A Mother’s Prayer for Her Daughter, by Tina Fey.
I know I’m behind on the times with this…. but I still haven’t read ‘Bossypants’ by, Tina Fey. It’s officially #3 on my “to-read” list over at Goodreads. She’s one of my favorite people, and I just know I’ll love this book. I ran across this the other day and it made me tear up. What parent hasn’t thought all of these things.
– Lord, please give me strength… cause my threenager is giving me a vision into the future. Youdammit, I’m gonna need help. –
Have you read it?
– Chelsey
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On My Knees | Source A Mother’s Prayer
This is a true story about my teenage daughter exploring life. I was very concerned about the choices she was making.
In this writing, you will witness the power of prayer clearly seen in a very specific answer to my urgent prayers for my daughter. Join me as I tell you the marvels and mysteries of a God who is so personal, loving and kind. He targeted my prayer and answered it dead-on. The impact still blows me away. It is hard to wrap my head around his love. Yet, he lavishly poured it all over me with this revelation.
My precious daughter | Source My Baby Girl
I was beside myself with joy when I heard the doctor say, “It’s a Girl!” Rebecca was my second child and my first daughter.
My baby girl had my devotion and was firmly planted in my heart, way before I ever laid eyes on her sweet little face. I knew that this child was a treasure and a trust from God.
I considered my role in her life essential. I understood the power a mother possesses to pass down blessings or pain.
I was one hundred percent committed to being this child’s Mother. I prayed for wisdom to be what she needed.
I still remember being in the hospital with her. Just Rebecca and me. As I lovingly embraced her, I got lost in her beauty. She was perfect in every way. I spent hours staring at her delicate, tiny face. I studied her and carefully memorized every unique curve and dimple.
The video below is a touching song by Sandi Patti called, “You are a Masterpiece.” This song encapsulates my own heart of amazement and wonder as a mother.
I encourage you to take a moment to consider the wonder of holding a tiny new life.
My Little Girl | Source Growing Up
From the start, I realized my little girl possessed a much different personality than my son, Daniel. My sweet boy tore around the house like a reckless tornado. He was my little show-off, filled with giggles and fun.
Rebecca was a quiet and thoughtful child. She possessed a gentle, carefree spirit. As a child, she lived in her own little world with her own little rules.
As she grew into her teen years she was lovable and kind, but she wasn’t easy to read. Outwardly she would concede to whatever I might say with a slight nod of her head. Though she would nod in agreement, I was quite sure she had thoughts of her own, thoughts she concealed.
Rebecca was mysterious and that puzzled me. I only wished I understood what went on in that little head of hers.
As she grew up, she blossomed into a stunning young lady. Her big chocolate brown eyes, framed with thick black lashes, captured many boys. Her long light brown hair kissed blonde by the sun, framed her face beautifully. Her smile, well let’s just say it could stop traffic.
When you have a beautiful daughter, you have a concern. You know she will receive more attention than the average girl. I was concerned about my daughter’s ability to handle the kind of attentiveness she was receiving. She was bewildered when she received some inappropriate attention (actually she got three guys reprimanded for inappropriate advances, two at work and one was a teacher who got fired). I had to teach Rebecca to look away when a man or boy locked eyes with her.
As a teen, she was outgoing. Her warmth and kindness were easily misread by the opposite sex. Today, as a grown woman, she is still very friendly but cautious with her smiles.
Trouble Brewing
In High School, Rebecca started to date and bring boys home.
I was always thankful that my kids knew they could bring their friends to our home and count on a welcoming atmosphere.
Though I was friendly and welcoming to Rebecca’s boyfriends, apprehension began to grow in my heart. She was drawn to the ‘bad boy’ types. I talked to her about her choices and with her typical nod of agreement, the conversation ended.
Trouble was brewing and she withdrew keeping her thoughts to herself. I observed the struggle through her eyes and posture. She was not a girl to be prodded so this period was frustrating for me as a Mother.
Though I couldn’t engage Rebecca to talk, I prayed to a God who could read her every thought. I prayed in faith knowing that God knew my daughter inside and out and that He had great plans for her, and those plans were for good.
Source A Mother’s Prayer
Here is where I will tell you about an urgent prayer sent straight from a Mother’s lips to the heart of God.
One evening my husband and I went to a Christian Concert that included a dinner. At dinner, we were seated across from a couple who were friendly and engaging. As we were getting to know each other, I learned that the gentleman was a physician and his wife a nurse.
As we chatted, we learned about their family. At some point, the doctor pointed over to a table where a young man was carving the meat. He was beaming as he said, “That’s my son, he is working here for the summer.” The young man the father bragged about was very handsome. His smile was kind and his eyes full of fun.
The more the couple told us about their son, the more I wished my Rebecca could meet someone like him. As we were listening, I shot up a quick prayer and asked God to send Becca, a young man just like the Doctor’s son.
Growing up is hard to do. To get through the teen years and remain unscathed by the world is almost impossible.
Rebecca was proving to be a very responsible teenager. She was still in high school when she got a job working in a daycare center. Every day after school Becca went to her job. She was very faithful to her responsibilities. As a new driver, we provided her with an old car. But Rebecca purposed in her heart to save her money to buy a car of her own.
It wasn’t long before she saved enough to buy her first car. One day her Dad took her car shopping and when she came home, her face was beaming. She bought a bright red Mazda.
Rebecca’s major, as a Junior in high school, was Culinary Arts. Being a creative soul, she excelled in her class. Her teacher boasted about her culinary skills.
She made many close friends in this class. At the end of her senior year, she was awarded a full scholarship to a culinary arts school. During her senior year, Rebecca applied for a Prep Cook position at a local Country Club; she got hired. She looked adorable in her uniform with her chef’s hat.
Though she was growing up, she still seemed young and vulnerable; there was such an innocence and naivety about her. Can you understand the concern I felt each time she walked out the door to work? I prayed, “Lord protect her. You know the influences are out there.” My daughter’s mysterious pondering ways did not allow me to enter the place where her secret thoughts lay.
Years later I heard the ‘real story,’ and the urgent need for those prayers for protection. One of the guys at work introduced her to Pot. She tells me she was afraid, at first, because of a discussion that she and I had about Pot. I swear I don’t remember the conversation, in fact, I’m laughing as I write because I can’t even imagine saying this, but if you ask her, this conversation did take place.
Rebecca relays it this way, after asking me questions about pot, I told her that pot was very dangerous and that many people are allergic to it. She said I looked at her very somberly explaining that some have even died on their first try. Rebecca says an alarm went off, and then she asked me how a person would know if they were allergic. She said, I just shook my head sadly as I answered, one never knows until they take that first drag.
Rebecca decided to take the risk and try it after a male coworker pressured her. Becca said that this guy assured her it was safe. She said she used pot with caution, promising herself she would be careful not to use too much.
She’s Drunk
Another story, relayed to me after she grew up, was about a drive home from work one night. The guy who had convinced her that pot was safe, gave her some at work. She explained that night by saying, “Driving home that night, out of the blue, a ginormous red firetruck appeared in front of her.”
She continued, “It was reeling toward me at a breakneck speed. There was this man dressed up like a clown driving the firetruck.” “What in the world!” I exclaimed. “Yes,” she continued, “The truck had its brights on high, and then I saw tons of firefighters hanging off the side. They were urgently motioning me to pull over.”
At this point of the story, I gasp, and she continues. “I whipped over to the side of the road just in time to see a big old truck (not a fire truck) with red flags, on its side, flapping in the wind. That’s when I realized my mind, affected from pot, was playing tricks on me. I was so frightened as I made my way to the nearest gas station. After parking, I ran to the bathroom. Once locked inside I splashed cold water all over my face. I looked in the mirror and said, ‘Becca, you fool, why did you ever touch that stupid weed.'” That was the last time Rebecca used pot. Thank you, God!
When she got home that night, her brother’s critical eyes caught sight of her condition. He came running into the room, “Mom!” he yelled, “Rebecca is drunk!”
I studied Rebecca and concluded she was exhausted. I asked her in a very firm tone, “Rebecca have you been drinking?” Rebecca answered, “I swear to God mom, I have not been drinking!” Daniel countered her statement by saying, “Mom I know about these things, believe me, Rebecca is drunk!” I told Daniel that Rebecca would not lie to me and that I chose to believe her (Rebecca wasn’t the only one prone to being naive.) In retrospect, she wasn’t lying; She wasn’t drinking, she was stoned!
Youth Group
I was always thankful that Rebecca liked going to Church and Youth Group. There were some great kids in that group. Rebecca enjoyed the Youth Group activities and meetings.
Rebecca’s best friend was a year older than her. Tami was an all around good girl who had a lot of common sense. I believe God brought Tami into Rebecca’s life as a result of a specific prayer. I prayed for a loyal friend for Rebecca. We moved right across the street from her.
Tami and her family greeted us the day we moved in the neighborhood. I learned later that Tami’s mom had also been praying for a loyal friend for her daughter. High school girls can be caddy and Tami had fallen prey to some mean girl schemes.
Tami and Rebecca became instant friends. If they weren’t at our house, they were at Tami’s. I was so thankful for this friendship and knew what a great influence Tami was to my dear vulnerable Rebecca.
Tami did not hesitate to speak her mind if she felt Rebecca was making a wrong choice. It used to crack me up to see the two of them go at it during times like this. On many occasions, Rebecca would finally see the wisdom in her friend’s words.
As Rebecca was experimenting with pot and working with some seedy characters, God was at work. He was about to redirect her life. It was Tami’s first year of college and Rebecca’s senior year of High School. For six year’s these two had been inseparable.
Tami was now qualified to move up to the college-aged youth group but she wanted Rebecca to be with her. Since Tami didn’t want to go to the high school youth group, it was a no-brainer, Tami would ‘sneak’ Rebecca into the college group.
The Leader
Once Rebecca joined this college-aged group, I began to notice changes in her. After her meetings, she came home bubbling with some great stories about what went on that night.
She began to open up and shared more of her heart with me; I was relieved and happy. One night, after one of her meetings, she told me about the leader of the college group. She said, “He’s real, good-looking and a great teacher but he’s stuck on himself and that’s a BIG turn off.”
Before too long this teacher began to show an interest in Rebecca. But Rebecca wasn’t interested and blew him off. One day he called the house. I can still remember his deep, sophisticated voice asking to talk to my daughter. I asked who was calling and learned it was the leader of her college group.
After Rebecca talked to him, she came bounding down the stairs to inform me that he would be picking her up for the activity that night. I asked her how old he was and learned that he was four years older than her. That explained the deep, masculine voice.
When the young man came to the door, that evening I was struck by his handsome appearance and playful brown eyes. He was very polite, smiled warmly at me and introduced himself.
As we talked, he told me about the plans for the college-aged group that night. He went on to inform me what time he would be dropping Rebecca off. They said goodbye and Rebecca trotted off after him. Though she was excited to go, it was evident that she was NOT impressed with him.
Surprised Mom | Source God Answered Prayer
Rebecca’s college leader stopped by often. I liked him a lot and could tell he had a good upbringing. He was an honest young man. I was so thankful for this influence in Rebecca’s life.
As Rebecca got to know him, she saw the kindness and goodness of his heart. She told him one day that she liked his soft side. He told her that his heart was touched because she had uncovered his outer shell.
The two of them usually sat around and watched television or chatted with me. He liked to cook. Many a day he could be found in our kitchen whipping something scrumptious up for the family.
One day when ‘he was doing his thing’ in the kitchen, I stood next to him watching the magic happen. We were chatting about different things and then I asked him about his family.
As he talked, I learned that his father was a doctor and his mom, a nurse. He explained that his Dad and Mom lived in a city about 90 miles away. I continued to listen as he explained that they were very involved at a Christian retreat center near his house.
I was suddenly jolted by his words. My thoughts screamed, “OH MY GOODNESS .. here, standing right before me, is the answer to my prayer from a year ago.” It was Dillon’s parent’s that we sat across from at the Christian retreat center. Standing in front of me was the very boy I had studied, a year ago, praying that God please send someone like him to my daughter.
I gently grabbed Dillon by the arm. As he turned and looked at me quizzically, I said, “Dillon, I have to something amazing to tell you! You know nothing about what I am about to tell you. Son, I’m sure you believe, as I do, that God hears and God answers prayer.” Dillon listened intently. “You, young man, are a direct answer to my prayer.”
Dillon stared at me with pensive eyes as I continued to explain the dinner that took place the previous year. I told him about the night I met his parents and the evident pride they had in their son. I explained how they pointed him out to us and then I shared the prayer I sent up that night.
As Dillon looked down tending, to his stir-fry I could see he was shaken and moved. I continued, “Dillon, I don’t know how your role is in Rebecca’s life will turn out, but I do know God sent you to her. You may have a temporary part to play in her life, but your role is very crucial to her well-being. God sent you here.”
The wheels were turning in Dillon’s mind. Serious contemplation covered his face as he processed my words. I was reeling with emotions and gratitude to my God, who targeted and answered this Mother’s prayer.
After that night, Dillon continued to hang out with the family. We enjoyed his calm yet charismatic presence in our home. There came a day when Dillon and Rebecca’s friendship turned into something more. Eventually, Dillon asked Rebecca to go on a date with him, and, to my delight, Rebeca said Yes!
Dillon became Becca’s confidant and the one with whom she shared her heart. She trusted him with her secrets, questions and with all of her thoughts. He was trustworthy. His influence was invaluable to her growth. He held her accountable for decisions she made, especially at work. What more could a Mother hope?
Surprise ProposalWill You Marry Me? | Source A Love Story
One night Dillon approached my husband and me with a question. He told us he wanted to propose to Rebecca. He asked to marry our girl and he asked for our blessing. We were thrilled and responded by jumping up and covering him with hugs.
Dillon went on to share a very creative plan to propose, which he already had in motion. As soon as Dillon had the green light he began placing calls to all of the important people in their lives. He asked them to meet at an Asian Restaurant nearby at 6 pm and then instructed them to wait for us in the reserved banquet room.
Meanwhile, at home, as the hour approached Dillon casually said, “Hey I’m getting hungry, how about going out to dinner.” My husband and I readily agreed as we ‘discussed’ where we should eat.
Rebecca wasn’t feeling good that day and said, “Why don’t you guys go ahead, I need to take a nap,” and up the stairs, she went. We were stunned, now what? I hurried after her, mind turning with a multitude of words I might use to convince her to join us. It took me awhile to get her to agree to come with us. I kept prodding and proposing different arguments, though she was reluctant she finally consented. Whew, what a scare.
As we walked into the restaurant Dillon suggested seating in the banquet room. Turning to walk to the room, I kept my eyes on Rebecca. She spied some friends sitting at one of the tables. Rebecca pointed and said, “David, look who’s here.” As they were talking to their friends she caught a glimpse of another group of friends. “Oh my goodness,” she whispered, “Look who else is here.”
Saying goodbye to one table of friends she walked to the next. Looking around she was shocked to see table after table filled with friend’s and family. She shook her head thinking, “What are the chances that all of these friends would choose to eat at the same place on the same night?” It was hilarious to watch her expressions change from excitement to confusion and bewilderment.
As we took our seats and the waitress poured our drinks, Dillon got up and pulled a chair to the center of the room. He smiled at Rebecca and asked her, in his commanding teachers voice, “Rebecca, would you please come and sit in this chair?” Rebecca was horrified. She shook her head NO, thinking Dillon must have lost his mind. But Dillon continued to smile reassuringly and asked again and again until she gave in and sauntered over to the chair. She looked mortified!
She looked so beautiful and vulnerable sitting there waiting. Next, he knelt before her and with a heart full of love asked her to be his wife. Her hands went to her mouth as a broad smile broke out underneath them. She managed to cry out “Yes, yes I will marry you!” Tears streamed down her face and the room broke out with applause. It is a day none of us will ever forget.
Today Rebecca and Dillon are married. They are a very strong and capable couple. Rebecca’s creative soul covers and blesses her family, house and everything she touches. Dillon’s strong presence and love for his family is unshakable.
He is Rebecca’s Rock, and to me, he will forever be a type of hero sent by God in answer to my prayer.
They are an example to all who know them, an example of true love and commitment. I pray that their lives will continue to blend and strengthen as they work together complementing each other. I believe with all my heart that they will continue, as they say in fairy tales, to live Happily Ever After.
Questions & Answers
- Question:
Do you do prayer request ?
Absolutely! If you want to write me personally, click under my picture on ‘contact author.’ I’d be honored to pray for your situation.
- Question:
How do I pray for my adult daughter to meet an honest and committed man to share her life with?
Pray, just as I prayed, believing God hears and answers prayer.
© 2010 Susan Ream
Your daughter is a precious gift from God and you want to do all that you can to protect her, encourage her, and build her confidence. One of the greatest tools we have as a parent is prayer! The below prayers on various topics such as self worth, wisdom, purity, and protection, can help you find the words to pray over your daughter. When you are worried and anxious about your daughter’s life and choices, you can cast your cares on Jesus and find peace knowing that He has a plan for good! Be encouraged that God moves through prayer and you can equip yourself and your daughter with wisdom.
Table of contents
Prayer for your Daughter’s Heart
Dear Lord, I know that Your Word does not return void and I’m believing great things for my daughter today:
1. Let her learn early in life that to obey You, God, is the best way to the life her heart truly desires (1 Samuel 15:22).
2. May she find comfort in Your ability, God, to reach her, hold her and rescue her (2 Samuel 22:17-18).
3. Let her find confidence in You, God, even when hard times come and she doesn’t know what to do, by keeping her eyes fixed on You (2 Chronicles 20:12).
4. May she keep herself under control and not give full vent to people and situations that anger her (Proverbs 29:11).
5. Let her walk in the security of Your assigned worth to her. Give her a strong work ethic and health to accomplish all her tasks. Give her a heart that desires to extend her hand to those in need. Protect her for the right husband, a man of respect and godly honor. And let her be a woman of joy and laughter whose Christ-centered character is what makes her most beautiful (Proverbs 31).
May we both grow in our relationship with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
~ Lysa TerKeurst
Prayer for a Struggling Daughter
Create in _________________ a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within her (Psalm 51:10). Though you have made ______________ see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore her life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring her up. You will increase ________________’s honor and comfort her once again (Psalm 71:20-21). Thank You that Your word says I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate ___________ from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
~ Cindi McMenamin
Prayer for Our Daughter’s Self-Worth and Purity
Dear Jesus, we weep with you over the number of our kids who are buying into the lie that sexual pleasure is something to experiment with. We pray that our daughters would treasure their sexuality as a true gift from You, and that they would honor that gift by saving it as a precious treasure to give their future spouse. We ask that you would help them to be strong in the face of their own desires and that they would choose purity in the face of temptation.
Lord we also ask that you’d protect our daughters from the idea that they must do anything and everything (including abusing their bodies through eating disorders, drug abuse, or other harmful behaviors) in order to attaining a “preferred” shape or figure. We pray you’d protect our sons from that kind of destructive thinking, and that if they’re tempted to take these kind of drastic measures, that you’d send someone in their lives to stop them. Help them to remember over and over that their identity is not in how they look on the outside but what you see as their potential and worth on the inside.
We pray that our daughters would treasure their health as a gift from God and that they would have a passion to eat nutritious food and to stay active in order to do their part to take care of this treasure. In Jesus name, Amen.
~ Alicia Michelle
Prayer For Daughter to Find Identity in Christ
Dear Jesus, help my daughter know that we are all born as sinners and separated from God because of our wicked hearts. However, at an early age, help her grasp the life-transforming concept that he does not have to live as a sinner under that condemnation.
Teach my daughter that she has the opportunity to accept a new, beautiful identity that is called “good,” not because of what she has done or what she looks like, but because she is secure in who YOU say she is: treasured, delightful, known and protected. Let her not place her self-worth in accomplishments she may or may not achieve, but let her discover these deeper truths about who You believe she is and build every decision she makes on that sure foundation. In Jesus name, amen.
~ Alicia Michelle
A Prayer for Daughters Protection
Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my daughter. Keep evil far from her, and help her to trust You as her refuge and strength. I pray You will guard her mind from harmful instruction, and grant her discernment to recognize truth. I pray You will make her strong and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that You have overcome and will set right all injustice and wrong one day. Help her to find rest in Your shadow, as she lives in the spiritual shelter You provide for her. Let her know that the only safe place is in Jesus, and that her home on earth is only temporary. In Jesus name, amen.
~ Rebecca Barlow Jordan
Prayer for Daughter’s Spiritual Strength
I’m praying my daughter whose hands are limp and whose tongue is silent. Nudge her to pick up her sword. Help her conceive a strategic plan to take back what the enemy has plundered. Lead her to scriptures for every area of defeat. Give her a voice to speak them out loud. Let the enemy know that You are raising up a standard against him with a resurrected daughter. In Jesus name, Amen.
~ Christine Wyrtzen
We hope these prayers have been able to guide your thoughts and desires for your daughter! Rest in God’s promises that He is a loving Creator and Father who has good things in store for your child! Join other moms in the comments below and be encouraged by our large praying community.
This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can’t find the words to pray.
Prayer for Healing
Prayer for StrengthPrayer for ProtectionMorning PrayersGood Night PrayersThe Prayer of JabezShort PrayersThe Lord’s PrayerThe Prayer of St FrancisSerenity PrayerA Birthday PrayerSinner’s PrayerPrayer for ForgivenessPrayer for GuidanceIntercessory PrayerIrish Prayers and BlessingsAdvent PrayersChristmas PrayersThanksgiving PrayerHoly Week Prayers for Each DayEaster PrayersMother’s Day PrayerPrayers for My HusbandPrayers for My SonPrayer Quotes