Have you ever been reading your Bible and noticed how Paul prays such rich, kingdom-saturated prayers for churches?
- For the church in Thessalonica: “To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power” (2 Thess. 1:11; see also 1 Thess. 1:9–13).
- For the church in Colossae: “We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Col. 1:9–10).
- For the church in Ephesus: “I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him” (Eph. 1:16–17; see also 3:14–21).
- For the church in Rome (Rom. 15:14–33) and the church in Philippi (Phil. 1:9–11).
Of course, there’s far more where this came from. See Don Carson’s excellent book on the topic, Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation (Baker) , as well as TGC’s corresponding eight-session group study curriculum (LifeWay) .
Leading the Charge
It’s comparatively easy for you and me to pray for ourselves, our families, and our friends. But how can we learn how to pray more fervently and consistently for our local churches?
For one, we just need to start doing it—and encouraging others to do so.
To help with that, here are 18 things you can pray for your church. They aren’t as rich as Paul’s since I wanted to keep them simple and Twitter-length. (Also because I’m not inspired.) Still, perhaps you could print out this article and pray two or three of the points below per day for the next week—maybe in your quiet time, maybe at the family dinner table.
Also, consider copying and pasting your favorite prayers below into Twitter or Facebook, led by the phrase “Pray for your church: . . .” Don’t insert my Twitter handle or TGC’s. You don’t have enough room, and it’s not the point. The point is to use your social media platform to encourage others to pray for their church.
Who knows? One day in glory, perhaps we’ll see all the good accomplished from believers being more deliberate about praying for their churches.
What to Pray For
1. That we would have unity amid diversity—loving those with whom we have nothing in common but the gospel.
2. That a culture of discipling would form in which making disciples is viewed as an ordinary part of the Christian life.
3. That faithful elders would use Scripture to train members to do the work of ministry.
4. That a hunger for studying the gospel would form among members so that they can guide and guard one another in it.
5. That transparent, meaningful relationships would become normal and remaining anonymous strange.
6. The preaching of God’s Word—that it would be biblically careful and Holy Spirit imbued.
7. That elders would remain above reproach, kept from temptation, complacency, idols, and worldliness.
8. That the church’s songs would teach members to biblically confess, lament, and praise.
9. That the church’s prayers would be infused with biblical ambitions, honesty, and humility.
10. That adult members would work to disciple teenagers and not just leave it to programming.
11. That the church’s primary teachers grow in dedication to God’s Word even when no one’s watching.
12. That it would grow in being distinct from the world in love and holiness, even as it engages outsiders.
13. That members would share the gospel this week—and see more conversions!
14. That members would be prepared for persecution, remembering to love, not curse, their persecutors.
15. That hopes for political change would be outstretched by the hope of heaven.
16. That giving would be faithul, as well as joyful, consistent, and sacrificial.
17. That more members would use their careers to take the gospel to places it’s never been.
18. That members would be good and do good in their workplaces this week.
Can you think of something I didn’t include? Then pray it and share it! This is hardly the “official list” of the 18 most important things to pray. They’re simply what one guy thought of while sitting in his office chair.
The point is for all of us to start praying more intentionally for our churches, and to encourage others to do the same.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Total Member Involvement events going on across the Philippines this month. Pray for many to be drawn to the meetings.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for those treated at the large mega health-care clinic prior to the meetings in Palawan, Philippines. Pray that the desire for spiritual healing would lead people to come and learn more about Christ.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that Adventist young people attending summer camps or working in colporteur summer programs will come to know Christ more deeply thru their summer activities.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that our Adventist Health Systems around the world will be places of healing and encouragement for the sick and weary. Pray that God will use them as a light for His glory.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for our Adventist Educational institutions (elementary, high school, college and higher learning) around the world. Over the summer there are many changes that often take place in faculty, in program planning, and preparing for the upcoming school year. Pray for special wisdom for those leading these institutions in your specific region of the world. Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead the decisions being made, for God’s glory.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for those who were recently baptized in the evangelistic series and Total Member Involvement meetings across Japan and Zambia. Pray that they will remain faithful and continue growing in the Lord.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Total Member Involvement events preparing to take place across the Philippines this month.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Holy Spirit to fill God’s church as a whole. Inspiration tells us, “The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the church is looked forward to as in the future; but it is the privilege of the church to have it now. Seek for it, pray for it, believe for it. We must have it, and Heaven is waiting to bestow it” (The Review and Herald, March 19, 1895).
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit in your local church and for your local pastor. “When the church awakes to the sense of her holy calling, many more fervent and effective prayers will ascend to heaven for the Holy Spirit to point out the work and duty of God’s people regarding the salvation of souls” (1 Selected Messages, p. 116).
• PRAYER REQUEST: Let’s also pray for the Holy Spirit to live in us daily. Inspiration tells us, “Will we wrestle with God in prayer? Will we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? This is what we need and may have at this time…If we will walk humbly with God, God will walk with us” (Prayer, p. 87).
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the staff at a SDA run Health Center in Eldoret Kenya, which one community has built to do health evangelism. The biggest need right now is for more health workers. Please pray that God will provide.
• PRAYER REQUEST: As the refugee crisis continues, please pray that people may be found in North American and Australian cities who are willing to learn how to reach resettled refugees from different faith backgrounds. Pray especially for volunteers to help reach refugees in cities where the most refugees have been resettled to—places like Houston, Atlanta and Toronto.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Many camp meetings are occurring across North America and around the world this summer. Please pray that God will bless these meetings and that church members will be inspired to greater service for the Kingdom.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the many Adventist young people that have just graduated this Spring. Pray that God will help them make the right decisions for their future.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for our church leaders worldwide as they travel, teach, mentor, share, and carry very busy schedules. Pray that they will guard their daily time with God, and that the Holy Spirit will continue to be poured out in all they do.
• PRAYER REQUEST: The month of Ramadan has just ended for many Muslims around the world. Please pray for our brothers and sisters to come to know the truth of the gospel and accept Jesus as their personal Savior.
• PRAYER REQUEST: The 10/40 window is home to 236 cities of a million or more residents. Please pray for committed missionaries to be willing to minister to the unreached people in these cities.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out on members in the Euro-Asia Division as they seek to share their faith. Mikhail F. Kaminsky, president of the Euro-Asia Division, shares that despite having a lot of tools for reaching cities, the work in the region of the former Soviet Union remains extremely challenging.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that God would open doors in cities within the East-Central Africa Division. Pray also for His blessing on seminars being held there for pastors of other denominations, teaching them to minister more effectively, and in the process, introducing them to Adventist doctrines.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the upcoming July 7th (3rd Quarter) Day of Prayer and Fasting for the World Church. Pray that many churches will participate all over the world. (The theme this time is “Praying for our children.” To access program resources for this special day, click here:
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that God would continue to bless the logistical planning for the General Conference Session of 2020.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray this week for the Southern Asia Division (SUD). This division has a population of 1.3 billion people with 3,000 people groups and 350 languages. However 98% are Hindus, Muslim, Sikh, and Buddhist. Only 2% are Christian.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for division leaders, Ezras Lakra, president; Wilson Measapogu, secretary; and E. Selvin Moorthy, treasurer.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Holy Spirit to do what man cannot do. There are government restrictions to evangelism, so God must intervene for the gospel to go forward.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray also for the Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA), comprised of 20 countries, with over 500 million people. 99% of MENA is Muslim. The Adventist membership is 3,768, in 52 churches and 20 companies. The church is either illegal or unwelcome in almost all of the countries in the Middle East.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Union leaders of MENA: Rick McEdward, president; Tibor Szilvasi, secretary; and Michael Wixwat, treasurer.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the cities that have no Adventist presence—that God will raise up laborers for the harvest. There are 48 cities of 1 million or more people in this territory, some of which have never had a Seventh-day Adventist set foot in them.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Let’s pray this week for the Trans-European Division which now encompasses 22 countries, including Macedonia. The area comprising the TED has a population of about 205 million people, with 86,000 Seventh-day Adventist members worshipping in 1,165 churches. With postmodern secularism prominent in this region, ministries focus on evangelism and outreach for the secular mind, and much prayer is needed.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for TED leaders Raafat A. Kamal, division president; Audrey E. Andersson, secretary; and Nenad Jepuranovic, treasurer. Please pray for the Union and Conference leadership as well as local pastors.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the youth of the TED to desire a personal relationship with Jesus, and make Him the Lord of their life. Pray for Seventh-day Adventist education in the TED to be a light and witness in the community.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please also pray this week for the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID), which encompasses 23 countries and islands. It is comprised of 10 unions and one attached field. The Lord has blessed this Division with a membership of 3,514,060, worshipping in 23,972 congregations throughout its territory.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for SID Division leaders, Solomon Maphosa, president; Gideon Reynecke, executive secretary; and Goodwell Nthani, executive treasurer, as well as all the staff at the division headquarters in Pretoria, South Africa. Pray for the Union, Conference, and Mission leadership as well.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Mission to the Cities in the SID. Special focus is being placed on reaching affluent people in the metropolitan areas of Johannesburg, South Africa, and Harare, Zimbabwe. Please pray for Divine encounters with people of influence who may be able to share what they learn with others in their social networks.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Inter-European Division (EUD), which is made up of 20 countries, including Portugal. The total population in the EUD is 350 million people, and boasts a great diversity of languages, historical backgrounds, cultures, and traditions.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Mario Brito, division president; Barna Magyarosi, secretary; and Norbert Zens, treasurer. Pray also for Union and Conference leaders, and the local pastors of the EUD.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for immigrants and refugees in the EUD, as some are receptive to the Gospel. Church members who minister to the newcomers are being blessed.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Inter-American Division (IAD) which has 38 countries in its territory. The IAD consists of 24 Unions with 3.8 million members making up 21,000 congregations. Their members speak English, Spanish, French and Dutch.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Israel Leito, division president (who will be retiring), Elie Henry, division president-elect, and Filbert M. Verduzco, division treasurer. Pray also for the Union leadership, and many pastors of the IAD.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for IAD members as they actively embrace Total Member Involvement through the division’s emphasis on, “Lord Transform Me.” The lay members in IAD are very involved in mission and are enthusiastically working and waiting for the return of Jesus Christ.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray also for the Guerrilla and Paramilitary groups that incite violence throughout this region of the world. Pray for conversions and a “Damascus Road” experience for these fighters, that they will be transformed and begin “fighting” for the sake of Christ.
• PRAYER REQUEST: This week, please pray for the West-Central Africa Division (WAD) which is comprised of 22 countries. WAD has a population of 250 million, with church membership at 700,000. There are four main languages spoken in this region: French, English, Portuguese and Spanish.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Elie D. Weick-Dido, division president; Kingsley C. Anonaba, secretary; and Emmanuel S. D. Manu, treasurer. Pray for the Union leaders, as well as local missions and pastors.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the WAD evangelism efforts as they hope to double their membership by 2020. To do that, their special mission focus in 2018 is to have 20,000 evangelism sites division-wide with preachers from all over the world. The biggest challenge in this region is trying to reach the countries that are in the 10/40 window.
• PRAYER REQUEST: This week, please pray for the East-Central Africa Division (ECD), which is comprised of 11 countries and has a population of approximately 400 million people. Seventh-day Adventist church membership in this region is approximately 3.3 million.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for wisdom and the Holy Spirit’s blessing on ECD leadership, Blasious M. Ruguri, division president; Alain G. Coralie, executive secretary; and Jerome Habimana, executive treasurer. Please pray also for all the Union and Conference leaders in the ECD.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the seven Adventist universities in this territory as well as for the Adventist University of Africa Graduate School, which serves the African continent. Remember Maxwell Adventist Academy in your prayers. It has been a blessing to many young people. Quality Adventist education and dedicated teachers are urgently needed in Africa.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Total Member Involvement event scheduled in Zambia (June 8-23, 2018). Pray that the Holy Spirit would be felt in a mighty way and many more would come to a knowledge and acceptance of the truth.
• PRAYER REQUEST: This week let’s remember the South American Division (SAD) in our prayers. The SAD coordinates the work in eight countries. With a population of 320 million in their territory, the division embraces more than 2.4 million members in 27,000 churches and companies.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the SAD leadership team Erton Carlos Kohler, president; Edward Heidinger Zevallos, secretary; and Marlon de Souza Lopes, treasurer. Also, please pray that God’s Spirit will be poured out on Union and Conference officials as they lead.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the youth and young adults of the SAD. With nearly 60% of their constituents falling under the age of 35, this division has a very young and dynamic membership. Pray that both young and old will become involved in personal mission.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Let’s also pray this week for the Euro-Asia Division (ESD). The ESD is a vast territory comprised of 13 countries. Their membership of 113,000 is small, however, when compared to the combined population of over 320 million in this region.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Division leaders Mikhail F. Kaminskiy, president; Viktor V. Alyeksyeyenko, secretary; and Vladimir Tkachuk, treasurer. Pray for Union and Conference leaders, as well as the local pastors of the ESD.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for new places of worship in the ESD, as this is a great need. The biggest congregations in the cities often worship in rented facilities. New laws have put a restriction on such practices. Pray also for good church schools for our members. There are only 30 church schools in the entire division, and many children are leaving the church.
• PRAYER REQUEST: This is the final week for the evangelistic meetings that are occurring across Japan. Already there have been baptisms and decisions made for Christ. God is working! Please continue to pray earnestly for God to bring people to the meetings, for more decisions for Christ to be made, and for the church in Japan to be revived.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the South Pacific Division (SPD). The SPD is the smallest division by total population, but it has the second most Adventists per head of population. This division comprises 17 countries. Pray for Division leaders, Glen Townend, president; Lionel Smith, secretary; and Rodney Brady, treasurer.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the people that are living in the secular urban populations of the SPD. Pray that church members will find ways to reach them with the gospel. This is one of the biggest challenges in the region.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the North American Division (NAD) which includes the countries of Bermuda, Canada, Guam and Micronesia, and the United States. The NAD is home to more than 1.2 million Seventh-day Adventists who represent every major cultural and ethnic group in the world, worshiping in some 6,000 congregations.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for wisdom for division leaders, Dan Jackson, president; Alexander Bryant, secretary; and Thomas Evans, treasurer. Please pray also for Union, Conference, and local church leaders in the NAD, that the gospel will be spread rapidly throughout this territory.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that many will come to know Christ through the 60 hospitals, 1,200 schools and 15 universities and colleges located in the NAD. Please pray that each of these intuitions will be true to the mission.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Across Japan there are currently 163 evangelistic sites with meetings being held. Please continue to pray earnestly for God to bring people to the meetings, for hearts to be touched, and for people to recognize their need of Christ. Pray for the lay people and pastors who are speaking for these meetings!
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the leaders of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD). The NSD is the most populated division in the world, with about 1.6 billion people living in this region. Of the population, only about 3 percent are Christian. Pray especially for Si Young Kim, division president; Yutaka Inada, secretary; and German A. Lust, treasurer.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that church members in the NSD will have courage to stand strong for their faith, despite the persecution that they often face from family, friends, or even the government in certain regions.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Also, please pray for the Southern Asia Pacific Division (SSD) which is headquartered in Manila, Philippines. This division consists of 14 countries. Pray for Saw Samuel, division president; Rudy R. Baloyo, division secretary; and Max W. Langi, division treasurer. Please pray that God will give them wisdom for their work.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Total Member Involvement Events scheduled to happen in the Philippines in July 2018.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Centers of Influence in the SSD region, as they reach those in the urban cities. Pray for more volunteers and workers for these centers, so that Mission to the Cities can be accomplished.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to prayer earnestly for Japan’s Total Member Involvement event that starts this week, May 4, and runs until May 20, 2018. Pray for all the 163 evangelistic sites, and for those pastors and lay people who will be speaking at each site. Pray that God will work above and beyond all that we ask or think, and that many in Japan will come to know our Lord and Savior as a result of this event.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God to draw young adults into the church in Japan, as there are very few members under the age of 50. Pray that many young adults will accept the truth and become enthusiastic members inviting more to come learn about Jesus.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Also please continue to pray for the Japan “Youth Rush” program and the young adult literature evangelists that have been going door-to-door selling books to reach people for Jesus. Pray for the seeds that have been planted, that they will take root. The Youth Ruth leaders are hoping to translate more EGW books into Japanese so they can give out in mass numbers, but they need more translators and funding. Please pray that God would provide the translators and funds to do this.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the leaders of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD). Pray especially for the new Division President, Si Young Kim—that God will give him wisdom to lead the Division effectively. Please remember Ministerial Director Ron Clouzet and his wife, Lisa, in your prayers as they work with pastors and layman in the NSD Division. Pray that there will be a revival among all the countries where they are training and teaching people to give Bible studies.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Last, but certainly not least, please pray for the Adventist family who recently lost their son in a terrorist attack shooting outside the Quetta Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Pakistan. Pray that God’s comfort and peace would surround them as they mourn this tragic loss.
• PRAYER REQUEST: May is almost here. Please continue to earnestly intercede for Japan’s Total Member Involvement event occurring May 4-20, 2018. Pray for all the 163 evangelistic sites, and for those pastors and lay people who will be speaking at each site. Pray that God will do above and beyond all that we ask or think, and that many in Japan will come to know our Lord and Savior as a result of this event.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the special work of Adventist World Radio, and for the cell phone evangelism that is sweeping across the continent of Africa. Pray that we will learn how to reach those within our sphere of influence, with whatever means God has placed in our hands.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Hope Channel, 3ABN, Better Life Network, and the many other television and media ministries throughout the World Church. Pray that God will help people tune in to just the messages they need to hear.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Adventist Community Services as they equip and train leaders for Urban Ministry.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Total Community Involvement programs occurring on school campuses like Weimar Institute in Northern California. Pray that these initiatives will spread to many other campuses around the world.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Literature Evangelism Rally week occurring April 21-27 in different Divisions across the World Church. Pray for more to catch the spark of involvement in literature evangelism.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Holy Spirit to fill God’s church as a whole. Inspiration tells us, “The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the church is looked forward to as in the future; but it is the privilege of the church to have it now. Seek for it, pray for it, believe for it. We must have it, and Heaven is waiting to bestow it” (The Review and Herald, March 19, 1895).
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit in your local church and for your local pastor. “When the church awakes to the sense of her holy calling, many more fervent and effective prayers will ascend to heaven for the Holy Spirit to point out the work and duty of God’s people regarding the salvation of souls” (1 Selected Messages, p. 116).
• PRAYER REQUEST: Let’s also pray for the Holy Spirit to live in us daily. Inspiration tells us, “Will we wrestle with God in prayer? Will we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? This is what we need and may have at this time…If we will walk humbly with God, God will walk with us” (Prayer, p. 87).
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the Total Member Involvement events coming in Japan (May 4-20, 2018), Zambia (June 8-23, 2018), and the Philippines (July 13-28, 2018).
• PRAYER REQUEST: Continue to earnestly intercede for Japan as this is such a difficult territory and we need God to work miracles. In May, there will be 163 evangelistic sites across Japan where half of the speakers will be laypeople. Please pray for a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the laypeople and pastors who will be involved in this special event. Pray for God to bless mightily in the preparations and pre-meetings.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for General Conference Spring Meetings that are occurring in Silver Spring Maryland right now. Division and Union leaders from all over the world come together to talk, pray and make plans for the future during this time. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out in a special way and that God will give wisdom for important decisions that need to be made.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the visitors that will be attending your church (and churches all over the globe) on April 14th, 2018. This day is officially called “Friends of Hope Day” or “Visitor’s Day” by the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department. Pray that visitors will find a warm welcome and most importantly be fed truth that will draw them to the Saviour. Special Sabbath School and Sermon resources are prepared for this day. (To learn more visit:
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department at the General Conference as they are in the process of preparing materials for a fresh new Sabbath School Curriculum. Pray for Holy Spirit wisdom and guidance for the curriculum writers and editors as these materials, which will train future generations of our youth, are being prepared.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for your local pastor, that God would continue to enable him to preach the Word boldly and with courage. Pray that God will put a shield around his marriage, his children, and his family, protect them from the attacks of the enemy and strengthen them for ministry.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the Total Member Involvement events scheduled in Japan (May 4-20, 2018), Zambia (June 8-23, 2018), and the Philippines (July 13-28, 2018). The meetings in Japan are less than one month away, and we are praying earnestly for miracles for this difficult area. Pray for the many Japanese Youth Rush Literature evangelists as they continue going door-to-door, looking for openings to share the gospel.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out during the upcoming 2nd Quarter Day of Prayer and Fasting, which takes place Sabbath, April 7th, 2018. The focus will be on praying for our marriages, but singles have a special part as well. Pray that this special day would be life transforming for all who participate. (To access materials for this day, click here: )
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the Total Member Involvement events scheduled later this year in Japan (May 4-20, 2018), Zambia (June 8-23, 2018), and the Philippines (July 13-28, 2018).
• PRAYER REQUEST: Continue to earnestly intercede for Japan as this is such a difficult territory and we need God to work miracles if the work is to go forward there. Pray for God to bless mightily in the preparations and pre-meetings.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God to draw young adults into the church especially in Japan, as there are very few members under the age of 50. Pray that many young adults will accept the truth and become active members.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Japanese pastors as they lead out in evangelism and call their members to be totally involved for Jesus. We pray for their faith and courage.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the Japan “Youth Rush” program and the young adult literature evangelists that are going door-to-door selling books to reach people for Jesus. They are hoping to translate more EGW books into Japanese so they can give out in mass numbers, but they need more translators and funding. Please pray that God would provide the funds to do this.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Derek Morris recently completely a Revelation of Hope evangelistic series in Nairobi, Kenya. This series was broadcast nationwide on Hope Channel Kenya, with responses from Mombasa in the east to Kisumu in the west. Please pray for the newly baptized members and Bible study interests from this recent Revelations of Hope series.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Mark Finley’s upcoming evangelistic meetings in Mwanza, Tanzania, that will occur in May, 2018. These meetings will be broadcast nationwide on Hope Channel Tanzania.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Hope Channel Iceland mission project, as they work to bring God’s Good News of a better life for today and for eternity to the people of Iceland in their native language. Pray that the church in Iceland will grow and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Hope Channel viewers who watch from 150+ countries around the world. Pray that hearts will be open and receptive, and that decisions will be made for eternity. Pray for supernatural blessings for the Hope Channel team as they seek to encourage their worldwide viewing audience on their journey from broadcast to baptism and beyond.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the 50 Hope Channel directors and managers around the world, and their teams, especially those who are facing unique challenges due to political upheaval and economic instability.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Hope Channel’s “Celebration of Hope” partnership weekends planned for 2018 where they will be sharing their vision and what God is doing through Hope Channel with donors. Pray that God will continue to supply necessary funds so Hope Channel can continue to grow and be used for God’s glory.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the families of those killed in the recent lightning strike at the Gihemvu Seventh-day Adventist Church in the southern district of Nyaruguru in the country of Rwanda. Pray for church members to have comfort and courage as they cope with this unexplained tragedy.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the many Waldensian students who serve in various capacities in the Middle East, that God will strengthen them, grow their friendships with those around them, and give them wisdom on how to witness in this difficult region of the world. There are many others,just like Salma, hungering for sincere friends, and longing to know truth.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the multiple Seventh-day Adventist world church media networks who broadcast the gospel throughout the globe. Pray especially for those seeking to broadcast the gospel into closed countries where missionaries are not allowed to go. Pray for special wisdom and protection for these avenues of communication, and that the message of hope will find its way to the right people.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the upcoming Total Member Involvement events scheduled later this year in Japan (May 4-20, 2018), Zambia (June 8-23, 2018), and the Philippines (July 13-28, 2018). Continue to earnestly intercede especially for Japan as this is such a difficult territory, and we need God to work miracles if the work is to go forward there.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out during the upcoming 2nd Quarter day of Prayer and Fasting, which takes place April 7th, 2018. The focus will be on praying for our marriages, but singles have a special part as well. Pray that this special day would be life transforming for all who participate. (To access materials for this day, click here: )
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the many children and youth around the world who will take an active part in Global Youth Day, and Global Children’s Day on March 17th, 2018. On this special day thousands of young people from around the world church will engage in acts of love and service in their local communities. (To learn more about Global Youth Day, visit: To learn more about Global Children’s Day, visit: )
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray specifically for the young people from your local church that will take part in this special Global Youth/Children’s Day. Pray that their own hearts and lives will be changed for eternity as they catch the great joy in ministering to others.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for “Youth Week of Prayer” which occurs March 17-24th, following Global Youth Day. Pray that many young people will make the decision to follow God during this special week of prayer.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the General Conference Children’s Ministries Department Director Linda Mei Lin Koh, and Associate Director Saustin Mfune, that God will fill them both with Holy Spirit wisdom as they lead programs for the children of our church.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the General Conference Youth Ministries Department Director Gary Blanchard, as well as Associate Directors Andres Peralta and Pako Mokgwane, that God would guide and direct their steps as they seek to direct young people to the Savior.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon the young literature evangelists working in Japan. This week two new Youth Rush Programs are starting in Chiba and Kobe. Each respective program has 14 students with two leaders and will run for three weeks. Please pray for special protection, guidance, and direction for these youth, and that people will attend the evangelistic meetings in May because of their efforts.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that people will be impressed to support the Adventist World Radio Annual offering collected in churches around the world on Sabbath, March 10, 2018. The focus for this year’s annual offering is reaching those in North Korea. (To hear a beautiful testimony and to learn more visit:
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue praying for Japan, especially for the Japan Union Conference, that God would open many hearts to receive the gospel, and that the Youth Rush program currently in progress would be instrumental in bringing many people to the upcoming meetings in May.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that the Literature Evangelism program in Japan not be seen as only for the young people, but ultimately that there will be Total Member Literature Involvement (TMLI). Please pray with us that church members of all ages will desire to be involved with some form of literature distribution (tracts, books, booklets, etc.)
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the leaders of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD). Pray especially for the new Division President, Si Young Kim—that God will give him wisdom to lead the Division effectively. Please remember Ministerial Director Ron Clouzet and his wife, Lisa, in your prayers as they work with pastors and layman in the NSD Division. Pray that there will be a revival among all the countries where they are training and teaching people to give Bible studies.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that many would be blessed and drawn closer to the Savior during “Women’s International Day of Prayer” this coming Sabbath, March 3rd, 2018. The program materials were written by Chantal J. Klingbeil, associate director of the Ellen G. White Estate at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. (Chantal is the daughter of Robert and Esme Ross, who authored this week’s prayer testimony.) To access these materials, click here:
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the General Conference Global Youth Day and Global Children’s Day events, which will occur March 17th, 2018. Pray for many young people to get involved in being the hands and feet of Jesus to a world in need. To learn more visit:
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Youth Rush Ministry/Student Literature Ministries Program currently underway in Japan. About 20-30 high school and college students are in the program and will colporteur through the rest of February and March. Pray that the program will expand and God will send more young people to join this program. We pray that many doors will be opened to draw people to the upcoming Total Member Involvement events in Japan this May. Pray that many books will be sold, and that those who buy the books will read them and be converted.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God’s blessing on centers of influence across the Inter-European Division. Please pray especially for a center of influence in Milan, where refugees are learning about Jesus, and for plans to expand this type of program throughout the region.
1. PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for church members on the Pacific Islands of American Samoa, Samoa, and Tonga who were recently hit by Tropical Cyclone Gita. Pray for Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) workers as they rush to bring relief and assistance to those affected.
2. PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for our church members still dealing with the aftermath of the hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico and the Caribbean islands last fall, as well as Texas and Florida. Remember those who are still recovering from the terrible earthquakes in Mexico City last year, and who were impacted by fires and mudslides in California and the Northwestern United States.
3. PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Maranatha 2018 Evangelistic campaigns scheduled in Japan, May 4-20. With the aging population and membership, Japan is desperately in need of young people to grow the church. Pray that young people will join the church as a result of this Total Member Involvement (TMI) event and become workers for Christ. Currently, outside of the young people that go to the SDA boarding school institutions in Japan, there are very few SDA young people in Japan.
4. PRAYER REQUEST: The president of Eastern Japan Conference, Nozoma Obara, asks for your prayers, especially for God to work in the city of Akita (which has the highest rate of suicide). Let’s join our prayers with theirs as God can work miracles.
5. PRAYER REQUEST: There is a center of influence in the West-Central Africa Division that is attempting to reach higher levels of society with stop-smoking classes, plus other programs specifically for men, women, and children. Pray that God will bless the work of this center, and bring to it the people whose hearts He is preparing.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the believers hidden away in jungle mountain villages around the world like those in Papua, Indonesia. Many have no access to the outside world, to Bibles or spiritual resources that would help grow their faith. They need missionaries like Ceren to help them become more grounded in the truth.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the refugees that have resettled in North American and Australian cities—that God will help them as they seek to learn the language, get jobs, and adjust to a new culture. We pray that they will come to know Jesus.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for mentors in North American and Australian cities who are willing to learn how to reach resettled refugees from different faith backgrounds. (There are resources available at: www.reachtheworldnextdoor.com)
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the decisions for Christ that will be made this week in Ghana, West Africa, as evangelistic meetings continue in that region.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the upcoming Total Member Involvement events scheduled later this year in Japan (May 4-20, 2018), Zambia (June 8-23, 2018), and the Philippines (July 13-28, 2018). Japan is a difficult territory and needs special prayer emphasis and focus over these next several months.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Japan Youth Rush program. Unlike North America Youth Rush where they have 10-week program once a year during the summer, Japan has four 3-week programs throughout the year during the months of February, March, July, and August. One of the programs is currently in progress. Pray for the young people and the leaders, and that they will find many open doors to share their spiritual literature so that hearts will be prepared for upcoming meetings.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God to open the doors of North Korea to the gospel. There are approximately 23 million people that live in North Korea and at this time, there are no open doors, and no known Adventist presence.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Syrian refugee groups that Hannah Choi (author of this weeks UIP testimony) will be going to spend time with in MENA. Pray that her work there will bear eternal fruit. Pray that more doors will be opened for Adventists to minister to refugee groups around the world.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Inter-European Division as they seek to find new ways to reach the secular/postmodern population in Europe. Pray that the Adventist young people of Europe discover the relevance of the Adventist message and mission.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for an unnamed church mission outpost center in the East-Central Africa Division. A clinic has been established in a predominantly Muslim country, and church growth is very difficult. All things are possible with God!
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Christian Home and Marriage Week, which will run February 10–17. This is an initiative of the General Conference Family Ministries Department. For more information, please visit:
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please especially pray for the Total Member Involvement event beginning in Ghana this week, February 3-17, 2018. Pray that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and that abundant fruit will be harvested for the kingdom through the messages shared.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the upcoming events scheduled later this year in Japan (May 4-20, 2018), Zambia (June 8-23, 2018), and the Philippines (July 13-28, 2018). Japan is a difficult territory and needs special prayer emphasis and focus over these next several months.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the upcoming Total Member Involvement events and meetings taking place in 2018. These will occur in: Ghana (February 3-17, 2018), Japan (May 4-20, 2018), Zambia (June 8-23, 2018), and the Philippines (July 13-28, 2018).
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray especially for the outreach in Japan as it is a very secular culture. Pray for the Japanese pastors and church members as they prepare for the meetings and for the Japan Youth Rush Team that is going door-to-door selling books.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the General Conference Ex Officio Executive Committee members listed below. (Ex Officio means these individuals are committee members because of their position with certain entities.)
o Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides: Clifford R. Goldstein, editor
o Andrews University: Andrea T. Luxton, president
o The Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research: David Trim, director
o Biblical Research Institute: Elias Brasil de Souza, director
o Geoscience Research Institute: L. James Gibson, director
o Hope Channel: Derek J. Morris, president
o Loma Linda University Health: Richard H. Hart, president
o Ministry Magazine: Pavel Goia, editor
o Past President of the General Conference: Jan Paulsen
o Review and Herald Publishing Association: Robert E. Lemon, president
o Ellen G. White Estate, Incorporated: James R. Nix, president
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the health of our General Conference staff in Maryland. There’s been quite the flu bug going around, and we need God’s healing hand to be strong for service.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for those whose lives have been changed as a result of 10 Days of Prayer. Pray that prayer will continue to be an active and vital part of congregations around the world, and that our churches will fulfill the calling to be houses of prayer.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Lord to grant His extraordinary wisdom (James 1:5) to the members of the General Conference Unity Oversight Committee.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the members of the General Conference Executive Committee that each would seek the Lord with renewed fervor asking the Holy Spirit to gather the energy of the church to focus on mission.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the following General Conference Ex Officio Executive Committee members. (Ex Officio means they are Executive Committee Members because of their position with certain entities, like those listed below).
o Adventist Development and Relief Agency International: Jonathan M. Duffy, President and Executive Director
o Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies: Stephen R. Guptill, President
o Adventist Review: William M. Knott, Editor
o Adventist Risk Management, Incorporated: Timothy E. Northrop, President and Executive Director
o Adventist University of Africa: Delbert W. Baker, President
o Adventist World Radio: Duane McKey, President and Executive Director
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for church members, refugees, and others who live in climates where weather temperatures have been extreme and debilitating—whether hot or cold. Pray that God put a special hedge of protection around His people.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the remaining of Ten Days of Prayer. Pray that the Holy Spirit will be poured out in a powerful way around the world, and that church members will come together in sweet humility and love, lifting up the name of Jesus.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the thousands of ethnic groups around the world (69% of earth’s population) who have not yet had a clear presentation of Jesus. Pray for God to change the hearts of those radicalized in other religions—that the Holy Spirit would speak to them and draw them to Jesus.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for refugees trapped in difficult living conditions in refugee camps around the Middle East and Europe. Pray for refugees in your own neighborhoods. Pray that God would give us wisdom to minister to them in practical and personal ways, for His glory.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray this week for the following General Conference Departmental Directors—that God will give them Holy Spirit wisdom and blessings in this New Year:
o Ministerial Association, Jerry N. Page.
o Planned Giving and Trust Services, Dennis R. Carlson.
o Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, A. Ganoune Diop.
o Publishing Ministries, Almir M. Marroni.
o Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, Ramon J. Canals.
o Stewardship Ministries, Marcos F. Bomfim.
o Women’s Ministries, Heather-Dawn K. Small.
o Youth Ministries, Gary T. Blanchard.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for departmental directors in your local church, that they can have a renewed vision for their task and a deep filling of the Holy Spirit.
• PRAYER REQUEST: This week we start the annual Ten Days of Prayer, which will run January 10-20, 2018. The theme is “Our High Priest.” Pray that we each will come to understand more deeply the role of our heavenly High Priest and what He is currently doing in the heavenly sanctuary. Pray that lives are changed for eternity as church families press together seeking a closer walk with God. It’s not too late to be part of this special life-changing Ten Days of Prayer. To learn more, visit: tendaysofprayer.org
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the many different ministries represented within the Adventist church—both official church organizations and the many vital supporting ministries. Pray for those who lead these ministries, that their lives will be used for God’s glory, and that they would receive an extra outpouring of the Holy Spirit this coming year. (If you can think of specific ministries or church organizations, pray for the leaders by name.)
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray this week for the following General Conference Departmental Directors—that God will give them special wisdom and strength in this New Year:
o Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, Mario E. Ceballos.
o Children’s Ministries, Linda Mei Lin Koh.
o Communication, Williams S. Costa Jr.
o Education, Lisa M. Beardsley-Hardy.
o Family Ministries, Willie & Elaine Oliver.
o Health Ministries, Peter N. Landless.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the multiple Seventh-day Adventist world church media networks who broadcast the gospel throughout the globe. Pray for special wisdom and protection for these avenues of communication, especially in areas where it is becoming more difficult to speak freely of the gospel.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the presidents, directors, and managers of approximately 50 Hope Channel affiliates around the world who are broadcasting the gospel message in 56 languages.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for local young people both in and out of the church, that God will draw their hearts to Him in a special way this coming year. Pray for wisdom to reach out to them. The enemy is working hard to capture the hearts of our children. We need to fight for them on our knees. Pray for these young people by name.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the struggling marriages within your church. Pray for God to mend the wounds and bring healing and unity. Pray that the enemy will not be successful in breaking apart the homes in your local church.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for church members who live alone, whether as divorcees, widows/widowers, singles or because of some other circumstance. Pray that God would take away the loneliness and pain that so often knocks at the door and fill hearts with His joy.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray especially for the leaders of your church—your pastor (including his family), your local elders, deacons, deaconesses, etc. Pray that God would give them a renewed vision and passion for service as they start this new year. Pray that God would bring a fresh personal revival to their life and ministry.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Let’s pray that we would be faithful like Daniel and that God would take each of us deeper in our walk with Him during this coming year. Pray that we would not settle for a “superficial dwarfed Christianity,” but that we would truly press towards the heights of God’s ideal and calling in our lives. Time is short! Let’s pray that He would enable us to give Him our all, for His glory!
• PRAYER REQUEST: Last but not least, please continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out in a powerful way in the Quarterly Day of Prayer and Fasting (January 6th) and on the upcoming Ten Days of Prayer, which will run January 10-20, 2018. Pray that many new churches would become involved, and that thousands of lives will be changed for eternity as church families come together seeking a closer walk with God. To be a part of this life-changing 10 days, visit: tendaysofprayer.org
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out in a powerful way on the upcoming Ten Days of Prayer, January 10-20, 2018. Pray that many new churches become involved, and that thousands of lives are changed for eternity as church families come together seeking a closer walk with God. To be a part of this life-changing event, visit: www.tendaysofprayer.org.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for Pathways to Health and the Generation of Youth for Christ convention that will be taking place in Phoenix this week. Please pray that those who come to the Pathways to Health clinic will see Jesus in the young people and medical personnel who serve them, and that many lives will be changed for eternity.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for all the General Conference staff working on the logistics for the 2020 General Conference session to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana. Pray that they will seek God’s will in all that they do. We especially want to lift up Sheri Clemmer and Miriam Taylor as they coordinate details behind the scenes. Pray that God will give them Holy Spirit wisdom and strength.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for “Centers of Influence” being developed in cities around the world. Pray that they are blessed, managed well, and that they reach thousands for Jesus. Pray for the Mission to the Cities initiative, and for workers to answer the call to serve. There are still so many large urban areas with no Adventist presence.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for all who have been affected by hurricanes, floods, fires and tornados this past summer/fall. Pray that God will provide as families, churches, and communities rebuild. Pray for the relief efforts still under way.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out in a powerful way on the upcoming Ten Days of Prayer, running January 10-20, 2018. Pray that many new churches become involved, and that thousands of lives are changed for eternity as church families come together seeking a closer walk with God. To be a part of this life-changing event, visit: tendaysofprayer.org
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray especially for those relationships in your life that may be estranged or in need of a special miracle of God for restoration and healing. God is waiting to work miracles in your life, just like He did for Samuel Saw, the Southern Asia Pacific Division president.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God to open new doors for the gospel to go forward in restricted nations around the world. Please pray especially for those living in impoverished countries and territories who are being actively persecuted for the gospel. Pray for church members who are currently imprisoned (we cannot share names) because of their faith.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the country of Japan and the Total Member Involvement events happening in 2018. Pray for the young adults who are going doing to door sharing literature and selling books. Pray that hearts will be open and prepared for the upcoming meetings. Pray for adequate funds to be raised for the translation of more literature and Ellen White books into Japanese.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out in a powerful way in the first quarter Day of Prayer and Fasting, which will occur this coming January 6, 2018. The emphasis for this coming quarter is: “Interceding for Our Families.” This is a perfect opportunity to pray for family members who need a closer walk with God, or for familial healing to take place. To learn more, visit: www.revivalandreformation.org.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the General Conference staff and especially their families. These family members make many sacrifices to support the ministry of the church and this can take its toll. Many GC staff are traveling to be with family over the holidays. Please pray that God will bless our staff with meaningful quality time with their family members, and that family bonds will grow stronger in the Lord.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out on members in the Euro-Asia Division as they seek to share their faith. Mikhail Kaminsky, president of the Euro-Asia Division, shares that despite having a lot of tools for reaching cities, the work in the region of the former Soviet Union remains extremely challenging. We need the Holy Spirit to work miracles.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Pathways to Health and the Generation of Youth for Christ convention that will be taking place in Phoenix the last week of December. Please pray that those who come to the health clinic will see Jesus in the young people and medical personnel who serve them. Also, GYC is currently in 40 days of prayer leading up to the conference. Please pray that God’s spirit will be poured out in a powerful way on the meetings, as thousands will be attending from all over the world.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Health Emphasis Day, December 9, 2017. Pray that we as church members will not only advocate God’s health message but that we will learn to live God’s health message more fully.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for protection and health for our families during the holiday season. Immune systems can become compromised by colder weather and sweet rich treats. Pray that the Lord will put a special hedge around His people as they seek to honor His Word through temperate choices.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the first quarter Day of Prayer and Fasting on January 6, 2018. The emphasis for this quarter is: “Interceding for Our Families.” This is a perfect opportunity to pray for family members who need a closer walk with God, or for familial healing to take place. To learn more, visit: www.revivalandreformation.org.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Ten Days of Prayer, January 10-20, 2018. Many lives have been changed because of this special initiative. Please pray earnestly that more churches all over the world will choose to be part of this powerful Ten Days of Prayer focusing on our Heavenly High Priest. To learn more, visit: www.TenDaysofPrayer.org.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for your local pastor and his family, that God will strengthen and bind them close together. Pray that a special spiritual blessing and renewal would be experienced in their hearts as this year draws to a close.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Gary Krause, director of Adventist Mission, and Homer Trecartin, associate director for Adventist Mission, to have God’s wisdom and direction as they lead Adventist Mission initiatives at the world church headquarters.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Douglas Venn, director of Mission to the Cities and Global Mission’s Urban Centers, to have wisdom and Holy Spirit direction as he coordinates and promotes centers of influence all over the world.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that church leaders and laity all over the world will be inspired to help share Christ in their cities, or send missionaries to one of the 43 currently unreached cities with a population of more than 1 million people. There is great need for sacrificial laborers for the field.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for “Centers of Influence” to be developed in the unreached cities and that they will be managed well and reach thousands for Jesus.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for our young people of the church to have a hunger to work for Christ rather than spending their life in idle pursuits that won’t count for eternity.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the thousands of ethnic groups around the world (69% of earth’s population) who have not had a clear presentation of Jesus. We pray for God to change the hearts of those radicalized in other religions—that the Holy Spirit would speak to them and draw them to Jesus.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Gary Krause, director of Adventist Mission, and Homer Trecartin, associate director for Adventist Mission, to have God’s wisdom and direction as they lead Adventist Mission initiatives at the world church headquarters.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Douglas Venn, director of Mission to the Cities and Global Mission’s Urban Centers, to have wisdom and Holy Spirit direction as he coordinates and promotes centers of influence all over the world.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that church leaders and laity all over the world will be inspired to help share Christ in their cities, or send missionaries to one of the 43 currently unreached cities with a population of more than 1 million people. There is great need for sacrificial laborers for the field.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for “Centers of Influence” to be developed in the unreached cities and that they will be managed well and reach thousands for Jesus.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for our young people of the church to have a hunger to work for Christ rather than spending their life in idle pursuits that won’t count for eternity.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the thousands of ethnic groups around the world (69% of earth’s population) who have not had a clear presentation of Jesus. We pray for God to change the hearts of those radicalized in other religions—that the Holy Spirit would speak to them and draw them to Jesus.
• PRAISE REPORT: Thank you for praying for the recent AMEN health clinic hosted at the Seventh-day Adventist Church world headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. People began lining up in the rain at 4:00 a.m. to receive free vision and dental care. Volunteers served over 400 people, and made many connections for the future.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for all the General Conference staff working on the logistics for the 2020 General Conference session held in Indianapolis, Indiana. Pray that they will seek God’s will in all that they do. We especially want to lift up Sheri Clemmer and Miriam Taylor as they coordinate details behind the scenes. Pray that God will give them Holy Spirit wisdom and strength.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the country of Japan and the Total Member Involvement events to happen in 2018. Pray for the many young adults who are going doing to door sharing literature and selling books. Pray that hearts will be open and prepared for the upcoming meetings. Pray for adequate funds to be raised for the translation of more literature and Ellen White books into Japanese.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the 34 million people living in the 10 least reached cities in the East Central Africa Division. Pray for God to raise up missionaries to plant churches in this largely unreached region.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for prayer ministries to become an active part of every Division, Union, Conference, Mission and local church. Pray that God’s people would take the call to pray seriously, not just for their local church leaders, but for the unbelievers living all around them, for we are living in perilous times and souls are being either saved or lost for eternity.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for year-end meetings starting this week in the South Pacific Division. Pray for Holy Spirit wisdom and blessing on those in leadership positions throughout the South Pacific.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for “Centers of Influence” being developed in cities around the world. Pray that they are blessed, managed well, and that they reach thousands for Jesus. Pray for the Mission to the Cities initiative, and for workers to answer the call to serve. There are still so many large urban areas with no Adventist presence.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for all who have been affected by hurricanes, floods, fires and tornados this past summer/fall. Pray that God will provide as families, churches, and communities rebuild. Pray for the relief efforts still under way.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for refugees trapped in difficult living conditions in refugee camps around the Middle East and Europe. Pray for refugees who have migrated into our own neighborhoods. Pray that God would give us wisdom to know how to minister to them in practical and personal ways, for His glory.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the media networks throughout the Seventh-day Adventist world church that are broadcasting the gospel. Pray for special wisdom and protection for these avenues of communication, especially in areas where it is becoming more difficult to speak freely of the gospel.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the presidents, directors, and managers of approximately 50 Hope Channel affiliates around the world who are broadcasting the Gospel message in 56 languages.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Southern Asia-Pacific Division as they host their year-end meetings this next week. Pray for wisdom and Holy Spirit blessing on all their discussions and the decisions being made.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray church leaders from each of the 13 Divisions and MENA, as year-end meetings begin or continue over these next few weeks.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for God to give us wisdom how to advance the mission of the church and the commission of Matthew 28, to reach the world for Christ and to share the good news of salvation while there is still time.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the marriages and spouses (and personal relationships) of those in leadership. Pray that God will safeguard their homes and that they will be a “taste of heaven on earth” as Ellen White writes. Pray that church leaders will remember that their first ministry is to their family, for if the family is compromised, Satan knows it’s more difficult for us to minister to others.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the children of our church leaders (both the children of the local pastors as well as those in other positions of spiritual leadership throughout the world church). Pray that these children (of all ages) will come to have a deep and abiding walk with Jesus.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that God will help us take time to stay personally connected with Jesus and not rush through our daily devotions. Satan has a thousand ways to distract us and the battle is only getting fiercer. We need a deep and living spiritual experience so that we will have something to share with those around us.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the “Reformation Seminars” that are being held in multiple locations around the world as we near the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Pray that many are brought to a clear understanding of biblical truth and recognize the significance of current events.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God’s people not to be influenced and led astray by the pressures of modern day culture and spirituality. Pray that we will stand firm for truth, just as Martin Luther in his day. Pray that we will have courage to pray bold prayers for the advancement of the gospel.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray especially for Japan and the Total Member Involvement events planned for this country in 2018. Pray for God to draw young adults into the church as there are very few members under the age of 50. Pray that young adults will accept the truth and become active members.
• PRAYER REQUEST: The president of Eastern Japan Conference, Nozoma Obara, asks for your prayers, especially for the city of Akita (which has the highest rate of suicide). Obara is boldly stepping out in faith, asking his members to join him in prayer walking through the Eastern Japan conference. Let’s join our prayers with theirs. God can work miracles.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) and for the difficult work in this region. Pray for effective language acquisition. This is extremely difficult for traveling staff of the Union office and leaders in each of the 20 countries. Pray for the gift of tongues to enable more personal work!
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for those coordinating details and logistics for the 2020 General Conference session in Indianapolis, Indiana. Pray that they will seek God’s will in all that they do, and that God will be glorified as they interact with staff and secular business professionals in the city.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that we as God’s people will be found faithfully watching and waiting for Jesus’ return. As we face another anniversary of the “Great Disappointment,” it’s easy to wonder, just as the Adventist pioneers did, why Jesus delays His coming. Today, we see prophecies fulfilled all around us. Truly His coming is sooner than we can imagine.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the upcoming “Reformation Seminars” held in multiple locations around the United States as we near the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Pray that many are brought to a clear understanding of Biblical truth and recognize the significance of current events.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Health Clinic to be held at the General Conference on November 5th. It is our prayer to reach out to many of the needy in the local community. Pray that we can minister the love of Christ while meeting practical physical needs.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Continue to pray for Division year-end meetings taking place all around the world. Pray that God gives His leaders wisdom in making decisions and in planning for the future.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the ground-work being laid for Total Member Involvement events taking place next year in Japan, Zambia, Ghana, the Philippines and other locations. Pray that even now the hearts of leaders will be touched as preparations are made to share the good news of salvation with a dying world.
• PRAISE REPORT: Thank you for praying for the Annual Council fall meetings. God blessed everyone with a good spirit, and He guided the discussions. There were many powerful and inspiring reports shared about how God is working around the world through Total Member Involvement. The presentations inspired and encouraged many leaders as they return home to their fields of service.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for church leaders as they return from Annual Council to their home divisions around the world. They will now conduct their year-end division meetings. Perhaps consider hosting a personal week of prayer on behalf of your home division leadership during these coming days as plans are being made to advance the mission of the church.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the upcoming “Reformation Seminars” that are being held in multiple locations around the United States as we get near the 500th year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Pray that many will be brought to a clear understanding of Biblical truth and recognize the significance of current events.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are trying to put their lives back together after surviving multiple hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, and earthquakes. Pray that many come to a saving relationship with Jesus as they look for hope in the midst of despair.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Continue to pray for the world-wide refugee crisis. Those in camps in the Middle East are probably suffering most, but refugees everywhere are struggling to survive. Let’s pray that God shows us how to reach out to refugees in our area. (For information on how to effectively minister to refugees, visit: reachtheworldnextdoor.com)
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for church members, especially on the islands, that are struggling to recover from the Hurricane damage. People are dying for lack of supplies, and from heat exhaustion. Pray that God provides a way for more supplies, and especially water, to get to the islands.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for those affected by the tragic shooting in Las Vegas Nevada. Just a few hours before the shooting occurred, GLOW tracks were passed out along the strip in Las Vegas about how to find meaning even in suffering. God alone knew thousands would need this comfort. Pray that many hearts will turn to God as a result of this tragedy.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please keep praying for the plans and agenda items that will be discussed at the Annual Council Meetings that continue into this coming week. Please pray for special Holy Spirit wisdom for all our church leaders, that God will help them make good decisions as we face so many uncertainties in these changing times.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for a sweet spirit of Christ-like love and patience during the Annual Council Meetings, that the mission of the church can move forward with Holy Spirit power and Jesus can return.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray especially for the General Conference (GC) executive committee, made up of GC leaders, as well as pastors, layman and church leaders from North America, South America, Inter-America, Europe, Asia, India, the South Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, and beyond. Pray that God’s Spirit be poured out on all who are part of these Annual Council meetings.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for fellow church members, that we will all embrace a spirit of prayer during these important times of earth’s history, that we will not be spiritually asleep, but will be “watching and working.”
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for our church members caught in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and the other Caribbean islands. Pray that God will provide a way for water, food, resources, and supplies to get through to the islands that are in desperate need of help.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for those still struggling to recover from Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean, in Texas and Florida. Please pray that people seek after God as a result of this crisis. Pray that God will show us how to more effectively help our brothers and sisters in need.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for those affected by the terrible earthquakes in Mexico City. Pray that God’s comfort and peace would be seen even in the midst of this tragedy. Pray for our church members in Mexico.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the upcoming Annual Council meetings being held next week in Silver Spring, Maryland. Church leaders come from all over the world to pray, plan and make decisions for the future. Pray that God will give them wisdom.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Ted N.C. Wilson, General Conference (GC) President; G.T. Ng, GC Secretary; and Juan R. Prestol-Puesan, GC Treasurer, that God will be their wisdom and strength as they shoulder the weight of leading God’s church.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for General Conference Vice-Presidents: Geoffrey G. Mbwana, Thomas Lemon, Ella S. Simmons, Guillermo Biaggi, Abner De Los Santos, and Artur A. Stele, that God will give them special wisdom as they chair multiple committees.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for all the General Conference departmental directors, that God will give them wisdom as we move forward promoting Total Member Involvement, and sharing the everlasting gospel.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Remember he upcoming “Day of Prayer and Fasting” that occurs Oct. 7th. Pray that many churches around the world will take part. (For materials for this special day, click here!)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that more church members take seriously the call to pray and lift up the arms of our leaders in prayer. Inspiration tells us, “A chain of earnest, praying believers should encircle the world, praying for the Holy Spirit. Let all pray in humility…. In response to the prayers of God’s people, angels are sent with heavenly blessings” (In Heavenly Places, p. 93).
Urgent: Please pray for church members worldwide who have been affected by the recent hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires. To read an urgent call to prayer by Elder Wilson, click here!
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE SSD: The Southern Asia Pacific Division (SSD) is headquartered in Manila, Philippines. It consists of 14 countries which include: Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, lndonesia, Timor Leste, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Brunei.
The SSD has a population of 1.3 billion – the second largest population in a division – with 1.3 million church members. More than 50% of the population is Muslim; 30% are Buddhist. 86% of the members are from the Philippines and lndonesia, alone. The remaining 14% are located in the other 12 countries.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Saw Samuel (Division President), Rudy R. Baloyo (Division Secretary), and Max W. Langi (Division Treasurer). Please pray for all the Union, Conference, and local church leaders as well, that God will give them wisdom for their work.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the unreached people groups in this region, including Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus, Chinese, and seculars. Pray for the remote country territories that still need to receive the gospel.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Centers of Influence in the region, as they reach those in the urban cities. Pray for more volunteers and workers for these centers, so that Mission to the Cities can be accomplished.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for those affected by the flooding in Bangladesh and Myamar.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the youth who are seeking a deeper walk with Jesus. Pray for movements like Philippines Youth for Christ, to increase, where hundreds and thousands of young people are coming together to study the Word and learn how to be strong witnesses for Christ. Pray also for the Adventist universities and schools to be training grounds.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE SAD: The South American Division (SAD) coordinates the work in eight countries: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. With a population of 320 million in their territory, the Division embraces more than 2.4 million members in 27,000 churches and companies.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the SAD leadership team: Erton Carlos Kohler, president; Edward Heidinger Zevallos, secretary; and Marlon de Souza Lopes, treasurer. Also, please pray that God’s Spirit will be poured out on Union and Conference officials as they lead.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the 5,000 pastors that work within the SAD. Pray that they will have strength to preach the truth with boldness and stand strong amid challenges.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Adventist educational system in the SAD. 320,000 students are enrolled in 888 schools, academies and universities. Pray that these young people will answer the call to follow Jesus and give their lives and talents to Him.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the youth and young adults of the SAD. With nearly 60% of their constiuents falling under the age of 35, this division has a very young and dynamic membership. Pray that both young and old will become involved in personal mission.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the 500 employees of the Division media center who produce content for television, radio and the Internet. The media center is strongly focused on using communication to effectively present the gospel. We pray that many will be reached with the good news of salvation, as a result of these labors.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE ESD: The Euro-Asia Division (ESD) is a vast territory comprised of 13 countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Our membership of 113,000 is small when compared to the combined population of over 320 million in this region.
95% of converts joined the church as a result of big evangelistic campaigns in 1990. Their dedication to the Lord is evident, and they need more training on personal evangelism and outreach, as opposed to public meetings. Large-scale mission efforts are becoming more difficult.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Division leaders Mikhail F. Kaminskiy, president; Viktor V. Alyeksyeyenko, secretary; and Brent B. Burdick, treasurer. Pray for Union and Conference leaders, as well as the local pastors of the ESD.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the church members of this region to have courage to find new ways to reach out and share the gospel with their neighbors, friends, co-workers and communities.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for new places of worship, as this is a great need. The biggest congregations in the cities often worship in rented facilities. New laws have put a restriction on such practices.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for good church schools for our members. There are only 30 church schools in the entire division, and many children are leaving the church.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the newly baptized members from the Total Member Involvement events that took place in Moldova, the Ukraine, and Georgia in February. Continue to pray that the gospel can be spread among non-Christians who live in the 10-40 window of this region.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE NSD: The Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) comprises China, Mongolia, Japan, Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea. It is the most populated division in the world, with about 1.6 billion people living in this region. Of the population, about 3 percent are Christian. The other 97 percent are Buddhists, Shintoists, Muslims, Shamans and Atheists. The Adventist church membership in the NSD is about 700,000. The ratio of Adventist to the general population is 1 to 2,200. This broad territory presents substantial mission challenges.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Division leaders, Jairyong Lee, president; Yutaka Inada, secretary; Paul Sung Sub Song, associate secretary; German A. Lust, treasurer; and Dong Jin Lyu, undertreasurer, to have wisdom to lead in this difficult area.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that leaders and church members will work together to spread the Three Angels’ Messages to millions of unreached people in this territory.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that church members will have courage to stand strong for their faith, despite the persecution that they often face from family, friends, or even the government in certain regions.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out, and doors to open into previously un-entered dark territories, such as North Korea.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the youth to catch the fire of evangelism, and for the evangelistic thrust scheduled for Japan in 2018.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE NAD: The North American Division (NAD) includes the countries of Bermuda, Canada, Guam and Micronesia, and the United States. The NAD is home to more than 1.2 million Seventh-day Adventists who represent every major cultural and ethnic group in the world, worshiping in some 6,000 congregations.
Even though the North American Division was the birthplace of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, it wasn’t fully recognized as a world division until 1985. For more than 150 years it has promoted the mission of the church around the world, as it has spread the Advent Message to more than 200 countries.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for wisdom for Division leaders, Dan Jackson, president; Alexander Bryant, secretary; and Thomas Evans, treasurer. Please pray also for Union, Conference, and local church leaders in the NAD, that the gospel will be spread rapidly throughout this territory.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that many will come to know Christ through the 60 hospitals, 1,200 schools and 15 universities and colleges located in the NAD.
PRAYER REQUEST: Recently USA Today recognized the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America as the most ethnically diverse religious denomination in the United States. Pray that even in our diversity there will be unity throughout the NAD Division and congregations.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for our church members in Guam and Micronesia, that God will give them peace, strength and safety, and hold back the winds of strife. (For complete statement from the NAD, click here!)
PRAYER REQUEST: Remember the youth in the North American Division. Pray that they will seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Pray that they won’t be influenced by secularism around them, but that they will become bright shining lights to their peers, actively proclaiming the soon coming of Christ.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that every member of the NAD will be mobilized to participate in the final thrust of God’s great evangelistic enterprise on planet earth. Pray that there will be Total Member Involvement in North America, for youth, as well as adults.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE ECD: The East-Central Africa Division is comprised of 11 countries that include: Burundi, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Rwanda, and Somalia. These countries have a population of approximately 400 million people. Seventh-day Adventist church membership in this region is approximately 3.3 million.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for wisdom and the Holy Spirit’s blessing on Blasious M. Ruguri, Division president, Alain G. Coralie, Executive Secretary, and Jerome Habimana, Executive Treasurer. Please pray also for all the Union and Conference leaders in the ECD.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the 100,000 newly baptized church members in Rwanda to stay faithful. Pray for new churches for these members, and an increasing knowledge of Christ. Pray for the new members that will join as a result of their witness this year.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for church members to continue to seek after Christ with all their hearts. Pray for continued revival and reformation in the churches, homes, and schools.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the seven Adventist universities in this territory as well as for the Adventist University of Africa Graduate School, which serves the African continent. Remember Maxwell Adventist Academy in your prayers. It has been a blessing to many young people. Quality Adventist education and dedicated teachers are urgently needed in Africa.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the seven mission hospitals in the ECD serving thousands of people with healthcare issues. Pray that people come to Christ through their time in these hospitals and health care facilities.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that all church members will embrace Total Member Involvement and that many more will be brought to the Kingdom.
Table of contents
- 1 August 6 – 13, 2017
- 2 World Church Prayer Requests May 7 – 14, 2017
- 3 World Church Prayer Requests
- 4 April 30 – May 7, 2017
- 5 World Church Prayer Requests
- 6 April 23 – 30, 2017
- 7 Prayer Requests & Praise ReportMarch 26 – April 2, 2017
- 8 Prayer Requests & Praise Report
- 9 March 19 – 26, 2017
- 10 March 12-19, 2017
- 11 March 5 – 12, 2017
- 12 Prayer Requests & Praise Report
- 13 Feb. 26 – March 5, 2017
- 14 Prayers for Your Church
August 6 – 13, 2017
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE TED: The Trans-European Division was first organized in 1928 and now encompasses 22 countries, including: Aland Islands, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Faeroe Islands, Finland, Greece, Greenland, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Sweden, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the southern portion of Cyprus.
The area comprising the TED has a population of about 205 million people, with 86,000 Seventh-day Adventist members worshipping in 1,165 churches. With postmodern secularism prominent in this region, ministries focus on evangelism and outreach for the secular mind.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Raafat A. Kamal, Division president; Audrey E. Andersson, Secretary; and Nenad Jepuranovic, Treasurer. Please pray for the Union and Conference leadership as well as local pastors.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out on church members of the TED as they seek to witness to those around them.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the youth of the TED to desire a personal relationship with Jesus, and make Him the Lord of their life. Pray for Seventh-day Adventist education in the TED to be a light and witness in the community.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the pastors and church leaders of the TED to have the wisdom to lead the church toward heaven, while meeting the needs facing their countries in the refugee crisis. Pray that we all would be the feet and hands of Jesus to a hurting world.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT MENAU: The Middle East and North Africa Union (MENAU), formed in 2011, is comprised of 20 countries, with over 500 million people. 99% of the MENAU is Muslim. The Adventist membership is 3,768, in 52 churches and 20 companies.
The geography of the church ranges from Morocco on the west to Iran in the east, and includes the countries of the Arabian Peninsula and Turkey—in addition to the northern part of Cyprus and Sudan. It includes the biblical lands of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, and Tyre and Sidon, which are today’s Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, and Syria, plus many locations in Jordan.
Four countries in the region are war-torn and totally unstable. Church is either illegal or unwelcome in almost all of their countries.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the cities that have no Adventist presence—that God will raise up laborers for the harvest. There are 48 cities of 1 million or more people in this territory, some of which have never had a Seventh-day Adventist set foot in them.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the church members in the MENAU to have courage as they often feel alone and isolated. Religious persecution is rampant in many areas.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the young people of the MENAU to be strong and have courage to share their faith. The Middle East University is operated by the MENAU in Beirut. Pray for the students and teachers here.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Waldensian students and missionaries who have come into this region from around the world. Pray that God would give them creative ways to share the gospel and pray for open doors.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT SID: The Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division encompasses 23 countries and islands. It is comprised of 10 unions and one attached field. The Lord has blessed this Division with a membership of 3,514,060, worshipping in 23,972 congregations throughout its territory.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Division leaders, Solomon Maphosa (President), Gideon Reynecke (Executive Secretary), Goodwell Nthani (Executive Treasurer), as well as all the staff at the Division headquarters in Pretoria, South Africa. Pray also for the Union, Conference, and Mission leadership as well.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please join us in praying for pastors in the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division. Pray that members in this region will have wisdom while sharing the Three Angel’s Messages with a dying world.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Mission to the Cities in the SID. Special focus is being placed on reaching affluent people in the metropolitan areas of Johannesburg, South Africa, and Harare, Zimbabwe. Please pray for Divine encounters with people of influence who may be able to share what they learn with others in their social networks.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the South Africa Union. There are only 150,000 members in a territory boasting a population of over 55 million. Urgent prayer is needed to reach the masses with the gospel.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the young people of the SID to grow in Christ and develop into laborers for the harvest. Pray that youth can be used to lead their parents into truth. Pray for additional missionaries and Bible workers who are willing to labor in this field.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for resolution to tensions between different cultures and races. Pray for a spirit of unity and love among the believers, so people will see something appealing in Christianity.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE EUD: The Inter-European Division is made up of 20 countries which include: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Holy See, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Spain, and Switzerland.
The total population in the EUD is 350 million people, with a great diversity of languages, historical backgrounds, cultures, and traditions. These countries have been inundated with large numbers of immigrants and refugees, who bring with them their own languages, beliefs, and cultures. This potentially challenging situation is being seen, by the leaders of the EUD, as fertile ground for the advancement of the mission that God has entrusted to them.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Mario Brito, Division President; Barna Magyarosi, Secretary; and Norbert Zens, Treasurer. Pray also for Union and Conference leaders, and the local pastors of the EUD.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the immigrants and refugees to the EUD, as some are receptive to the Gospel. Church members who minister to the newcomers are being blessed.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the growing number of young people who are willing to recommit their lives to Jesus and be involved in mission service.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for church members, young and old, to hunger and thirst for a deeper walk with Jesus. We are told, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6)
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for those newly baptized members who have joined the church in response to the Total Member Involvement events this year.
• BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE SPD: The South Pacific Division is the smallest Division by total population but it has the second most Adventists per head of population. This Division comprises 17 countries including: American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Wallis and Futuna Islands
• Because of the International Dateline, this Division is the only place where you can be in today and yesterday, or today and tomorrow. Population is 39 million with church membership at 450,000
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the pacific islands and the immigrant populations where the church is growing rapidly. Pray for many more conversions and baptisms.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the people that are living in the secular urban populations. Pray that church members will find ways to reach them with the gospel. This is one of the biggest challenges in the region.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for all of us as a church to seek after genuine revival and reformation founded on Biblical principals and doctrines, as worldliness and secularism are gaining a stronger and stronger foothold in the cultures all around the world.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the young people of the South Pacific Division to grow in their love for Christ. Pray for the Adventist Education in this Division to be a training ground for missionaries.
• BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE WAD: The West-Central Africa Division is comprised of 22 countries which include: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.
• In the WAD there is a population of 250 million, with church membership at 700,000. There are 4 main languages spoken in this region: French, English, Portuguese and Spanish.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Elie D. Weick-Dido, Division President, Kingsley C. Anonaba, Secretary, and Emmanuel S. D. Manu, Treasurer. Pray for the Union leaders, as well as local missions, and pastors.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the West-Central Africa Division as the biggest challenge in this region is trying to reach the countries that are in the 10/40 window.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the WAD evangelism efforts as they hope to double the membership by 2020. To do that their special mission focus in 2018 is to have 20,000 evangelism sites division-wide with preachers from all over the world.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that all members would be involved, in Total Member Involvement, inviting neighbors and friends to hear the good news about our soon coming Lord.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that the strong-hold of darkness, of control by evil spirits, and enchantment with magic would be broken in these regions of the world. Pray that church members that still dabble in these things would be convicted to separate from darkness and seek to hold on to Christ’s arm of strength!
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for an army of youth to be raised up to serve Christ!
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE IAD: The Inter-American Division has 38 countries in its territory including Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Columbia and all the islands of the Caribbean. The Inter-American Division consists of 24 Unions with 3.8 million members making up 21,000 congregations. Their members speak English, Spanish, French and Dutch.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Israel Leito, Division President, Elie Hentry, Division Secretary, Filiberto M. Verduzco, Division Treasurer. Pray also for the Union leadership, and many pastors of the IAD.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the IAD members as they actively embrace Total Member Involvement through the Division’s emphasis on, “Lord Transform Me.” The lay members in IAD are very involved in mission and are enthusiastically working and waiting for the return of Jesus Christ.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the young people of the IAD, that they will fall in love with Jesus, dig deeply in their Bible study, take seriously the call to pray, and follow Jesus wholeheartedly.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Centers of Influence within this region, that these places will be beacons of light to their communities and cities.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray also for the Guerrilla and Paramilitary groups that work much violence throughout this region of the world. Pray for conversions and the Damascus Road experience for these fighters, that they can begin fighting for the sake of Christ.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the upcoming July 1st (3rd Quarter) Day of Prayer and Fasting for the World church that occurs this coming Sabbath. Pray that many church members will participate. (To access program resources for this special day, click here:
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for those attending the last week of General Conference Mission Institute being held in Mexico. Pray for Holy Spirit blessing on the meetings and that church leaders will come away more fully equipped to reach the many cultures of the world.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue praying for the refugee crisis. Refugee camps in the Middle East and elsewhere are essentially pop-up cities. Please pray for the needs of the people living in these pop-up cities—health needs, educational needs, material needs, relational needs, spiritual needs, and more.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for refugees who are migrating to Europe and the United States as they seek to start a new life—for ability to learn the language quickly, and the opportunity to get jobs that pay enough for them to support their families. Pray that they may come to know Jesus.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the work of the Knjigolovka bookstore and urban center of influence sharing hope in Belgrade, Serbia.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the work of the Happy Hand secondhand store and urban center of influence in Copenhagen, Denmark. (To learn more, visit:
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the upcoming July 1st (3rd Quarter) Day of Prayer and Fasting for the World church. Pray that many churches will participate all over the world. (To access program resources for this special day, click here:
- PRAYER REQUEST: This is the month of Ramadan for many Muslims around the world. Please pray for our brothers and sisters around the world, to come to know the truth of the gospel and accept Jesus as their personal Savior.
- PRAYER REQUEST: The 10/40 window is home to 236 cities of a million or more residents. Please pray for committed missionaries to be willing to minister to the unreached people of these cities.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out on members in the Euro-Asia Division as they seek to share their faith. Mikhail F. Kaminsky, president of the Euro-Asia Division, shares that despite having a lot of tools for reaching cities, the work in the region of the former Soviet Union remains extremely challenging.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that God would open doors in cities within the East-Central Africa Division. Pray also for His blessing on seminars being held there for pastors of other denominations, teaching them to minister more effectively, and in the process, introducing them to Adventist doctrines. Ask God to bless the 1,000 members of a church that joined the Adventist movement as a result of this work.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the upcoming July 1st (3rd Quarter) Day of Prayer and Fasting for the World church. Pray that many churches will participate all over the world. (To access program resources for this special day, click here:
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that God would bless even now in the logistical planning for the General Conference Session of 2020.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the many people who will be baptized this June across the Inter-European division as a result of the TMI events. Pray that each new baptized individual will be firmly grounded and committed to Biblical truth.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the 60 hospitals, 1200 schools and 15 universities and colleges that are in the North America Division, that many will come to know Christ through these institutions and their outreach.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for those who lost children and loved ones in the bus tragedy in Mexico recently. Pray for those who have been affected by the terrorist activities and attacks in Europe and the Middle East.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Mission to the Cities in the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division. The division is especially focusing its Mission to the Cities efforts on Johannesburg, South Africa, and Harare, Zimbabwe, where emphasis is being placed on reaching affluent people. Pray for divine encounters with people of influence who may be able to share what they learn with others in their social networks.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the church members of the Trans-European Division to know how to reach those in the secular European society. Pray for wisdom in ministering to the refugee populations that have entered the country as well.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the staff at a SDA run Health Center in Eldoret Kenya, which one community has built to do health evangelism. The biggest need right now is for more health workers. Please pray that God will provide.
- PRAYER REQUEST: As the refugee crisis continues, please pray that people may be found in North American and Australian cities who are willing to learn how to reach resettled refugees from different faith backgrounds. Pray especially for volunteers to help reach refugees in cities where the most refugees have been resettled to—places like Houston, Atlanta and Toronto.
- PRAYER REQUEST: The Arizona Sonshine 2017 Healthcare Event is coming up in Prescott Valley, AZ on June 15 & 16. Please pray for the volunteers, for attendees, and for overall success. (To learn more visit:
- PRAYER REQUEST: Many camp meetings are occurring across North America this summer. Please pray that God will bless these meetings and that church members will be inspired to greater service for the Kingdom.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the many Adventist young people that have just graduated, or are graduating this Spring. Pray that God will help them make the right decisions for their future.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the staff at a SDA run Health Center in Eldoret Kenya, which one community has built to do health evangelism. The biggest need right now is for more health workers. Please pray that God will provide.
- PRAYER REQUEST: As the refugee crisis continues, please pray that people may be found in North American and Australian cities who are willing to learn how to reach resettled refugees from different faith backgrounds. Pray especially for volunteers to help reach refugees in cities where the most refugees have been resettled to—places like Houston, Atlanta and Toronto.
- PRAYER REQUEST: The Arizona Sonshine 2017 Healthcare Event is coming up in Prescott Valley, AZ on June 15 & 16. Please pray for the volunteers, for attendees, and for overall success. (To learn more visit:
- PRAYER REQUEST: Many camp meetings are occurring across North America this summer. Please pray that God will bless these meetings and that church members will be inspired to greater service for the Kingdom.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the many Adventist young people that have just graduated, or are graduating this Spring. Pray that God will help them make the right decisions for their future.
- PRAISE REPORT: Thank you for praying for Institute of World Mission held recently in Turkey. God blessed the meetings. It was a good experience for all those that attended, including the children.
- PRAISE REPORT: Thank you for praying for the “Reach the World: Issues Impacting Children, Women, and Families” leadership conference conducted in Budapest, Hungary. Participants came from every continent except Antarctica and expressed their joy and gratitude for such inspirational and eye-opening seminars. Many expressed a renewed commitment to allow God to use them to “Reach the World.” Thank you to the countless members around the world who have been praying. The Lord blessed in marvelous ways, beyond our wildest imagination.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for our church leaders worldwide as they travel, teach, mentor, share, and carry very busy schedules. Pray that they will guard their daily time with God, and that the Holy Spirit will continue to be poured out in all they do.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the translation process of the Ten Days of Prayer materials, that God will bless as the message is shared in multiple languages.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for those young people who are graduating from high school, colleges, and universities during this month. Pray that God will give them clear direction in their journey and that their focus would be to “seek Him first” in all that they do.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for our Division, Union, and Conference leaders working in difficult regions of the world (such as the Middle East, Northern and Southern Asia, and elsewhere), where the spread of the gospel is often hindered due to political issues. Pray that God gives courage and wisdom to these leaders.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the broadcast of I Want This City on Hope Channel.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray especially for efforts across Japan to reach the people of its many cities.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for more and more church members to recognize the importance of reaching the cities of our world, and to dedicate themselves to this work.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the refugees in the Middle East. Refugee camps in the Middle East and elsewhere are essentially pop-up cities. Please pray for the needs of the people stuck there—health needs, educational needs, material needs, relational needs, and more.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for refugees in Europe as they seek to start a new life in cities across the continent—for ability to learn the language quickly, and the opportunity to get jobs that pay enough for them to support their families. Pray that they may know Jesus.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that God will show us also how to reach those closest to us, our next-door neighbors, our co-workers, or unbelieving family and friends. We may be the only link they have to hearing and seeing the gospel lived out in daily life. Let’s pray that we be faithful in our sphere of influence.
World Church Prayer Requests May 7 – 14, 2017
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the “Reach the World: Issues Impacting Children, Women, and Families” leadership conference that will be occurring, this week, May 10-13, 2017 in Budapest Hungary. The General Conference Departments of Children’s Ministries, Women’s Ministries, and Family Ministries are hosting this International Leadership Conference. Please join us in praying that the presence of God will be at this event in a very special way. (For those interested in knowing more about what will take place at this event, you can login to our event site at www.facebook.com/RTWBudapest2017)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Gary Krause, Adventist Mission Director, Homer Trecartin, associate director of Adventist Mission, and Doug Venn, Global Mission Urban Centers Director. Pray for them to have God’s wisdom as they promote Adventist Mission and reaching the cities worldwide.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Gary Blanchard, the new GC youth director. Please continue to pray for the Youth Department’s One Year in Mission (OYIM) Initiative as it seeks to train the next generation of urban mission leaders. Also, pray for the Youth Department’s Pathfinder Program as it seeks to train the next generation of urban missionaries for Jesus.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God’s blessing on centers of influence across the Inter-European Division. Please pray especially for the center of influence in Milan, where refugees are learning about Jesus, and for the plans to expand this type of program throughout the region.
World Church Prayer Requests
April 30 – May 7, 2017
• PRAYER REQUEST: At the Spring Council Meetings in Maryland it was voted to establish prayer revival coordinators throughout the church’s world divisions. Please pray that God will lead that the right people are put into these positions and that we can move forward even more powerfully as a church that stays on its knees.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for those who are preparing to be baptized from this Springs Evangelistic series in Europe. Pray that they will be firmly grounded and rooted in the truth of God’s Word.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Rwanda as they are doing even more evangelistic events this year than last. Pray for Japan, Zambia, and Philippines as they prepare for large Total Member Involvement events in 2018. Pray that God will convict His people to come and preach, and that everyone will be involved in some way.
• PRAYER REQUEST: This past month a new church opened in a city of millions where only 3 years ago there was no SDA. Approximately 50 attendees witnessed the formation of this vibrant and loving group! Pray for their work and growth in a difficult area of the world.
World Church Prayer Requests
April 23 – 30, 2017
- PRAYER REQUEST: Also please continue to pray for the “Reach the World: Issues Impacting Children, Women, and Families” leadership conference that will be occurring May 10-13, 2017 in Budapest Hungary. The General Conference Departments of Children’s Ministries, Women’s Ministries, and Family Ministries are hosting this International Leadership Conference. Please join us in praying that the presence of God will be at this event in a very special way. (For those interested in knowing more about what will take place at this event, you can login to our event site at www.facebook.com/RTWBudapest2017)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for God to bring healing to women, children, and families suffering from abuse, violence, and the affects of substance abuse. Within our own walls there are many that need healing. Let’s ask the Lord to show us how we can reach out more effectively to the hurting within our own congregations.
- PRAYER REQUEST: There are 45 cities of a million or more with fewer than 10 Adventists. Please pray for consecrated, Spirit-led workers to bring a dramatic change!
- PRAYER REQUEST: The South American Division is home to 72 cities of 500,000 inhabitants or more each. The division has ambitious plans to open 71 new centers of influence across the region! Please ask God to bless these plans, that many may be won to Him!
World Church Praise Report & Prayer Requests
April 16-23
- PRAISE REPORT: God did bless the Spring Council meetings. Wonderful spirit and much accomplished. Thanks so much for your prayers.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the upcoming World Mission Institute Turkey that starts this next week. Turkey has been quite hostile to Christianity, so we really need God to work. Pray for our General Conference team as they coordinate the adult and children’s programs. Especially pray for safety for our team traveling into and out of the country, as there has been a lot of protest and fighting recently.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Biblical Research Institute Committee, Faith and Science Council, as well as Loma Linda University Board meetings that will all be taking place at Loma Linda this next week. Pray for God to give wisdom in discussions and decisions made.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Also please continue to pray for the “Reach the World: Issues Impacting Children, Women, and Families” leadership conference that will be occurring May 10-13, 2017 in Budapest Hungary. The General Conference Departments of Children’s Ministries, Women’s Ministries, and Family Ministries are hosting this International Leadership Conference. Please join us in praying that the presence of God will be at this event in a very special way. (For those interested in knowing more about what will take place at this event, you can login to our event site at www.facebook.com/RTWBudapest2017)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that God will show each one of us what He would have us do to in our own sphere to influence to share our faith with others, and plant seeds for the kingdom.
World Church Prayer Requests
April 9-16, 2017
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please keep praying for the General Conference Spring Meetings taking place this coming week in Silver Spring Maryland where leaders travel in from around the world to discuss and pray about pertinent issues in the church. Pray that God will lead each decision that is made.
• PRAYER REQUEST: This next week, some of the General Conference staff will be visiting the convention center in Indianapolis where the General Conference Session of 2020 will be held. Pray for all the logistics that need to be worked out, and also for the Ministerial team, as they are looking for where to put the prayer room. We had approximately 15,000 people come through the prayer room at GC Session San Antonio and we are praying for an even bigger room for 2020 so that more people can be blessed.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the upcoming World Mission Institute Turkey that will occur this month and into May. Turkey has been quite hostile to Christianity, so we really need God to work. Pray for our General Conference team as they coordinate the adult and children’s programs. Especially pray for safety for our team traveling into and out of the country, as there has been a lot of protest and fighting recently.
• PRAYER REQUEST: On May 10-13, 2017 the General Conference Departments of Children’s Ministries, Women’s Ministries, and Family Ministries are hosting an International Leadership Conference in Budapest, Hungary under the theme “Reach the World: Issues Impacting Children, Women, and Families.” Please join us in praying that the presence of God would be at this event in a very special way. Please pray that this event will be transformational for those attending and not just another global meeting of the church. (For those interested in knowing more about what will take place at this event, you can login to our event site at www.facebook.com/RTWBudapest2017)
World Church Praise Reports and Prayer Requests
April 2 – 9, 2017
- PRAISE REPORT: God really blessed the April 1st Day of Prayer and Fasting. Many hearts were drawn closer together as we spent time on our knees praying for each other.
- PRAISE REPORT: The new Revival and Reformation website has launched. Please pray with us that many people will be encouraged and drawn closer in their walk with God through this website and the resources we share. (To check out the new resources, click here: www.revivalandreformation.org. Dozens more resources to be added in the coming days!)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Spring Meetings taking place this coming week in Silver Spring Maryland where leaders travel in from around the world to discuss and pray about pertinent issues in the church. Pray that God will lead each decision that is made.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the children of our church leaders (both the children of the local pastors as well as those in other positions of spiritual leadership throughout the world church.) Pray that they will come to have a deep and abiding walk with Jesus.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Total Member Involvement Campaigns that are still taking place across Europe and specifically in Russia. Mikhail F. Kaminskiy, president of the Euro-Asia Division has noted that despite having a lot of tools for reaching cities, the work in the region of the former Soviet Union remains extremely challenging. Please pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out on members there as they seek to share their faith.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that God will help us each personally to stay connected with Jesus and not rush through our daily devotions, but take the time to get what we need from God each day. Satan has a thousand ways to distract us and the spiritual battle is only getting fiercer. We need a deep and living experience in the things of God so that we will have something to share with those around us.
Prayer Requests & Praise Report
March 26 – April 2, 2017
- PRAISE REPORT: God really blessed the General Conference “Week of Prayer.” In fact, the messages were so convicting and inspiring that we plan to share them soon so more people can be blessed! (Stay tuned for details!)
- PRAISE REPORT: The new Revival and Reformation website has finally launched. Thank you so much for your prayers! Please pray now that many people will be encouraged and drawn closer in their walk with God through this website and the resources we share. (To check out the new resources, click here. Dozens more resources to be added in the coming days!)
- PRAISE REPORT: God blessed thousands of young people around the world as they took part in Global Youth day last Sabbath! Many exciting testimonies. Thank you for your prayers! Keep praying for our youth to desire to serve Jesus, not just on Global Youth Day, but on every day.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please keep praying that many churches will be inspired to take part in the day of prayer and fasting this coming Sabbath, April 1st. (For program materials, also available in Spanish, click here!)
- PRAYER REQUEST: In the current refugee crisis, many refugees have found temporary shelter in existing cities rather than refugee camps. And the camps that do exist are said to be the cities of tomorrow. Please pray for the people in these cities and camps to have their physical needs met and to have opportunity to learn of Jesus!
- PRAYER REQUEST: In the West-Central Africa Division, in the city of Monrovia, Liberia, there is a new center of influence called the “Millennium Guest House. It aims to reach the higher levels of society with stop-smoking programs as well as programs specifically for children, women, and men. Please pray that God will bless the work of this center, and bring to it the people whose hearts He is preparing.
Prayer Requests & Praise Report
March 19 – 26, 2017
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the General Conference “Week of Prayer” that will be occurring this coming week! Pray that it will be a time of spiritual refreshment for all!
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for important leadership meetings that will be taking place this week at the General Conference headquarters.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for health and safety for those leaders that are traveling.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the successful launching of a new Revival and Reformation website which will occur soon. (Stay tuned for upcoming details!)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the thousands of young people that are taking part in “Global Youth Day” this weekend. That the experiences they have will inspire them to get out and serve others more.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that many churches will be inspired to take part in the day of prayer and fasting April 1st. (For program materials, click here.)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue praying for MENA. The official 80 DAYS OF PRAYER ends March 21st, But that doesn’t mean we stop praying. Please continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out in MENA, for safety of the missionaries and workers there. Pray that God will open the doors in this difficult region and that many will have the opportunity of hearing the gospel.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the broadcast of I Want This City. (To learn more click here.)
March 12-19, 2017
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the work in Bangkok, and for a new center of influence that is to open there soon.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for a upcoming mega clinic to be held in Prescott Valley, AZ in June. (To learn more visit:
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the work among refugees on the outskirts of Atlanta. (To learn more read:
- FINAL 10 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR MENA – Egypt-Sudan Field: The combined population of the Egypt-Sudan field is 130 million people. In Egypt 10% of the population is Christian and in Sudan 5% is Christian. The Adventist church in the Egypt-Sudan field has a membership of 849, with approximately 744 members in Egypt and 105 in Sudan. There are 20 churches and companies, 3 schools with more than 2,000 students, 6 pre-schools, 5 urban initiatives and 1 food factory plus a total of twelve pastors and global mission workers.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for a project in Cairo – permits, construction, etc.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the educational institutions, especially Nile Union Academy and its students.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for all the missionaries in Egypt-Sudan Field. Pray for smooth visa processes for the workers.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to be poured out in MENA.
- DETAILS BEHIND THE 80 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR MENA: The Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) is doing an “80 Days of Prayer” relay, which started January 1, in a special appeal to God for a breakthrough in this challenging territory. Join us for this final week of the 80 days of prayer for MENA!
March 5 – 12, 2017
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please keep praying for those that have made decisions for Christ during the Total Member Involvement meetings in Southern Europe. Pray for the studies for baptism that will continue. Some baptisms will take place in early June.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that more churches take seriously the call to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. God is waiting to work on behalf of His people!
- PRAYER REQUEST: One young girl gave up her senior trip to preach in Romania this February. Pray that many more Adventist young people get on fire to witness for Christ.
- 80 DAYS OF PRAYER – MENA FOCUS – The Gulf Field: Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are the seven countries that currently comprise the Gulf Field. We have 18 churches and 4 companies with a membership of 1,500 worshipers and an attendance of approximately 2,500 people every Sabbath. With 68.5 million people in the territory of the Gulf Field, most of whom have a Sunni Islamic background, the ratio of Adventists to the general population is 1:27,400. Sadly, although there are more Adventists in this region than any other in MENA, there is not one indigenous Adventist.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for churches to be officially recognized in six countries.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for more members to get involved in friendship evangelism with non-Christians in the United Arab Emirates,
DETAILS BEHIND THE 80 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR MENA: The Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) is doing an “80 Days of Prayer” relay, which started January 1, in a special appeal to God for a breakthrough in this challenging territory. Join us each week in prayer as we focus on the needs in this region.
Prayer Requests & Praise Report
Feb. 26 – March 5, 2017
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please keep praying for these Total Member Involvement events taking place right now across Armenia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, and Georgia this month. Some events are ending, and others are still going. Pray for those that have made decisions for Christ.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the local church members that will be doing follow up on the evangelistic meetings. Pray for the studies for baptism that will continue.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the continued witness and testimony of those who have been preaching overseas as they return to their home churches. Pray that they will be an influence to continue to spread enthusiasm for Total Member Involvement wherever they go.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Japan where there will be Total Member Involvement events happening in 2018. Pray for the city of Akita, which has the highest rate for suicide in the country of Japan. Pray that the gospel can reach those in this difficult area.
- 80 DAYS OF PRAYER – MENA FOCUS – East Mediterranean Region: Let’s keep praying for the East Mediterranean Region. The East Mediterranean Region consists of Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Syria. Lebanon has four churches and approximately 200 members, with its headquarters and Middle East University located in Beirut. Jordan, the former land of the Ammonites, Edmomites and Moabites, also has four churches with approximately 90 members. It is here that the regional headquarters are located. Iraq has only one church with 15 members, located in Kurdistan. Due to the war, the former churches of Bagdad and Kirkuk are closed. In Syria there are unfortunately only three Adventist families that are still there. Much prayer is needed for this region!
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for our two urban initiatives in this region.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for ADRA work in the country, especially among the refugees
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for our health initiatives and programs.
DETAILS BEHIND THE 80 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR MENA: The Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) is doing an “80 Days of Prayer” relay, which started January 1, in a special appeal to God for a breakthrough in this challenging territory. Join us each week in prayer as we focus on the needs in this region.
- PRAISE REPORT: We praise God with His blessings so far in the Total Member Involvement initiatives across South-Eastern Europe. Many people are attending the meetings, and already decisions for baptism are being made! (To read inspiring reports, click here.)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please keep praying for these Total Member Involvement events taking place right now across Armenia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, and Georgia this month. There are over 2,000 events, and we are praying that God will work in a mighty way.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out, the Gospel to be clearly presented, and many hearts to be changed for eternity.
- 80 DAYS OF PRAYER – MENA FOCUS – East Mediterranean Region: For the next couple week’s the East Mediterranean Region will be our focus. The East Mediterranean Region consists of Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Syria. Lebanon has four churches and approximately 200 members, with its headquarters and Middle East University located in Beirut. Jordan, the former land of the Ammonites, Edmomites and Moabites, also has four churches with approximately 90 members. It is here that the regional headquarters are located. Iraq has only one church with 15 members, located in Kurdistan. Due to the war, the former churches of Bagdad and Kirkuk are closed. In Syria there are unfortunately only three Adventist families that are still there. Much prayer is needed for this region!
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: For the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the lives of each leader, pastor, volunteer, Global Mission Pioneer, Tentmaker, Waldensian Students and members.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray For help in reaching the refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray For God to touch the hearts of our members and give them the courage and willingness to reach out to others.
DETAILS BEHIND THE 80 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR MENA: The Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) is doing an “80 Days of Prayer” relay, which started January 1, in a special appeal to God for a breakthrough in this challenging territory. Join us each week in prayer as we focus on the needs in this region.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please keep praying for the Total Member Involvement events taking place right now across Armenia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, and Georgia this month. There are over 2,000 events, and we are praying that God will work in a mighty way.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the people of Romania and the political protests that have been occurring in Bucharest. Pray that these unstable times will compel people to seek for the truth and attend our meetings.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for health (physically, spiritually, and emotionally) for all the speakers and participants in these Total Member Involvement events.
- 80 DAYS OF PRAYER – MENA FOCUS – Turkey-Iran Field: For the next couple week’s Turkey-Iran will be our focus. The combined countries of Turkey and Iran have a population of approximately 153 million. Although Turkey is considered to be a secular country, 99.8 % of its population is officially registered as Muslim and the majority are Sunni. Iran’s official religion is Shi’a. Within this mix we have three organized churches and nine companies with a combined membership of 284 members and a ratio of 1:538,732 of Adventists to the general population.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that Turkey and its government develop more openness. Pray for the Iranian government to allow people to have religious freedom.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the lawsuit case that involves ownership of a church property.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the safety of our members in a restricted country.
DETAILS BEHIND THE 80 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR MENA: The Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) is doing an “80 Days of Prayer” relay, which started January 1, in a special appeal to God for a breakthrough in this challenging territory. Join us each week in prayer as we focus on different needs in this region.
This week our prayer focus is on HOPE Channel, the European Total Member Involvement initiative that is getting underway, and MENA.
- PRAISE REPORT: We praise God for each new Hope Channel viewer who is hearing God’s Good News of a better life for today and for eternity, and is connecting with a local Seventh-day Adventist church.
- PRAISE REPORT: We praise God for the excellent new programming for Hope Channel that is becoming available in direct answer to prayer.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the presidents, directors, and managers of approximately 50 Hope Channel affiliates around the world who are broadcasting the Gospel message in 56 languages.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for a growing number of partners who will uphold this global evangelistic ministry with their prayers and financial support.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for pastor Derek Morris, president of Hope Channel, as he will be conducting evangelistic meetings in Bucharest, Romania, February 10-25, 2017, as part of Total Member Involvement.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for all the Total Member Involvement speakers and participants who will be leading meetings across Armenia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, and Georgia this month. There are over 2,000 events planned, and some have already started.
- 80 DAYS OF PRAYER – MENA FOCUS – North Africa Region: The focus for the North Africa region will continue this week. Pray for God to open doors in areas that have not yet been reached with the gospel.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for our Global Mission Pioneers based in the second largest city in a country with no Adventist presence.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in North Algeria.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for a new urban initiative in Algeria in 2017.
DETAILS BEHIND THE 80 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR MENA: The Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) is doing an “80 Days of Prayer” relay, which started January 1, in a special appeal to God for a breakthrough in this challenging territory. Join us each week in prayer as we focus on different needs in this region.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Total Member Involvement evangelism meetings that have already started in some parts of Romania, and for the meetings getting ready to start in Ukraine.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the young people that recently attended the Belgium Youth Congress, that the convictions that have taken place in their hearts will be lasting. Pray these young people will grow to be mighty witnesses for God’s Kingdom.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the church members of the Southern Asia Pacific Division to take the Great Commission of Matthew 28 seriously and get involved in sharing the gospel.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the influence of the students at Nile Union Academy whose trash pickup service has transformed the academy into a true urban center of influence.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the work of REACH Philadelphia using community fitness, community gardens, and more to reach those around them. (To learn more click here.)
- 80 DAYS OF PRAYER – MENA FOCUS – North Africa Region: The focus for January 30 to February 9 is the North Africa Region (NAR) which includes Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco with the Western Sahara as an attached territory to Morocco. Within these countries the church is not able to exist legally. This presents a major challenge in developing the work in such a risky environment. The membership on the books is approximately 150, but they have over 200 Adventists in attendance across the North Africa Region every Sabbath.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the safety of church members and workers in the North Africa Region. Especially pray for the frontline workers who will be entering territories where there are no Adventist. Pray for wisdom how to reach the big cities in this region.
DETAILS BEHIND THE 80 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR MENA: The Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) is doing an “80 Days of Prayer” relay, which started January 1, in a special appeal to God for a breakthrough in this challenging territory. Join us each week in prayer as we focus on different needs in this region.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the special outreach that many churches are doing to follow the 10 Days of Prayer. Pray that many new doors will be opened in our communities for the gospel to be shared more effectively.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Some of the Ministerial team has been traveling through Moldova, Romania and Hungary praying with the people and encouraging them to bathe all their ministries and outreaches in much prayer. Please join with these prayers for God’s great breakthroughs in the coming weeks.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for our Adventist young people, as they start their new semester at the many Universities, colleges, and secondary schools around the world. Pray for them to seek to be special witnesses for Christ.
- MENA PRAYER REQUEST: For the 80 day prayer relay, the focus this week is the Middle East University (MEU). This university, established in 1939, is an Adventist university offering quality education in Beirut, Lebanon. In a region of 500 million largely unreached people, MEU plays a significant role in molding leaders with Adventist missional beliefs and values. Pray for a spiritual revival on this campus. Pray for financial stability. Pray for the staff and students.
DETAILS BEHIND THE 80 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR MENA: The Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) is doing an “80 Days of Prayer” relay in a special appeal to God for a breakthrough in this challenging territory. The first 10 days of the year were spent praying for MENA as a whole. The second 10 days were spent joining with the world church for its 10 Days of Prayer. Afterward, it will pray for 60 days – 10 days at a time – for specific needs in various parts of the region, starting this week with the Middle East University.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for fellow church members, by name, to grow in their personal walk with God during the remainder of these Ten Days of Prayer.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the special outreach that many churches are doing to follow the Ten Days of Prayer. Pray that many new doors will be opened in our communities for the gospel to be shared more effectively.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the 113,000 Total Member Involvement initiatives planned for this year throughout the world church. Many of these events will lead to evangelistic outreaches with many more souls for the kingdom.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the leaders of our nations as well as the countries we represent, that these leaders will not hinder the work of God going forward, but will rather be used to spread the gospel.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the work of the Knjigolovka bookstore and urban center of influence sharing hope in Belgrade, Serbia. (To read about this, click here.)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the work of the Happy Hand secondhand store and urban center of influence in Copenhagen, Denmark. (To read about this, click here.)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for funding for more missionaries for the Northwest Territories. (To read more about the work here, click here.)
JOIN THE PRAYER RELAY FOR MENA: The Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) are doing an “80 Days of Prayer” relay to start off this year, as there are many needs in this difficult to reach territory of the world. This is how the relay works: 70 days, broken into 10 days for each region, will be spent praying for specific needs in a specific MENA region. (The first 10 days of the year were already spent praying for MENA as a whole.) Then 10 days MENA is joining the world church’s prayer focus. (That is happening this week!) Next week, we will pick up again with their next 10 day prayer relay, by praying for specific requests in the Egypt-Sudan field, and so forth until the 80 days have been completed. Please join us in this extended time of prayer for MENA! (More details to come.)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for God’s work to move forward all around the world with Holy Spirit power during this coming year!
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Seventh-Day Adventist leaders Elder Ted N.C. Wilson, General Conference President, G.T. Ng, General Conference Executive Secretary, and Juan Prestol-Puesan, General Conference Treasurer.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the leaders of the 13 Divisions, plus the Middle-East and North Africa Union.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for our Adventist Hospitals and their staff, that they will bring hope and healing, physically and spiritually, to those they serve.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the physical and spiritual health of all our church leaders, department leaders, as well as local pastors.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Total Member Involvement initiatives that will take place this year in the countries of Armenia, Georgia, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, and Bulgaria. Over 4,000 meetings will be held. Pray for all the speakers that will be preaching and that hearts will be open.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for our Adventist believers who live in countries that experience religious persecution. Pray that they will be faithful to God.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for our Adventist educational institutions, that they will teach Biblical truth and raise up young people who want to honor God.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the youth of your church to get excited about mission.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that your local church will become a house of prayer.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that we will seek a much deeper walk with Christ in 2017 and be able to win loved ones and neighbors to the Lord.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Starting Jan. 1, the Adventist Church’s Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) will start a special 80 Days of Prayer relay. We will be featuring the Union’s prayer requests, and we invite you to join us in praying for this region.
- BRIEF FACTS ABOUT MENA: MENA stretches from Morocco to the west, Iran to the east, Turkey to the north, and Sudan to the south. The region has about 520 million people in 20 countries with 13 un-entered cities that have populations of more than 1 million. After more than 100 years of work in the region, the church remains small in membership and faces numerous challenges. As we pray for MENA this week, let us remember everyone, including lay members, pastors, frontline workers, and administrators.
- SPECIFIC MENA REQUESTS: Pray for the big cities in MENA, particularly the 13 un-entered cities. Pray for the thousands of refugees flooding parts of this region. Pray for God to open many hearts to His truth.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for your church to be drawn closer together during the 1st Quarter Day of Prayer and Fasting on Jan. 7. If your church is not planning to participate, pray for how you can help make it happen. The theme is “The Battle Belongs to the Lord – Fighting for Our Church.” (Download materials)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that your church will take part in the upcoming Ten Days of Prayer from Jan. 11-21. (To download materials, go totendaysofprayer.org and scroll down to “2017 Prayer Materials.”)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Starting Jan. 1, MENA (the Middle East North Africa Union) will be starting an 80 Days of Prayer relay. This week, as we prepare to enter the New Year, we encourage you to join us as we also support MENA and the work in the Middle East. Please pray that God will bring a revival of prayer among the staff and workers of MENA, and that many new doors in this region will open as a result of the prayers of God’s people.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the many lives that will be changed during the General Conference’s upcoming Ten Days of Prayer on Jan. 11-21, 2017. (To learn more or to download materials, click: TenDaysofPrayer.org)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for church fellowship and unity to be experienced as thousands participate in the 1st Quarter Day of Prayer and Fasting on Jan. 7, 2017. The theme for 1st Quarter materials is “The Battle Belongs to the Lord – Fighting for our Church.” (To download materials, click here.)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the upcoming Generation of Youth for Christ convention, which is meeting in Houston, Texas, over New Year’s. GYC leaders are just finishing 40 Days of Prayer, leading up to the event, and we are joining in prayer with them that God will work in a mighty way in the lives of thousands of young people who will be attending the convention.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts as we begin this New Year. Pray that He will show us what He wants us to be doing to help others prepare for Jesus coming!
- PRAYER REQUEST: If ever there was a time when we need to be on our knees as a church, the time is now. Pray that 2017 will be a year of prayer like never before, as members worldwide move forward on their knees, seeking a deeper walk with God, and most importantly, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that many would join the World Church’s upcoming Ten Days of Prayer, which occurs Jan 11-21, 2017. (To learn more or to download materials, click: TenDaysofPrayer.org)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that many would take part in the 1st Quarter Day of Prayer and Fasting, which occurs January 7, 2017. The Theme for 1st Quarter materials is: The Battle Belongs to the Lord – Fighting for our Church. (To download materials, click here!)
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Syrian refugees of Aleppo, that God would intervene and fight for them. Pray for the many that are displaced from their homes and families right now, that God will take care of them and show them that He has not forsaken them.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Japan! In Tokyo, Christmas is thought of as a romantic holiday! It’s not a Christian celebration. Japan is just over 1% Christian. Please pray for Christians who will be willing to work for this city and country, and for the many other unreached territories around the world!
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that God would help us as a church, rather than hoarding our blessings to ourselves, turn outward in our focus over the holidays and seek to reach out to the many hurting and in need.
- ANSWERED PRAYER: Thank you for praying for the Revival and Reformation retreat, which occurred this past weekend, Dec. 1-3. God really blessed with a beautiful weekend, great discussions, and powerful prayer times. For all who attended, we are inspired to continue helping our church move forward on our knees.
- ANSWERED PRAYER: The Edo Conference in Western Nigeria (part of the West-Central Africa Division) wishes to thank everyone for the prayers for the Women’s Ministries Evangelism event. To the glory of God, the evangelism was successful and 124 souls were baptized.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the construction of Moriah Adventist College and as well as the building of a new church in Jalapa Guatemala City.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that our churches worldwide would become houses of prayer, interceding on behalf of our marriages, our homes, our children, as well as the nations around us!
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that our churches would be places where people love to get into the Word and study the Bible together.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Missionaries to go to the un-entered territories of the world: Worldwide there are more than 500 cities with more than 1 million people each. On average, in these cities, there is just one Adventist congregation for every 89,000 people. Please pray for Spirit-led efforts to take the Good News where it has not gone before!
In an attempt to help you get better acquainted with the Division leaders of the World church, we are sending out a page with prayer requests as well as their pictures. Please join us in lifting up the Inter-European Division prayer requests as listed below.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE EUD: The Inter-European Division is made up of 20 countries that include: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland and the Vatican.
The total population in the EUD is 350 million people, with a great diversity of languages, historical backgrounds, cultures, and traditions. Recently these countries have been confronted with the arrival of a great number of immigrants and refugees with their own languages, beliefs, and cultures. This challenging situation is being seen by EUD leaders as a fertile ground for the advancement of the mission that God has entrusted them.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the immigrants and refugees of the EUD. Some are open to receiving the gospel message, and many of our churches are being greatly blessed as they minister to the newcomers.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the growing number of young people who are willing to recommit their lives to Jesus and to be involved in mission.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for church members, both young and old, to hunger and thirst for a deeper walk with Jesus, for we are told, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Matt. 5:6).
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the upcoming TMI evangelistic series that will be taking place in Romania and Bulgaria in February 2017.
In an attempt to help you get better acquainted with the leaders of the World church, we are sending out a page with prayer requests as well as their pictures. Please join us in lifting up the Middle-East and North Africa Union prayer requests as listed below.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT MENA: The Middle East and North Africa Union, formed in 2011, is comprised of 20 countries with more than 500 million people. About 99 percent of MENA is Muslim. The Adventist membership is 3,768 people in 52 churches and 20 companies.
The geography of the church ranges from Morocco on the west to Iran in the east and includes countries of the Arabian Peninsula and Turkey — in addition to the northern part of Cyprus and Sudan. It includes the biblical lands of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Tyre, and Sidon, which are made of today’s Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt plus many locations in Jordan.
There are four countries that are war-torn and totally unstable in this region. The church is either illegal or unwelcome in almost all of their countries.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the cities that have no Adventist presence, that God will raise up laborers for the harvest. In MENA there are 48 cities of 1 million or more people, some of which have never had one Seventh-day Adventist set foot in them.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the church members in MENA to have courage as they are often alone and feel isolated. There’s also religious persecution in many parts.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the young people of MENA to know how to be strong and how to share their faith. The Middle East University is operated by MENA in Beirut. Pray for the students and teachers here.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the Waldensian students and missionaries that have come into this region from around the world. Pray that God would give them creative ways to share the gospel and pray for opening doors.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Papua New Guinea Union Mission of the South Pacific Division as they are aiming for 4 million disciples by 2020. Currently there are 500,000. The goal is to see each person bring 1 soul into the church each year between now and 2020.
PRAYER REQUEST: In Australia, within the South Pacific Division, work is underway to turn church-owned real estate into centers of influence. Please ask God to bless the work of these centers, that many more will be drawn to Jesus.
PRAYER REQUEST: Worldwide there are more than 500 cities with more than 1 million people each. On average, in these cities, there is just one Adventist congregation for every 89,000 people. Please pray for Spirit-led efforts to take the Good News where it has not gone before!
PRAYER REQUEST: While those in North America approach Thanksgiving Holidays, there are many around the world that are struggling just to survive. Pray that we would all have a giving spirit and be willing to sacrificially reach out to our brothers and sisters who are in need.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the upcoming Revival and Reformation GC Leadership Retreat that will take place December 1-4. Please pray that God will prepare the hearts of those that will be attending the retreat. Pray that leaders will have wisdom how to help the church experience deep genuine Revival and Reformation that will transform lives, and most importantly, usher in the Latter Rain.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the different publishing houses around the world that are putting out sharing books, as well as many other resources. Pray for God to bless with many more books and resources to be printed that will help open the hearts of people around the world.
SPECIAL PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Audrey E. Andersson, secretary for the Trans-European Division, who recently tragically lost her husband. Pray that she will feel God very near even as she walks through this dark valley. (See additional prayer requests for TED below!)
In an attempt to help you get better acquainted with the Division leaders of the World church, we are sending out a page with prayer requests as well as their pictures. Please join us in lifting up the Trans-European Division prayer requests as listed below.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE TED: The Trans-European Division was first organized in 1928 and encompasses 22 countries that include: Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the southern portion of Cyprus.
The area comprising the TED has a population of about 205 million people, with 86,000 Seventh-day Adventist members worshiping in 1,165 churches. Most of the division’s inhabitants live in what is considered a highly secular region of the world. Ministries focus on evangelism and outreach for the secular mindset.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the church members of the TED to hunger for a deeper relationship with Jesus, a relationship that calls us to be witnesses and yet live “set-apart” in the midst of the secular culture. Pray that members would prepare for Christ’s soon coming.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the youth of the TED to learn how to have a personal relationship with Jesus and to desire to make Him the Lord of their life. Pray for the Seventh-day Adventist education in the TED to be a light pointing young people to Christ.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the pastors and church leaders of the TED to have strength and wisdom how to lead the church toward heaven while meeting the needs facing their countries in the refugee crisis. Pray that we would be the feet and hands of Jesus to a hurting world.
In an attempt to help you get better acquainted with the Division leaders of the World church, we are sending out a page with prayer requests as well as their pictures. Please join us in lifting up the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division prayer requests as listed below.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT SID: The Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division operates in 23 countries. It is comprised of 10 unions and one attached field. The Lord has blessed this division with a membership of 3.5 million worshiping in about 24,000 congregations.
PRAYER REQUEST: Join us in praying for the church leadership in the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, as well as for the growing membership, that the focus will continue to stay on sharing the three angels’ message with a dying world.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Mission to the Cities in the SID. The division is especially focusing its Mission to the Cities efforts on Johannesburg, South Africa, and Harare, Zimbabwe, where emphasis is being placed on reaching affluent people. Pray for divine encounters with people of influence who may be able to share what they learn with others in their social networks.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the South Africa Union because SID leaders are pleading that God would give real breakthrough there. The South Africa Union has a population of more than 55 million but a church membership of only 150,000. This is an area in need of urgent prayer. In the SID they are praying to see South Africa catch the same fire that the other unions have found. For example, in Zambia, membership is more than 1 million.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the young people of the SID to grow in Christ and grow up to be laborers in the harvest. Pray that the young people can be used to lead their parents to truth. Pray for more missionaries and Bible workers to go out and share.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray about the racial tensions between blacks and whites. Pray for unity and love to be seen in the church, that people can see Christians are different.
In an attempt to help you get better acquainted with the Division leaders of the World church, we are sending out a page with prayer requests as well as their pictures. Please join us in lifting up North American Division prayer requests as listed below.
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE NAD: The North American Division includes the countries of Bermuda, Canada, Guam and Micronesia and the United States. The NAD is home to more than 1.2 million Seventh-day Adventists who represent every major cultural and ethnic group in the world, worshiping in some 6,000 congregations.
Even though the North American Division was the birthplace of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, it wasn’t fully recognized as a world division until 1985. However for more than 150 years it has promoted the mission of the church around the world, as it has spread the Advent Message to more than 200 countries.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the 60 hospitals, 1200 schools and 15 universities and colleges that are in the NAD, that many will come to know Christ through these institutions.
PRAYER REQUEST: Recently USA Today recognized the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America as the most ethnically diverse religious denomination in the United States. Pray that even in our diversity there will be unity throughout the NAD Division and congregations.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the youth in the North American Division, to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Pray that they won’t be influenced by the secular culture around them, but that they will become bright shining lights to their peers, actively proclaiming the soon coming of Christ.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that the Division will mobilize every member of the church in North America to participate in the final thrust of God’s great evangelistic enterprise on planet earth. Pray that there will be Total Member Involvement in North America, for youth as well as adults.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the NAD year-end meetings that are currently taking place in Silver Spring Maryland. Pray that God will give wisdom as decisions are being made for this coming year.
A few general World Church Prayer Requests:
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Women’s Ministries Department of the Western Nigeria Union Conference, which is part of the West Central Africa Division, as they will be conducting evangelism in Edo Benin city, November 5-19, 2016. This ancient town is notable for fetishism and ritualistic practices. Please pray that God can break the chains that hold so many people in bondage!
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the “Luis Pasteur” Adventist School in Compache, Mexico. Over 800 children already attend this school, but many more are requesting to attend. So please pray that God will provide an additional space to accommodate more students.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Year-End meetings that are being held in the different Divisions around the world. Pray for God to give wisdom to the leaders as they implement Total Member Involvement as well as other church initiatives in their local regions.
In an attempt to help you get better acquainted with the Division leaders of the World church, we are sharing their prayer requests as well as their pictures. Please join us in lifting up these leaders in your prayers.
Most of us know we should be praying for our churches.
But if you’re like me, you haven’t given enough thought to the matter of how you should be praying.
It occurs to me that this question is worth thinking about.
It’s worth investing time in.
It’s worth figuring out.
Because it matters.
It matters a lot more than we think, because the battle rages stronger than we realize.
The Bible teaches that our adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8).
And quite often, his prime target is Christ’s Church.
Because if he can manage to hinder the testimony of a believer – or even better, an entire congregation of believers – he can muffle their walking, talking evidence of God’s power.
Will you join me in praying the Scriptures on behalf of your church?
Prayers for Your Church
Ask that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give the members of your church the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power toward you who believe (Ephesians 1:17-19).
Pray that the members of your local church would speak evil of no one, avoid quarreling, be gentle, and show perfect courtesy toward all people (Titus 3:2). Pray likewise that they would handle confrontations biblically, and that church discipline would be exercised when necessary (Matthew 18:15-17).
Ask the Lord to enable and inspire your church members to use their spiritual gifts to serve each other (I Peter 4:10-11).
Pray that your local church congregation would take seriously its participation in “The Great Commission” – going and making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:19-20).
Ask the Lord to grant a spirit of unity in your local church – that you may all be one, just as God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are one. Pray that the members would be one in God, so the world may believe that Jesus was truly sent by God (John 17:21).
Beg God to enable your local church to receive the word of God not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, and that this Word would work in those who believe (I Thessalonians 2:13).
Appeal to the Lord to help your local church be a surrendered church – one that is characterized by following Christ (I Corinthians 11:1).
Pray that your church members would exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin (Hebrews 3:13).
Pray that your church members would have genuine love for the Lord, for each other, and for the world. Ask for God’s grace to help you all abhor what is evil and hold fast to what is good; to love one another with brotherly affection and to outdo one another in showing honor. Pray that your local congregation would not be slothful in zeal, but would be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Ask that He would guide you in rejoicing in hope, being patient in tribulation, being constant in prayer, contributing to the needs of the saints, and seeking to show hospitality (Romans 12:9-13).
Pray that your church will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and that your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God in the hearts of those on the receiving end (2 Corinthians 9:11).
Bow your knees before the Father, imploring that according to the riches of His glory He may grant your local church to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner being of each member, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:14-19).
Heavenly Father, how I thank You for the gift of the local church! It has been the conduit of untold blessing in my life. But I realize that its blessing upon me is secondary to Your design that it be a blessing to You. I pray that You would grant Your protection from the enemy over each local congregation of believers. By your grace, help us to guard against attacks from without and against division from within. “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21).