I remember my boyfriend Tyler’s dad telling me that he raised his son to show his love for his woman, by being a hard working man and assuring that she is taken care of. For me, my highest act of love is simply praying for him, as he holds much of my heart, and loves me to his best ability. I make it one of my top priorities every morning, and every night, to thank God for Tyler, and to take time to pray for him.
Here are some things I pray for and recommend for you;
1. I pray for Tyler’s relationship with Christ.
I pray that The Lord is pursuing him, and that Tyler is staying close to Him at all times. It’s easy to fall off the righteous path, and to forget that God is there. I ask Him to remind Tyler every day of His Sovereignty. All I could ever want for Tyler, is eternal life with Christ. With, or without me in the equation. Therefore, this prayer is the most important one to me.
2. I pray for God to bless Tyler.
Tyler is a very hard working man, yet still manages to find time for me. Therefore, I pray that God blesses his day, his work, and his rest. I pray for blessings to be bestowed upon him in the most needed of times. He deserves any and every blessing that comes his way.
3. I pray for his leadership.
Although we are not married, I pray that the Lord is growing Tyler in this area. Christ said that the husband will lead your family. He should be my spiritual leader one day when we are married, one who I trust and respect. I pray for him to lead me well, to follow Christ in wherever He may call us as a couple. I pray that he learns what it means to be a Godly leader before we are married so he can lead me in the way Christ would desire when you are married. I pray for this, even with the realization that God could call us down different paths, and we may not marry each other. So when praying this, I make it a point to note that I still pray this upon him, even if he marries another woman. I would hope Tyler could be all of this to her, and more.
4. I pray for Tyler’s well-being.
I pray that God takes his anxiety, frustration, worry and sadness away. I also pray that Tyler grows the desire to lean on Him in those times of trouble. Now, I am aware that he will have to face all of these feelings, as he is human. However, I pray that he handles it in a Godly manner, and does not let his heart become overwhelmed. I pray that he is reminded of Romans 8:28, and takes that as an application of strength.
5. I pray for his safety.
I pray for God to take care of Tyler. That is the most important thing to me. I pray God places His Protecting Hands upon Tyler, and assures safety to him. I pray He is with him while he is driving, and working. This prayer also gives me assurance that Tyler is in very good Hands.
6. I pray for his future.
As stated above, even if I am not the one he marries, I wish Tyler the absolute best in his future. I pray that God is there, even if I am not. I pray he marries a woman of God, who is able to love him the way Ruth loved Boaz, but most importantly the way Christ loves us. I hope she loves him selflessly, and in the way he deserves. I hope she lifts him up in every aspect of his life. I pray he makes wise decisions, and seeks God’s approval in all that he does. I pray he gives God the glory in every achievement, and thanks Him for every blessing.
No matter what prayer you say for your boyfriend, God hears all, and sees your heart.
We are called to love one another, as Christ loves us. I feel as though, the more you pray for your boyfriend/husband, the more you grow to appreciate Christ’s love. Loving is a hard thing to do, especially when you are to love someone regardless of their mistakes. I’m a very difficult person to love. And so I thank God, that Tyler wakes up every morning and chooses to see the good in me, and loves me regardless of the bad. I thank God for sending me such an amazing man. I thank God for finding me fit of such love.
I give all Glory to Christ in my relationship. For, without Him, there would not be such. He is the foundation on which I grow my relationship on. I love Christ first, and Tyler second. It is so very important to lift your boyfriend up, in all ways possible. The best way to do so, is through prayer. The power of prayer is unremarkable.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him–a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Reader Approved
Do you want to have God at the center of your dating relationship? Would you like God to influence the love you show another person? Here is some advice that can help you pursue God’s will in your dating relationship.
Table of contents
Remember that God’s Love is the ultimate.
Knowing the love God has for you means that you do not have to seek fulfillment in how anyone
makes you feel (a weakness of human love): the most perfect love comes from God, and it is always yours. He will do much more to
fill the love-space than a person ever could. Approach your dating relationship knowing that God
likes you and loves you, and there is plenty room for wonders of love, marriage, mature family love, i.e.: constancy (not fickleness) thus enabling you to build and love your own family, of course. (Christians: Always remember He sent His son,
, to die for your sins.) Make sure you are strong in your loving relationship with God. This means knowing that He is always there to help you along the way.
Him. Make God the most important in your life. Make Him the love of your life.
Know the ideal match for you. Date someone that you would consider marrying. Choose a person that has a similar desire for God, one that will build you up in your faith. If you are already in a relationship, positively encourage one another in pursuing God. Help your boyfriend or girlfriend to keep God the focus. Understand that Christians are not to be “unequally yoked” that is, if they are not willing to accept the faith, the relationship might have to be sacrificed.
Pray about your dating relationship. Give everything over to God. Let God know that you are asking His approval. Talk to God about the problems that arise. Thank Him for the opportunity to be in a relationship and the happy times you experience. You can also pray with your boyfriend or girlfriend. It is a good way to help each other out with whatever stresses life brings. By praying together, you are experiencing God together. Though, it could make the focus more about you two building intimacy—still there is a tendency to bring out one another’s faults in prayer; therefore, avoid prodding, interrogating, judging; instead, help each other in order to build trust; love and forgive each other as the Lord’s Prayer models for us.
Talk about God. Make an effort to bring God into your conversations. Not only will it help in keeping God on your minds, you will also find out about each others beliefs. Talking about a spiritual subject changes normal conversation into one of eternal significance. Discussing God also allows you to build up each others knowledge and confidence.
Read the Bible. Keeping God’s words in your heart helps you to remember the love and promises He has for you. Try reading the Bible together. It is fun, spiritual and good for conversation. Different verses will help you along the way in your relationship.
Get involved with Church. Make sure your boyfriend or girlfriend and you are active in the body of Christ. You will feel good about sharing God’s love. He calls us to serve Him.
Be careful with physical affection. Hugs are great. God created physical affection to be good. But be careful in how much physical permission you give one another. A relationship can easily turn sinful if physical bonding occurs too quickly. Everyone is different. But if you feel guilty at all for actions, it may be good indication that you are going too far. Avoid physical actions that might cause lustful thoughts (such as sitting on lap, laying on each other or sensual kissing and massages). Save sex for marriage. Talk about your physical actions with each other, making sure you are both comfortable and feeling great. Understand what might be innocent to one or another might very well be dangerous to you.
Show Christ’s love to each other.
Make sacrifices for each other. Watch a chick flick. Go to a basketball game. Be willing to serve one another. Put one another above yourselves. Find how to show love to each other. Use the love God has shown you and bring it to your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Bring out all of “The ‘Fruit’ of the Spirit”:
notice it is
not fruits,
we are not to pick and choose the ones we prefer . This will work to relieve stress in relationships in this World of troubles.
- Cheerfully realize this is a package—not bits or pieces: “Love, joy, peace, long-suffering (patience), gentleness (kindness), goodness, meekness (gentleness), faith (faithfulness) and temperance (self-control)… Against such things there is no law.”, Galatians 5:22-23 KJV (parentheses NIV). Read those again and again…
Have Fun and Praise and Glorify God.
Smile and know that God is with you. Enjoy the life that God has given the both of you. Whenever you get the chance, praise God for whatever He has poured into your life. Trust and know that God has your back. He wants what is best for the both of you.
Cherish your own personal ‘God time’. Make sure you spend time alone with God. You need moments of reading the Bible, journaling or praying just between you and God. Since God is your ultimate love, it is good to have that time alone with Him.
Keep in mind the reality that God is real.
While having a special someone can bring great happiness in this world, realizing the eternally wonderful nature of God’s love is something you do not want to miss. God is real. His love is real. God is love. Realize that God is working in your life right now. His forgiveness is real and His promises are real. Give the love God has given you to your boyfriend or girlfriend. God’s love is perfect. Let Christ’s love reign in your dating relationship. Let the love you have for each other be a banner to the world displaying God’s goodness. Remember though, “You are not your own, you were bought at a price” – therefore God must reign in your relationships. We are called to be holy, because He is holy. We might very well have to “honor father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters–yes, even own life–“; our dating relationships are no exception. Remember, as C.S. Lewis has said, that love that becomes a god, becomes a demon. Submit all your love, therefore, to the one that is Love, and He, like a gardener, shall prune our loves which are so fickle and temporary by nature, into beautiful gardens which we may share with all our relationships including our dating relationships.
Community Q&A
How do I deal with being single?
Gigi King
Community Answer
Being single is a time to reflect upon what is it is that makes you happy, what you can do to improve upon yourself. Right now might not be the time to be with someone, because deep down inside you have to learn how to work on you, love you first in order to love someone else. Do what makes you happy, find yourself, think about the future, what goals you wish to seek, think about yourself, and when feeling discouraged, pray. Being single can bring you closer to God, as you’ll have more time to work on your relationship with Him.
I’m dating a guy that believes sex makes us intimate. I have tried talking him out of it, but it’s not working. What should I do?
wikiHow Contributor
Community Answer
If he loves you, then he will listen to you and respect your wishes. Intimacy can be gained in plenty of ways besides sex — laying and talking together, walking and holding hands, or just being together can all build intimacy. Sex is easy, but intimacy is harder. Let him know that you will not change your mind about this, but that you would like to practice building intimacy with some other methods.
Is it OK for Christians to have crushes on each other?
wikiHow Contributor
Community Answer
Definitely. It’s just part of human nature.
Should a Christian guy pursue a girl he really likes?
wikiHow Contributor
Community Answer
Yes. Christians believe in marriage, so pursuing a girl you really like is the first step to that end.
Is it only about a girl’s outer beauty?
wikiHow Contributor
Community Answer
Although looks are what draw people to each other initially, it is personality that keeps them interested.
How do I deal with emotions and sexual feelings when dating a Christian guy?
wikiHow Contributor
Community Answer
Just make sure that you don’t push things further than he is ready for, as Christianity supports abstinence up until marriage, and then only with your spouse. As for emotions, open and honest communication is always best.
Can a black boy have a white girl as a wife?
wikiHow Contributor
Community Answer
Yes, if she wants to marry you and you treat her right. God has nothing against interracial marriage.
What do I do in a relationship when I feel that I’m being pushed away?
Gigi King
Community Answer
Back off, walk away. That other person may not know how to tell you it’s over. Maybe when you do leave, absence will make the heart grow fonder, and all the little things appreciated about you will be missed and your phone will start ringing.
How should Romeo wait for his Juliet?
wikiHow Contributor
Community Answer
Be respectful of all females. The right one will come along eventually and she is definitely worth the wait. In the meantime, study Shakespeare and continue to improve yourself as much as possible.
How I have a God-centered relationship when we have already had sex?
Gigi King
Community Answer
God knows, hears, and sees all; most importantly, God forgives us of all our sins. By accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior is where you begin and continue. Keep going to church, reading your Bible, and keeping the faith.
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- Don’t fall into society telling you what you two should be doing, and just trust God’s timing. In the right time, di not wait more instead do your part. Lest you may be too late.
- Never underestimate the importance of communication! While maintaining a clear understanding of one another is important in all relationships, romantic relationships cannot flourish unless you and your partner are willing to discuss any issues that pertain to your relationship. If you’re nervous about discussing your faith lives with your boyfriend or girlfriend, realize that your partner will likely appreciate your openness and concern for the well-being of your relationship.
- Also try reading different Christian dating books.
- Establish boundaries with your significant other. Don’t do anything that makes you or them uncomfortable.
- Remember that a person cannot fill the holes only God can fill. Do not set yourself up for disappointment. We are all merely human. Be willing to forgive and forget. Love as Christ would love. God loves you more than any man ever could. You keep running; don’t stop. Just keep looking up to Him and be focused solely on him.
- Be sure to guard your heart spiritually. Limit your fantasy and idle daydreaming and focus on reality-—so daydream of how you may succeed in real-life goals: education, college, career and your own new-family as you grow up. Ask God to protect you from the total heartache of being desperate for “how a person can make you feel.”
- Keep in mind God is first and should be the foundation and base of every relationship.
- Remember that—Biblically speaking—unless the couple in question is married before God, they must abstain from sexual relations. Make sure both parties in question are aware of this and have agreed to be respectful.
- Avoid temporary relationships that sidetrack you from your real-life goals with things that will not stand over time—and for eternity—and can not satisfy your longings.
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Our boyfriends make our lives more enjoyable by providing companionship and support through life’s journey. Therefore, on their birthdays, it’s only natural that we want to say a prayer or two for them. This is why, on your guy’s big day, we think that you might find these prayer lines particularly helpful.
Feel free to slip them into envelopes, write them on cakes and walls, customize them for personal use, etc. They’ll work just fine.
Birthday Prayers for your Special Guy
- Happy birthday to you, my dear. I pray that God’s light will shine on your path, and lead you to success after success.
- On your special day, I pray that the Father of all creation will bear you on the wings of eagles so that you can rise above the storms of life. Happy birthday.
- Boo, on this day, I pray that my love for you will be made as perfect as your unwavering love for me. Have a blessed birthday.
- I pray that our love for each other will be stronger with each passing second, minute, and hour. Enjoy your day to the max!
- Darling, you’ve shown me what it means to love and be loved, and I can’t thank you enough for that. On your anniversary, it’s my prayer that your will be blessed with more wisdom, good fortune and happiness. Have a blessed day.
- May you see great visions, and have the courage and tenacity to pursue them. Sending you lots of love today. Happy birthday.
- Like King Solomon of biblical times, may you be blessed with wisdom and riches, according to God’s riches and amazing glory. Happy birthday.
Real love is when your boyfriend accepts you with all your imperfections. Honey, may God be kind to you, as you’ve been kind to me. I love you. Happy Birthday.
- Boo, we may have our fights but I’ll always love you, and I pray that you find every reason to do the same. Love you.
- I may ask God for many things, but a new boyfriend is not one of them because you are phenomenal, babe. May your special day see you receive the most special of blessings from above. I love you so much. Happy birthday.
- Real love is when your boyfriend accepts you with all your imperfections. Honey, may God be kind to you, as you’ve been kind to me. I love you.
- Spending my life with you is a huge blessing for me. May the times always bring us together in love, unity, and cheer. Happy birthday.
- You are ever willing to share the little you have with me, and I’m grateful for that. I pray that God will forever be exceedingly generous and kind to you all the days of your life. Cheers.
- May this be a year of daring hopes and limitless possibilities for you, honey. May you find everlasting companionship with happiness. Happy birthday.
- Sweetheart, just as you light up my world and bring smiles on my face, may this day bring you news of cheer, happiness and laughter. Happy birthday.
- I pray that God will keep you from the plights that come by day and the sinister forces that work by night. Enjoy today to the max.
- In the end, good things come to those who trust in God and do His will. I pray that you keep living a life that pleases Him. Happy birthday.
- Your soft and kind words give me hope for the future. May you dare to hope for a better future too, and may happiness forever dominate your life. I love you. Happy birthday.
- May God keep death far from you, and bring his joy closer to you so that you can live to declare his good works. Happy birthday to you, boo.
Happy Birthday. May God be your custodian and protector all the days of your life.
- Honey, my prayer for you May God keep the weapon of the enemy away from you.
- I pray that you will find strength in the joy of the Lord, and passion in his peace through Jesus Christ. Have a blessed birthday, boo.
- May your life always be filled with happiness that never sleeps. Happy birthday.
- On this special day of your birth, I pray that the heavens will turn whatever dolefulness is in your life into dancing, and fill your mouth with praise. Enjoy your day.
- With all my heart, I give God praise for an amazing companion like you. May He carry you in His light and reward you with long life and abundant happiness
- May He who is able to bring to pass what He has promised remember you on this day, and manifest Himself in your life. I love you, boo. Happy birthday.
- Sweetie, happy birthday! May goodness abound in your life, and may you always flourish in your pursuits. Enjoy this day to the fullest.
- Just like a child is shown the way so that he doesn’t get lost, so too will God guide your steps so that you will always find your way to success and happiness. Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday to you. I pray that God’s light will shine on your path, and lead you to success after success.
- Sometimes life is an adventure on the brinks of a precipice; you remain stagnant if you don’t take that leap of faith. May you leap in God’s faith this year. Cheers.
- Boo, happy birthday! I pray that you’ll grow in maturity and understanding, and use this benison to help others to realize their potential. May God bless you beyond man’s imagination.
- The true measure of wisdom is his ability to solve life’s problems in a manner that pleases God. May you be blessed with wisdom to do God’s will. I love you.
- God has blessed us with a beautiful relationship. On this special day, I pray that He will help us grow this relationship and make it even stronger. Happy birthday.
- May God bless you with the desires of your heart. And may He always place you a thousand steps ahead of your enemies. Happy birthday.
- Since our ways are not God’s ways, and our plans pale in comparison to His, I pray that He will guide you to make good choices in life. Honey, I hope you have a birthday that is as beautiful as the love of God.
- Praying for goodness and mercies for the rest of your days. Have a blessed birthday, darling.
- Happy birthday, my precious love. I pray for breakthroughs and divine protection for you in a world that is increasingly becoming uncertain and dangerous.
- This is a truly special day for you, my love. I pray that this day will usher you into the realm of everlasting bliss, where your heart and soul shall know no trouble for as long as you live. Have an exceptionally happy birthday.
- May all the things that your heart greatly desires come to fruition. Happy birthday.
- May this new stage of your life be absolutely good to you. I pray it will fill your world with all the good fortune of the universe so that true happiness may forever walk with you. Happy birthday.
- May God be your custodian and protector all the days of your existence. Happy birthday.
Spending my life with you is a huge blessing for me. May the times always bring us together in love, unity, and cheer. Happy birthday.
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