Prayers for babies

Having a baptism for your baby is a great way to ensure that Christ will look over and protect his/her innocent soul. There are many prayers you can recite during this time. Here is a look at a dozen best baptism prayers for babies to say before, during, or after the service.

Prayer #1

Heavenly Father,
In your love you have called us to know you, led us to trust you, and bound our life with yours.
Surround this child with your love, protect it from evil.
Fill it with the holy spirit and receive it into the family of your church, that it may walk with us in the way of Christ, and grow in the knowledge of your love.

Prayer #2

You’re taking this step of faith. In obedience to the Lord To be baptized in His precious name, And heed the Master’s call
To rise up with faith in God. And go where He may leadTo share God’s love to everyone, And touch them in their need
May God pour out His blessings. Upon your life todaySo you may walk in His abundance, As you commit to Him your way
Keep on trusting in the Lord. No matter what you face And keep your eyes on Jesus Christ, And live in His sweet grace.

Prayer #3

Welcome, precious little child. So divine from God above. Christened today in Jesus’ name, Held in His arms of love. May angels guide your tiny feet and bring you smiles to wear and may our Heavenly Father always keep you in His care.

Prayer #4

May angels guide you on your journey in life, and sprinkle you with their love and light. May you have the gifts of laughter and song, and be filled with dreams that last all the days long. May you live and care with kindness and grace, and know within your soul, courage and faith. You will be wrapped in the warmth of your family and friends, and rays of love will shine on you without end.

Prayer #5

Faithful and loving God,
bless those who care for these children
and grant them your gifts of love, wisdom and faith.
Pour upon them your healing and reconciling love,
and protect their home from all evil.
Fill them with the light of your presence
and establish them in the joy of your kingdom,
through Jesus Christ our Lord

Prayer #6

We thank almighty God for the gift of new life.
May God the Father, who has received you by baptism into his Church,
pour upon you the riches of his grace,
that within the company of Christ’s pilgrim people
you may daily be renewed by his anointing Spirit,
and come to the inheritance of the saints in glory.

Prayer #7

Dear God,
Be with my friends tomorrow – may they know joy.
Be with my family tomorrow – may they know love.
Be with me tomorrow – may I know peace.
Be with my child – may s/he know your light
As s/he begins his/her amazing journey of faith.
Lead him/her in the right path,
Keep him/her safe
And help us all to know you are with us,
Now and always.

Prayer #8

Dear God,
Thank you for your wonderful world.
Be close to all the people who need help.
Thank you for my lovely friends and family
Help us to be kind to each other all the time.
Thank you for me.
Keep me safe, and let me grow well in every way.
Thank you for Jesus.
Be very close to me always.

Prayer #9

Loving God,
We pray for all children.
We pray that they know and feel the security that is their right.
We pray that they know and feel the love that is theirs through you.
Guide all who are a voice for children and young people to speak loudly and clearly
so that security and safety, love and hope might be the experience of all your children.

Prayer #10

The Lord will always walk with you, along life’s blessed beach. His footprints there beside your own, always within reach. Two sets of footprints, side by side, from dawn to setting sun. Yet there may come a day my child, when you’ll see only one. But do not think the Lord has left you, nothing could be more wrong. It’s just that He has picked you up, to carry you along.

Prayer #11

Angel of the Heart. You are the strength of the future and the Beauty of past Memories. You are Love and Light and Hope. You are Life’s Sweetest Giftan unbelievable and precious Miracle.

Prayer #12

You’ve been a special blessing since the day that you arrived, Bringing so much happiness and filling hearts with pride… And now that it’s your Baptism/Christening Day, this brings a special prayer That God will always keep you in the shelter of His care.

Here is one example of a baptism being performed with the prayers recited for the baby.

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