Praying for world peace

It was a Christian initiative that led to the founding of the Week of Prayer for World Peace in 1974. It soon became an interfaith activity, and now welcomes everyone, of all faith traditions or none, to take part. Our first Chair, the late Dr. Edward Carpenter, former Dean of Westminster Abbey, established the guiding principle of the Week in the words “The peace of the world must be prayed for by the faiths of the world”, and this continues to be the basis of our work today.

For those inspired with the idea of praying with people of all beliefs, three thoughts may be helpful.

  • First, the different words we recite are said by neighbours in the same town and the same street every week, and by sharing together we simply bring under one roof what happens anyway under the same sky.
  • Secondly, we are convinced that there is only one humanity praying to one supreme consciousness, with whatever different opinions we may have on what that may be.
  • Thirdly, we recognise that interfaith partnership does not itself imply agreement.

The things we agree on are many and precious. What we disagree on is precious too. We give our interior assent to all who stand and pray for peace with us. When that is challenging, we withhold our interior assent, yet stand with that person, as a friend and as a partner for peace.

Every year more people are joining in worldwide, including communities and schools in New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Germany, Canary Islands, Australia, Italy and many more. Please let us know how you celebrate. See our details on the contact page.

For dates and details of this year’s events please see our events page.

Paramhansa Yogananda said that natural calamities such as earthquakes and hurricanes are the result of the excessive build-up of negative thoughts and emotions around the world. Healing prayers and positive thoughts of many people can help to neutralize these negative vibrations. The Blessed Mother Mary has appeared numerous times in the past century, exhorting people to pray in order to mitigate the wars and calamities that would otherwise visit the earth due to the natural laws of karma.

There have been some interesting experiences as we’ve prayed for specific geographic areas. To learn more, please read:

  1. Healing Prayers for an Island
  2. Prayers for a war-torn area
  3. Healing Prayers for Japan (after the Fukushima disaster)
  4. Visualization for Peace in the Middle East

When we pray for the planet, we focus primarily on increasing the light, by praying for those who on uplifting humanity in some way. The souls who are trying to do good will be most receptive to the vibrations of healing, and they will be strengthened by the prayers. As Paramhansa Yogananda taught, “If you are in a dark room, don’t beat at the darkness with a stick, but rather try to turn on the light!”

Our world has an ongoing need for healing prayers, whether it be for war, famine, or the environment. This will not change until we live in harmony with God and each other. These prayers can be used at any time, and you can focus it on any area of particular need. May you feel deeply blessed and inspired in your prayers. Please know that they do an enormous amount of good.

Start with a prayer to the Divine Presence to bless, guide and protect your healing prayer session. You will find it very helpful to review these Healing Techniques, taught by Paramhansa Yogananda.

Visualization for Planetary Healing

Feel Light and Divine Power flowing through you as you serve as an instrument of God’s healing grace.

Visualize the Earth floating between your hands. It may be helpful to think of the beautiful photos of it taken from outer space. See the aura of the Earth filled with harmony and light. Gently move your hands in space over the Earth, sending divine healing light of God to all areas.

See the physical aspect of the planet happy and healthy. Send healing light as you visualize clear waters in the oceans, lakes and streams. See divine light nourishing the green plants and trees of the earth. See life force flowing to all of the many creatures. See the earth’s atmosphere fresh and sparkling with vitality.

Visualize light and love flowing through the many churches and spiritual groups. May the Light of God shine forth through all religions, harmonizing their efforts and guiding souls to Him. The true strength of America lies in its spiritual nature. May this spiritual nature be strengthened and clarified, and may God’s light guide and protect this country.

Ask Divine Mother to bless all souls. Ask Her to give special encouragement to the souls that strive to bring light to everyone around them. May these “angels” be ever blessed as they spread God’s grace to all.

Mary Kretzmann, Director of Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry


  • Healing Techniques Taught by Paramhansa Yogananda (for individuals)
  • Articles on Healing

With so much chaos and disturbances in the world, prayers of peace work in ending the tensions and help to spread the joy. God help us to end all the hatred, injury, pardon, doubt, terrorism, darkness and sadness and wants us to work and prosper in peaceful and serene atmosphere where everybody is happy and cheerful. These prayers bring peace to the world and o the hearts of every individual who in himself/herself is fighting their own battles and are lost in the ways.

Peace prayers are inspiring and show ways to the weary and burdened and bring them peace of mind. In the world full of poverty, oppression, violence and vengeance, these prayers give us faith and heal our bodies, mind and spirits. If you are a victim of injustice in life, know that the Lord has its way to bring you love and justice and make you hopeful. All the anger that resides inside you, prayers of peace gives you serenity, patience and burns away the worries. These prayers are told to calm and ooze the healing hearts that are going through tough times. It also spread the message of peace out to the world and teaches us that war is not a solution but a problem.

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    We are aware of the tragic situation of continuing violence around the world. As we each find our own way through the

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  • Peace prayers for world unity

    We are aware of the tragic situation of continuing violence around the world. As we each find our own way through the

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