Believing in heaven or an afterlife doesn’t erase the intense pain of a dog or cat’s death, but it can help. These prayers for the loss of a pet will comfort and help owners cope with the death of their dogs or cats.
With great love comes great suffering. While the grief of pet loss can last for years, there are things you can do to make surviving the death of a dog or cat easier. One of those things is holding on to the hope that your beloved dog or cat is resting in peace in Heaven – or whatever afterlife you envision – watching over you with kind eyes, love, and peace. In this article, you’ll find comforting prayers, encouragements, and suggestions for saying goodbye after the loss of a pet.
How long will the pain of pet loss last?
“No one can say how long we will mourn pet loss,” writes Gary Kowalski in Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet. “Grieving may commonly be measured in days or weeks, but it can be months, or even longer. Many people report feeling ‘choked up’ by the memory of a beloved pet years after the animal is gone.”
Table of contents
Comforting Ideas and Heartfelt Prayers for the Loss of a Pet
God doesn’t take away our pain – but He does help us walk through it.
Father in Heaven,
Comforting Prayers for the Loss of a Pet
Bring comfort and healing to those who are mourning the deaths of their beloved pets. You know their pain, for you lost your own beloved son. You know the depth of sadness and grief your children feel when they lose a dog or cat who was so dear, near, and special to them. You know the emptiness of a home that no longer has that furry little (or big!) creature; you know the emptiness of a heart that longs for the comforting touch of a beloved cat or dog.
I thank you for the gift of our pets, for the love these creatures give us, for the life that they offer, and for the chance to love them like we love nothing and nobody else on earth.
I pray for comfort, peace, and healing as we let go of the cats and dogs that we loved so dearly.
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Understand the depth and width of pet loss
Why is the death of a cat or dog so devastating? Because our pets bring us a depth of companionship and love that nothing else on earth offers.
“Our relationships with dogs can be even more satisfying than our human relationships, if for no other reason than dogs provide us with such unconditional, uncritical positive feedback,” writes Frank McAndrew in Rover: Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog Is So Intense on the Psychology Today website. “Interacting with dogs makes us feel good, and just looking at them can make us smile. Dog owners score higher on measures of well-being and, on average, they are happier than people who own cats and those who own no pets at all.”
The loss of a cat or dog is painful because we are not losing just one pet; we actually experience multiple losses at the same time. We may be losing our primary companion, a source of unconditional love, a “life witness” who provides security and comfort to us, a best friend, a link to ourselves, and even a part of who we were and are and hope to be.
The loss of a pet cat or dog dramatically changes your daily life at home and in the neighborhood. Pet loss is even more profound than the loss of most friends and relatives, because of the extreme and sometimes sudden changes in lifestyle and routine.
Forgive yourself
“If I only I would’ve known my dog was that sick, I would have taken him to the veterinarian sooner,” say some readers on differently,” say some readers on How to Deal With Guilt After the Loss of Your Beloved Dog.
Comfort and Prayers for the Loss of a Beloved Pet Dog or Cat
Loving pet owners almost always feel guilt and regret after their dogs or cats die. They tell themselves they could have held on longer, given more mediation, tried one more tactic to avoid death…but the truth is that a dog or cat’s life is finite.
There is no value in replaying the “if only” scenarios when you’re coping the loss of a family pet. Instead of looking back at the “if onlys”, focus on saying good-bye to your dog or cat — perhaps with a pet memorial service or a celebration of life. Say prayers that honor your dog or cat’s life and memory, and ask for peace, healing, and self-forgiveness.
Remember that God is in control – and He loves you deeply. Your life – and your pet’s death – unfolded not because He wasn’t looking, but because it was time to say goodbye.
Plan a memorial service or “celebration of life” for your pet
“A pet loss memorial service can be solitary, or friends and family may also gather in farewell,” writes Kowalski in Goodbye, Friend. “Coming to terms with the death may be especially difficult for those who lack the chance to say a personal goodbye.”
Memorials can include a period of silence, a brief time for sharing, a eulogy, reading, prayer. Acknowledge loss and honor your memories. Express hope for the future, with an affirmation of life ahead. Focusing on what Heaven means to you and your pet is a spiritual way to survive pet loss for many mourning pet owners.
If you want to comfort someone who is grieving pet loss, you might find 8 Pet Sympathy Gifts to Ease the Pain of a Dog or Cat’s Death helpful.
A prayer for a pet loss memorial service
Father God,
Thank you for the gift of pets. You blessed us with the existence of this dog in our hearts and home for 10 years. You brought this dog to us; You brought life, joy, love, companionship, laughter, and comfort to us through this dog. He loved us unconditionally, and You loved us unconditionally through this pet. Thank you for this experience, this life we had together. Thank You for giving us this gift and blessing. It was a short life, but it was deep.
We lift our beloved pet to You now. We lift her spirit, her heart and soul and dear little body to You. We know You love this pet dearly, and You are watching over us now. We know You care, and Your heart aches just as ours do. We pray for the loss of our pet, and we give You our grief and pain. We bow before you in humble adoration, and we lift our broken hearts to You.
We trust You with a childlike faith, Father, and we know our pet is safe in Your arms. We love you with innocent hearts, and we know You will take good care of our pets now and forevermore.
Until we meet again, our pets rest safely in Your arms and our hearts.
Rest – for it is God’s gift to you
Give yourself the gift of rest. You have lots of time to learn how to live without your pet dog or cat. After the shock and grief of pet loss, you may feel exhausted and drained. All you want to do is sleep. This is a normal, natural part of the grieving process. I believe it’s God’s gift to us. Sleep is healing and therapeutic, and can help your body and mind process the pain of losing your pet.
Here’s a practical tip for coping with pet loss: don’t make any major decisions in the period immediately following your dog or cat’s death. You’re emotionally drained, physically exhausted, and perhaps even spiritually dry. Your judgment isn’t the same as it normally is, and you may make a hasty or impulsive decision that you may later regret.
If possible, postpone making any big changes in your life. This is may not be the time to adopt another pet dog or cat, for instance, nor is it the time to vow that you will never bring another pet into your home because you’re devastated. Allow yourself time to absorb and adjust to the situation. This isn’t the best time to make career changes, relationship decisions, or move to a new city.
Stick to the familiar, and hold tight to God. Continue your spiritual practices – and consider deepening them in this time of grief and loss.
All your spirit to connect with the Holy Spirit – no words necessary
You don’t need “prayers for pet loss” to tell God how you feel or receive His comfort and peace. Just open your heart and spirit to Him. The Holy Spirit’s job is to advocate for you, to tell God what you can’t say. Let the Holy Spirit do his job.
But you must do yours. Take time to bow your heart and humble yourself before God. If you’re angry because you lost your pet dog or cat, tell Him. Your prayers don’t have to filled with petitions, praises, or please.
Your prayers just have to be you.
On a practical note, both meditation and prayer have been found to reduce stress, increase feelings of well-being, offer deep relaxation, reduce depression, and increase self-confidence and self-love. You don’t have to be religious or even spiritual to benefit from meditation when you’re mourning the loss of your family pet. Connecting to a higher power such as God, the Universe, or Allah can get you through the worst parts of your grief. Friends, family members, and spouses can be a great source of spiritual strength and comfort – especially if they’re open to praying or meditating with you.
Imagine your pet dog or cat safely and joyfully resting in peace
“Hold your pet in your heart, but know that physically they are in another place, a place far superior to the one they left,” writes Gary Kurz in Cold Noses At The Pearly Gates. “Suffice it to say that your pet is alive and well; and know that I would never say anything of such gravity if I were not absolutely sure of the facts.”
The death of your beloved pet can be one of the most heartbreaking losses you’ll ever endure. But healing after the loss of a pet dog or cat isn’t only about finding closure through prayers and healing. You also want to know where your best friend has gone.
After the intense, unexpected grief he experienced following the loss of his own companions, animal lover and biblical scholar Gary Kurz set out to prove that there are indeed pets in Paradise. After devoting countless hours of research, he shares his inspiring insights to bring pet lovers a richer understanding of animals and their souls. You’ll finally find answers to common questions about animals and the afterlife – and in this book you also get a 30-day devotional to help you work through your grief.
Allow your thoughts to roam where they will
After pet loss, some owners pray for a “new” dog or cat to love. Other pet owners say they will never own another pet again for as long as they live.
What do you think? Are you praying for a pet to fill the loss in your life, or are you unable to even consider the thought of another animal in your home?
“A friend of mine, Pam, gave me the greatest advice when I lost my cat,” says Paige on How to Cope With the Pain of Missing Your Cat. “She told me to go get another kitten. Her reasoning was that Zoe gave me so much love and happiness in the 13 years she lived with me that it would be a shame to deprive myself of that type of relationship just because Zoe was gone. She was absolutely right. I never replaced Zoe in my heart, but I have opened my heart and home to several other kittens.”
This idea for surviving pet loss doesn’t work for everyone, but it has been incredibly helpful for some people.
“Time always brings eventual relief from the pain, and your life will return to normal,” writes Kurz in Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates. “There will be a time when you feel guilty for feeling better, but even that will pass. Nothing will ever take away the sense of absence, but the disabling and relentless grief will subside and eventually disappear. I know it may not seem that way now, but…it has proven true every time.”
Healing Your Heart After the Loss of a Pet
In Biblical Proof Animals Do Go To Heaven, Steven Woodward finally answers the age old question once and for all: “Do pets go to heaven, or did they just die and that’s it?”
Do animals have spirits? In this book, you’ll discover one perspective about God’s relationship with animals, and how He really feels about them. Woodward shares his divine visions along with scriptural proof, which Jesus reveals and explains to him, concerning God’s entire creation.
Whether you are a pet lover or not, you will gain a greater understanding of the immense love of Jesus, for all of His creation. After reading this testimony, you will look at love and forgiveness in a whole new light. You’ll also have a different perspective on praying after the loss of a pet!
In How to Heal Your Heart After Losing Your Pet, I share 75 ways to cope with grief and guilt when your dog or cat dies. I interviewed veterinarians, pet loss experts, grief specialists, and dozens of pet owners so I could write this ebook.
Dear Reader,
I pray for healing from the grief and guilt you feel over the loss of your pet dog or cat. I lift your pet’s spirit to our Father in Heaven, and ask for His peace that surpasses all understanding to wash over you. I pray for your pet to remain alive and joyful in your heart and soul, and for you to remember your pet with joy and love.
May you hold on to the light, life, and love your pet dog or cat brought to your home. May you be free from the shadows, and may your heart, soul and spirit be filled with the peace, joy, and radiance that can only come from the Son.
In sympathy and with His love,
Believing in heaven or an afterlife doesn’t erase the intense pain of a dog or cat’s death, but it can help. These prayers for pet loss will comfort and help owners cope with the death of their dogs or cats.
Spiritual Ways to Survive Pet Loss
“No one can say how long we will mourn pet loss,” writes Gary Kowalski in Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet. “Grieving may commonly be measured in days or weeks, but it can be months, or even longer. Many people report feeling ‘choked up’ by the memory of a beloved pet years after the animal is gone.”
With great love comes great suffering. Yes, it’s true that the pain of pet loss can last for years – but there are things you can do to make surviving the loss of a family pet easier. One of those things is holding on to the hope that your beloved pet dog or cat is resting in peace in heaven – or whatever golden afterlife you envision – watching you with love and peace. In this article, you’ll find comforting prayers, encouragements, and suggestions for saying goodbye after the loss of a pet.
Comforting Prayers for the Loss of a Pet Dog or Cat
God doesn’t take away our pain – but He does help us walk through it.
Father in Heaven,
Bring comfort and healing to those who are mourning the deaths of their beloved pets. You know their pain, for you lost your own beloved son. You know the depth of sadness and grief your children feel when they lose a dog or cat who was so dear, near, and special to them. You know the emptiness of a home that no longer has that furry little (or big!) creature; you know the emptiness of a heart that longs for the comforting touch of a beloved cat or dog.
I thank you for the gift of our pets, for the love these creatures give us, for the life that they offer, and for the chance to love them like we love nothing and nobody else on earth.
I pray for comfort, peace, and healing as we let go of the cats and dogs that we loved so dearly.
Understand the depth and width of pet loss
Why is the death of a cat or dog so devastating? Because our pets bring us a depth of companionship and love that nothing else on earth offers.
Sign up for my free weekly “She Blossoms” newsletter
“Our relationships with dogs can be even more satisfying than our human relationships, if for no other reason than dogs provide us with such unconditional, uncritical positive feedback,” writes Frank McAndrew in Rover: Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog Is So Intense on the Psychology Today website. “Interacting with dogs makes us feel good, and just looking at them can make us smile. Dog owners score higher on measures of well-being and, on average, they are happier than people who own cats and those who own no pets at all.”
The loss of a cat or dog is painful because we are not losing just one pet; we actually experience multiple losses at the same time. We may be losing our primary companion, a source of unconditional love, a “life witness” who provides security and comfort to us, a best friend, a link to ourselves, and even a part of who we were and are and hope to be.
The loss of a pet cat or dog dramatically changes your daily life at home and in the neighborhood. Pet loss is even more profound than the loss of most friends and relatives, because of the extreme and sometimes sudden changes in lifestyle and routine.
Forgive yourself
“If I only I would’ve known my dog was that sick, I would have taken him to the veterinarian sooner,” say some readers on differently,” say some readers on How to Deal With Guilt After the Loss of Your Beloved Dog.
Loving pet owners almost always feel guilt and regret after their dogs or cats die. They tell themselves they could have held on longer, given more mediation, tried one more tactic to avoid death…but the truth is that a dog or cat’s life is finite.
There is no value in replaying the “if only” scenarios when you’re coping the loss of a family pet. Instead of looking back at the “if onlys”, focus on saying good-bye to your dog or cat — perhaps with a pet memorial service or a celebration of life. Say prayers that honor your dog or cat’s life and memory, and ask for peace, healing, and self-forgiveness.
Remember that God is in control – and He loves you deeply. Your life – and your pet’s death – unfolded not because He wasn’t looking, but because it was time to say goodbye.
Plan a memorial service or “celebration of life” for your pet
“A pet loss memorial service can be solitary, or friends and family may also gather in farewell,” writes Kowalski in Goodbye, Friend. “Coming to terms with the death may be especially difficult for those who lack the chance to say a personal goodbye.”
Memorials can include a period of silence, a brief time for sharing, a eulogy, reading, prayer. Acknowledge loss and honor your memories. Express hope for the future, with an affirmation of life ahead. Focusing on what Heaven means to you and your pet is a spiritual way to survive pet loss for many mourning pet owners.
A prayer for a pet loss memorial service
Father God,
Thank you for the gift of pets. You blessed us with the existence of this dog in our hearts and home for 10 years. You brought this dog to us; You brought life, joy, love, companionship, laughter, and comfort to us through this dog. He loved us unconditionally, and You loved us unconditionally through this pet. Thank you for this experience, this life we had together. Thank You for giving us this gift and blessing. It was a short life, but it was deep.
We lift our beloved pet to You now. We lift her spirit, her heart and soul and dear little body to You. We know You love this pet dearly, and You are watching over us now. We know You care, and Your heart aches just as ours do. We pray for the loss of our pet, and we give You our grief and pain. We bow before you in humble adoration, and we lift our broken hearts to You.
We trust You with a childlike faith, Father, and we know our pet is safe in Your arms. We love you with innocent hearts, and we know You will take good care of our pets now and forevermore.
Until we meet again, our pets rest safely in Your arms and our hearts.
Rest – for it is God’s gift to you
Give yourself the gift of rest. You have lots of time to learn how to live without your pet dog or cat. After the shock and grief of pet loss, you may feel exhausted and drained. All you want to do is sleep. This is a normal, natural part of the grieving process. I believe it’s God’s gift to us. Sleep is healing and therapeutic, and can help your body and mind process the pain of losing your pet.
Here’s a practical tip for coping with pet loss: don’t make any major decisions in the period immediately following your dog or cat’s death. You’re emotionally drained, physically exhausted, and perhaps even spiritually dry. Your judgment isn’t the same as it normally is, and you may make a hasty or impulsive decision that you may later regret.
If possible, postpone making any big changes in your life. This is may not be the time to adopt another pet dog or cat, for instance, nor is it the time to vow that you will never bring another pet into your home because you’re devastated. Allow yourself time to absorb and adjust to the situation. This isn’t the best time to make career changes, relationship decisions, or move to a new city.
Stick to the familiar, and hold tight to God. Continue your spiritual practices – and consider deepening them in this time of grief and loss.
All your spirit to connect with the Holy Spirit – no words necessary
You don’t need “prayers for pet loss” to tell God how you feel or receive His comfort and peace. Just open your heart and spirit to Him. The Holy Spirit’s job is to advocate for you, to tell God what you can’t say. Let the Holy Spirit do his job.
But you must do yours. Take time to bow your heart and humble yourself before God. If you’re angry because you lost your pet dog or cat, tell Him. Your prayers don’t have to filled with petitions, praises, or please.
Your prayers just have to be you.
On a practical note, both meditation and prayer have been found to reduce stress, increase feelings of well-being, offer deep relaxation, reduce depression, and increase self-confidence and self-love. You don’t have to be religious or even spiritual to benefit from meditation when you’re mourning the loss of your family pet. Connecting to a higher power such as God, the Universe, or Allah can get you through the worst parts of your grief. Friends, family members, and spouses can be a great source of spiritual strength and comfort – especially if they’re open to praying or meditating with you.
Imagine your pet dog or cat safely and joyfully resting in peace
“Hold your pet in your heart, but know that physically they are in another place, a place far superior to the one they left,” writes Gary Kurz in Cold Noses At The Pearly Gates. “Suffice it to say that your pet is alive and well; and know that I would never say anything of such gravity if I were not absolutely sure of the facts.”
Kurz’s book offers many spiritual ways to survive pet loss – he is a pastor and dog lover. He believes our family pets are healthier and happier than ever before because they’re at home with God.
Allow your thoughts to roam where they will
After pet loss, some owners pray for a “new” dog or cat to love. Other pet owners say they will never own another pet again for as long as they live.
What do you think? Are you praying for a pet to fill the loss in your life, or are you unable to even consider the thought of another animal in your home?
“A friend of mine, Pam, gave me the greatest advice when I lost my cat,” says Paige on How to Cope With the Pain of Missing Your Cat. “She told me to go get another kitten. Her reasoning was that Zoe gave me so much love and happiness in the 13 years she lived with me that it would be a shame to deprive myself of that type of relationship just because Zoe was gone. She was absolutely right. I never replaced Zoe in my heart, but I have opened my heart and home to several other kittens.”
This idea for surviving pet loss doesn’t work for everyone, but it has been incredibly helpful for some people.
“Time always brings eventual relief from the pain, and your life will return to normal,” writes Kurz in Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates. “There will be a time when you feel guilty for feeling better, but even that will pass. Nothing will ever take away the sense of absence, but the disabling and relentless grief will subside and eventually disappear. I know it may not seem that way now, but…it has proven true every time.”
If you want to comfort someone who is grieving pet loss, you might find 8 Pet Sympathy Gifts to Ease the Pain of a Dog or Cat’s Death helpful.
Healing Your Heart After Losing Your Pet Dog or Cat
In How to Heal Your Heart After Losing Your Pet, I share 75 ways to cope with grief and guilt when your dog or cat dies. I interviewed veterinarians, pet loss experts, grief specialists, and dozens of pet owners so I could write this ebook.
The ideas in this ebook range from pet memorials to understanding the grief process so you can start healing. It will help you heal and cope with the death of the animal you loved with all your heart.
Animals and the Afterlife: True Stories of Our Best Friends’ Journey Beyond Death describes meaningful and heartwarming true stories of people’s experience with their animals after they passed on. This book will increase your faith in the afterlife for your pet, and help you mourn your pet’s death.
Dear Reader,
I pray for healing from the grief and guilt you feel over the loss of your pet dog or cat. I lift your pet’s spirit to our Father in Heaven, and ask for His peace that surpasses all understanding to wash over you. I pray for your pet to remain alive and joyful in your heart and soul, and for you to remember your pet with joy and love.
May you hold on to the light, life, and love your pet dog or cat brought to your home. May you be free from the shadows, and may your heart, soul and spirit be filled with the peace, joy, and radiance that can only come from the Son.
In sympathy and with His love,
Our dog Daisy | Source Condolence Messages for the Loss of Pets
This past April our dog, Daisy, died. She was an 8-year-old mongrel, with a sweet personality and an annoyingly high-pitched bark. She loved swimming and would sooner swim across a lake rather than walk around it. Daisy was a farm dog and was treated as such. She slept outside and often would sneak over to the old woman who lives across the lake for a cuddle and a bone if she had one.
Although I didn’t feel a need to be consoled when she died, the majority of people I know who have pets will need some kind words and acknowledgement of their loss. Her death got me thinking what I would say to people I know whose dogs and cats are more like family to them.
For some people losing a pet, which has been part of the family for many years, is almost like losing a family member or a well-loved friend. The loss of that pet will leave a hole in their heart and the owner may experience real grief. This shouldn’t be pushed aside as nonsense because the pain they feel is real. Although you may not share their passion for animals to the same extent, you’ll want to ensure you don’t say the wrong thing and jeopardize your friendship at this sensitive time. If you feel that you might, a simple card with a condolence message may be the better option.
I have put together some sympathy messages which can be used when pets die. These can be tailored as you see fit with the name of the animal and perhaps a few simple words of your own. Whether you chose to send a card, telephone or send them a text message, it can be difficult knowing what to say to ease their sadness.
dog and cat friends | Source Sympathy Messages for the Loss of Dogs or Cats
Here are a few messages that will work well on a pet sympathy card. Where possible add the pet’s name for a personal touch. If you don’t know the correct spelling, it’s likely your friend has used it previously on Facebook or other social media channels. Also be sure to get the gender correct if the message includes this. A personal message is always well received and will be kindly remembered. Some of these ideas are specific to a certain type of pet, some are of a religious nature, and some are more generic.
Let’s get started with the condolence messages which you can use as they are or feel free to modify them for your own situation.
- I am sorry for your loss. will be greatly missed.
- was such a wonderful , he/she was lucky to have found a loving family such as yours.
- No truer word was said when they called a dog, man’s best friend. was a special dog. May the fond memories you have, ease the pain of grief at this difficult time.
- Our pets are like gifts from God, they come into our lives and bring such joy to our lives. We were sorry to hear of your loss and extend our sympathies to you and your family. Your will be greatly missed by all who knew him/her.
- Losing a loyal and true friend isn’t easy. Please know that I’m thinking of you, and if you need to talk or share memories, please call me.
- left paw prints of love on everyone who knew him/her.
Cards for Loss of Pets
If you have a good card shop locally, you may be able to find a suitable pet sympathy card. Some of these may depict and animal which looks similar to the one which recently died. Another option could be a tranquil view of woods, a beach or clouds. If your friend used to take their dog for walks on the beach or in the woods, these would be appropriate. Many cards are left blank for you to write your own message. This is where these simple words of comfort will help you.
Alternatively, if you know the pet is ill, buy the card early. By doing this you can get a card on Zazzle which you can have printed with the animal’s name and if you have it, a photo. This will be a lasting memento for your friend whose pet has died.
Death of a Pet | Source More Pet Condolences
- A devoted friend and beloved pet such as will always hold a special place in your heart. Gone but never forgotten.
- Although others may not understand your grief, I do. Losing a pet such as can leave a hole in your heart and a void in your life. Know that I am thinking of you and offer my condolences.
- will always be by your side, watching over you. My sincere condolences.
- We can’t imagine the grief you feel after losing . He/she was a lovely and will be missed.
- You were a fantastic pet mom and I know your family will be feeling sad at this time. was a great and his memory lives on.
- I was saddened to hear of the death of . No words of sympathy will ease your pain but I wanted you to know, I was thinking of you in your hour of darkness.
- has been an integral part of your life. Don’t be ashamed to feel sadness, he/she was a special friend.
- Sharing in your sorrow. was a special who will be missed by many.
Animal Sympathy Messages for Cards
- I hope the pain in your heart will be eased by the beautiful memories your have of . I’m was sorry to hear of your loss.
- Although has passed, he will always be beside you in spirit, watching over you.
- crossed the rainbow bridge. My condolences are with you and your family at this sad time.
- Our heartfelt prayers are with you as you come to terms with the loss of .
- , a ray of sunshine has been taken away. I am thinking of you at this difficult time.
- The love of a pet will always be remembered.
- was a loyal and faithful friend.
- Loving thoughts are sent your way, so sorry for the loss.
- was such a fun loving and sweet . His passing has shocked us and I’m sure devastated you. I have such fond memories of him, let’s get together soon and catch up on things.
Four legs,
a big heart,
it was love from the start
Those we love are always close
Especially when we need them most
in our hearts, they’ll always be
young, happy and running free
Although they’re gone
In our memory, they’ll live on.
Lord Byron’s epitaph for his dog Boatswain | Source Lord Byron’s Dog Boatswain
If you think that the love of pets is something new, it isn’t. I used to live in Nottinghamshire, England and at Newstead Abbey, which is located there, is an epitaph written by Lord Byron (1788-1824) for his dog Boatswain. His dog was a Newfoundland dog and the quote below can be seen on the dog’s tomb. Newstead Abbey was the ancestral home of the poet Lord Byron.
“Near this Spot
are deposited the Remains of one
who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferocity,
and all the virtues of Man without his Vices.This praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery
if inscribed over human Ashes,
is but a just tribute to the Memory of
Boatswain, a Dog
who was born in Newfoundland May 1803
and died at Newstead Nov. 18th, 1808When some proud Son of Man returns to Earth,
Unknown to Glory, but upheld by Birth,
The sculptor’s art exhausts the pomp of woe,
And storied urns record who rests below.
When all is done, upon the Tomb is seen,
Not what he was, but what he should have been.
But the poor Dog, in life the firmest friend,
The first to welcome, foremost to defend,
Whose honest heart is still his Master’s own,
Who labours, fights, lives, breathes for him alone,
Unhonoured falls, unnoticed all his worth,
Denied in heaven the Soul he held on earth –
While man, vain insect! hopes to be forgiven,
And claims himself a sole exclusive heaven.Oh man! thou feeble tenant of an hour,
Debased by slavery, or corrupt by power –
Who knows thee well, must quit thee with disgust,
Degraded mass of animated dust!
Thy love is lust, thy friendship all a cheat,
Thy tongue hypocrisy, thy heart deceit!
By nature vile, ennobled but by name,
Each kindred brute might bid thee blush for shame.
Ye, who behold perchance this simple urn,
Pass on – it honours none you wish to mourn.
To mark a friend’s remains these stones arise;
I never knew but one — and here he lies.”
In Conclusion
I hope this article has given you some ideas and guidance to ease the grief for your friend who has recently lost a pet. For some pet owners, it can be a devastating time. Others may choose to get another pet to ease the pain.
Whatever your friend decides to do, try and be supportive of their choices. Everyone handles grief differently.
If you have other sympathy messages you have used or received comfort from, please post them in the comment section for others to see.
Thanks for reading.
What Would You Do?Do you know someone who would benefit from receiving a sympathy card when their pet dies?
Questions & Answers
- Question:
Is there a word to identify the loss of a pet? For example, when a woman loses her husband she becomes a widow and a man becomes a widower.
You’ve asked an interesting question, but in my research, I haven’t found a specific word that would represent a person after the loss of a pet.
© 2017 Mary Wickison
Bible Verses for Sympathy Cards
“O LORD, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear.” Psalm 10:17
“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 “From the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2
“When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” Psalm 94:19
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” Isaiah 43:2
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:2
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4:7
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6
“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” Corinthians 1:3–4