Prayers for family peace

Heavenly Father,

Our family needs Your help today. We need Your peace, tranquility and an end to the discord. Please pour Your spirit upon us and continue to show us that peace is an embodiment that can only come through complete love, Christ’s love. As we lift our family strife to You, I ask that You please replace our disharmony with hope, compassion, and an abundance of blessings.

Give us strength and compassion to understand each other, wisdom and love to help each other, and the trust and patience we need to live peacefully together. Father please show us how to become a holy family … a family that works together as one … a family that embraces peace and love … a family whose members are dedicated to each other and to You. Through the Holy Spirit, Father, please sustain us and shine Your light as You lovingly guide us and our family through this season. In Jesus’ precious and mighty name. Amen.

by Todd (Virginia)

Please pray for my family; we have been destroyed by recent tragic events. I recently lost my job and we’ve been struggling to survive. We are afraid of losing our home and we have no family in the area for support. My wife and I have submitted numerous resumes and applications but received no phone calls.

We pray everyday and read the Bible. We do not want to lose our faith and are hoping a miracle happens soon. We truly believe Jesus has not forsaken our cries for help. However we are requesting your help and prayers now. I do not want my nine-year old daughter to suffer anymore; that’s what is killing me right now.

Please pray for us and we will for you.

Thank you.

Family Unity. It is a treasure to us all, and something very precious to each of us. The Lord blesses us with family members to lead, counsel, love and take care of, and in exchange, our family does the same for us. Praying for our family is something we should do daily. Whether someone you love needs God’s grace in a hard situation, or you simply want to bless his or her walk in life through our Lord Jesus Christ.

prayers for family peace

If the need for prayer and protection for your family and loved ones is what you are seeking most, whether in your own life, or in the life of someone you love, let us pray for you at the holiest place on earth, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. We have faith that sending your prayer to the place where our Lord Jesus Christ gave his life for us will help your request be granted! It is our honor and privilege to be a prayer warrior for you, and to ask the Lord to watch over you, protect you, and keep you, always. Please submit your prayer request today.

They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” Acts 16:31

Prayer for Family Unity

Lord, I want to thank You for this precious family of mine. For the talents and good things that You have given each of us. Please keep us united, and our bond strong as the days pass. Please guide us, protect us and equip us to do Your will each and every day. Thank You for all that You are, and all that You have given us. My heart is forever grateful!

Prayer for Protection Over Family Members

Lord, I ask for protection and safety over my spouse, my children, my parents, my family members and myself today. Please lead us with Your mighty hands today and always. Deliver us from any enemy and evil that try to hinder our way. Do not let the ways of the enemy blind our eyes. We know that You are for us, so that no one could ever stop us. Please watch over us and guide us all safely throughout this day, so that we may all arrive safely back home, Father. Amen.

prayers for family peace

Prayer for a Troubled Family Relationship

Heavenly Father, there is a war going on in the souls of many of my family members. I will not be silent about this, and I pray that you will look after them. I also come to you today to pray for the salvation of my family as well. Lord, may my family know You. I pray that they will learn to crave You just as I do. I pray that they will learn to stand strong in the face of trials and tribulations in life. When people knock them down, I pray that they stand up even stronger in You than ever before. I pray that they show love instead of revenge on those who do not agree with them. Give me strength to persevere through any troubles that come my way today. It is time to rise above the sin that comes at me and to that of my family members. It is in Your precious name I pray these things.

prayers for family peace

Prayer for Grandchildren

Heavenly Father, You have blessed me with precious grandchildren, and I am ever so grateful! I pray for these little souls, Lord. I also want to thank you for my own children. I have raised them up to praise You, and to look to You in all things. I lift up my grandchildren to You today, Lord. These little ones are precious gems in Your eyes, as well as in mine, and that of our family. Please watch over them each and every day. Keep them safe, and guide them in all that they do. I ask these things in Your precious name. Amen.

prayers for family peace

Prayer for Your Family’s Strength

Please shine your light upon my family today, Lord. Give us strength to overcome all of the difficulties that we are currently dealing with, and protect us against any and all problems we may encounter in future days. Lord, please bring us together as we are meant to be. May the love that binds us only grow stronger as we fulfill the path and desires You have laid out before each of us. Grant my family forgiveness for any sins we have committed against one another. Amen.

 prayers for family peace

Prayer for a Healthy Pregnancy

Thank you Father for the little baby that is about to be born. Lord, I pray that You would protect this unborn child that is being knit together in his/her mother’s womb, and I pray Lord that You would give grace for a safe and healthy delivery at the right time.

May this baby grow up to know and love the Lord Jesus, which will make him/her wise unto salvation. I pray for Your protection and grace for this little baby who is shortly to take his/her place in this world, and I ask that he/she may grow in wisdom and understanding. Guard and protect both mother and child as the day for delivery draws ever closer, and keep them from all the perils and uncertainties in this journey. Amen.

 prayers for family peace


“I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.” 1 Corinthians 1:10

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” Proverbs 17:17

Family is the most important thing in any man or woman life.  Family is the first source of support and security, love and understanding, protection and help in any human life. It doesn’t matter where you are at the moment, you always know and have a feeling, that you can go back to your family home. If you have family, you will never feel alone and lost in the world.  It is necessary and very key that our families remain and progresses in Christ.  The only way to achieve that is by constantly speaking prayer for my family protection and peace together with other family members or just sending prayer words from your heart to your family members.

Prayer for my family protection and peace

Dear Lord, I thank you for my family and for the health you have given us. I thank you because you are always with us. May your presence and your mercy never depart from us in Jesus name.

Dear Lord, in Joshua 24:15, Joshua declared that he and his family will serve the Lord. Father, I pray that my family will not be led away from you. I pray that every single member of my family will be kept under your banner and in your refuge and that we will always serve and worship you in Jesus name.

Dear Lord, I pray for peace and protection  in my family. I pray that we will make good strides and we will not stumble. I pray that we will have good success and that we will not fail at whatever we put our hands to do.

Dear Lord, I ask for your grace and your protection for every member of my family. I ask that your grace will open doors for my family and give us numerous breakthroughs.

Dear Lord, I pray for your financial assistance in my family. I pray for assistance in any we may need it. I ask for your provision and I pray that you keep us from lack in the name of Jesus.

Father, I pray that you will keep my family strong to pray and not to faint. I pray that you will give us the peace and grace to pray without ceasing in Jesus name. Amen.

What is prayer for my family?

Prayer for my family is supplications, declarations or utterances made for your family. When you say a prayer for my family, you are interceding or standing in gap for your family. Prayer for my family protection and peace is quite important. It reminds your family of the God they serve and keeps them constantly in tune with His word. Prayer for my family also has the effect of positively affecting family members by God’s grace, since God answers prayers. Only by praying it is possible to reach peace, progress and any positive impact on your family.

Bible proves, that constant prayers really can make changes in each family and it’s members lives. Here are some examples:

Genesis 25:21-22 says, “Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant”.

1 Chronicles 16:43 “Then all the people left, each for his own home, and David returned home to bless his family”.

2 Timothy 1:16 “May the Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains”.

Endeavour to say a prayer for your family protection and peace every day, every now and then. Ask your family members to do the same.  Let it be that important to you and you will see the changes you desire in your family in Jesus name. Remember the saying: “Family which prays together, stays together”. What could be more important?

Also read: PRAYER FOR FAMILY – bring the needs of your loved ones to God

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