themselves – they can be helped with tricky things like tights and buttons, but being able to change their tops and bottoms are a big help
  • If you are offered a taster session in the previous term – take it! We did two and were able to talk about them over the summer break to keep it fresh in the mind

Our first day arrived, we took oodles of photos and my daughter queued up like she’d been there all her life. Parents were allowed in with them on the first few weeks so I went in, but once her coat was on its peg, she was off to the drawing corner and asked me when I was leaving!

Try and get the day off work

If you can get the day off work, chat to some of the parents in the playground and see if any of them want to meet for a coffee after the drop off – it helps to chat to others about fears and concerns and the quicker you build up a rapport with other parents, the easier you will settle in too.

The novelty might wear off!

Be aware that even if you are as lucky as we were, the novelty wears off. The following week my daughter woke up and declared she had “done” school now and didn’t need to go in – it takes a few months before they understand that this is for life and not just a game. It doesn’t take long for the excitement to wear off, but it is possible to ensure your child still enjoys going by being interested.

For the next few weeks…

  • Trust your teacher – they have done this many times and have strategies to cope with shy children, sad children, loud children – every scenario is catered for. If you have concerns, don’t be afraid to talk to your child’s teacher about them.
  • Communicate with your child – keep talking about school, ask questions about what they have enjoyed, who they played with, what they ate for lunch etc Don’t panic when they say they can’t remember – they have so many new experiences, they get overwhelmed with information!
  • Learn to let go – this is your child’s first real step towards their own independence. They are entering a world to which you are not invited and never will be, with the exception of school productions, sports days and open afternoons.
  • Pat yourself on the back – you have got your child to this stage in their life – well done! You have given them the best input for the first four years of their life – be proud of yourself and enjoy the quality time you can spend together when they are not formally learning.

Tags: beginning school, children starting school, first day at school, preparing for school, primary school, starting school, tips for starting school
Describe your first day at school as a child

There are such moving incidents in our lives that we can never forget. As for me, the most remarkable event in my life is the memory of my first day at school.

That morning, after waking me up earlier than usual, my mother helped me wash my face and get dressed. The school things bought by my mother the previous day were put carefully in the new brown leather schoolbag.

On the way to school, my mother tenderly held my hand and looked at me fondly. The road to school now seemed quite strange to me although in my childhood I rambled along it so many times! The other children of my own age, in new clothes like me, were timidly accompanied by their parents to school. A strange and inexplicable feeling bloomed in my heart. Then I had a feeling of worry and fear when I caught sight of the imposing and gigantic elementary school in front of me: It looked so majestic in its new colors. The schoolyard was packed with pupils and their parents. The old pupils were playing with marbles or with spinning tops, running up and down, talking and laughing merrily. The headmaster and the teachers, neatly dressed, were standing under the school verandah.

Suddenly there echoed the sounds of a drum in my heart.

We were all ordered to stand in line before the flagstaff to salute the colors. When the flag salute was over, we by turns went into our classrooms. A young and mild-looking teacher greeted us at the door. And in a gentle voice he taught us the first lesson.

Read more:Describe your first day at school as a childDescribe the first day of your schoolMy first day at schoolRecalling my first day at school

Первое сентября — не забываемый день для всех нас.
Здесь, я разместила три шаблона, которые помогут вам написать краткое сочинение на эту тему.
Сочинения подготовлены по уровням — для самых маленьких и начинающих, и для более продвинутых.
Все тексты даны на английском языке с переводом.
Последний топик с аудио озвучкой, очень пригодится тем, кто тренирует восприятие английской речи на слух.

My First Day Of School — Beginner level

I’m Nastya Ivanova.

I study in class 3th.

I love my school very much.

Every child is eager to join school.

I remember my first day in the school.
I was very small at that time.

My mom took me to the 1st class.
My class teacher’s name was Maria Ivanovna.
She took me to the class.
She was very kind to me.
She used to love me a lot.

We only played games the first day.
On this day my mom had prepared my favorite lunch and I told to my parents about my first day at school.


Мой первый день в школе

Меня зовут Настя Ивановна.
Я учусь в третьем классе.
Я очень люблю свою школу.
Каждый ребенок стремится пойти в школу.

Я помню свой первый день в школе.
Тогда я была еще очень маленькой.

Моя мама повела меня в первый класс.
Мою классную учительницу звали Мария Ивановна.
Она отвела меня в класс.
Она была очень добра ко мне.
Она меня очень любила.

В первый день в школе мы только играли в игры.
В этот день моя мама приготовила мою любимую еду, а я рассказала родителям о своем первом дне в школе.

My First Day in School — Intermediate level

I remember my first day at school very vividly.

I was six years old at that time.

It was a bright sunny day.

It was September 1st. I woke up early that day.

I remember feeling very excited.

I got myself prepared.

«I’m grown up now. Today is my first day of school», — I said.

My mom took me to my school.
I was excited and scared a little bit on the way to school.
I had flowers in my hands.
My blue bag contained some new books, exercise books, pencils and pens.

There were many children near my new school.
Some came by bus, some came by car and some walked like me.
When I entered the classroom my classmates came running up and asked my name.
A teacher told me to sit in the first bench. Then, all students in the class introduced their names and information.
Our teacher was telling us stories and was showing us pictures.

At 12-30 the last bell went. The classes were over.
When I reached home, I was quite glad. I told my mother about the new school.
She was glad to hear the account of my first day.
This day was a memorable day for me, because I liked the school.
Every child’s first day at school is always very exciting!


Я очень хорошо помню свой первый день в школе.

Мне было шесть лет. Был яркий солнечный день. 1-е сентября.

В тот день я проснулся рано.

Я помню, как я очень волновался.

«Теперь, я уже большой, сегодня я иду в школу.» — сказал я.

Моя мама повела меня в школу.
По дороге я волновался и немного боялся.
В руках у меня были цветы.
А в синем портфеле лежали новые учебники, тетради, карандаши и ручки.

Рядом со школой было много детей.
Кто-то приехал на автобусе, кто-то приехал на машине, а кто-то пришел пешком, как я.

Когда я вошел в класс, мои одноклассники подбежали ко мне и спросили как меня зовут.
Учитель сказал мне, чтобы я сел за первую парту.
Затем, каждый ученик назвал свое имя и предоставил информацию о себе.
Наша учительница рассказывала нам всякие истории и показывала нам иллюстрации.

В 12-30 прозвенел последний звонок. Занятия закончились.
Когда я пришел домой, я был очень доволен. Я рассказал маме о новой школе. Она была рада услышать мое мнение о моем первом школьном дне. Этот день был для меня незабываемым, потому что мне понравилась в школе.
Первый день в школе для каждого ребенка всегда очень захватывающий!

My First Day Of School — listening


I remember my first day of school.

I was excited, but I was afraid.

I held my mother’s hand as we walked to the school.

When we got near the school, I wouldn’t let her hold my hand anymore.

I didn’t want to look like a baby.

We got to the school.
The school looked very big and frightening.
There were children outside on the playground.
They all looked very big.
I looked at them, and some of them looked at me.
I felt very small.

My mother and I went into the school and found the kindergarten room.
There were children in there.
Most of them were the same size as me.
My mother spoke to the kindergarten teacher.
The teacher was very nice.
She said my name, and she introduced me to some of the other children.
I already knew some of the children because they lived near me.

I began to play with some of the things that were in the classroom.
There were toy trucks, colouring books, and even a doll house.
I soon forgot to be scared, and I began to play with the other children.
I didn’t even notice that my mother had left the room.

In school we sang songs, played some games and listened as the teacher read us a story.
I had a lot of fun on my first day of school.
I even drew a picture of my teacher.
I took the picture home, and my mother put it on the refrigerator.
I like school.
It is a good place to meet new friends and learn all about the world.


Я помню свой первый день в школе. Мне было радостно, но я боялся.

Когда мы шли в школу, я держал маму за руку.

Когда мы подошли к школе, я больше не давал ей держать мою руку, потому что больше не хотел выглядеть как ребенок.

Мы пришли в школу.
Школа выглядела очень большой и страшной.
На детской площадке были дети. Все они выглядели очень большими.
Я смотрел на них, а они смотрели на меня.
Я чувствовал себя очень маленьким.

Мы с мамой зашли в школу и нашли детскую комнату.
Там были дети. Большинство из них были такого же роста, как и я.

Моя мама поговорила с воспитательницей. Она была очень хорошей.
Она произнесла мое имя и познакомила меня с другими детьми.
Я уже знал некоторых детей, поскольку они жили рядом со мной.

Я начал играть в игрушки, которые были в классе.
Там были игрушечные грузовики, книжки-раскраски и даже кукольный дом.

Очень скоро мой страх прошел и я начал играть с другими детьми.
Я даже не заметил, что моей мамы нет в классе.
В школе мы пели песни, играли в игры и слушали, как учитель читает нам рассказ.

Первый день в школе мне очень понравился.
Я даже нарисовал портрет своего учителя.
Эту картинку я взял домой, а моя мама поставила ее на холодильник.
Мне нравится школа.
Это хорошее место для знакомства с новыми друзьями и узнать всё о мире.

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