Prayers for the hurting

by Bill (Lakeland, Fl.)

Oh Lord our Father in heaven I pray it be done on earth as it is in heaven. So many of us including myself have lost our jobs.

In 2 Chronicles 15:7 The Bible tells us But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. Our work now is to find a job.

Most of us lost our jobs because an evil people caused an economic collapse in the housing market. In our world and the U.S. our backs have turned against Our Father. We have allowed prayer to be taken out of school. We have made idols of our houses and cars.

I ask you to forgive us. We must remember everything is the Lords, our creator. Father forgive us. Psalm 37:39 The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord: he is their stronghold in time of trouble.

Lord only you have the power to correct the current economic crisis. I ask that you do. I know you have answered my prayers before. Please answer this prayer so many of us are hurting.

Return to Prayers for Employment

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prayers for the hurting

It often seems that when I turn on the television, open my Facebook, or read the news there’s another painful event happening somewhere in the world.

Our world is hurting and broken.

And I know that it all began when Adam and Eve first bit into that juicy, tempting fruit. Sin entered the world and is still lurking. Wickedness is rampant and Satan is smiling.

But lest we be disheartened, we must remember:  God is still on the throne!

So, as Christians, what can we do? Where is our part on this world-stage of events? Terrorism, murder, hatred, racial tension, poverty, and bigotry abound and we seem so small.

There are a lot of great ways to be involved locally, donate monetarily, and travel and serve missionally.

But there’s another thing we can do and need to do to help our hurting world.

We can pray.

God has called us to bear one another’s burdens. He’s called us to pray without ceasing.

And this seemingly small thing can move mountains.

Why Pray for our World?

  • Scripture urges us to prayer and models powerful prayers to us. (Matthew 6:6, 9-13)
  • Scripture shows us that prayers move God’s heart (Matthew 7:7-11)
  • Scripture shows us that prayer is a powerful weapon (Eph 6:12, 18)
  • Time spent communicating with God changes our hearts and minds to align with His (Luke 22:42)
  • Time spent in quiet prayer tunes our hearts to hear God’s voice more clearly (John 10:27)
  • Praying for others is an honor that generates Christlike compassion (Galatians 6:2)

This month at DoNotDepart we’ll focus on some specific issues and events that our pained world is facing. We’ll even give you some printable prayer prompts later this month that will encourage you in your prayer time with God. We’ll show you ways that you can pray and arm you with Scriptures that you can use as you lift your hearts and voices to God, crying out on behalf of humanity and it’s need for wholeness in Christ.

Please join us.


prayers for the hurting

Are you in a hurting marriage? If you are contemplating divorce, I would like to ask you to give Christ an opportunity to restore and heal your broken relationship.

My marriage was once a broken mess until Christ swept my husband and me into His loving arms and healed each of us individually. Christ’s love brought us back together after a brief separation and He rebuilt our marriage firmly on the foundation of His love.

The greatest miracle I believe any of us can experience is the miracle of forgiveness. Christ forgave each of us for every sin and took the punishment for us so that we could live eternally in His grace. The marriage relationship is the most powerful and beautiful way to reveal the grace of Christ to a world that’s desperately in need of genuine love.

My prayer is for all those reading these words to be able to tap into the amazing grace of Christ and be empowered to walk in forgiveness toward your spouse and find a deeper love than you’ve ever imagined.


Dear Heavenly Father,

I am in awe of Your goodness and grace. Thank You for renewing and restoring all that is broken. Please be with those who are in hurting marriages. Please whisper words of encouragement to their hearts and let them begin to forgive their husband or wife for the hurt inflicted upon them. Let hope arise in their hearts today and every day. Bind their spirits together as one and begin restoring the love they once had for each other. Pour out a spirit of reconciliation over them and give them the strength they need to rebuild their marriage. Teach them how to pray together and how to encourage each other. Replace all the pain with pure love and beauty. Restore the passion that has been lost and let them see each other through Your eyes. Let their marriage be a powerful testimony to the world. Let their renewed relationship be a display of Your great and perfect love. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.

May your marriage be more beautiful than you ever dreamed possible.

I would like to invite you to read my tips for a passionate marriage on the Unveiled Wife website.



10 Ways To Have A Passionate Marriage

Live Abundantly!


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