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For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
How can a young person stay on the path of purity?
By living according to your word.
The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God endures forever.
He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
As for God, his way is perfect:
The Lord’s word is flawless;
he shields all who take refuge in him.
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.
The unfolding of your words gives light;
it gives understanding to the simple.
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
For the word of the Lord is right and true;
he is faithful in all he does.
Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.
In God, whose word I praise—
in God I trust and am not afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
You make your saving help my shield,
and your right hand sustains me;
your help has made me great.
You provide a broad path for my feet,
so that my ankles do not give way.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.
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Table of contents
- 1 Receive the Daily Bible Verse:
- 2 A Secular Definition of Meditation
- 3 Meditating on the Word
- 4 Conclusion
- 5 Helmet of Justification Salvation
- 6 Scriptural Books on the Armor of God
- 7 Scriptural Books on the Armor of God
- 8 Sandals of the Gospel
- 9 The Breastplate of Righteousness
- 10 Our Struggle is not against Humans.
- 11 Because the war has already been won.
- 12 Don’t Fight! Just Stand Your Ground
- 13 Scriptural Books on the Armor of God
Receive the Daily Bible Verse:
How do we meditate on the Word of God? The Bible instructs Christians to meditate on the Word but how are we supposed to meditate on the Word of God and what does it mean to meditate?
A Secular Definition of Meditation
When you look in the dictionary and see what the word meditate means, you can get dozens of differing definitions. I will try to give a general definition based upon what most people think meditation is and then what God means by His command to have us meditate on the Word of God. Most dictionaries define meditation as: Intentional contemplation on the author’s work with the express purpose of reflecting upon it, contemplative thinking, the revolving of a subject in the mind or a self-directed practice of calming the mind and body.
Other definitions are a clearing of the mind, an emptying of thoughts, having a mind that is open. The thing that I don’t like about this kind of meditation is that a clear, open mind is one that is subject to spiritual attack or evil influence from demons or wicked spirits. The problem with an open mind is that it often needs to be closed down for repairs! What is called Transcendental Meditation for example is a technique that is derived from Hindu traditions that promote deep relaxation through the use of a mantra. However a mantra’s different for differing belief systems like Buddhism, Hinduism, and New Age ideas and so its definition depends upon the group’s beliefs and is dependent upon the context of it. Some of this is practiced even in the work place, at Yoga classes, and in many Eastern religions. This is not what the Bible means by meditating on the Word of God.
Meditating on the Word
Our church elder said that meditating on the Word of God is a lost art in the church today. He is absolutely right. We lose out on so much when we simply read over the Word and don’t meditate on it. Part of what the Psalmist says where we are to “hide your Word” in our heart is simply meditating on it. Yes, memorizing Scripture may be part of this hiding the Word, but there is so much power even in one verse…in one word…that we don’t tap that power when we read right past it. The Scriptures often tell us to do this both day and night and so you can never meditate on it if you are not reading it…both day and night.
Benefits of Meditating on the Word
Here are a few verses that tell us that we should meditate on the Word of God, why we should meditate on it and what the benefits are:
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8
If we meditate on God’s Law, and I don’t mean the Mosaic Law, then we will “be careful to do all that is written in it.” You can’t obey what you do not know. And God promises to “make your way prosperous” and you’ll have “good success” if you meditate on it. Meditating and memorizing Scripture is like “hiding His Word” in your heart. When you are tempted, you can more easily resist sinning because you already know the precepts, statues, and Laws of God.
“Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day.” Psalm 119:97
We will love the law of God only if we meditate on its meaning. It is not so much “don’t do this” but “do this and suffer” and “don’t do this and prosper.” God doesn’t want us to hurt ourselves or others and that is why we must love His law and meditate on it. God loves His own law so much that the biggest chapter in the Bible is dedicated to the law in Psalm 119; it must be of high importance to God. If it is that important to God (and it is) then it must be for us as well.
“May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord.” Psalm 104:34
God is well pleased when we meditate on His divine Word. The Psalmist wrote that rejoicing in the Lord is tied to meditating on His Word. Imagine you get a letter from your loved one. You have been separated from him or her for a long time. You love re-reading it…reflecting on the words, and so you will rejoice in this letter and your loved one and you will meditate on certain lines, would you not? The same applies to God’s Word. It is the greatest love letter ever written!
“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.” Psalm 119:15
I love this verse. Here the writer is fixing his eyes on God’s ways. He is meditating on the precepts of God for they are always true, faithful, and good. To “fix” your eyes is to meditate on specific things and these things (like precepts) are in the written Word of God. Try fixing your eyes on one verse today. You’ll be amazed at how the Holy Spirit will enlighten your mind to it.
“My mouth shall speak wisdom; the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.” Psalm 49:3
“… when we meditate on specific verses, we can internalize them and reflect on the depth of the Scriptures.”
Here is a cause and effect verse. Our mouth can speak wisdom only because the meditation of our hearts on His Word gives us understanding. This is not a subjective, human wisdom but the wisdom of God Himself because when our hearts mediate on His truth (which is objective), what we say will be wise because it is the wisdom of God. By the way, the seat of the intellect in the Jewish idiom is the “heart” and so when you read the word heart, you can understand that it is talking about the mind.
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8
Although Paul didn’t use the word “meditate”, the intent is the same thing when he said to “think about these things.” When we think on “these things” we are pondering them, we are reflecting on them, and we are contemplating (meditating) on them.
“My eyes are awake before the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promise.” Psalm 119:148
Many of the strongest Christians have the most worn out Bibles and you have probably heard that a Christian whose Bible is coming apart has it most together. This verse speaks of meditating on the Word before “the watches of the night” or late at night, perhaps before bedtime. They are meditating on God’s promises and that helps to keep a believer’s hope strong. His promises are all revealed in Scripture and what better thing to meditate on than those promises which are sure, true, and can not be broken.
“Even though princes sit plotting against me, your servant will meditate on your statutes.” Psalm 119:24
The writer here ties together our ability to not be discouraged or fearful even while our enemies are plotting against us. How many times have we laid awake at night, unable to sleep or “turn it off“, worrying about our problems (even if they are people)? We can sleep in peace by meditating on the Word before we go to bed. I have known fewer solutions to my sleeplessness than to open the Bible and read His Word for I realize that even that bad things will work out for my best (Romans 8:28). That is another of God’s promises.
We have read from Scripture that there is so much good that can come from meditating on the Word of God. The shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). I tried to meditate on this shortest of verses and found it to be one of the most powerful verses in the entire Bible. I thought of why Jesus wept, what He was weeping for, who He was weeping over, and how He showed such depth of emotion in His love. By asking who, what, why, where, when, and how over a single verse, the Holy Spirit can speak to us through the written Word because the Holy Spirit is the Author of the Word (2 Peter 1:21). I thought of His humanity, the suffering that He saw, the lost sheep of Israel who would have nothing to do with Him, the depravity of mankind, the compassion that He had. What must Jesus have been thinking (meditating) on when He wept?
It must grieve the heart of God to know that many will be called but few will be chosen. Many have heard of Jesus but few will trust in Him. The path to destruction is broad but the way of life is narrow and winding and few are they that find it. That makes me want to weep too. For all those who refuse to believe, those who will not come to saving faith, I meditate on their eternal, future fate. That makes me want to share the gospel all the more. I want to be about my Father’s business in rescuing the perishing. The Bible is full of God’s desire that no one will perish (2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4, Ezekiel 18:23). Meditate on what breaks God’s heart and your heart will be broken too. Meditate on the Word of God and you will hide it in your heart (memorize it). Then you will have the Word in you to be able to resist when temptation comes. You can meditate on God’s desire to save those who are headed for the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 21).
This week, choose one verse to meditate on. I choose John 11:35 (“Jesus wept“). I wanted to align my heart with Jesus’ heart. Take one line from the Word of God and memorize it, think about it, ponder it, reflect upon it, and then God “will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8). That is a promise from God. There is nothing more certain in all the universe than a promise of God. Just meditate on that for a while.
Take a look at these other tips for Bible study
5 Creative Ways to Study the Bible
Resource – New International Version Bible, The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblca, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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by Fia Curley
Years ago, Kirk Bennett, a senior leader here at IHOPKC, found himself reflecting on 2 Timothy 2:15 with more than a little frustration.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Tim. 2:15, KJV)
With little understanding of biblical Greek, Kirk felt challenged as to how to understand and practice this verse in relation to his prayer times. He later learned that the word study meant being diligent, continuing the practice, or meditating, which opened up his prayer times in a new way.
The verb meditate carries the meanings of mumbling continually, pondering deeply, studying, and musing. Meditating on the Word is a focused repetition of phrases from Scripture.
“Meditation is a God-ordained way to use the Scripture,” Kirk said. “It’s not vain repetition when faith is involved.”
Numerous verses refer to the importance of meditating on the Word and God’s character.
“O how I love Your Law! It is my meditation all the day. Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever mine.” (Ps. 119:97–98)
“His delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.” (Ps. 1:2)
Kirk came up with a five-step process for his own use: R-W-S-S-P. Taking a verse at a time, he would Read it, Write it, Say it, Sing it, and Pray it.
Using a yellow legal pad, he created three sections. His Tasks section was for unrelated thoughts, positive or negative, that proved to be distractions. The Pursuits section was for topics that were somewhat related to the meditation verse, but more suitable for future study. The main section was for thoughts or insights related to the verse.
Read it
Read the verse several times; look for key phrases and words. Focus on what you read and what it may mean. Think of other ways to say it. Notice how specific words may be emphasized and how that affects the meaning of the verse.
Write it
Write the verse out exactly as it is written; close your Bible so you don’t get distracted by other verses. Write a small phrase, and go to the next step—say it. Write down any insights, thoughts, and revelations. Write the phrase several times. Writing the Word opens something that reading doesn’t always open in our understanding; it can be powerful and profound.
Say it
Say the verse aloud—loud enough to hear yourself. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17). As you repeat Scripture phrases, certain words will leap out at you. Repeat these words quietly before the Lord as your heart connects with His through His living Word.
Sing it
Singing is a means to unlocking the heart. Sing your phrase several times. Write down what you sense and perceive. Our singing voices function in a way distinct from other musical instruments. No other instrument can carry a flow of thought and melody. Declaring Bible verses in song impacts our spirit, soul, and body in a dynamic way. And God has ordained that our singing to Him would move His heart too.
Pray it
Prayer is a God-ordained means of communing with God. When you repeat a phrase and believe it, you’re speaking it to God, which is prayer. As you pray your verse, ask the Lord to help you believe it. If a phrase invites faith or obedience to walk it out, ask God to help you live it out.
When we meditate on the Word, we use the Bible to encounter God. We experience more of His love, understand His truth, and come to know Him more intimately. If you want to engage with God in a deeper way, try meditating with R-W-S-S-P for 30 minutes. Then let us know how it went!
Fia Curley serves on the NightWatch at IHOPKC, participating in prayer, worship, and intercession from midnight to 6am. She enjoys blending her passion for prayer, worship, and journalism as she labors with the Lord to see His goodness revealed to families, government leaders, and immigrants from non-Christian nations.
Click the image above for more Scriptures on the Armor of God
The Armor of God is essential for winning the battle against spiritual forces of darkness. In Ephesians 6:10-20, the classic Scripture passage on the Armor of God, Paul writes about the various pieces of armor, and then concludes his description of the armor by asking the Ephesian Christians to pray for him that he would have boldness to preach.
In this way, we see that proclaiming the Word of God is also part of spiritual warfare. Paul talks about preaching in Ephesians 6:19-20, the concluding Scriptures on the Armor of God.
The following information was pulled from my sermon on Ephesians 6:19-20, which is a sermon about the Power of Preaching.
When it comes to preaching to others, we tend to think, “If only I had the opportunity to teach a bigger group, then I would prepare better, and teach with more conviction. But if it’s only five or six, why bother?”
Paul doesn’t care if it’s two or two thousand, he is going to preach with accuracy, and boldness because he knows that every person that comes his way has been sent by God.
about Armor of God – Ephesians 6:19-20
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Just because Paul finishes talking about the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:17, does not mean there are no more elements to it. So far, he has not given us any offensive weapons. Even the Sword of the Spirit was primarily defensive.
In Ephesians 6:18, one of the Scriptures on the Armor of God, Paul provides us with the one offensive weapon in our arsenal: Prayer.
The following information was pulled from my sermon on Ephesians 6:18, in which I discuss prayer as our Secret Weapon.
Paul, if he were writing today, would have written to us about the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Word of God, and finally, in verses 18-20, the air support of prayer, or maybe we could say, the laser-guided smart bombs of prayer. Obviously, this last one I’ve come up with doesn’t really fit in with the Roman Soldier imagery…but the point is that prayer is vitally important to spiritual warfare.
This section on prayer is the third in the book of Ephesians. The previous two passages are found at the end of chapter 1 and another at the end of chapter 3. And in both of these other sections, one of the main things Paul says is that we should be praying for is power. And now, here at the end of his letter, he tells us how our prayers can be powerful. How, in this spiritual war, we can call down the fire power from heaven.
C. S. Lewis wrote in his book Mere Christianity that this world is enemy-occupied territory and that Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed, and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage. And it is primarily through prayer that much of this sabotage takes place. Prayer is how we spiritually fight back against the enemy. “Prayer is fundamentally a warfare activity.”
about Armor of God – Ephesians 6:18
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The final piece of the Armor of God is the Sword of the Spirit. Paul talks about it in Ephesians 6:17, which is one of the Scriptures on the Armor of God.
The following information was pulled from my sermon on Ephesians 6:17b, in which I discuss the Sword of the Spirit.
Despite what some people think and what some churches teach, the Sword is not the Spirit. Some people read this verse and think it says that the Sword is the Spirit. A better translation might be “The Sword from the Spirit is the Word of God.” Or “The Spiritual Sword which is the Word of God.”
This sword is not the Spirit, it is the Word of God. This sword is a spiritual sword—not a physical sword, and it comes from the Spirit, but it is the Word of God. It comes from the Spirit because the Spirit is the one who inspired the writers of Scripture to write what they did and to keep the Bible free from all errors. We read in this 2 Peter 1:21 and 2 Timothy 3:16.
about Armor of God – Ephesians 6:17b
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One important piece of the Armor of God is the Helmet of Salvation. Paul talks about it in Ephesians 6:17, which is one of the Scriptures on the Armor of God.
The following information was pulled from my sermon on Ephesians 6:17, in which I discuss the Helmet of Salvation.
The helmet of salvation is God’s helmet which he has given to us, for our use, as His soldiers in this war against spiritual forces.
But what exactly is this the helmet? Well, Ephesians 6:17 tells us that the helmet is salvation.
And in Ephesians, when Paul refers to salvation, he is referring to aspects of the salvation or deliverance from the penalty of sin. He is referring to justification.
And so that is also how we should understand the helmet of salvation in Ephesians 6:17. This helmet which we are to take up and put on is our justification. It is the helmet of justification salvation.
Helmet of Justification Salvation
But why does this matter for the Christian? Especially for the Christian in spiritual warfare? Of what use is the helmet of salvation for the Christian soldier who finds himself or herself in battle?
It obviously can’t mean that they need to be saved, for remember, God only gives his armor to those who already are saved. You do not become saved by putting on the helmet. No, if you have the helmet to put on, you are already saved.
So how does the helmet help the Christian in spiritual battle?
Well, remember, the helmet protects the head, and more specifically, the brain, and so the helmet protects what the brain contains in regard to salvation.
Satan always begins his attack with what a Christian does or doesn’t know. And here, in speaking specifically about the helmet of salvation, Paul tells us that one of the main truths that Satan tries to attack is what we know about our salvation—specifically—whether we have salvation or not.
To put it simply, putting on the helmet provides us with the assurance of salvation. Assurance of salvation is ultimately a matter of the mind. Assurance of salvation is a factor of what you know and Who you know. And of course, all knowledge is contained in the mind.
It is in our head, it is in our brain, that we contain the knowledge of what Christ has done for us. It is in our head that we made the decision to believe in Jesus for eternal life. It is in our head that we know what we have in Christ, and it is in our head that we know we are saved.
To learn more about the Helmet of Salvation, see my sermon on Ephesians 6:17.
Scriptural Books on the Armor of God
Here are some helpful books for learning more about what Scripture teaches on the topic of the Armor of God. Click on a book below to see pricing and reviews.
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Another piece of the Armor of God is the Shield of Faith. Paul talks about it in Ephesians 6:14, which is one of the Scriptures on the Armor of God.
In this Scripture, Paul writes:
Ephesians 6:16. Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
The following information was pulled from my sermon on Ephesians 6:16, in which I talk about the Shield of Faith.
It is fairly clear from verse 16 what Paul intends the shield to be used for by Christians in spiritual warfare. Paul says, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. To understand what the shield is, it helps to understand the other elements in this Scripture.
The wicked one is an obvious reference to Satan, and the weapons he is described as using here are typical of the type of weapons he prefers. Satan loves covert operations. Though he is the prince of darkness, he masquerades as an angel of light. Though his followers are wolves, they appear in sheep’s clothing. So these fiery darts are the perfect weapon for Satan. He can shoot them from far off. They come in quick and without warning. They cause great pain and great damage if they hit flesh. They can be sent one at a time, or in a heavy hail of arrows.
So with all of these thing in mind, I think that Paul’s reference here to the fiery darts of the wicked one is a reference to the cunning and crafty ways the devil tries to tempt us. Temptations often come when and where we least expect them. They come in quick and without warning. If we fall to a temptation, the sin that results is often very painful and destructive. And the temptations can come one at a time, or in a deadly hail all at once.
And so the only way we can defend ourselves is by having ready the shield of faith at all times. If we are always protected by the shield of faith, none of Satan’s fiery darts can get through whether he sends them at night or at day, whether one at a time or hundreds at a time. Whenever and wherever temptation comes, the shield of faith can deflect them.
And notice that more than just deflect these darts, the shield can quench them. The shield of faith causes the flaming darts to lose their fire and their force.
And it isn’t just able to do this to some of the fiery darts, but verse 16 says the shield is able to quench all of the fiery darts, all the wiles of the devil. Those wiles of the devil are the same thing as the fiery darts of the wicked one here. And the shield of faith can protect us from each and every one of those.
But, just as with all the other pieces of armor, this protection is not automatic. Just as we have to put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness and the sandals of the gospel, so also we have to take up the shield of faith.
To learn more about the Shield of Faith, see my sermon on Ephesians 6:16.
Scriptural Books on the Armor of God
Here are some helpful books for learning more about what Scripture teaches on the topic of the Armor of God. Click on a book below to see pricing and reviews.
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The third piece of the Armor of God is having your feet shod with the readiness of the Gospel of Peace. Paul talks about it in Ephesians 6:15, which is one of the Scriptures on the Armor of God.
The following information was pulled from my sermon on Ephesians 6:15, in which I talk about the Sandals of the Gospel.
Sandals of the Gospel
Just as the sandals helped keep the soldier on his feet in battle, being prepared to share the Gospel with others will help you stay on your feet as a Christian.
If you are not really clear what the Gospel is, and if you don’t really know how to share the Gospel with others, then in all likelihood, you don’t really know if you yourself have believed the Gospel, or if you have believed the right thing, or believed enough.
about Armor of God – Ephesians 6:15
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The second piece of the Armor of God is the Breastplate of Righteousness. Paul talks about it in Ephesians 6:14, which is one of the Scriptures on the Armor of God.
The following information was pulled from my sermon on Ephesians 6:14b.
The Breastplate of Righteousness
Just like the belt of truth, we must understand first of all, that the breastplate of righteousness is Gods. When we put it on, it is his armor we are putting on. In Isaiah 59:17, we read that God wears righteousness as a breastplate. And Isaiah 59 reveals that this righteousness is not the positional, imputed righteousness that God gives to all believers the moment they believe in Jesus for everlasting life. Instead, it is the practical, day to day righteousness that God expects and desires all Christians to live by. It is living the holy life.
about Armor of God – Ephesians 6:14b
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The first item of the Armor of God is the Belt of Truth.
In a sermon on Ephesians 6:14, I taught the following about the Belt of Truth.
To talk about the belt for the Christian, let’s just take the way the soldiers used the belt and try to discover what similarities there are between it and truth. Paul says this is the belt of truth.
Therefore, this first and vital piece of the armor for the Christian in spiritual warfare is truth. To stand strong in this battle, we must know the truth, and live by the truth. Only in this way will the rest of our armor stay on, and only in this way will we be protected in this battle. This is because the belt of the truth keeps the breastplate tight, it keeps the tunic up and out of your way so you don’t get tripped up or slowed down. It provides you with a place to keep your sword. Without truth, we are easily tripped up by Satan’s lies. Lies, no matter how big or how small, are the things that destroy lives and relationships and futures. One little lie was what Satan used in the garden of Eden to destroy the future of all mankind.
about Armor of God – Ephesians 6:14a
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The following is from a sermon I preached on Ephesians 6:12, which is a Scripture about the Armor of God, and specifically about who we are fighting against in spiritual warfare.
The Scripture says this:
Ephesians 6:12. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Our Struggle is not against Humans.
Before Paul tells us the titles of the foe we wrestle against, he first reminds us who are struggle is NOT against. He says we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Obviously, this is a reference to other humans like ourselves. Throughout Scripture the term flesh and blood is used as a way of referring to other members of the human race (Gal 1:16; Heb 2:14).
about Armor of God – Ephesians 6:12
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Unless you have been professionally trained, the idea of going to war probably scares you. Especially when the foe is a spiritual force which cannot be seen.
I mean, really, what chance do you think you have against the devil and his demons? Could you shoot them with handgun? Strike them down with a sword? Pummel them with your fists?
When it comes to battling wicked forces, how do we stand a chance?
The bad news is that we really don’t stand a chance of winning this war. But the good news is that we don’t have to. Why?
Because the war has already been won.
Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus defeated sin, death, and the devil. The war has been won, the enemy has been defeated.
And yet why are we still under attack? Because the devil is in retreat, and on his way back to the dark hole he came from, he wants to wound an injure as many people as he can.
Don’t Fight! Just Stand Your Ground
So this is why when Paul writes about the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-20, he says nothing whatsoever about fighting. Instead, we are to simply stand on the ground that Jesus has already won for us. We do not have to advance; we only have to defend our piece of ground.
This idea is seen over and over in the opening verses of Ephesians 6:10-20. In Ephesians 6:11-14, Paul calls us to stand four times. That is all we must do. Stand. The devil is fleeing for his life, and he wants to injure and knock us down on his way by, but if we have a firm footing, with the spiritual armor upon us, and our shield raised, we can protect ourselves from his retreating attacks.
So you want to be victorious in Spiritual warfare? Don’t do something. Just stand there!
Click here to learn more about Ephesians 6:11, 13.
Scriptural Books on the Armor of God
Here are some helpful books for learning more about what Scripture teaches on the topic of the Armor of God. Click on a book below to see pricing and reviews.