Prayers for broken marriages

farout Standing firm for Christ

My name is Paul and I am a baby Christian. I am married and have a 4 year old daughter. I am currently living separately from them both and can’t seem to find my way back. Our biggest struggle is conflict resolution, and that is the reason I remain separate from them, as I am choosing keep my daughter’s eyes/ears from this destructive behavior.

I could really use prayers for my marriage. I am also struggling to find work so that I may better serve my family and the Lord, and would appreciate any prayer offerings for a job.

I would also appreciate any scripture/book suggestions.

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Paul did you leave or were you asked to leave? If you left on your own that’s not Scriptural.
1 Corinthians 7:10-11 tells us men not to leave our wife. That is NOT an option for a husband. The reason is you are responsible for your home. If this is the case you need to correct this ASAP. If that was the case ask your wife to forgive this. You need the help of your pastor.

I hear you say you are a Baby Christian. What doe that mean? You cant stay a new born Christian very long, its time to jump into maturity real fast. The devil is seeking to destroy your marriage, your family and you as a man. Being out of work is very stressful at best. Looking for work is really HARD WORK. You need to spend time in reading the Bible for a reasonable 10 to 15 minuets and prayer for about the same. Pray for your home to be healer, your wife, the issues you have. pray for work, ask the Lord for the Holy Spirit to direct your path and help you find a job.

I have found work several times in my life by asking the employer a very serious question. If I work the rest of the week for free to prove I can do the work, and if you do not like my work or me then its free. If you like me and my work, the week is free, but hire me. That has so impressed the job they hired me and paid me for the time I worked.

I would encourage you and your wife to see your pastor together, and unless there was physical abuse there is no reason not to abide in the same house. Yes all couples have difficult times, some couples more than others. but marriage requires hard work! Sometimes marriage is not fun or nice at all. But you have a Covenant with God to death you part right?

I would like to know more about you and whats this is all about if you want. Blessings.

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    I woke up from a dream, of a woman who I have never met breaking down to me on how her husband had left. I could feel the burn of her pain so deeply, as I embraced her and began to pray. When I woke up, that burden was still pressed on my heart and I felt God calling me not just to pray, but to share this prayer as He prayed it with me. So this is the prayer. Pray it for your marriage if you need to, pray it over someone’s marriage who you know is going through a rough patch. Whatever you do, don’t stop praying.

    prayers for broken marriages

    For the Broken Marriage

    For the broken marriages on the brink of separation and divorce. I pray healing in your hearts. I pray for restoration and deliverance. I pray that there is peace in your spirit and in your marriage. I pray for reconciliation. I pray that if there has been a change in the feelings for each other, that there will be a renewal of insight for each other. I pray that the childish natures will be transformed into maturity. I pray that where there has been deceit, that there will be honesty. I pray where there has been darkness, that there will be transparency. I pray that where there has been hurt, there will be healing. I pray that where there is discord that there will be unity. I pray where there has been misunderstanding that there will be effective communication.

    I pray God that You will rebuild and renew. I pray that God that You will bring clarity to their minds. I pray that You will console and hold up the hearts that are too broken and weak. I pray that each spouse would be honest with themselves. That they would be able to look internally on what You desire for them and how You desire for them to change and move. I pray that You will bring a fresh lens.

    The Abandoned Spouse

    For the spouse who has been abandoned, I pray that You will remind them that they still belong to someone, they are still loved by someone, they are still chosen first by someone, they are still being pursued by someone….You. I pray that they will find You in ways that they never knew or could understand before. I pray that instead of running away from You that they will run towards You. I pray that You will transform their hearts from victim to victor. I pray that they will allow You to dive into the deepest parts of their soul and restore them. That the burning of the pain of loss will be cooled with an awareness and comfort of what they can gain through You.

    The Conflicted Spouse

    For the spouse who can’t make up their mind. I pray that you will bring them direction. And when You bring that direction, I pray that their eyes, heart, and soul will be in the position to receive that clear direction and respond to it. Respond to it without fear of what they would look like, without fear of what others may say, without fear of how they will stay or move on. I pray that You will rebuild their confidence in themselves and that they will see themselves as You see them.

    The Family and Friends

    I pray for the family and friends who become involved by choice and by default. I pray that You will counsel them on what to say, on how to speak words of life to these spouses. I pray that You will help those family and friends through their own grief of the pain, shock, and confusion that hits them when they discover the news. I pray that You will help those family and friends not to take out their emotions on these couples. I pray that You will bring insight and clarity. I pray that You will show them how no to disappear, but how to show up stronger and love on these couples with your agape love. I pray that these family and friends will impart Your wisdom. I pray that in their presence Your peace will abound. I pray that You will help these family and friends to be encouraging and not disruptive nor destructive to what You are trying to do with these marriages.

    Back to the couples, I pray that Lord You will place them in the paths of those who can be used by You to speak truth, maturity, love, peace, and wisdom into their lives individually and into their marriage. I pray that no boundaries are crossed unless it’s to save a life.

    Giving Thanks

    God I thank You for how You see us and know every detail of us, even when we have no clue ourselves. I thank You that You are able to take every sour situation and turn it sweet for our good and Your Glory. I thank You that You are the ultimate example of forgiveness. I thank You that You reach us into the depths of the valley’s in life and that You can easily reach us when we’re on the high points as well. Thank You for scriptures like Psalm 23, Jeremiah 29:11-13, Romans 8:28… Thank You for simply loving us, even when we find it hard to love others and ourselves.

    In Jesus Name, Amen.

    Other Sincerely, Mrs. Mommy Marriage related articles you might be interested in – Married Life: Tips for an Intentional Marriage, The Love Note Challenge , and  Married Life: Water Your Own Grass,

    prayers for broken marriages

    Father in Heaven,

    I pray for reconciliation in my marriage, grant me the healing necessary in the heart of my husband bring truth and resolution into the circumstances and illuminate the areas of our lives that are effecting each other and causing division.
    Correct our attitudes and restore godly order in our relationship, re assemble the broken parts of our lives into a uniform and united destiny. Plant a vision deep in my husband heart of the warmth and love that I his wife and our family bring into his life and give him the motivation, determination and commitment for us to walk this path together as a unit in solidarity and without difference.
    Please father bless us with the spirit of cooperation the desire to communicate sensitively and lovingly with one another with respect and understanding.
    Lord God father in heaven grant me this prayer in the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour, Shepard and King.


    Return to Marriage Prayer

    Many marriages are struggling. I have dear friends and acquaintances who are considering separating. Some are living in the aftermath of a traumatic separation. I’m guessing you know a few too. It’s heartbreaking, isn’t it!?

    God may open the door for us to share with them our courageous faith in Jesus, their marriage Savior. But we may find our attempts to help are fiercely resisted.

    But nothing can stop us from interceding for their marriage. We can draw near to God on their behalf trusting Him to help them.

    Join me in praying these one-sentence, Scriptural prayers for couples in crisis. We can confidently pray His Word because He has promised to hear prayers that agree with His will.

    1. Grant _________ & __________ a strong assurance that You are able to defend the covenant they entrusted to You on their wedding day. (Psalm 18:1, Psalm 59:9-10)

    2. Give _________ & __________  eyes to see that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead can revive their love and affection for each other. (Romans 8:11, 2 Timothy 1:10)

    3. Empower _________ & __________  with courageous faith to believe that You can stir up the gifts of love and forgiveness in them even now. (Luke 1:37, 2 Timothy 1:6, Psalm 23:4)

    4. Counsel _________ & __________  to deposit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control into their relationship trusting that they will produce a great harvest of victory in their marriage. (Galatians 5:22-23, 6:7-8)

    5. Impart Your wisdom and revelation to _________ & __________  so they are able to speak the truth in love to each other.  (Ephesians 1:17, 4:15)

    6. Send _________ & __________  a person with great understanding to expose the hidden motivations behind their fragmented relationship. (Proverbs 20:5)

    7. Encourage _________ & __________ with Your presence and power to save them from this fiery trial in the same way you saved Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the blazing furnace. (Daniel 3:26-27)

    8. Inspire _________ & __________ with Jesus’ example of faithfulness to His imperfect confidants who betrayed, denied, and doubted Him. (Luke 22:34,48, 24:38)

    9. Intervene so that _________ & __________ become eager to maintain unity and peace. (Romans 14:19, Ephesians 4:3)

    10.  Teach _________ & __________ to be doers of Your Word and live humbly acknowledging Your will and Your power to make all things new. (James 1:22, Micah 6:8, 2 Corinthians 5:17)

    11. Be merciful to _________ & __________  as they rebel against Your ways, and deliver to them a profound awakening as effective as Paul’s Damascus Road experience.

    12. Secure _________ & __________  marriage on Your firm foundation using the miracle of their unity to show the world how faithful and powerful You are. (Matthew 7:24-27, 1 Corinthians 1:9, Ephesians 1:19)

    God answers prayer! He is able to do all of this and infinitely more.

    Please share the verses you are praying for marriages in the comments.

    Have you seen God radically change the outcome of a dissolving marriage?

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