Prayer to restore my relationship with my boyfriend

Prayer to restore my relation.

Pray for me and my boyfriend who ended our 5 year relation. As we were to marry end of this year, he just ended our relation without any reason. Pray that all negativity filled in by family and friends and everything that keeps him away from me shall be healed and let him come back to me. I have always offered our relation to Christ since the first day God put me in this beautiful relation. Pray that my trust in God Please pray to God, that our relation is restored and my beloved come back to me. I pray this in the name of Christ Amen.


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Vatican / Vatican Prayers / Prayer to restore my relation.

My Testimony is about my Ex Boyfriend and us two breaking up and by Gods grace  us two getting back together!   Sometimes it felt like God wasn't working or God was doing nothing because   for 2 years there was no improvement.    BUT I promise you God works with people's hearts, what had happened between us two was   so impossible and God fixed everything.  PLEASE whatever your wish is, in the bible it doesn't say 'no' Gods answer is simply 'yes'   or 'wait' Just Trust God please. Keep Praying ALWAYS AND FOREVER.    At times I felt like giving up too but don't worry if someone can create   the entire universe by himself your wish isn't too hard.   Trust his timing and Satan works in many ways, but remain true to God      Must Read Interesting  Relationship Articles    Christian Dating Rules    Prayer to Get Married

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