Blessing for the day

I have been fired. No, that’s not right. Let me try again.
After 10 weeks, I have been replaced in a job I did not seek, nor was I paid for, nor did I feel is my fulfilling Spirit-calling. So, why am I feeling relieved and sad at the same time???

This pastor’s wife is called upon frequently to fill-in for a ministry vacancy. I have discovered that my Spirit-gift is being a glass of water: pour water out on a table and it pools in the gaps and crevices. I fill gaps and crevices. Just this last year we have had three ministry staff changes at church and guess who filled the gap for each one?

The problem with being a gap-filler is that when the gap is filled, repaired, realigned, redefined and the work of the Lord goes forward, I am left with the loss and grief of letting go of the ministry. It is painful for me to see any of my extended family go without, so I embrace the ministry as if it has truly been given to me by God for forever. For as long as the assignment last, I pray for the anointing and discernment to accomplish what God wants done. In order to do the work, I have to take possession of the ministry. It is my responsibility and assignment.

Letting go is hard. Now in His time, God has brought a lovely young lady to take my place. He has gifted and is equipping her for this ministry. She will ‘increase’; I have to ‘decrease’. At times like these, John the Baptist comes to mind. Reading again about him and his willingness to do the hard job and then know when to back off helps me to adjust my role. (Of couse, there was that business of getting his head cut off… he decreased, not quit being a voice for God!)

So, I guess I was not fired or replaced. I am finished with this assignment and ready to move on. What’s next, Lord? (Please, not prison and my head cut off!)
Blessing For the Whole Day

Your Challenge Today:

An early morning walk, swim or workout of choice!

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC

An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.

I heard this in an audiobook I was listening to while waiting to pick up the J-Man from school. An elementary school parking lot is not the most ideal place to get emotional, but I doubt anyone noticed, and who cares anyway. It feels like it was written for parents like us. It’s beautiful, and it speaks volumes to me right now. Maybe it will do the same for you. Hold on to what is good, even if it’s a handful of dirt. Hold on to what you believe, even if it’s a tree which stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do, even if it’s a long way from here. Hold on to life, even when it’s easier letting go. Hold on to my hand, even when I have gone away from you. ~ A Pueblo Blessing
This is Day 1 of the prayer to receive revelation from the Lord and direction for your life in the coming year. To begin this process we will start with a prayer to release you from the past and prepare you for the future. God has so much in store for you. 1 Corinthians 2:9 “However, as it is written:“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived — the things God has prepared for those who love Him”  His plans for you are good plans to prosper you and give you hope and a future. A lot of times we are unable to move forward and reach our fullest potential in the Lord because we have the chains of our past binding our Prayer for Release from Pastankles together and we harbor unforgiveness towards others and ourselves. Read these scriptures and see what the Lord has to say about forgiving others. “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Heavenly Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14-15. “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Matthew 6:9-13 Matthew 5:23, 24 tells us that when we come and bring our gifts before the Lord, and there we remember that we have something against our brother, we should first go and be reconciled with him and then return and offer our gifts. Then we have clean hearts. If the Lord forgives us of our sins, then we should also forgive others if we are looking for His blessings to flow unhindered in our life.  If the Lord forgives us then we should then forgive ourselves. There is no need to walk around carrying guilt and condemnation about our past when Christ Himself has already released us from that burden.  Let it go. Romans 8:1-2 “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” The following prayer is a prayer of forgiveness and repentance.  If you would like to go much deeper with your confession of sins, here is a list that will help you uncover sins that may be hidden Heavenly FatherI come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. I forgive ___(say the names of all the persons you need to forgive)  for anything that they have ever done or said to me and my family, I bless them in Your Name of Jesus and I ask You to forgive me for holding on to this sin for so long.  I ask that you give me the grace to move on from this with a spiritual release that only you can give. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Here is the prayer to forgive yourself: Heavenly Father, I come to you asking you to forgive me for holding on to the sin that you have already forgiven. I pray you remove this guilt, shame and condemnation that is within my heart and mind concerning ______.  I no longer want to carry that burden as your word in 1 Peter 5:7 says that I should cast my cares on You because you care of me.  I also know based on 1 John 1:9  that You are faithful and just and will cleanse me from all my unrighteousness if I confess this sin to You.  Lord, I release myself now from these sins as a sign of receiving your forgiveness.  I bind up all demonic powers that would come to bring these accusing thoughts into my mind and I cast them into the abyss in Jesus Name.  Lord I also ask that you would show me the people or places where I need to disassociate myself so that this not return to me.  I trust in your cleansing blood Jesus to free my mind and my heart and know that it is indeed finished, In Jesus Name. Amen. Spend today reflecting on the scriptures that you read here and meditating on Jesus’ forgiveness of your sins.  There are times when want to forgive someone and it is very difficult and every time we think we have forgiven them everything comes back to us, in these times since we are willing and we are using our will to forgive we need to ask the Lord to forgive them through us.  It is an activation of the Holy Spirit within you that works through you to forgive them.  We are such flawed beings that sometimes forgiveness can only come if God will do it through us.  If you choose, with your will to forgive, then you can ask the Lord to do the forgiveness through you because you are not able to do this in your own flesh.  This will work every time.  Try it and you will see. Here is  Day 2 of the Blessing Prayer – Prayer to Remove Curses These prayers are a part of the Prophetic Words Prayer Series

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